The Kingdom of Hydeland — a land rich with fantasy and wonder. Sprouting with beautiful landscapes and ruins that hold legendary stories hidden in history.
Seeing how settlements and nature peacefully co-existing with flourishing majesty was a delight to sightseers and tourists alike, but Hydeland was especially popular among those seeking thrills; Adventurers come to explore ancient labyrinths and catacombs, of which Hydeland provided for all who were brave enough to take the challenge…
We begin with a quiet morning at the Dragon Haven Inn where a lone customer, a young man who appeared to be in his early twenties, sat at the bar to have a drink. His most distinguishable feature was his outfit, which was fairly modern in design, consisting of a simple black hoodie, blue jeans and white shoe. The young man often found himself under the curious eye of the townsfolk, but rightfully so since he was a clear contrast within the kingdom's apparent medieval time-frame, but many just wrote it off as foreign fashion design.
He took a long drink of his cider before putting the mug down and sighing in a fit of exhaustion. He sat with his palm resting against his cheek as the bartender stood behind the counter cleaning out a glass cup with a white cloth.
"…So," The bartender spoke to break the silence "still no luck finding work?" He asked with a curious glance, based on the question he was familiar with his customer.
The young man looks up to the bartender with a face that indicated an incoming negative response. "Nope." He casually answered. "It's difficult finding work around here, but I should've expected this. I'm new in town, of course nobody would just open the door for a stranger."
"Chin up. You're a strapping young lad. I'm certain you'll find work." The bartender assured as he placed the glass he was cleaning upon the shelf.
The young man lowered his head down to the counter to rest, he was still a bit sleepy having gotten up early to a fruitless job hunt.
"I hope so. My landlord is expecting some cash soon."
The bartender thought to himself briefly and caught an idea. He crouched below the counter and rustled through some old paperwork.
"Ah! Here it is." After searching through his messy documents he stood up and placed a flier down beside the customer. "You should try this." He spoke up to get his customer's attention.
After lifting his head the unnamed slid the flier to the forefront and reads over the details. "The Adventurer's Guild?" He questioned with a puzzled look.
"If you're in need of money then this may help. You don't currently belong to the guild, I recommend registering. You can find an assortment of tasks there. You can even learn some new skills."
He reads over the flier once more for good measure, just to ensure he didn't miss a single detail. While being part of the guild was bound to warrant danger how bad could it be for someone who was just starting out? He could always decline if things seemed way out of hand for him. The more he thought about it the more he found himself willing to give it shot.
"Yeah. I suppose. What have I got to lose, right? It's either this or be homeless."
Before the bartender could respond the Inn's chiming doorbell caught his ear.
"Hmph. Do you really think it'll be that easy?" A feminine voice spoke from behind them.
The two men turn their attention to the voice; a woman in bewitching purple attire stood before them. She was a redhead with long, flowing hair that extended down her back. Her large hat covered her eyes, adding a sense of mystery to her sudden appearance.
"You are but a squire. Only the highest ranked adventurers join the Adventure's Guild." She remarked with a smile etched across her face as she approached the two.
The younger of the two men simply sat in silence, staring at the mysterious woman with an inclined brow.
"What's the matter?" She asked retaining her condescending smile. "Silenced from your own naivete?" She raised her head so that her eyes were visible, but the moment she fully revealed her face the one she was directing her question to had his back turned, paying her no mind.
"Aye, man. You seeing this lady? How the heck does she even walk around with those things on her chest?" He took his mug and had another drink of cider.
The bartender snickered behind his hand to conceal his laughter.
The tone on the woman's cheeks went from fair to a rosy blush. She stomped her foot on the wooden floor to show she didn't appreciate that he ignored her, let alone his comment.
"Were you even listening to me?!" She asked with a piercing glare.
"Not really." He answered with his back still facing her.
She clenched her fist spitefully and scowled. "Why you…!" Before completely losing her cool she managed to regain her composure and adjusted her hat. "Ahem. I shall not let myself be deterred by a knave. You'll never get into the guild, plain and simple." She gave him an arrogant cocky grin with her arms folded under her large bust.
"Yeah? And why's that?" He humored her comment with a question, facing her with a rivaling smile.
"I told you before — only adventurers of the highest rank join the guild." She then turns her gaze off to the side with a look of seriousness. "Even at my level of skill I was unable to join."
