So I am new to writing for Scandal, but this season has made me far more of a fan than I have been.
This story is set in around S3 and is not canon. I hope you enjoy :)
Olivia walked into her kitchen, found the cork screw lying on the cupboard and then proceeded to open a very expensive bottle of red. She held the base of the stem and tipped the bottle until the glass was full. She lifted the rim to her lips and just before she could take a sip, she realised this wasn't allowed to be the answer to her problems any more. With a sigh, Olivia placed the glass back on the counter and took a step back. She lifted her hands to her mouth as the started to waver. She began to pace around the kitchen island, like she did when something was wrong, and right now something was wrong.
Her cell lit up from across the counter, and as she walked around to get it she could read the caller id. The phone rested on her fingers as she watched the name jump up and down on the screen. She breathed out as her thumb swiped the screen to accept the call. She went silent waiting for him to say something, because right now she didn't know what to say.
"Liv?" The voice on the other end said in the hushed tone she had come to long to hear. She slid down the cupboard until she was sitting on the kitchen floor. "Olivia?" He asked again.
"Hi," she finally replied.
"Hi," he echoed happily talking to the love of his life. Fitz listen to the silence and knew all too well what that could mean. "Liv, is everything alright?" He asked, wanting to know what had changed since they last saw each other.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just at the office," she lied, knowing that was a believable answer.
"You're working late," Fitz said looking down at his wrist.
"So are you, it seems," she retorted, he only ever called her this late from his office.
"Well, I was about to finish up for the night, and I was calling to say that Hal and Tom are working tonight and if you wanted me to come over tonight I could, but you're at the office, so another night it seems," Fitz explained, and Liv regretted telling him she wasn't home. But she was conflicted, she wanted nothing more than to lie in his arms that night, but she didn't want to talk, not to him, not to anyone.
"Another night," she agreed. "I, ah, I've really got to get back to work now," she again lied. "Good night, Fitz," Liv said before hitting the screen to end the call. Olivia twisted the phone around in her hands before standing up from the floor. Half zombie-like she walked out the kitchen turning the light off behind her and finding her way in the dark to her bedroom.
Olivia's eyes didn't move from the ceiling. She'd been lying in the dark for at least an hour as her thoughts played on a loop. They did this most nights, but tonight was different. Tonight was filled with thoughts she never imagined. Usually she thought about the clients she had, or how to control and fix the scandal that about to come out. She'd decided a half hour or so ago that she wanted Fitz there with her, but she couldn't just call the President of the United States to come over and cuddle up with her. That was just one of the million problems that occurred because she fell in love with the most powerful man in the world.
She looked over to the pillow that was on his side of the bed, it was still ruffled from the last time he was over half a week ago.
Oliva rested her head on Fitz's shirtless chest as she closed her eyes. The nights he was in her bed were far more bearable than the nights he was in the residence. Here they weren't the President and the Fixer, they were just Liv and Fitz. She felt his arms tighten around her bringing her even closer to him. Olivia opened her eyes and looked up to see Fitz staring down at her.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are when you're drifting off to sleep?" Fitz asked, making Oliva smile and blush, before placing her lips on his.
"You have, but not nearly enough," she replied after their lips separated.
"Well, I would tell you every night if I could," he said, bringing Liv out of the bubble she was happily in. While Fitz was at her apartment it was hard to remember that this was the anomaly in their lives not the other way around. She wished she could have this life, but she gave that up once she told Fitz to run again, knowing that was best for everyone.
The alarm buzzed before the sun had even began to rise, Fitz had to be back at the White House before the press got in. They both hated the early morning wake up, but it was worth it to spend the extra hours alone together. Oliva wrapped herself in her dressing gown, before finding Fitz shirt on the floor on her side of the bed. Picking it up, she brought it over to him, passing it to him just as he had finished zipping up his pants. Olivia helped Fitz with the buttons, wanting to saver the last moments they would have alone before the day had to start.
"Thank you," Fitz said before pulling Olivia into his warm embrace. They stayed still for a good minute, not saying a word, just breathing in the others scent. Fitz kissed Liv on the top of her head, before pulling away. They walked out to the living room hand in hand, before stopping at the door. Their foreheads met and they smiled at each other, they might not be able to show their love off to the world, but it was moments like this where it didn't feel necessary.
It was right then, when Olivia knew she had to tell him what was going on, and unless there was a major work disaster she would go into the Oval and tell him in the morning.
Olivia walked into the Oval, not needing the okay from Charlotte to enter. Cyrus was standing in front of Fitz's desk, no doubt talking about the upcoming election, a topic that was never not being discussed. Both men looked to the door as they saw the former Communication Director come in.
"Olivia," Cyrus said in greeting.
"Cyrus, can we have the room," she said not bothering to exchange pleasantries. Cyrus turned to the President and received the nod to leave. Olivia waited for Cyrus to close the door before she made her way over to Fitz.
"Liv, what going on?" He knew the call last night wasn't normal, and was surprised to see her in his office. Fitz twisted in his chair as Olivia made her way over to the window, the window that was just out of the camera's frame. She gestured for him to come over and he promptly stood up and walked over to her. "Liv?" He pushed as he placed his hands on her hips. Olivia looked down not being able to look the President in the eye. "Hey," Fitz said softly as he lifted his right hand up to Liv's chin. He slowly raised her head up until he was looking into her beautiful brown eyes.
Fitz went silent waiting for her to explain why she was here and why she hadn't said a word in the last few minutes. As Olivia looked in his eyes she knew she wouldn't be able to not tell him. She'd kept a lot of secrets from Fitz during his presidency, but this wasn't even close to any of them, this was on a whole other level. Olivia took a deep breath ready to finally say it out loud. "I'm pregnant."
Please tell me what you think, and if I should continue. Would love to hear feedback.
Thanks for reading :D