Pat Lynch's grocery was packed to the rafters as Kitty slipped in, joining the throng of shoppers unnoticed. It was a dingy day outside and the warm air of the shop was comforting after the sharp bite of the wind. The comforting fug of pipe tobacco, wet wool and turf an atmosphere as familiar as the glass fronted boxes of biscuits, pyramids of tea and hanging sticky brown paper fly catchers, their pristine surfaces a tribute to the cleanliness of the shop. Wedged between an Island woman wrapped deep in a black shawl and the non too clean second best suit of Seamus Lawlor, Kitty tuned into the conversation. It wasn't difficult as a shrill voice, easily identifiable as that of town gossip Mrs Quilter, dominated the conversation.

"Sure and didn't I tell ye that it was too good to be true? Oh the brass face of them swanning around the town. And now to have to bring forward a wedding like that. And him a doctor! Sure the young ones now, they know no shame!" Her chins shook in self righteous indignation.

The crowd of shoppers took an intake of breath. Kitty felt herself puff up with fury but, before she could speak, a slow voice rose above the mutterings.

"Yerra Marie, doesn't it seem like yesterday that I heard you own mammy, God rest her soul saying the self same thing? And wasn't it a wonderful miracle altogether that your own Liam was born three months after your wedding? Sure God moves in wonderful ways."

Setting back her shoulders like an indignant hen, Mrs Quilter shouldered her way through the crowd, face blazing as the howls of laughter followed her out of the shop. Kitty's neighbour turned towards her,

"God's blessing on you a chara. Ye do your messages and go home now and tell that cousin of yours that we're proud of her. Don't we all know that the wedding is being brought forward for so the lads can strike back? Well now, Marie Quilter always had a poor mouth on her, ah but sure doesn't she have a hard life now the poor auld thing? God be good to her and grant her happiness." Raising his voice above the chatter, he shouted "Pat Lynch look out there now. Isn't Miss Kitty in a hurry to do her messages? Stop gossiping like an auld one and help her out that she can get back!"

Mortified, Kitty slunk through the crowd, her heart leaping as she heard the muttered comments of "God bless you now" and "Blessings of the Blessed Mary and Saint Brigid on you and your cousin". Clutching her packages, she finally managed to escape and race back home, followed by the shouts of well wishers as she went.. Say what you like, living in a small town was more of a blessing than a curse. Panting up the steep hill, she pushed the door open with relief. The feeling was short lived as a plaintive voice floated down the stairs to greet her.

"Kitty a stor! Thanks be to God that you're here! Help me out of this dress! Sure and I've spent the last half hour trying to undo the buttons!"

Running up the stairs two by two, Kitty ground to a halt at the door of Bella's room. Standing in the middle of the small bedroom, her cousin had been transformed. The satin of her dress shone brightly in the afternoon sunlight and the lace around her next was delicate against her pale skin. The dress flowed down her body, a waterfall of shimmering and iridescent fabric and the delicate lace veil, a treasured family heirloom was a cobweb of delicate flowers over the cloud of her hair. Kitty caught her breath.

"By Mary and the blessed saints, you look like an angel!" She gasped. Bella laughed.

"I tell you now a chara, I would trade in this fine dress in a heartbeat and marry Edward in my old tweed suit if he wanted! Sure the day is nothing to me. All I want is for Father Moran to make us man and wife and the rest of this is nonsense."

"It's at moments like this that the souls of the dear departed are close to us. Your mammy and daddy, may they rest in peace, are looking down on us. I know."

Bella chin lifted.

"I know it too. Daddy would be so happy today. Edward is everything he could ever have hoped for, gentle, brave and a patriot."

"And that he's a find lookin man wouldn't do any harm there now!" added Kitty, slyly.

Laughing, the two cousins embraced before Kitty managed to unbutton Bella and the dress was returned to its hanger. Around the room lay piles of cases and boxes, ready to be taken to the Cullen house where the two girls would spend the night. The car would come later but the girls had another plan. Dressing hastily and jamming their hats on, they made for the door. Bella paused on the threshold, looking around the small cottage which had been her happy home since the death of her parents. They had laughed here, cried too, sometimes quarreled but it had been a haven and a happy home. And now she was embarking on a new life. Thinking of Edward, her stomach tightened. He would be a good husband but oh, the mixture of desire and fear was overwhelming. Taking a deep breath, she muttered a quick goodbye to the cottage and closed the latch for the last time.

Walking sedately down the road, boots crunching on the ground, the two cousins made their way to the church. Their eyes quickly readjusted to the dim interior, even after the slow light of the late afternoon it was cool and dark in the church. Candles flickered in front of the statue of the Blessed Virgin and a red light indicated that Father Moran was hearing confessions. Heading to the pew closest to the confessional, the cousins genuflected and blessed themselves, sinking down on their knees and in a reverie until a sharp cough from the confessional indicated that Father Moran was ready. Nudging Bella with her elbow, Kitty indicated the box with a tilt of her chin and Bella rose obediently, ready to make a good confession before her wedding. She would come to Edward pure in every way.

Emerging from the box a scant ten minutes later, Bella knelt in front of the statue of the Virgin Mary and offered up prayers to her parents. The statue of the Virgin,, dressed in her royal blue cloak, strewn with stars, seemed to look at her with pity and compassion.

"Daddy and Mammy. I know that you are safe with God and it's wrong to want you here but I miss you. I wish you could know Edward. He's such a good man. He's everything Daddy was to you Mammy. He makes me smile and he makes me feel safe. God grant that we are all together one day but please, until that day, watch over me and bless me." Tears running down her face, she lit a candle and then, taking a deep breath, turned to Kitty who had joined her.

"I'm ready to be married!" And taking her cousin's hand, she led her out of the church towards the Big House where she would spend her last night as a single woman. Tomorrow she would be Edward's wife no longer alone but part of a large, tumultuous but happy family. Thanks be to God for such joy! Smiling to each other, the two cousins linked arms and skipped along the road which led to the Cullen house. Home!

AN Gosh aren't we a sickly bunch! I am so sorry that everyone has been ill. God willing that is it for the flu season now! And next… A wedding!