It was as if the guild's registration was ruthless to those seeking acceptance, or at least according to her.
The young man noticed she was carrying a staff to which he extended his finger and pointed. "Maybe they didn't let you in because your weapon is a tree branch?" His tone seemed to suggest a genuine suggestion, but his aura gave off sarcasm.
"This is no tree branch! It's a Light Staff!" She exclaimed.
"It's a piece of junk." He retorts.
The woman's eye humorously twitched at his remark. "Okay. Let's see your weapon then. Where's your weapon of choice? " She began tapping her foot impatiently, clearly flustered.
"I don't have one."
The woman huffed at his reply with a snarky smirk. "You make fun of me but don't own a weapon yourself? Foolish. There's no way you'll ever join the guild."
5 minutes later
~ The Adventurers Guild ~
"You're in! Welcome to the guild, my young friend!" The guild master, Samuel Joseph, congratulated the young man who stood before him.
"...You've got to be kidding me." The woman mumbled underneath her breath in utter disbelief.
In contrast to her reaction the young man was grinning devilishly at her, his hands tucked away in his hoodies pocket.
Samuel gave a mighty pat to the younger male's back, making him jerk forward — the lad shrieked as his eyes widened from the impact of the metal gauntlets hitting him so suddenly.
The master gave a thunderous laugh as he pat his newest member on the back multiple times much to the former's dismay.
"It's a pleasure to have you on board, young warrior- uh…I don't believe I caught your name."
"I go by 'the Player' around these parts, sir…"
"Aah, I see. Well then it certainly is a pleasure to have you on board, Player."
"This isn't fair!" The woman cried out before shoving the Player to the side so that she was standing in his place in front of Samuel. "How come he gets to join but I can't? I'm a skilled sorceress who can create ice tornados! How can I not be deemed worthy?!"
Samuel pointed to the Light Staff. "Your weapon of choice is a tree branch. Why would I allow you to join with that?"
The woman's eyes were reduced to white circles, her jaw agape with depressing blue lines weighing in on her head. She was speechless.
"Ha! I told you!" The Player victoriously exclaimed out of view.
The woman raised her index finger to the guild master to catch his attention. "…One chance." Her comment resulted in a mildly dismissive look from Samuel. "Just one chance for me to prove myself. That's all I ask."
"You wish to demonstrate your skills with a test?" Samuel was now intrigued by her proposal, and when she nods frantically to answer it got a smile out of him. "This much I can allow. A test of skill it is. Your assignment is to find a warrior named Roland. You can find him at the Ancient Temple Ruins."
Joyed to see he was willing to give her a chance the busty woman demonstrated a victorious fist pump, only to realize it may have been unprofessional to show such a gesture — she readjusts herself, standing straight with a determined smile.
"Yes! I understand, but, sir, one last request?"
"What is it?"
"The Player has to prove himself as well."
"Huh?!" The Player gasped with a look of disapproval.
Hearing his elevated voice of concern made the Sorceress smirk delightfully. "It would be wise to test your newest member before letting him in, wouldn't you agree? Just imagine the shame he could bring to the guild if he proves weak or unskilled." She continued to instigate while returning to that endearing smile when addressing the master.
"Yes, you raise a fine point. A test of brawn for the boy. Young Player, you will accompany her and you will both share the task of assisting Roland. Being part of this guild also means you're willing to work with others, that you're willing to help your fellow adventurers."
"What? Why?!" The Player confusingly held his arms out, feeling cheated out of his spot after he was already declared a member.
The busty woman grabbed him by the hood of his hoodie and dragged him along with a look of satisfaction plastered all over her face, she was even giggling with each step while childish groans came from the Player. The duo left the guild and Samuel returned to his duties of standing around like a statue, doing nothing in particular.
More importantly, unbeknownst to the pair, prior their departure they were being observed by a member of the guild, a muscular female warrior with white hair. As they left she displayed an intrigued grin.
~ Town Area ~
Outside the Adventure's Guild
The Player was heavily sulking and midly annoyed. He stood with his arms crossed and his back against the nearby tree.
"You really had to ruin that for me, didn't you?" He asked bitterly.
The woman was too busy feeling accomplished to relish in his current mood. She looks at him with a cat-like smile while telepathically twirling her Light Staff using her index finger.
