Yes, this is a remake of Poke-Heroes if you're wondering. I decided to remake the episodes because the originals had terrible grammar so I remake it so it won't bug readers. There will be different character designs, different scenes, and different last names. I hope this is better than the original. Anyways, enjoy :3

The city of San Fransisco was busy and bright at 3am. The bright lights on the Golden bridge slightly showed two human figures.

"Do you think that our warriors will be ready?" One of the figures asked. His voice sounds like a teenager but rough and deep.

"Yes, I'm sure. Our warriors will be ready to fight for their lives for this planet." The second figure said with his arms crossed while looking down. His voice was older and calm, unlike the teen's voice.

"What if they won't fight with us? The human race can get scared pretty easily." The teen commented.

"If it means to protect their home, they'll do everything." The other man said. Then both of them looked behind them with red glowing eyes.

"Hunter, Hunter wake up!" 16-year-old old boy name Hunter Hanson woke up from his dream. Hunter had spiky black hair(which it's bed hair), brown eyes, and wearing matching blue striped pajamas. He is the type of teenager that have bad grades, bad at talking to the ladies and being the class clown. Hunter yawned loudly and moves around his bunk bed. He saw his half-brother looking at him from the top bunk with his blonde hair hanging.

"Had that dream again?" This is Gregory Rivers, a 12-year-old boy with blonde hair, brown eyes, and small freckles on his nose. He's in 12th grade with Hunter and for his age, he's better than his older half-brother. Greg had good grades, good at talking to the ladies almost everything.

"Ya," The 16-year-old boy said while rubbing his eyes "What time is it?"

"I tried to call you for 5 minutes. Right now it's 7:10." The 12-year-old boy informed.

"Oh okay-7:10?! How come you didn't wake me up earlier?!"

"Watch out for-"

"Ow!" Hunter shouted in pain while rubbing his sore head.

"For your head hitting on the headboard." Greg murmured with his eyes half-closed. Both of the boys quickly got dressed then had their breakfast which was toast and strawberry jam. The two went out and ran to the place where the bus is...well used to be.

"Wait!" Hunter shouted with his right arm out to the now gone bus.

"For having bad grades, you do care if you're late or not." His little half-brother said while looking through his IPhone.

"Thanks for the reminder, boy genius." His older half-brother said with his cheeks puffed up "Come on, I know a shortcut." Both of the boys walk through their city, Lumiose City. Yes, the city was modeled after one of the cities from the popular video game series: Pokemon. The brothers walked through the shady alleyways of the city to get to their high school faster.

"So, was your dream the same or was it different?" Greg asked curiously as he's on his phone. Hunter had the dream for three nights.

"Well, the setting was on top of the Golden Bridge instead of Canada. And the two people looked behind them like if I was there, it was creepy." The teen explained with a shiver.

"Luckily that was all a dream. If it wasn't then you would have freaked out." The blonde commented before putting his phone away in his yellow backpack.

"Yep, it's all just a silly recurring dream. Hopefully, it'll be that way." Hunter said with a nervous laugh. Greg looked at him with a confused look.

"Sometimes I'm worried about you." He commented before reaching their school.


In an alley where a large truck was loaded with large boxes. There were 5 men in their early to mid 20's wearing gray hoodies with the letter G on the center. One of the men went to the front of the truck but something punched him back to the other workers.

"It's one of the freaks!" The assaulted worker shouted, pointing to the shadows. All of the men took out their guns from the trucks and trying to look for their target. From the shadows, two glowing eyes watching the workers trying to find him. The figure smirked before attacking the workers by taking them in the shadows one at a time. The last worker had his back against a side of the truck with the gun in his shaking hands.

"G-Get back you f-freak!" The worker stuttered. The being quickly grabbed the gun from the man's hands then revealed himself. The being was a 17-year-old teen with red eyes. He had black hair that passed his shoulder and has red highlights and his hair was held by one blue hair tie. His skin was tan and he wore a plain black tie-shirt, black pants, and red shoes. Around his neck was a small Pokeball attached by a string. The teen smiled, showing his sharp fangs then stooped to the man's level.

"So, what are you Galactic grunts doing?" The teen asked with the smile still on his face.

"I'm n-not going to tell anything!" The grunt stuttered more. The teen's smile turned into a frown. He lifted his head and sniffed the air.

