Disclaimer: All the characters belong to Tolkien. I just like to play with them.

Summary: Aragorn and Legolas meet for the first time, but they aren't too happy about it.

Pairing(s): Aragorn/Legolas

Warning: None

Nin Calan

Chapter Fifteen

'My Lord...King Thranduil,' one of the door guards greeted as the two elves ascended the stairs. 'I am glad that you have returned.'

'May I inquire why?' asked Lord Elrond.

'Your sons have returned.'

'Returned? When?'

'This morning, my lord. Prince Legolas was covered in mud and they both looked as if they had spent the night in the woods.'

'They are all right then?' King Thranduil asked.

'Yes, all they looked to need was a warm bath.'

'Very well then...that means that I can hurt them much more,' Thranduil stated as he marched through the doors in search of their sons.

'Oh dear,' Elrond exhaled. He quickly followed Thranduil into the hall.


Without knocking or announcing his presence, King Thranduil stormed into his son's bedroom. He suddenly stopped, causing Lord Elrond to run into him. Elrond's eyes widened as he peered over the other elf's shoulder. His son and Legolas were tangled in Aragorn's bed sheets in a very compromising position. The young couple was still unaware of their fathers' entry. Elrond cleared his throat to gain their attention.

Aragorn stilled his movements at the sound coming from the doorway. He looked down at Legolas who also had a look of surprise on his face. Aragorn and Legolas turned their heads towards the doorway and gulped.

The four didn't move as they continued to stare at one another in shock until Elrond recovered his voice and quipped, 'Well, this is certainly unexpected.'

Aragorn gave a nervous chuckle and moved off of Legolas. Reaching over the side of the bed he grabbed his and the blonde's pants. The two quickly dressed under the sheets before standing up to face their fathers.

Thranduil crossed his arms over his chest and stared hard at the couple in front of him. 'I do not know how this came to happen, nor do I care. However, I would very much like it if one of you would be so kind as to explain to me where you have been.'

Legolas sheepishly scratched his head and replied, 'Well it is my fault that we were gone all night and all morning.'

Thranduil raised an eyebrow. 'How so?'

'I...um...I...oh, you are going to think me a baby...' Legolas huffed. '...I ran away.'

Knowing that Legolas didn't want to explain why he ran, Aragorn spoke up, 'And I chased after him. I ended up chasing him into cave where we found down a ditch that we did not see until it was too late.' Aragorn knew he was rambling, but he knew his father wanted the truth. 'While we were stuck down there Legolas and I had a talk that ended up in a very surprising way, which has to do with...um...with what we were doing before you walked. We fell asleep and did not wake until this morning. We managed to get out of the ditch, but ended up lost in the woods. We finally found our way back though.'

Aragorn finally took a deep breath to only find the two older elves and Legolas starring at him in wonder.

'Um...did I do something wrong?'

Legolas shook his head. 'How did you say all that in one breath?' Aragorn just shrugged.

'There is still one thing that I am curious about.' Elrond stated. 'The guard at the door said that Legolas arrived covered in mud. How did that happen.'

Legolas blushed before rushing to say, 'Oh! It was nothing really! Definitely nothing to worry about.'

However, Aragorn couldn't resist telling the truth. 'He fell into an Orc trap.'

Legolas turned towards his lover in outrage. 'I did not!'

Laughing, Aragorn nodded. 'Yes you did! I even had to cut a vine to pull him out of it.' Legolas just glared at Aragorn with his hands on his hips.

Elrond shook his head in amusement. When he turned to Thranduil in question, the blond elf nodded his head in assent.

'I am sure that the two of you have had a very interesting adventure. But do not think that you have escaped from punishment. You are both to remain in this room for the next week. You will only be allowed to leave when a servant comes to escort you to meals.' With that the two elder elves exited the room, smirks upon their faces.

Inside the room Legolas and Aragorn stared at the door before looking at one another. Aragorn suddenly smiled. 'At least this time we do not hate each other.'

Legolas chuckled and pulled Aragorn close to him. 'Pity that it is only for a week,' he whispered as he touched his mouth to the brunette's.


Out in the hall, Elrond held out a hand and asked Thranduil, 'Shall we retire to my study to finish planning our sons' wedding?'

'I think that is a very good idea, my friend. Good idea, in deed.'

Smiling, Elrond and Thranduil walked to the study with their heads close together in conversation.


One month later...after the wedding...

Elrond grasped Thranduil's hand and stated, 'I will surely miss your company, my friend.'

Thranduil smiled. 'My stay here has certainly been an interesting one. And I am certain that my son will be in good hands here.'

'You have no reason to worry. Imladris' army will also be at your aid in your fight against the dark.'

'I can not express my gratitude to you enough, my friend.'

Before Elrond could reply, he was interrupted by Aragorn screaming, 'Leeeeegooooolaaaaaaaaas!'

A moment later a laughing Legolas ran by, quickly followed by a soaking wet Aragorn.

Elrond bowed his head and rubbed his temple. 'By Valar, not again.'

The End.