"What's a little hard work to earn a spot in the guild? I'm helping you evolve into a man, you should be thanking me." That was clearly sarcasm.
"How would you know anything about a man? I bet your monster boobs scare 'em all away."
Her anger was made apparant via a red vein that appeared on her head, she instantly began snarling at him —displayed a row of newly formed sharp teeth. "What'd you just say?!" There was an intense red aura surrounding her as her anger fueled.
"Nothin' at all. Calm your tits." He teased before standing up straight to stretch out his arms and yawn. "Who are you anyway?" He asked looking somewhat bored.
"If you must know, I'm the Sorceress. I have superior knowledge of dark magic and my all-knowing of arcane arts cannot be ignored. I'm also-"
"Wow. That is not interesting." He interrupted in the midst of her sentence without a care in the world. "I meant your name and not much else." He clarified.
"I told you! I'm…the, uh…Sorceress."
The Player briefly gave her an uncertain squinted glance as if she were crazy. Since there was no response he provided a new look one eye squinted while the other was just open, suggesting he was in doubt, if it wasn't obvious before this look should really tell her he thought she was crazy.
"What?" He questioned with a perplexed facial expression.
"…I don't have a name."
"Heh. Quit playing around."
She just looks at him with a dull gander, remaining silent as she didn't want to repeat herself.
"...Wow. You're Serious."
"Yes. Why would I lie about that?"
The Player stood there and nods as if he understood but not a second later he bursts into laughter. His reaction made the Sorceress blush, she looks off in the opposite direction to hide the fact that she was embarrassed with her arms crossed.
"You have a strange sense of humor, you know that? You're laughing at me but your name is 'The Player'. That's not so different from mine."
"Oh, no, see I actually have a name. I'm just going by that alias while I'm staying here. YOUR parents just left you nameless."
"Shut up."
"Ok, ok. It's not so bad. Funny, but not bad. How about I just give you a name? From this day forth you shall be known as... Blair!"
"Blair?" She repeated.
"Yeah, y'know, like 'The Blair Witch'?"
That wasn't familiar to her. She tilts her head in confusion.
"The what?"
"You've never heard of- Ugh, never mind. Screw it, we'll just stick with Sorceress. Do you remember where this Roland guy?"
"I believe Samuel said he's at the Ancient Temple Ruins."
"And how do we get there?"
Unsure herself the Sorceress couldn't answer. She folds her arms and becomes lost in thought.
'To prove your mettle for the guild master, you head to the Ancient Temple Ruins to assist the warrior, Roland.'
Seemingly out of nowhere a voice from the sky suddenly began to speak. The Player and Sorceress quickly noticed this and scan their surroundings.
"...The fu- Did you hear that?" The Player asked turning his attention back to the Sorceress.
She nods, rather timidly, unsure of what to make of this. "Y-Yes."
'A magic gate was recently found in the ruins on the outskirts of town.' The voice spoke once again, assisting them in their prior question. 'Use that to reach your destination.'
Looking up to the sky the Player asks "…God, is that you?"
'No. I'm just your narrator.'
The Player and Sorceress look to one another, lost, before looking back to the sky. "Narrator?" They both questioned.
'Yes. All new guild members get their own narrator. Pretty neat, huh?'
The Player wasn't too keen on this and looked a bit unsettled. "It's pretty weird actually. What if someone sees us talking to you?" As he was talking a man and young child were walking by and noticed him talking to the sky.
"Daddy, is that man okay? He's talking to the clouds."
"Must've been sniffing some Dragon's Dust. Say no to drugs, my son."
The man took his son's hand and continued walking down the dirt roadway.
'Civilians can't hear me. I'm a voice that only applies to you and your party members.'
"I have so many questions…" The Player declares.
'Just pretend I'm not here. Now get to the gate and go find Roland already.'
"Fine, jeez, so bossy. Sorceress, you ready?"
After the 'introduction' with their audible companion the duo made their way down the road.
Party Update
Member Count (+1): 2
Role: Leader
Weapon: None
Skills: Unknown
Info: A strategist who remains neutral in all fields. He keeps the team one step ahead of the enemy using a keen eye.
Sorceress (Added!)
