The alarms in the Black Archives blared loudly as a group of soldiers raced through the shelves to the place where the alarm had been tripped. Osgood had turned off the security cameras about 20 minutes ago and no one had noticed until a security alarm protecting one of the objects in the Archive had been activated. Since Kate knew where every alarm would be, Osgood imagined that tripping it had been part of the plan. At least she hoped so.

Osgood had met up with the group of soldiers and Missy when she got to the door of the Black Archives. Now, she trailed behind the soldiers and Missy as they turned a corner. A woman, River Song, Osgood inferred from the curly hair, was standing in front of a partially dissected machine with her back to them. She didn't stop working at their approach despite the amount of noise they were making.

"Freeze!" The leader of the soldiers yelled. Song paused. "Put down the screwdriver and turn around slowly with your hands raised." She calmly set the tool down and turned around, a small smile on her face.

"Can I help you?" she asked sweetly while surveying the dozen or so guns pointed at her head.

"Um," the solider said a bit rankled by her blasé attitude, but shook it off to ask, "What are you doing here?"

"Just taking a look around. You guys have a lot of fun toys here."

"That's River Song," Missy pipped up from behind the soldiers. "She's the one who set off the explosion," Missy accused. "You should shoot her."

The soldiers may have actually been thinking about it, but Song spoke. "Now wait. That would be quite rude considering I brought you a nice present as a peace offering."

Osgood watched Missy as she considered this. "What present?" she asked.

"Not for you," Song spat with a toothy smile, "for the guys and girls with the guns. What's UNIT's policy on bargaining for the return of its leader, Kate Stewart? I take micro-explosives, time travel devices, and peanut M&Ms as payment."

There was sudden tension in the air. The soldiers tensed and a few at the back sifted restlessly. The group of soldiers weren't high on the chain of command. They'd been dispatched to arrest or shoot at things, not negotiate. They probably didn't even know that the policy was not to bargain with people that threatened the Earth even if it was for the life of their leader.

"How, how do we know she's really alive?" asked the soldier in the front.

"Oh, well that's easy enough," Song shrugged and it was then that Kate walked around the corner. Osgood couldn't help but give a sigh of relief despite the fact that she'd already known Kate was alive. It was still nice to see her in person, to know she was actually okay.

"You're not getting M&Ms," Kate said strolling up to Song's side.

"So I guess that means I am getting the explosives. Great! I was almost out." Kate ignored her.

"That is obviously an imposter," Missy insisted. "Why would Ms. Stewart be working with the murderer who blew up UNIT's building?" The soldiers didn't seem to know what to do with this development.

"Because River Song didn't blow up the building," Osgood spoke up. "You did, at least according to Officer Cisse who survived the explosion. Which makes sense considering you walked out of a collapsing building with no injuries whatsoever."

Missy looked over at her, obviously surprised. "Ooo, now that is a surprise poppet." She bared her teeth. "I'll be sure to remember you."

The soldiers seemed to take Osgood's words and Kate's presence as enough proof that Missy was the enemy. The dozen guns were now pointed at Missy. The woman sighed. "Well this is an unfortunate turn of events," she said, but didn't seem quite as concerned as she should be. "I do have to admit. I am quite impressed. Everyone worked together like big girls. You snuck into your own high security archives without me even realizing it for quite a while. And you got all the guns to listen to you. Very well done. Like I said, I'm very impressed. Just one itsy bitsy problem with you little plan. That," she pointed to the partially taken apart machine River and Kate were standing in front of, "is basically an intergalactic fax machine.

Kate blinked at the device in surprise, probably because no one at UNIT had been able to figure out what it was and had believed it was some type of weapon, but Song appeared unfazed. "Oh, I know that," she laughed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I'm an archeologist. I know all about the technology from this time period, terrestrial or otherwise." The smile slipped off Missy's face when Song winked at her. "You see, we were the distraction." She looked over her shoulder. "Got it Sweetie?!" she called.

"Got it!" A man called back. His head popped up from behind the railing on the little balcony. That must be The Doctor. Osgood didn't recognize his face from the records. It must be a new one. "Clara was not happy when I brought a gravity bomb into the console room even if it was deactivated. You'll have to talk her down; she was already mad at me for sending her off to bed yesterday without dinner."

"See there's a bit of a security problem with UNIT," Song told Missy. "If one alarms is tripped, everyone goes blasting in full force. Problem is, no one is around to see the second alarm go off. You should really get on that, Kate."

Missy was staring at River, assumedly having come to the same conclusion as Osgood about the identity of the man. Osgood couldn't tell if she was angry with River, impressed, or both. "I should have guessed." River blew a kiss at her.

"Arrest her," Kate commanded. The woman didn't resist, letting the soldiers take her arms. Osgood was a bit worried about that. The woman kept her eyes on River a few more moments as the soldiers led her away.

"Well, she's going to try to kill me at the first opportunity," Song commented to Kate. She didn't seem too worried about that fact.

Osgood walked through the remaining soldiers who were standing around, unsure of what to do with themselves now. "You're nose is bruised," was the first thing out of her mouth.

Kate touched the injury. "I was in an explosion," she pointed out, "could have been a lot worse."

"We'll have to put some ice on it," she said.

"Yes, ma'am," Kate replied sarcastically and Osgood smiled a bit.

"You must be Osgood," River said, extending her hand. "I'm River Song."

"I've seen your picture in your files, though some of the information in those seems to a bit inaccurate," Osgood said taking the offered hand.

River laughed. "Only about a few things," she informed her. "I've actually heard a bit about you, but I didn't realize how…"

And Osgood must have missed something, a tone change or piece of body language, because Kate suddenly said, "No." River withdrew her hand with a sly smile.

"So," River said, turning to Kate. "Am I free to go or are you planning on drugging me again?"

"That depends. Will you bite me again if I do?"


Kate's lips twitched. "Well in that case, I guess you're free to go."

River smiled, offering her hand to Kate this time. "It was nice to meet you Kate Stewart. We'll have to go out for drinks some time," she said releasing her and taking a few steps back. "The stories don't do you justice."

"There're stories?" Kate asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

River tapped a finger to her lips. "Spoilers," she said and then there was a loud sound of gears grinding as a blue box surrounded her. It never truly gained form, but when it disappear completely, River was gone.

Kate sighed. "This room is supposed to be TARDIS proof." She rubbed her forehead. "We'll work on it tomorrow. How far away is tomorrow?"

"About 25 minutes ago," Osgood answered.

Kate groaned. "Well, nothing for it now. Have you eaten?" She didn't give Osgood time to answer. "Who am I kidding, of course you haven't. I guess it's time for me to keep that promise of dinner and wine."

"Kate, it's 12:25am. No restaurants are open," she reminded her boss.

"Right," she shook her head, "well it'll have to be the leftover pizza in my refrigerator and beer for now. That good?" She offered her arm.

"If I can avoid the mounds of paperwork that we're going to have to do about today for a couple more hours, it sound perfect," Osgood said linking her arm with Kate's.

AN: Thanks for reading. I will have to go back and edit a few things including the times and things people have pointed out to me throughout. I may add an epilogue at some point, but for the most part this is finished. I hope you enjoyed it. :)