Na-Ru-To, a Naruto and Elder Scrolls Skyrim(Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Hearthfire) Crossover

Author's Note: Hey people this is my new story the same principle as my first. Naruto becomes the chief of a mercenary group with an all-female band of warriors. Much like before I am going to have a semi-large multicrossover, I have already decided on some of the characters that will be used and their abilities, but that does not mean I do not want to hear what your ideas are. If you think that a character that I have picked would not work, or you have a character in mind please tell me, and while I may not take your advice for this story I may take it into account for the next one.

So a quick run through of the story, Naruto is with a mercenary band that was hired to protect Ulfic, and while transporting him back across Skyrim they are ambushed by the Imperials. After the fighting and capturing of Naruto and his group the story will then begin at the opening video of the game. Also just to make sure that everyone is clear on this, SOME OF THE THINGS THAT I WRITE DURING THIS STORY CANNOT AND/OR WILL NOT HAPPEN ON THE GAME. So if I say that 'Naruto jumped onto a dragon's back and slit its wings so that it would crash into the earth and then he and his fellow mercs set fire to the dragon until it melted' yea that might not be accessible on the game.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Skyrim (others will be added as needed)

Chapter 1 Death of the Eagles Birth of the Dragons





The continual noise and rocking motion slowly stirred our protagonist out of his slumber, and upon opening his eyes he was greeted to the sight of three other men sharing a wagon with him and he saw a second wagon ahead of them.

"Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right?" One of the men began talking to him, but the question did not make sense to him, that man was a stormcloak soldier, so he must know that he was one of the mercenaries hired to escort a 'noble' from Falkreath to Dawnstar.

'Perhaps he is trying to help me, if the Imperial Guard over hears that I was not part of the group there is a small chance that I could make it. Of course he could just not recognize me while I am wearing this.'

Looking down at himself he saw that he was in the standard prisoners uniform, and that all of his weapons had been removed.

"Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there." A horse thief? Well that was something that he did not remember during the brief struggle against the Imperials.

"Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell. You there... You and me, we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants."

Well two things were made official, the horse thief was a coward, and he had no love for the horse thief. Not that he held any love for the Stormcloaks or the Imperials at the moment. As a matter of fact he hated both of them, the Stormcloaks for lying to him and his fellow mercs in the 'Soaring Eagles' guild; they had not been informed that the mystery noble that they were hired to transport was the infamous Ulfric Stormcloak. Because of that he lost his friends and it was the Imperials that killed his friends and have now captured him.

"We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief." The first man was speaking again, and this time it was to the horse thief.

Before any more could be said the Imperial Soldier, who was driving the wagon shouted behind him, "Shut up back there!"

"And what's wrong with him, huh?" The horse thief, maybe in an effort to change the subject asked a question that had been on his own mind since laying eyes on the well-dressed man. This man, if his guess is correct then it all happened because of the man sitting next to him.

"Watch your tongue. You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King." The Stormcloak just confirmed it, the man sitting in the back of the wagon was the same man who was responsible for the deaths of his comrades.

"Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You're the leader of the rebellion. But if they've captured you... Oh gods, where are they taking us?" The horse thief made a good point, if all of them were headed the same way then more than likely, even if they could prove his own innocence, they would have him executed.

"I don't know where we're going, but Sovngarde awaits."

"No, this can't be happening. This isn't happening."

"Hey, what village are you from, horse thief?"

"Why do you care?"

"A Nord's last thoughts should be of home."

"Rorikstead. I'm... I'm from Rorikstead."

After listening to the back and forth commentary that his two fellow prisoners were saying, he grew bored and looked in front of him. There less than one hundred feet away was the city where the traitor Ulfic, his Stormcloak soldiers, a horse thief and an unfortunate and misguided man will meet their end.

"General Tullius, sir! The headsman is waiting!" Headsman, well he was already prepared for this but to actually be here and hearing that the man who will be removing his head is 'waiting' did nothing short of panic him.

"Good. Let's get this over with." A new voice, belonging to a man , rang out from the man sitting on the back of a horse.