Role: Defensive Support
Weapon: Light Staff (Ice)
Skills: Levitation/Rock Press
Info: A witch who controls magical forces at her whim. She has high magic defense and good support magic
~ Town Outskirts ~
Ancient Ruins
"These must be the ruins the voice was talking about, but where is the gate?"
The two investigate the ruins but didn't find much other than a pathway leading to an ancient Colosseum, though it wasn't a point of interest for now and they ignore it.
Further east of the Coloseum the Sorceress caught glimpse of a blue light emitting from a large mystical portal framed by large statue renditions of ancient women that existed before their time.
"Hey, I think I found it!" She alerted her partner who was investigating some ancient writing on a nearby wall.
The Player heard her call and catches up with his partner, now seeing the magical gate for himself. "This is the ancient gate?" He asked her with a curious gaze.
"It must be. Come on, Roland's waiting."
As she took the first step the Player grabbed her arm to prevent her from going in.
"Hold on! You're just to just walk through that thing?"
She looks back at him, surprised he stopped her from going any further. "Well, yes, we have to."
"I know we have a job to do but we only know about this gate thing because some useless voice over, that nobody needs, told us so."
'…Screw you.'
The Player, who was completely unaware the narrator was even there, gave a quiet sheepish look up to the sky.
"It's the only lead we have so far. Oh! Heh, I get it. You're scared." The Sorceress' cat smile resurfaced to tease him. "Tell ya what, you can stay here and I'll go help Roland in your stead, little one."
Releasing her arm the Player gave her a competitive look. "You calling me a coward?" The naive fellow was unaware he was being played and fell right into her setup.
The Sorceress simply turned her back to him, letting out a silent 'Yes!' to mark her success, she was feeling giddy. "I have no problem doing a man's job for him." She replied facing him once more now looking smug.
Unamused the Player faced the gate and, like a fool trying to prove a point, recklessly charges toward for the portal and runs through.
~ Ancient Temple Ruins ~
The Player ended up being thrown out of a similar portal and fell onto his hands and knees after being tossed out of the gate. He was surprised to see that he was in a completely different location.
"What? Where in the world am I? Is this the temple ruins? Wow. The voice in the sky wasn't bullsh-"
Suddenly the Sorceress popped out of the portal and landed directly on top of him, forcing the Player to face plant into the ground. The back of his head was smothered between her cleavage.
"Nnngh...What a bizarre trip…hm?" As she sat up the Sorceress noticed her companion was laid out, face down, on the ground. "Oh, Player, you cushioned my fall. How chivalrous of you."
The only reply he could muster were inaudible muffles.
After picking himself up from the ground the Player stood up in a mild daze, he had a bit of trouble finding his balance. "You…did that…on purpose."
"I did no such thing." She assures him of her accident but the smile on her face hinted that she was pleased with it nevertheless.
The Sorceress grabbed her Light Staff and began making her way into the ruins with the Player following her lead. She carefully observed each area they passed as the ancient temple was relatively large, finding a single man in such an old and rundown place would surely prove difficult, though in truth she was keen on the ruins and not the mission.
"Such a wondrous place. These ruins are the key to uncovering the truth of the ancient civilization that was once established here."
"Don't forget we're here to find Roland, Sorceress. Don't get too caught up in old stuff."
"I know, I know... But I can't help it. I've never been outside the town before."
"Really? Why's that?"
"It would be far too dangerous for me to go out alone. Hydeland is home to many marvels, but there are even more dangers. That's why I was seeking acceptance in the adventurer's guild. With their help I could travel far and wide while also improving my magic."
'Many things lie within the ruins of the old Elician temple,' the narrator spontaneously made himself apparent, speaking down to the duo which gave them a fright 'some quiescent, some far less so.'
The Player was impatiently tapping his foot, showing that he didn't appreciate the scare. "Can't you give us a little warning before you make that voice of yours apparent?" He asked looking above to absolutely nothing.
'An ancient dragon spoken of in myths is said to have destroyed the Elician civilization in one night.' He continued on, pretending the two hadn't acknowledge him. He then went quiet again.
"Sure. Ignore me. Why not? What a dick." Not paying attention to where he was going, distracted by the narrator's narration, the Player trips over a small cage and falls onto the ground. "Ah! What the hell?"