"Poke-Puffs? Are you kidding me? Not even a Bidoof that has an IQ of 10 wouldn't fall for that trick." The 17-year-old teen said. He then got close to the grunt that their noses touched.

"Now listen to me, if you ever capture or even harm an innocent Pokemon," He raised the gun then break it in two with his hands "I won't hesitate on killing humans. Got that?" He asked with a small growl.

"I-I got it!" The Galactic grunt promised with sweat coming down on his forehead. The teen backed away then climb on a building and left the scared grunt behind.

The teen reached the roof of the building where he met up with a friend. This friend was in his early 30's, black braided hair, wearing a blue vest and under it was a yellow shirt, blue shorts, long black socks and black shoes. The man was looking away with his arms crossed.

"Way to make an entrance, Zachary." The man said then turned his head towards Zachary with red eyes.

"Look, if I haven't fought those grunts then they would capture our team," Zachary said with his arms out.

"Remember that this isn't our world. This world has different rules than ours." The man said with his whole body turned towards Zach.

"Who cares about that? I just want to find our warriors faster, that's all." The teen said while looking away. The man sighed

"I know but at least you didn't change into your real form."

"I wished. I hate this human form," He growled, "Human are so useless!" Zach complained.

"That's why we're here, to protect them from other Pokemon and the teams.

"But Leon, what if...Wait," He looks around then back to Leon "Where's Sylvia?"

"Don't worry, she said she's going to the city garden," Leon informed.

"But she can't talk in her human form." The teen reminded his friend.

"I remember but she's tough for her age. We can't always fight her battle or she'll be weak." The older one said to calm down the teen. Zachary nodded then said

"Why are we standing here? We didn't travel three days straight just to see the buildings." Zach said still looking away. After that, both of them run away to the left side of the city.

After school, the two brothers were walking home full of dirt.

"God, I hate Karl!" Hunter shouted while getting the dirt out of his messy black hair. Karl Richardson is a big-boned kid for being 16. He bullies the two brothers ever since 5th grade for not having friends.

"Well, yelling won't help. How come we can't tell our parents about this?" Greg asked while dusting off the dirt off of his blue shirt.

"Your dad is busy at work and mom will treat us like babies. We're in high school and we have to be manly about it." The older brother said with his fist out.

"Whatever you say." The little brother said with a sigh.

"Hey, guys!" A female voice called out which made Hunter stop in his tracks.

"Oh god!" They turned to see a 16-year-old girl running towards them. This is Sally Kahele but her nickname is "Bugsy" because she loves bugs so much. She had short purple hair, blue eyes, and wears brightly color clothes.

"Hi, Sally." Greg greeted with a wave and a small smile.

"Hey guys, what are doing?" Sally asked with a small smile.

"Walking home like always. And you should too." Hunter said with his arms crossed.

"Hunter! Sorry Sally for him being rude." The youngest one apologized for his older brother.

"Oh, no it's fine. I'm here because I want to know what you two will be doing on the weekend. Maybe we could hang out?" The girl asked as she plays with her hair while looking at Hunter.

"Nah we'll pass," Hunter replied with his arms still crossed.

"Wait, I didn't say anything." Greg murmured.

"Okay, I want to know...See ya," Sally said quietly then walks away. Hunter felt someone kicked his knee

"Ow! What was that for?!" The teen asked while rubbing his sore knee.

"It's really sad that a 12-year-old knows someone has a crush on someone else. It's clear that Sally has a crush on you and you keep denying to her offer to hang out with you." The little brother said.

"It's simple, I want to stay single until the day I die. Dating gets so complicated, little or big problems. And once they leave you, you'll lose something important..." The older brother explained.

"Is it because your dad went..." Greg trailed off, knowing it'll make his half-brother sad. Hunter's father, Matthew Hanson went missing when he was 2. Even at that age, he clearly remembered his mother was depressed for a while. Until she met Greg's father, Jackson Rivers. But ever since he was 3, he never liked Jackson but as long as his mother was happy, then there's no problem.

"Come on, mom wants us to get home around 3," Hunter said then both of them continue walking home.


In the city garden, was an 8-year-old girl entered in the main entrance. She had green short hair with two pink flower hair pin on each side of her head, light green eyes, and around her neck was the same one that Zach had. The girl was wearing a white dress, white boots, and long white gloves. She gasped at the sight of the large garden. The girl then runs around the garden with her arms out, as if she's flying. After a few minutes, she rests on a bed of flowers and staring at the clouds. When she closed her eyes, an image of green hedgehogs with pink flowers on each side of their heads walking through a flower field.