"Shor, Mara, Dibella, Kynareth, Akatosh. Divines, please help me." Once more the horse thief shows the cowardice that he has.

"Look at him, General Tullius, the Military Governor. And it looks like the Thalmor are with him." Taking a closer look he is right, Thalmor or High Elves, such a stupid title to give to one's race. And this General Tullius was indeed in the company of at least one Thalmor. "Damn elves. I bet they had something to do with this…. This is Helgen. I used to be sweet on a girl from here. Wonder if Vilod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in. Funny, when I was a boy, Imperial walls and towers used to make me feel so safe." It seems that in his last hours the Stormcloak was going to reminisce about the good times that he had in this city.


"Get these prisoners out of the carts. Move it!"

Well it seems like the time is nearly upon us, not that any of us were unaware what was about to-

"Why are we stopping?"

…Okay so all except for the horse thief knew what was about to happen to us now that we have reached our destination.

"Why do you think? End of the line. Let's go. Shouldn't keep the gods waiting for us."

"No! Wait! We're not rebels!"

"Face your death with some courage, thief."

"You've got to tell them! We weren't with you! This is a mistake!"

"Step towards the block when we call your name. One at a time."

He was sure that if the captain had not spoken the two of them would have continued their conversation all the way to the chopping block.

"Empire loves their damn lists." And it seems that Stormcloaks love to get the last word in.

"Ulfric Stormcloak. Jarl of Windhelm." So the first one to be called is Ulfric, the man who killed the High King of Skyrim, not truly a surprise.

"It has been an honor, Jarl Ulfric!"

"Ralof of Riverwood. Lokir of Rorikstead." Ah, so now the men have names, Ralof the Stormcloak and Lokir the horse thief.

Lokir: "No, I'm not a rebel. You can't do this!" So the horse thief thinks that he can escape from an execution meant for the leader of the Stormcloak Rebellion.

Captain: "Halt!"

Lokir: "You're not going to kill me!"

Captain: "Archers!"

Funny that the last words of Lokir the horse thief will be 'You're not going to kill me'.

Captain: "Anyone else feel like running?" 'Yeah like we could do better, although if you could dodge the first round of arrows you might have a chance to make it to the edge of the town.'

"Wait. You there. Step forward. Who are you?"

"Naruto Uzumaki."

For the first time since waking up our hero spoke.

"Captain. What should we do? He's not on the list."

Captain: "Forget the list, Hadvar. He goes to the block." So the Imperial's name is Hadvar, well now he knows the name of his favorite Imperial and his favorite Stormcloak.

Hadvar: "By your orders, Captain. Follow the Captain, prisoner."

Tullius: "Ulfric Stormcloak. Some here in Helgen call you a hero. But a hero doesn't use a power like The Voice to murder his king and usurp his throne."

Ulfric: "*muffled grunts*" The Voice, well that explains why he is the only person who was gagged. 'I thought that maybe he kept talking or shouting on the trip and they got tired of it.'

Tullius: "You started this war, plunged Skyrim into chaos, and now the Empire is going to put you down, and restore the peace."

Naruto scoffed, 'Idiot, killing the leader to end a war might work, but thinking like that will never result in peace.'

A loud noise suddenly broke through the tension that had built up between the leaders of the two armies. To Naruto it sounded like a large bird mixed with that of an even larger predator.

Hadvar: "What was that?"

Tullius: "It's nothing. Carry on."

Captain: "Yes, General Tullius. Give them their last rites." As the female captain said this a woman in the robes of Arkay stepped forward and raised her hands to the sky.

Priestess of Arkay: "As we commend your souls to Aetherius, blessings of the Eight Divines upon you, for you are the salt and earth of Nirn, our beloved..."

Stormcloak Soldier: "For the love of Talos, shut up and let's get this over with."

Priestess of Arkay: "As you wish."

Stormcloak Soldier: "Come on, I haven't got all morning. My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?"

Just after saying this, the headsman that had raised his axe in preparation, let it fall thus lopping off the head of the Stormcloak soldier. As Naruto watched the man's head fall into the small basket that was in front of the chopping block he had a sudden thought, 'I don't think that all of our heads will fit in that crate.'