The Sorceress heard his cry and turned to see him lying on the ground. "Aren't we clumsy?" She teased him.
"I was distracted by the VO and tripped over this cage thing." Getting a closer look of the cage the Player managed to identify a living creature inside, a small being that was desperately trying to escape from its prison. "...Wait a second. A fairy?" He asked himself while inching closer to the cage.
The fairy noticed him and began to panic even more, she was obviously frightened and was under the impression both guild trainees meant her harm. She had her back against the opposite end of the cage with her eyes closed, bracing herself for whatever ill-intentions they may have had.
"What's going on?" The Sorceress asked as she approached, now seeing the cage the Player was talking about.
"This fairy. She's trapped in here. I didn't know fairies existed."
"Of course they exist. You really are helpless. Stand back. I shall free the poor dear." The Sorceress, using her Light Staff, began ruthlessly poking at the cage. The small fairy held onto the metal bars for dear life as she was shaken like an earthquake.
"Sorceress...? Hey, Sorceress. Sorceress! SORCERESS!" The Player quickly backed her away from the cage.
The fairy inside sat on the metal floor, dazed from the restless stick pokes the Sorceress delivered.
"Why'd you stop me? Just a little more and the poor thing would've been freed."
"There's a door on cage, you maniac. What was thrashing away at it going to do but scare her more?"
"Free her." The Sorceress answered innocently, seeing no fault in her method of liberation.
The Player shook his head and turned his attention to the cage. He stuck his finger through the small circular hole at the top and raised it off the ground, with his other hand he opened the cage's door.
The fairy shook herself out of her daze and realized what was happening. Still frightened, she backed away to the opposite side of the cage once more.
"Don't be afraid." The Player spoke in a calm voice. "You're free now."
After he sat the cage back on the ground the fairy slowly stepped out. Her fear seemed to slowly fade as she saw the duo meant her no harm. Without saying anything she flew off into an unknown part of the ruins, most likely to find her friends and family.
"I wonder how she got trapped in there." He asked himself with his arms folded.
The Sorceress couldn't help but acknowledge his act of selflessness to the scared fairy and smiled warmly at him.
"That was nice of you. I guess you're not as big a jerk I thought you were."
"Huh? Oh, thanks monster tits."
The red anger vein appeared on the Sorceress's head once again. A loud 'WHACK' could be heard through a flash of light and the Player is shown lying on the ground, obviously in pain, after receiving a hit from the busty witch.
"I was being nice!" She scolded.
'…You liberated a fairy that was trapped in a cage.'
"OH, COME ON!" The Player shouted at the sky.
After freeing the fairy from her prison the Player and Sorceress continued through the temple ruins. After a lengthy search the duo came across a room filled with slain orcs and goblins.
"What the hell happened in here?" The Player was unsure what could've caused such a high body count of ruthless brutes but he sure hoped whatever caused it wasn't their enemy.
Another body flies from out of nowhere and hits the concrete stairs. The Player and Sorceress turn to where the body was thrown and found a shirtless, muscular barbarian.
"Who goes there?" The man asked, raising his sword to the two in self-defense, unsure if they were friend or foes.
The Player quickly retreated behind the Sorceress, cowering from the man's intimidating stature. "We're not a threat! We're here to…uh, find a guy named Roland." The intimidated traveler explained from behind his female partner who didn't seem threatened by the warrior's appearance.
The man lowered his weapon and placed it back within the sheath on the side of his hip. "Ah. I see, you must be with the adventurer's guild."
"Yes. How'd you know that?" The Player asked.
"I, too, am with the adventurer's guild. The man you seek is none other than I. I am the warrior, Roland."
Feeling relieved to know he was on their side the Player came from behind the Sorceress, acting casual like he was never cowering in the first place.
"I had a feeling you were the guy. Right, Sorceress?"
The Sorceress was hypnotized by Roland's build. His strong facial features were reflected in her shimmering eyes, her cheeks were as red as roses and a trail of drool was slowly running down the side of her mouth. She continued admiring Roland's body rather than paying the Player any mind.
"So, you'll come back with us, right?" The Player asked after failing to realize the Sorceress was under a trance.
"I can't return to the guild. I'm looking for a few adventurers' that went missing in the ruins." Roland explained.
"Damn." The Player snapped his fingers. "But Samuel said in order for us to pass our test we needed to assist you."
