Warning, I do not own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does. This is a fan fiction rated M for blood/gore and swearing. No Sexy times.

"What do you mean I'm going to be the Prince of Pride Lucifer", I asked the red dragon stuffed toy that had magically started talking. "Okay, listen up, you have been selected by the King Lucifer to be his avatar in the up and coming Sinners battle to decide who will rule the underworld till the next battle", The doll told me as if he knew everything, but this part about a battle did spark my interest.

"Did you just say battle, okay, I don't care about anything else just let me fight!", I told him with a grin on my face. "Slow down there, first let me introduce myself. I am Lord Barbatos the right hand man to King Lucifer who's avatar won the last battle a few years ago, I am going to be your mentor for this competition", the doll explained himself but I really couldn't care less I just wanted to fight strong opponents.

"Okay, so now can I fight someone", I asked in earnest for my first fight in this strange competition. "Just let me tell you the rules, You are going to be fighting against six other avatars that represent the Princes of Seven Sins. The aim of the game is to gain all seven stigma from the six other avatars, this can be done through death, defeat. But there is another addition to this, if you team up with two more avatars then there needs to be a clear leader and therefore you give your stigma to the leader, but that also means that you can be a leader", The doll explained what he said were the rules.

"But of course to defeat the other's you will be given three items, a stigma for use of classification on which demon you represent, a legendary sword from history and the magical element from King Lucifer. Of course the others will receive these as well. Lastly, you cannot kill or injure a civilian for that will disgrace the devil's name, did you get everything", The Dragon, I think his name was Barbios finished his explanation. "To be quite honest with you, no. But that doesn't mean I won't fight", I told him straight forward.

This whole thing had happened in my medium sized room, The room was in a rectangular shape. My bed was pushed up against the top left side and my desk was at the foot of the bed, the desk made an L shape with a bookcase attached to the left side. I had my door on the on the bottom left side and my wardrobe built into the wall across the bottom of the room. I quickly grabbed my jacket from the desk chair and turned for the door knob to go outside my room.

"Where do you think your going", the demon, dragon, doll thing asked me from my desk. "Demon hunting?", I asked in a quizzical manner. "You haven't even received your stigma yet and none of the others have either, it will come during your sleep, but I need to stress to you, live life like usual, so that means going to school tomorrow", Barbios lectured me and forced me to sit down on my bed.

"Fine Barbios, I guess I'll sleep tonight". "It's BARBATOS you swine… Sorry I may have stepped out of line there", the dragon shouted at me but then immediately regretted and stopped talking. "Don't worry, I'm not one to anger easily", I told him and I took my shirt off and put on my pi's and fell asleep.


I jumped out of bed after the shock of hearing that awful music blasted loud into my ear drums, I ravaged through my desk and found the source of the noise. My Brothers iPod set on alarm mode, he was going to receive punishment when I see him. I went into my closet and found a fresh new pair of underwear and went into the shower and quickly washed myself then I put on my usual school uniform.

While putting on the uniform I saw a mark was located on my left abdomen. A star shaped crest with eight points and fire surrounding the crest that seemed to move if it was real, the mark emitted a soft light although you couldn't notice if you were wearing light clothing. This must be the Stigma that Barbios was talking about.

A white school shirt with the top button undone, gray pants and black belt, red tie loose around my neck and the black school blazer with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows. On the left side of the blazer had the school crest of two intercepting hammers and two bars that twist around. On the bottom the school motto was placed 'Memento Mori'. Tartaros was my school and although people said it was full of demons, me and my friends loved it a lot.

I walked downstairs and the first thing I saw was a thin, youthful-looking man with medium-length, wavy, messy dark hair. He was working on something at the dinning table. "Wahl are you still messing around with that phone", I walked up and looked over his shoulder. "Morning Natsu, yeah, I am, I just know that I can make it work if I keep at it", Wahl replied still looking at the phone.

"You know you've been working on that phone for five years right, you're obsessed with fixing it, quite frankly, I think Dimaria is starting to get fed up of it", I told him as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed raisin bread and put it into the toaster. "Hey your brother's paying me to fix it, Dimaria can understand that, and I only work on it in the morning and at night", he replied as my toast came up and I spread soft melting butter on the toast.

"My brother's paying you ten dollars, quite frankly, he already bought another phone, you should give up", I took a huge bite out of my toast and started eating. "No, that goes against my creed as the elite handyman of this neighbor hood, and the thing is, when people tell you to give up that's when thing's starts to work", Wahl explained as I walked into the room and something flew at me and I quickly caught it.

Within my hands was the broken phone, except that there was a light that started to emit from the screen. "Never give up on things Natsu, even if people tell you it's impossible", Wahl placed his hand on my shoulder and walked out of the house, presumably to go back to his bed and sleep with Dimaria for a change.

