This story is basically for fun. Just something I do on the down time while I work for my other stories.
Basically what I'm going to do in this story is basically write and create trailer like scenarios for characters that I would love, and would be fun to see in Smash 4, but I know won't really be possible. I don't know how many chapters I'll put up, but it'll all depend on the story and how it does. Some of the character's trailers will be long, others may be short.
As I've stated in my summary, I accept requests for any characters you the readers may like to see. Send your suggestions through review or PM and I'll see what I can do.
Fair Note: Despite my acceptance of any characters you may want me to write for you. I'm not really all that proficient in the video game community. If you send me a character that I'm not really well known with. I'll still do it, but it may take some time. As I would have to research their game and backstory with.
Also, you're not just limited to games, you can also choose shows and/or animes. As long as they're reasonable, and are capable of fighting to some degree.
Now if there's nothing else. Let's get this prologue started.
Disclaimer: I do not own Nintendo or any of their characters. Same can be said for any other companies that any third-party characters may appear before us.
Prologue: The Smash Candidates
Little Mac
Robin/Female Robin
Dark Pit
Rosalina & Luma
Bowser Jr.
Wii Fit Trainer
Duck Hunt
Mii Fighters (Brawlers, Gunners, Swordsmen)
And Roy
"That's everyone"
Sitting in a darkened room, on top of a glowing orb. A boy around the age of 11-12 was looking through a hologram list filled with names of various men, women, animals, and pokemon alike. Checking off the last name on the list. The boy leaned back on the orb, stretching his slightly aching limbs. At that time, a giant white right-hand started to float down towards the 12 year old.
"Are you finished?" Asked the calm floating right hand
"Yep, all letters for the candidates you wanted to join smash has already been sent out, Master Hand. They've been tested, and are on their way here."
"And our newest chosen addition?" Asked the being known as Master Hand
The boy hunched forward and looked at the giant floating hand with a lopsided smirk. Snapping his fingers, a smaller orb appeared, and inside showed a viewing of a man with spiky blonde hair carrying a familiar looking buster sword. The orb showed the man battling with various smash participants.
"As you can see; Cloud has already received his invite to join smash. He's currently showing off his movesets to the returning veterans."
"Well done, Geo" Master Hand praised the young boy "You've really outdone yourself this time."
The boy now known as Geo blushed "Aw, thanks Master Hand, it means alot coming from you."
It was at that moment that loud rumbling started to emit within the dark room. Both beings snapped at attention as another huge orb appeared behind them. On high alert, Master Hand and his servant readied themselves to face whatever was to appear out of that sphere. Flying out at high speed, screaming bloody in the process, was a white blur that end up crashing down at the far end of the room. The entity was a giant white left-hand that was twitching uncontrollably. Geo noted, that the hand in question had burnt marks, bullet holes, and slash wound all over it's body, or rather, it's hand. Hand-Body… Body-Hand… You get the idea.
"Crazy…?" Geo said, realizing that it was Master Hand's younger and slightly psychotic (Slightly? Hah!) brother, Crazy Hand "What the heck happened to you?!"
Shooting straight up as if the wound on his body didn't mean anything. Crazy pointed to the orb from which his flew from, angrily.
"What happened was, that asshole didn't want to share his favorite food with me!"
The sphere flashed and another person stepped through. The person was a man dressed in red and black outfit and mask. He had an assortment of weapons on him, and in his hand currently was a katana in one hand and a machine gun in the other.
"Heeeere's Jimmy!" The man screamed before pointing his gun at the wounded hand "You shall pay dearly for eating my beloved chimichangas!"
Geo blinked in shocked at the sight before him, before giving himself a harsh facepalm "You mean to tell me…" He started out quietly "That you started a fight with Deadpool, in another world? OVER SOME STUPID CHIMICHANGAS?!"
"CHIMICHANGAS ARE NOT STUPID!" Screamed both Crazy and Deadpool
Master Hand let out a deep sigh with his baritone voice. If he had a full body, he probably would be rubbing his forehead of the impending migraine that would be occurring right now. Having enough, and not wanting this to escalate any higher than it should. Master Hand motioned towards his loyal servant.
"Geo, if you would…"
The boy nodded and went over and healed up the wounded hand before comically, kicking his ass(?) into another portal sphere; presumably to make him cool down. He then made his way over to the masked merc and started shoving him back to the orb to his world.
"Come Mr. Deadpool; time for you to go back."
"NEVAH!" Shouted the Merc dramatically "I shall not leave, until my vengeance has been sate-"
*Snaps Fingers*
A plate of hot, freshly made chimichangas floated in front of Deadpool's face.
"CHIMIS!" The man cheered, all anger and wrath forgotten. Geo took that chance to shove the merc back into his universe
"Done and done"
"By the way!" Deadpool said, popping his head of the of orb, scaring the crap out of the poor child "To the author of this fic you're writing. Yeah, I'm talking to you Blacky."
He points a half eaten chimichanga at the laptop screen "This little story you're writing. I better be in here, or I'm coming after you like I did lefty!"
He looked back at the cardiac arrested child in a more gentlemanlike manner "That is all, toodles."
"Freaking teleporting asshole…" Muttered a still chest-clutching Geo
"Well, no that that little… incident happened. May I have a moment of your time, Geo?"
The boy looked at his master with a curious look on his face
"You've been such a devoted servant to me. Following my orders and having to tolerate my younger brother's…"
"Insanity?" Geo finished
"I was going to say, exuberance, but okay." Master coughed "But I digress, you've been so loyal to us. I feel the need that we should reward you with this."
Suddenly, a stack of envelops appeared before the young 12 year old. Surprised, Geo quickly caught before it fell to the floor. He looked to see that each envelope had the familiar Smash insignia sealed on the back. Geo's eyes widened as he knew exactly what these were.
Even though it wasn't physically possible for the being, you could tell that Master Hand was grinning at his young charge's shock "I take it, since you recognize these letters. You realize entirely what my reward is to you."
"I, uh, I…"
"These Smash invites are yours to do whatever you wish with them. You have my full permission to invite whoever you wish."
"What, really?!" Geo knew Master Hand was always a kind being, but to actually allow him to personally choose candidates of his own desires…
"I have complete reign over this?"
"No one's off limits?"
"As long as we have the power to keep them under control."
"And it can be anyone within the gaming world?"
"Who says it has to stay within our game world? You can choose anyone from any verse as you please."
That did it, Geo dropped his letter stack and practically flew to hug the disembodied hand's finger "Thanks Master Hand, thanks so much!"
The giant hand let out a deep chuckle as he lowered himself to the ground and let his disciple off of him "You're very welcome." He said "Now, you'll excuse me, I need to go tend to my brother's idiocy. And reprimand him on harassing other people in other worlds."
And with that, the master of the smash dimension disappeared in a flash of light. Leaving the young boy all alone in the dark room. Geo smiled as he turned to face his pile of scattered letters on the ground. He kneed down the floor and started picking them up, one by one. Picking up the last one, he had a huge grin on his face
"Oh, this is gonna be some much fun."
Prologue End
So yeah, the prologue is done. I have a couple of chapter in the process of doing right now, but again I welcome any suggestions or characters you want me to do. I'm not looking to make this a perfect story, but I will write every scenario to the best of my abilities. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed it and I can't wait to see how it goes.
Thanks for reading, and be sure check out my other works and tell me what you guys think.
See you next time ^_^