"Samuel set you up to the task? Hm... Very well, for you to pass your test I need you to go search the ruins submerged in water. Much time has passed since those adventurers went missing. Bring back their bones if you find them dead."
A loud gulp could be heard from the Player, things were beginning to sound risky. He raised a nervous finger to the barbarian "But…what about you?"
"More foes similar to the ones before you will be coming soon. I'll hold them off to prevent them from getting in your way so you shouldn't be facing any real danger deeper into the ruins."
Knowing Roland would be the one holding off any danger that may come after them caused a sudden calm to soothe the Player. He nods at the older male and turned to his companion. "Sorceress, we don't have time to waste. Let's find the adventurers right away." He jumped over the bulky bodies of the defeated orcs and ran deeper into the ruins.
"Right…" The Sorceress whispered dreamily as she walked pass Roland, her eyes couldn't leave his frame. Before she followed after the Player she stopped and gave a flirtatious look. "So, are you single?"
"Not interested." Roland quickly dismissed her.
The Sorceress felt a heavy weight fall upon her shoulders and she nearly turned to stone at her immediate rejection. Defeated, she slowly traversed up the stone stairs in a slightly depressed fashion. "I'm going to be single forever…" She muttered with comically fit waterfall tears.
The moment the Sorceress left Roland reached into his pocket and took out a small heart-shaped locket. He opened the small charm and focused his gaze on the image inside. "…One day. One day." He spoke quietly as he placed a finger on the photo inside and slowly trailed it down to the bottom.
Inside contained a small portrait of a nude Samuel Joseph from the hip up, covered in rose petals, to prevent any real obscene imagery.
Farther into the old ruins the duo discovered a small chamber with a mural displayed on a nearby wall. From the ceiling a ray of light shined down to the chamber floor where it revealed a pair of bones in the middle of the room.
"Oh no. No, no, this can't be." The Sorceress rushed to the bones after noticing they appeared human. The bones most likely belong to one of the adventurers Roland mentioned. "We're too late. We didn't get here in time... In hindsight we shouldn't have taken so much time having that heart-to-heart moment back there."
"Yo, Sorceress, forget the bones! Look what I found!" The Player had found a large treasure chest occupying the other side of the room.
The Sorceress sees this but she was more worried about the bones she found. "A chest? We're not here for that. I found some bones, they most likely belong to one of the adventurers Roland told us about."
"So? I've found treasure. REAL treasure, Sorceress!" The Player threw himself onto the chest as if hugging it out of greed. "With this I probably wouldn't even need to join the guild. This thing must be full of gold!"
The Sorceress rolled her eyes and noticed a keyhole on the front of the chest. "Good luck opening it without a key." She said while pointing to the center.
The Player got up and saw the keyhole, he then realized his excitement overshadowed the lock. His joy slowly turned to fear but he remained hopeful, choosing to believe the chest was old and tinkering with the lock enough would just pop it open. Unfortunately for him, this wasn't the case, after many attempts the chest wouldn't open.
"Come on. Come on, open! Give me the treasure, you son of a bitch!"
"Player, relax, it's probably nothing."
"TREASUUUUUUUUUURE!" He helplessly cried out to the ceiling creating an overly dramatic scene for himself. He fell back over the top of the chest and hammered his fist against the box in defeat.
"Shall I unlock that chest for you?" An unfamiliar voice spoke from the shadows of the chamber.
The Sorceress turned to the voice and appearing before them was a young rogue in a green hooded cape, carrying a hefty white bag. He was younger than both the Player and Sorceress, physically appearing around his late teens.
"Who are you?" The Sorceress inquired, surprised to see that someone else made it this far into the temple.
"I'm the answer to your prayers." He answered with his thumb extended to his chest.
The Player raised a brow curiously as the statement was familiar. "Sooooo... What are you? Like a discount Peter Pan?" He was not interested in the boy or what he wanted, he was still bummed from being unable to open the chest.
"Peter Pan? No! I'm Rannie."
"Narrator, who is this kid and what does he want?"
The Player breaking out into chat with the ceiling caused a bit of concern for the boy. He remained silent for a moment before turning to the Sorceress. "Is he alright?" Rannie asked.
"Hush, Peter Pan!" The Player exclaimed. "…The voice speaks to me."
