Welcome to yet another symptom of my insanity: another Harry Potter crossover. This one being with Soul Eater, that series that looks like Tim Burton decided he wanted to do a manga.
Anyway, those familiar with my previous works will note that there are similarities to the Cetra Heritage Saga. This is partly to explain how the insane world of Soul Eater is linked to that of Harry Potter. It also takes at least one cue from Witch Sword, by sakurademonalchemist: that of Harry (a girl in that particular work) and Soul being related. It also takes a cue from the original version of Lux in Tenebris Lucet. And I'm doing a female Crona (hey, Crona's gender is actually ambiguous), hence the marked pairing of Harry and Crona. And if I get that far, I'm only following the Soul Eater plot as far as the anniversary night and the release of Asura. There'll also be elements from another franchise, as you will later discover.
The title, incidentally, comes from the piece of music by the Eagles, probably best known as the theme music to The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Male Witches are called Sorcerers in Soul Eater, so I thought, why not use it for this?
Anyway, the usual disclaimers. Firstly, there will be spoilers for both Soul Eater and Harry Potter.
Secondly, there will be annotations, as is usual for my works.
Finally, the following is a fan-written work. Harry Potter and Soul Eater are the properties of their respective owners. Please support the official release. Otherwise, Lord Death will be sending Meisters after you…