The two first saw each other from a far distance. They were intrigued by each other and fell in love instantly. Years later they got married because they came to the conclusion that no matter what would happen they would always love each to the moon and back. That was then, and this is now. The two bought a house and had two children. Those two children were the best work the parents would ever do. The children were all grown up now and barely talked to the two distinctive parents. In the house the two walked so quietly, it was like they were not there. By now the two have forgotten they loved each other, instead they despise each other. The look on one another's face would say it all. The lost look of desperation and complete utter destruction. When one would talk the other would not listen, but instead talk over them as though they were a lost cause. They would speak words of hate like a fire out of control to establish dominance over one another. They would kick and scream at the top of their lungs until one would listen to the other. They both were trapped in a marriage that suffocated each of them. Each breath would define them even more, with each breath screaming to be free. The two of them lived like this for twenty years. Until one day one, of them had enough. That one wanted out of the excruciating marriage. They went upstairs into the house to grab a gun to either shot the other or to kill themselves, they have not quite decided. But just as they were debating, they heard the sound of a key slowly unlocking the front door. The footsteps like lead hitting the hard floor, with each step to the sound of a heartbeat going out of control. They have finally decided to kill the other, but just as they were opening the door to get out, the other was standing right there, dripping in blood, glass pouring from their head, and screaming at the top of their lungs. The two then decided one of them would die. One grabbed for the others head, and the other for the feet. Both started clawing and biting as though they were trying to get out of a cage. The two were so confided in the fight, that it consumed them entirely. Only one of them thought to grab a kitchen knife, and start stabbing the other. Over and over they stabbed until finally the other one was dead. There were no longer two, now only one. The one went outside into the dead of the night while it was snowing. They realized they were finally free. The one started to walk away from the cold house that never felt like home, and never looked back. As the one did that, they dropped the knife into the cold, wet snow never to be seen again.