'-The rogue Rannie inquired, after appearing out of nowhere. He thought that it would be a simple case to take advantage of your naiveté and pocket some coin.'
"Oh! So you think you can take away my treasure, eh? Well you're not getting it!" He snuggled the chest with defensive intent.
The Sorceress shook her head at the Player and turned her attention back to Rannie. "Don't mind him. So, you're here to assist us for profit?"
"Yes. You see, I have a special key that can unlock any door or keyhole. My services could be quite useful to a pair of adventurers such as you."
"Oh, so you have a Keyblade?" The Player asked suddenly interested in Rannie's offer.
"A key- what now?" Rannie questioned looking puzzled.
"Never mind. Thanks, but no thanks. We can take care of ourselves."
"Hold on, Player. If he can open any door he might come in handy, don't you think?"
"You're a sorceress, Sorceress." The Player pointed to her while explaining. "Why not just use your magic to open any locks or doors we may come across?"
"Oh. Wow, okay...that's actually a good point." She replied. "But we could still make use of him. He has a pretty nice sac."
The way that was phrased caused the Player to give her a silent glare of disapproval.
She noticed his look of unease and tilts her head at him. "What? The sac he's carrying over his shoulder."
He glanced over to Rannie and noticed that the boy was carrying a large white sac that could easily fit a number of items inside. Perfectly fit for collecting on the go.
"Oooooh! That's what you meant."
"Yes. What else would I mean?"
"Uuuuh... Nothing! Nothing at all." The Player quickly dismissed the topic and got back to more important matters. "So what'd you have in mind, Sorceress?"
She pointed to the pile of bones in the center of the room. "Put those bones in your bag and carry them for us. They're too much for us to take ourselves. That bag of yours could come in handy."
"Yes ma'am." Rannie scampered over to the bones and placed them all into the bag. After he was done he threw the bag over his shoulder. "And you also wanted the chest open, correct? Don't worry. I've got it!" He then approached the chest, taking out his special skeleton key which he used to unlock the chest. The lock popped and the chest opened instantly. "Simple."
The Player gasped loudly and shoved Rannie aside. "TREASURE! And it's all mine! …What the-"
Sitting at the bottom of the empty chest was a crossbow that was somehow loaded with ten arrows.
"What's the matter?" The Sorceress asked.
The Player took out the crossbow and held it in his hands. "What the hell is this? This isn't treasure. Who puts junk in a treasure chest? That's false advertisement if I ever saw it."
"That chest wasn't yours to begin with." Rannie spoke.
The Player faced the rogue and aimed the crossbow at him as a threat. Rannie turned the other way, humming in a mild sweat, pretending he hadn't said anything resulting in the Player lowering the crossbow.
The Sorceress was unfamiliar with firearms, this being the first time she's ever actually saw one. "What is it?" She asked in interest.
"It's a weapon." The Player answered. "It's really powerful, especially against living things."
"That could be useful. Since you don't have one and all." She stated cheerfully.
"Yeah…but it's still not treasure."
The Player wasn't too interested in the crossbow but he took it with him regardless, he went ahead and passed through the next corridor. Rannie and the Sorceress shrug to each other and followed behind the sulking traveler.
The group made their way through the caverns and found the ruins that were submerged in water. Luckily the water was only knee-deep.
The more they traveled the more the once thriving ancient city became apparent around them. The trio soon discovered a large nest at the end of the waterway, inside a bunch of human skulls were identified.
"…We're too late." The Sorceress lamented as she sees all the bones scattered throughout the nest.
The Player got onto one knee for further inspection. "These bones are all picked dry. Man…I'd hate to come across whatever did this. We should gather these bones too. No doubt in my mind they belong to more adventurers."
The Sorceress nods and turned to Rannie. "Do your stuff, kid."
Rannie made hast, jumping into the large nest and began rummaging through the large sticks. He noticed a few eggs were lying among the human skeletons. Before he could touch any of the bones a loud thud shook the ground before him.
He looks up to the sight of a large harpy, a rapacious monster that had the head and body of a woman while the rest was that of a bird's, containing wings and vicious talons. The harpy's keen eyes were heavily focused on Rannie who was frozen in fear.
Rannie opened his mouth to speak. "…Um-"
The harpy's immediate response was a vicious roar.