"Morning Natsu, was Wahl just here", from upstairs a young man with short black hair and black eyes walked down the stairs. "Hey Zeref, yeah Wahl was just here. Guess what he finally fixed your phone", I told him and tossed the phone to him. "Cool", Zeref replied and walked into the kitchen, but stopped half way. "You need a phone don't you Natsu, I know it's old, but can you live with this one until Christmas", Zeref turned and tossed the phone back to me.

"Really Bro, thank you, really I'm happy just to have a phone", We both gave the Dragneel smile to each other, and then I punched him in the face. "That's for putting on that horrible music to wake me up", I told him through my gritted teeth. "You're still not strong enough Natsu", Zeref chuckled from underneath my fist. "Anyway, I'm going to school", I gritted my teeth and grabbed my bag and was walking towards the door outside.

"Hey Natsu quick question", Zeref asked from behind me. "Yes Zeref", I replied and slowly turned around to face him. "Since when did you start bringing toys to school", Zeref hid a laugh and I looked at my school bag. "BARBIOS!", I quickly stuffed him deeper into my bag and ran outside not wanting to continue that conversation, but I heard laughter from inside the house as I passed through the door.

The first thing I saw was my best friend Mard Geer Tartaros outside my house. "You ready to go to school Natsu?", He asked from the street. "Let's go to school", I replied and we began walking. Along the way we said hello to the few people in our suburb Alvarez, like Brandish, Ajeel and Invel, and to my surprise Wahl sitting in his kitchen with the window open eating breakfast with Dimaria. I loved the Alvarez suburb.

Mard and I walked into the classroom and started talking with our usual friendship group of Seliah, Kyôka, Jackel and Tempester. When I showed them my outdated phone they all laughed at it but gave me their numbers. Thats when the teacher walked in, Mr Fullbuster, he started his long lecture of geography, more specifically the arctic continent. In the classroom I sat right up against the window and that was perfect as I looked out towards the unchanging suburb.

After school I decided that I'm going to learn what this power is that I gained and the legendary weapon that I received is and then I'm going to go Devil hunting. I wont ever kill someone to receive their crests, I think I'll just beat them all into submission, best plan ever. "Natsu do you mind tell me what your doing" I jumped out of my seat to find Mr Fullbuster standing right in front of my desk.

He was one of the coolest teacher of the school. He was around his forties, short spiky black hair and stubble that covered his chin, a long scar extended from his hairline to his owed left ear. "I'm appreciating the geographical settings of the neighbourhood", I quickly made an excuse that made the class laugh. "Listen to me Natsu, not the outside", he replied and walked back to the front of the class.

I took one last look at the outside, but something caught my eye. It was a blue haired boy around my age in the courtyard. He wasn't wearing a uniform and the most distinct feature of the man was his tattoo around his right eye. His lips were moving as if he was talking to someone, but yellow light started to raise from the man. I raised my hand to tell Mr Fullbuster but then-


"Okay Barbios give me some answers now", I looked straight at the doll. "What was that explosion, I know it had something to do with this game. WHY DID MY SCHOOL BLOW UP". "Just be grateful you didn't die due to how inexperienced the user was. That was light magic and from what you said about the boy you saw in the courtyard, he was probably an Avatar", Barbios told me with a voice that seemed deep in thought.

"I thought you weren't allowed to injure civilians", I questioned him even more, thank god Brother was still working. "That's why no one was hurt, but he was aiming a really destructive spell, that he accidentally made a gap large enough in the center for you to survive", he explained and I layer on my bed exhausted.

"Okay, I gained my mark today, so what is my power and weapon", I asked the doll trying to get my mind away from my friends almost dying. "Let me see, lift up your shirt", I obliged and showed him the mark. "Your power is control over fire and the weapon is… Oh My Lucifer", The stuffed toy stared dumbstruck at the sign. "What is it?". "You possess the legendary sword Caliburn as your weapon".

"It's that good?", I asked in all honesty. "Yes, very". "Cool". I laid back down only to raise my head back up from my cellphone ringing. I looked at the caller ID to find out that it was Mard.

"Cello", I said immediately as I put the phone to my ear. "Really Natsu, Cello", I heard back. "What is it anyway Mard". "I received some information on what's going to happen to us in a few days", He told me peaking my interest. "Alright, what is going to happen to school". "We're going to be moving to schools around our neighborhood". "You know where we're going?". "Yes, Seliah, you and Me are going to be changing to Fairy Tail high".

"Fairy Tail High, not those prestigious pricks?".

Thank you for reading the first the first chapter of my first series. As you can guess this is going to be about Natsu acting as the Avatar to Lucifer to defeat the six other avatars of Beelzebub, Sathanus, Asmodeus, Mammon, Abbadon and Belphegor. All of the Avatar's as I'm calling them are going to be the actual character's from Fairy Tail and this is going to be with the NAZA paring. ONLY the NAZA paring for Natsu. Please can you drop a review, it will help evolve the series and tell me what is wanted from it. The review can be from how you liked it or requests for the other Avatars.

I hope you continue on reading!

From Ignus Kusunagi