Stormcloak: "You Imperial bastards!"

Vilod: "Justice!"

Ingrid: "Death to the Stormcloaks!"

Ralof: "As fearless in death as he was in life."

As everyone let loose their cry of remorse or triumph Naruto was calmly thinking of any way that he could escape from this fucked up situation. If they did not call on him for a while then he had a chance, maybe if he talks to them after they have executed Ulfric they would be more inclined to hear him-

Captain: "Next, the renegade from Cyrodiil!"

'Fuck, I am really starting to hate that bitch in the iron dress.'

At that moment there was a second loud noise that made everyone look to the sky, searching for the source of the noise until Hadvar posed the question.

Hadvar: "There it is again. Did you hear that?"

Captain: "I said, next prisoner!"

Hadvar: "To the block then prisoner. Nice and easy."

Not having any other choice, Naruto slowly made his way to the block. He stood in front of the block and was facing Hadvar when someone, most likely the female captain, forced him to his knees. He was now staring at the headsman, a truly sadistic way to torture someone making them stare at the man who will kill them, and then watch as the axe is raised and finally 'thunk'. However as Naruto was watching he heard the General making a fuss behind him.

Tullius: "What in Oblivion is that?"

Captain: "Sentries! What do you see?"

Imperial: "It's in the clouds!"

Stormcloak: "Dragon!"

And true to the poor man's cry a large black dragon had just landed on the tower, the force of the creatures landing sent the headsman to the ground. Naruto did not waste a moment he jumped up from the block and used his foot to kick the face of the headsman, knocking him out. He then went about cutting the ropes on his hands with the edge of the headsman axe; the Imperials and Stormcloaks were scattering trying to defend themselves and repel the dragon.

Tullius: "Don't just stand there! Kill that thing! Guards, get the townspeople to safety!"

*Snap* Finally he got his hands free, now to get the hell out of this place, and hopefully away from both the Imperials and Stormcloaks. Naruto picked up the Headsman's Axe and began to run, looking for a way out of this new hell on earth. As he was running he would continue to hear peoples shouts and cries as they ran either away or towards the dragon.

"What in the Eight Divines is this thing?"

"Keep your eyes on it!"

"How in Oblivion do we kill this thing?"

"It's still coming!"

"By Ysmir! Nothing kills it!"

"Die! For the love of the gods, die!"

Naruto was about to try climbing the rubble when he saw Ulfric being shepherded into a tower by his remaining Stormcloakers. Not having much choice Naruto followed after them, hoping that if nothing else he could avenge his friends before he died.

Ralof: "Jarl Ulfric! What is that thing? Could the legends be true?"

Ulfric: "Legends don't burn down villages. We need to move. Now!"

Ralof: "Up through the tower, let's go!"

Naruto followed after Ralof and together they ascended the tower until they were met with a dead end. A Stormcloak man was in front of a pile of rubble, attempting to move the large stones out of the way.

Stormcloak: "We just need to move some of these rocks to clear the way!"

Just as Naruto and Ralof were about to help the man, the wall closest them exploded open, and the head and neck of the dragon emerged from the hole.

Alduin: "Yol... Toor... Shul!"

From the dragons open mouth a stream of flames emerged and proceeded to roast the man, who was trapped under the stones that five seconds ago were a solid wall. After a moment to inspect its work the dragon took off and was lost when it flew around the side of the tower.

Ralof: "See the inn on the other side? Jump through the roof and keep going! Go! We'll follow when we can!"

What the fuck was this man thinking , 'so yea jump to that building over there, oh and don't worry we will be right behind you.' 'Let me guess as soon as I jump you yell 'Hey dragon, dinner!' I don't think so.' But after thinking it through he realized that the only option available was just as he said, and so he braced himself and jumped to the other building.

He just barely made it, the axe handle hit as he jumped knocking him slightly off balance, but he did make it. He sat there for a moment to catch his breath, and after gaining his second wind he took off to the lower level of the home; dropping down he saw a man and boy hiding behind a burning wreck of a house.

