Disclaimer- I am not Shonda Rhimes, and if I was I would probably have Greys Fans Breaking down my door from the emotional pain I caused them.
Intern Lexie Grey runs through the hallways of Seattle Grace hospital, hoping to catch up with her resident in time for rounds. She saw Dr. Yang walking briskly down the hallway, all but ignoring the other interns begind her. "Maybe I can sneak into the group without Yang knowing" Lexie thought. As she tried to slip in, she heard Dr. Yang bark "Three!"
"Yes Dr. Yang," Lexie replied, knowing she had been caught
"Why exactly were you 15 minutes late to rounds"
"Im sorry, I just overslept" Lexie had been feeling unusually tired for the past couple days, but she put it down to her upcoming intern exams
"Don't let it happen again three" Yang said dismissively
They walked down the hallway to the nurses station.
"One, you are on scut, two with me, three, Sloan has requested you, Four with me too."
Lexie felt a small leap in her stomach as Yang said Sloan had requested her. She knew it was silly, she had been sleeping with for a while, but she was still excited.
As she was walking down the hallway to Sloan's office, she got that jump in her stomach, and this time it wasn't excitement. Then again. She was getting nauseous and dizzy. This feeling was new. As she got to the door of Sloan's office, she debated whether to knock or not. On one hand she was sleeping with him so she shouldn't knock, on the other he was her boss. Lexie laughed at her self, which did nothing to help her nausea. She was seriously trying to decide whether or not to knock on a door or not. It was a silly waste of her time. She just knocked and waited until Sloan opened it. "Dr. Grey," Sloan said very seriously her dragged her into his office and pulled her into a passionate, hungry, kiss. Lexie started, and felt a tugging in her stomach. Frantically, she tried to push Sloan away, but he just pulled her in closer. "Mark!" She exclaimed, shoving him away. "Hey Lex, it's okay no one will see u- Oh my God!"
Lexie was keeled over, heaving her guts out onto the floor of the office. He rushed over to her, pulling back her hair and rubbing her back. As there was cease in the vomiting, he gently led her over to the trash can, where she sat down, groaning, until she continued to throw up. 5 minutes later, she finally stopped vomiting.
"Lexie, are you okay?" Mark asked, concerned
"Yeah I'm fine, I'm sorry I barfed on your floor," Lexie replied, weak and embarrassed
"It's fine, I'm a doctor, I clean up worse every day"
"No..No..I'll clean it up" she said as she tried abruptly to stand up, only to fall back down, unconscious
She woke up in a hospital bed, Mark next to her, his arm around her. "Hey," he said as he saw she had woken up. "You gave me a big scare back there, and we took some blood tests, the doctors should be back any minute, you probably just have a bad flu or something"
Lexie sighed. She didn't feel sick or faint anymore, so it wasn't the flu, but she didn't want to worry Mark anymore, so she just went with it. "Don't you have a surgery or something?" She asked
"I did, but I pushed them back"
"Mark, you didn't have to do that I am fine!" Lexie exclaimed, though she secretly was happy that he cared that much about her. That was when she realized that he saw her as more than sex buddies, and it gave her a warm feeling.
A nurse knocked on the door then handed Mark the test results. In a millisecond, Lexie saw Mark's face changed from worry, to angry, to happy, then back to neutral.
"Lexie, I need you to tell me something" Mark said, tone devoid of emotion
"Yesss…" Lexie replied, getting worried
"Have you slept with any other men in the last two months"
"No! Why would you think that! Do I have an STD, I swear, Mark Sloan if you gave me syphillis I"
But she didn't finish her sentence because she saw a crazy grin on Mark's face
"What is it?" Lexie asked
"Lex, you're pregnant…we..we're having a kid Lex!"