"Isn't that one of the freaks?" The girl opened her eyes and rose up to see 3 men in gray hoods with the letter R on the center. The girl gasped and starting running out of the garden to the city.

"Come back here!" One of the men shouted as they run after the girl. The 8-year-old turned a corner to hit someone and made that person fall.

"What the?" That person was Hunter with Greg right next to him. Before the girl could apologize, the men were catching up. The girl ran passed the brothers and turned to an alley. But she stopped to see a dead end and she couldn't go back with the men already there. She backed up but her eyes saw two of the necklaces inside a pocket of one of the men. The girl raised her left hand and formed a green orb then throw it towards the men. The 3 grunts dodged the attack but the two necklaces fell off and hit the ground with a "Thud" The little girl was going to get the necklaces but the grunts blocked her.

"We were going to do this the easy way. But it's clear that you want to do this the hard way." One of the grunts pulled out a robotic claw from his backpack. Before they could do anything, they felt rocks hitting them.

"Get away from that girl you creeps!" Hunter shouted before throwing another rock to them.

"Ya, go away or we'll get the cops on your behinds!" Greg warned with his IPhone out to show them. The grunts looked at each other and decided to flight instead of fight. The three ran off of the alley and to the streets before disappearing.

"Are you okay?" Hunter asked but saw that she was gone.

"Where did she go?" Greg asked as he's calling the police to report the three men.

"Well wherever she is now, I hope she'll be safe." The older brother said. His eyes looked down to see two necklaces on the ground. He picked them up as Greg was talking through the phone.

"Ya...Alright, thanks," Hangs up, "They say that they will find those three men as soon as possible." Greg informed his older brother. He noticed that Hunter had the two necklaces in his hands.

"Do you think she dropped them?" Greg asked.

"Maybe. Let's go home before mom comes home." The older brother said before putting the necklaces in his jean pocket. As the boys were walking away, inside a box was a green hedgehog with her lower body white and pink flowers on each side of her head.

"Hmm, I should go to Leon or Zachary to let them know about those boys." The hedgehog then changed form and fly away.

The two arrived at their house a few minutes later. Both of them were in their room, still thinking about the girl and the necklaces.

"Do you think that girl will be okay?" Greg asked her older brother.

"I'm sure. She must have run away when we weren't looking." Hunter said as he pets their gray tabby cat Blurry. He then pulled out the two necklaces out of his pocket.

"Maybe we shouldn't have taken those. What if that girl is looking for them?" The younger brother said.

"She already had one around her neck. I don't think she'll be sad if she loses two of them." The older brother said with a shrug.

"I'm still not sure about this. It's still stealing." Greg said with his arms crossed.

"But you gotta admit that these necklaces look cool," Hunter said and tried to give one of the necklaces to his little brother.

"Stealing is still stealing." The little brother said with his arms still crossed.

"Come on, these are necklaces, not jewelry." Greg looked at the necklace again

"Well, I guess that we could hold on to them for a short time." He said then grabbed one of the necklaces and put them around his neck. Both of the brothers noticed that the necklaces have a button in the middle. They pressed the button together, the necklace opened and released a red light and spread around their bodies. They screamed when they felt a sharp pain throughout their bodies before they blacked out.

"H-Hunter?" Hunter began to wake up. His eyes widened when he saw a blue frog with a dark blue stripe on the center of his head to his nose. He had frubbles on his back, chest and on his nose.

"Greg? What happened to you?! You look like a mutant frog!" Hunter shouted.

"Speak for yourself! You look like a yellow rabbit mouse!" Hunter looked at his hands to see that his skin was light yellow and have tiny fingers. He looked at the door mirror to see that he was small, had yellow skin, have long ears with black on the tip. Red round cheeks, black eyes and white pupils and he have a lightning bolt tail.

"Ready to scream?" The mouse asked.

"Oh, ya." Both of them took a deep breath before screaming


I hope you enjoy the first episode of the remake. The idea came from Digimon Frontier(How Ironic) and a Sonic the hedgehog audio drama called "Secret identity" on YouTube. I hope you have a good day ;)