The End...

Heath and Gregory woke up in the basement of Caitlyn's home, remembering nothing what happened that night when they set the trap for the Beast. Gregory looked around and there was no sign of Caitlyn.

"Heath, where is Caitlyn?"

Heath responded panicking. "She's not here?"

The two boys went upstairs to look for her. However, the door won't open. It was not lock but something heavy blocked it. They tried to push the door open with their combined strength. Once they successfully get out, they found the entire place in ruins. The basement door was blocked by the kitchen's fridge. The living room was filled with the Beast's signature claw marks. There was a big fight.

They saw bullet marks on the walls.

Gregory saw the entrance door open and the dropped pistol. Empty but cold.

The two boys later greeted by the sunrise, knowing they made it up to morning.

"Where's Caitlyn?"

Few minutes ago, before sunrise...

Gregory, Heath and Caitlyn sets up the trap at her home. The Beast will be prepared for a surprise attack or a trap. But the teenagers will have to be ready if anything fails.

Morning is coming and they have little time left.

The Beast trailed their scent towards her home. He can sense the three teenagers inside and he can tell they have set a trap.

The boys picked up gardening tools and broomsticks as their weapons. Their trap is simple.

Lure the beast in the book and trap him.

Heath then said, "Before we face this blue creature, any last words?"

Gregory replied. "We can make it out alive, Heath. You're a little paranoid."

But then Caitlyn quickly said. "My brother's coming home and I don't want to die."

Both boys agreed with her. "Yeah. I agree."

Then out from the blue, the Beast crashed from the roof and into the kitchen. The teenagers were caught off guard by the monster's surprise attack. The big blue monster growled and grinned at the three humans. "Found ya."

Quickly, Heath and Gregory threw their weapons to the Beast. None appears to hurt him. The Beast attacked them head on. Luckily for them, Caitlyn brought her mom's taser and struck the Beast. It stopped him on his path but just a little while. He pulled the wire out and pulled Caitlyn towards him.

"Caitlyn!" Both boys tried to save her.

The Beast grabbed the girl by his large claws. "Tag."

Caitlyn panicked and responded with pepper spray. He aimed it to the beast's eyes, blinding it. The Beast was in pain and retreated back to the kitchen. The girl made a quick tap on its back. "Tag."

The Beast roared furiously.

The teenagers was not expecting the Beast to enter the house through the roof. Their trap was set on the entrance. Heath asked, "What to do next?"

"The Book!" Gregory said. "We need the book to get it back."

Caitlyn ran to get it. "I'm on it!"

Unfortunately, the Beast regained his sight and looked at the two boys unaware of him. He take his chance to strike them before the sunrise. The beast quickly leaped towards them with its claws and long teeth.

Heath and Gregory ran across town and saw what's left of the town. People started going out from the streets, knowing the conflict was over. The two boys then noticed claw mark son the road like the Beast has been pulled to the West.

They picked up the pace and ran to the direction.

They hoped Caitlyn was alright.

Heath and Gregory instinctually dodged the monster once they heard it roar. The Beast missed but regained his stance and prepared to pounce again. But then they heard a loud bang from upstairs.

It was Caitlyn with her father's gun.

She did not retrieve the book but instead went after the pistol.

The Beast smirked, knowing he won't die by mere bullets. "You think a firearm can stop me?"

Caitlyn did not hesitate and shoot the monster again. Heath and Gregory were amazed and a little unsettled by her accuracy and repeated shots. It was like she was trained to hold a gun.

The Beast tried to retreat, ran towards the kitchen. He shoved the two boys out of his way. Gregory and Heath fell into the basement door and dropped unconscious. Caitlyn continued shooting, scaring the Beast away. The blue creature threw the fridge to block from her shots and at the same time, blocked the basement door.

The Beast hid in the kitchen and tried to avoid the girl. He did not expect the girl to be like that. Trigger-happy maniac. "She's crazy!"

But then he heard a click. Sounds like the gun was empty.

Caitlyn felt fear again. "Oh no."

The Beast peeked and saw the girl defenseless again. He smirked, knowing he won. "Game over, girl."

She started running to the entrance and leave the house. However, they felt a sudden earthquake and then the atmosphere changed around them. Caitlyn felt something pulling her towards the entrance door. The pull that she felt was from the Beast. Whatever that is, something is pulling the monster towards it and Caitlyn was standing on the Beast's way.

The blue creature roared, knowing what's happening. "NO!" The force pulled him towards the girl. Quickly, he managed to grab her and pulled her with him.

Panicked, the girl struggled to the break free from the Beast's claws. It sunk deep into her leg. "Let go of me!"

"NEVER! This game is not over yet!"

As the Beast was pulled towards the woods, Caitlyn was dragged with it. "Heath! Gregory! HELP ME!" Sadly, her friends were not there to save her.

Not until someone did. It reached for Caitlyn and grabbed her arms. The Beast recognized the person and growled. "YOU!"

Heath and Gregory went to the woods and saw blood trails heading towards an abandoned theme park. "Caitlyn! Where are you?" Gregory yelled, calling his friend. "Speak to us!"

But there was no answer.

Heath looked around, hoping he could find any clue where she went. But then his heart can tell what happened to her. "She's gone, man. I don't know how but somehow... she's gone."

Gregory cannot accept that fact.

"Where ever the Beast went, he took Caitlyn away with him."

They began to think the worst. They lost their dear friend on that day. But then they heard people from the woods and appears to be celebrating. Gregory and Heath saw two people who were out of place. Heath asked, "Who are you?"

The two boys immediately recognized the teen holding a black book. "Champ?"

"Greg? Heath?" The teen smiled, seeing someone he knew. "What're you guys doing here?"

"We're looking for Caitlyn." Heath said. "The big blue Beast took her!"

The guy who was with Champ then introduced himself. "I'm Zach."

Both were in distress for their missing friend but find it awkward that the new kid introduced himself. Both answered. "Hey."

Before they started searching, a man wearing a pair of glasses came out from the woods carrying their wounded friend. He heard the two worrying about her and he calmly said. "Don't worry, boys. I've got your damsel."

Caitlyn waved back at them but at the same time, sniffling. "Hey, guys."

Gregory quickly recognized the man. "You're R.L. Stine."

Heath took a second look. "That's him? I imagined him to be like Mr. Black."

Caitlyn chuckled but Stine was not. "I don't look like that. Honestly."

Days later, Gregory and Heath came to school to look for their friend Caitlyn. She called them, wanting to show them something. She told them to meet her at the school's auditorium.

However, as they arrive, Caitlyn burst out from the door and quickly closed it.

"What's wrong?" Heath asked.

Gregory noticed something bad has happened.

She took her time to breathe and explained to them what happened. "I bought a book from the shop. Well... actually, I stole it." She said honestly.

"What? Why?" Gregory said.

"It's the horror book I wanted to read. " She said. "I really want to buy it but- anyway, I was about to read it and then something happened."

Both boys knew what she's going to say. "Oh no... Caitlyn, did the monster came out?"

She hesitantly answered, "Yes... monsters. And they are behind this door."

Gregory then asked, "What kind of book is that, Caitlyn?"

Before she could answer, they heard someone groaning at the other side of the auditorium door.

"Where is my big to-o-o-o-o-e?"

The Beginning...