"You, I don't know what you are doing here but you are not getting pass me." It seemed that the man was one of those 'strong sense of justice' type guys, and for whatever reason he had decided that Naruto was a villain that needed to be dealt with.

Naruto was no novice when it came to fighting, the first thing that he looked at was the fact that the man before him had no shield, and he only had a single sword on his side. This means that he would have to dodge or block with the blade, so he is going to be weak against strong attacks, well that makes this easy.

As the man ran at Naruto, while pulling out his sword, Naruto calmly removed the Headsman Axe from his back and brought it down in a ready position. The man either did not see the danger that he was opening himself up to, or possible he believed that he would be able to out maneuver the blond.

Whatever he thought was going to happen probably did not go the way he planned, unless he knew that Naruto was going to spin all the way round, dodging his stab, and hit him with the backend of the axe. As Naruto watched the man slump to the ground, he saw that a torrent of flames was rising above some of the burnt and broken houses.

'So that is where the dragon is, and unfortunately that is the only direction that an exit might be. Do I go and risk facing the dragon, or do I search for another way out, while fighting off Imperials and possibly Stormcloaks?'

Falling back on that old phrase, 'the only way to advance is to go forward', Naruto decided to head to where the dragon was. Looking around the edge of the wooden skeleton that use to be a house, he could see no hide nor scale of the dragon. Willing to risk it he ran across the street and was about to turn when he heard the sound of the dragons flapping wings.

Naruto threw himself to the wall and narrowly avoided the two black tree trunk sized forewings that slammed into the ground in front of him. Looking up he saw the head of the dragon lunge forward and a jet of fire erupting from it, and from the sounds, it hit someone ahead of them in the destroyed house.

Once the wings spread and took the dragon into the sky, Naruto quickly took off and ran through the area where the dragon's fire was quickly dying out. As he ran he passed by a dead Imperial, it appears that he found the poor soul who was caught by the fire. He ran through the houses remains and as he appeared on the outside of the house he saw many soldiers running around trying to save the city, civilians and also trying to kill the dragon.

He was shocked that the gates were closed; with all of the people trying to flee the city the first thing he would have done would have been to open all the gates. Not seeing any reason to stay around here he turned to the left and was starting to run to the next gate; only to stop as he saw that it was also closed. As he was turning to start back tracking he saw a woman lying on the ground, clutching her stomach with a small pool of blood beneath her.

After taking a closer look at her he saw that she was the same woman from the execution, the priestess of Arkay. It seems that she had taken a small blade to the stomach, most likely a Stormcloak taking revenge for their fallen comrade anyway they could.

"Hey can you hear me?" Naruto was not sure if he could move her or not, the stab wound was fairly deep and because of her robes he could not get an accurate look at the full extent of the damage.

"Come on, wake up. Ah fuck, the hell am I doing?" No longer waiting for a response, he picked her up and began to head to the only other place where there might be an exit. As he was making his way to one of the few remaining towers left standing, he saw his favorite Imperial and Stormcloak facing off against one another. Well that is what he thought they were doing at first, but the next second the two of them cross one another and both entered the building through one of the two door ways.

Looking between the two, like that does any good, he decided to enter through the same door that Ralof had gone through. Why? The answer is simple that door looks closer and the Imperial are more like the type to lock doors behind themselves. Still carrying his unconscious passenger, he made his way to the door and after a moment of shuffling his cargo around was able to open the door enough to go inside.

Author's Note: Aaand that is the end of my newest story, I like this story and at the same time I hate this story. Because this is based off of the Skyrim game there is no set timeline, and while that is good because it leaves my writing options open, it also makes it more difficult to decide what to do for a story line.

In the next chapter we will find out who the woman is (the hint is the priestess part) and they will make it through the underground tunnels of Helgen. And I am going to go way out with some of the crossover choices, for one example I am thinking of using Jack from Mass Effect(which I do not own) and give her the power of the voice. I am still debating on some of the ideas that I have come up with so no guarantees about anything, yet.

Once more thank you for reading and for hopefully reviewing and please continue reading as I continue writing.