The rogue jumped out of the nest and ran for cover. "Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope!" He yelled out while running past the Player and Sorceress.
The harpy expanded her wings and stood before the remaining two, towering over them in massive size.
"Our problem just got a lot…bigger." The Sorceress stated as she took multiple steps back.
The Player sighs at the Sorceress and her observation. He turned to her with a half-lidded glance. "Really?" He asked stoically.
The harpy screeched at the two, flapping her wings to cause vicious winds to blow about the area. The powerful gusts nearly swept the two off their feet but they managed to hold their ground, only sliding back a few feet. The Sorceress managed to gather enough strength to fight against the winds allowing her to hold the Light Staff out toward the harpy, where she then proceeded to cast an ice based spell that sent a barrage of ice shards toward the harpy. The shards of ice struck the mythical beast's left wing, the harpy cried out in pain once impact was made. The ice had a desirable side effect as her wing started to freeze over, disabling the harpy from flapping her wings to cause threatening winds.
The Sorceress foolishly turned her back and celebrated with a cute dance. "Yes! I did it! Go Sorceress! Go Sorceress! Go Sorceress!"
The harpy raised one of her talons to claw at the ice, and while it chipped off a few chunks the process was taking far too long. Not wanting to wait any longer the harpy raised her frozen wing and slammed it into a stone wall where the ice shattered. The Sorceress was too busy celebrating to realize what was going on behind her.
"Behind you!" The Player shouted in a panic.
The Sorceress heard him and looked over her shoulder to see the harpy's unfrozen wing sweeping up the ground in her direction. It was too late for the Sorceress to react so she took the wing attack and was sent flying across the battlefield, she then took a dive in the waterway they arrived in.
The Player watched her soar but faced their attacker before she caught him off guard. He took aim with the crossbow and was ready to fire upon the harpy.
"I do so relish these times of peril."
He pulled on the trigger and fired the first shot at the harpy however she was able to react in an instant, spreading her wings and taking flight high above him.
"Aw, goddamn it!" The Player stomped his foot in minor annoyance and fired a barrage of arrows in a desperate attempt to hit his target. The harpy was able to swiftly dodge every single one. The harpy flew even higher to the sky while the Player had one arrow left. "Damn it, she's too fast! I can't get a lock…wait, maybe I should aim where she's going to be. Should've thought of that before wasting so much ammo."
With his new strategy in mind he took a deep breath and calmed himself as he needed absolute concentration. The Player carefully studied her flight patterns and was becoming familiar with her movement. A single trail of sweat slowly scaled the side of his face, his finger began to apply pressure to the trigger.
Just as he pulled the trigger the harpy flew up toward the sun which she used to briefly blind the Player. The sun flashing him got in the way at the very last second forcing him to look away just as he took the shot resulting in a misfire.
"Ah! The sun! My arch-nemesis!"
The harpy dive bombed from the sky and snatched the Player up in her left claw.
The Sorceress finally got out of the water, ready for round 2. "Ok! I'm back and I'm going to-!" She was cut short because she was also snatched up by the harpy but in the opposite claw. "Curses! You didn't even give me a chance to finish my sentence!"
With both the Player and Sorceress captured there was nothing that could be done against the harpy. There was Rannie but he wasn't a fighter.
The Player tried forcing his way to freedom but the harpy's death grip was far too strong, she made it worse by applying a painful squeeze to her victims.
"I can't die here!" The Sorceress cried out. "I was single my entire life!"
"My only regret is that I'm dying." The Player closed his eyes in defeat.
Just before the harpy could deal the killing blow a shadowy figure descended from the struck the harpy's back with it a lethal blow using a giant axe.
The killer hybrid let out an agonizing cry and her talons flung open, freeing the two rookies. The Player hit the ground first with the Sorceress landing on top of him. The harpy also fell out of the sky and landed on her backside.
"The paaaaaaain..." The Player wearily spoke from underneath the dazed Sorceress.
"That was a close call. Good thing I got here just in time." An unfamiliar rough voice spoke to the two.
The Player got up to his hands and knees, making the Sorceress roll off of him, to find that the same white haired woman from the guild standing before them, however he didn't recognize her considering he never actually caught sight of her.
The muscular woman took her giant two-handed axe in one hand and swung it over her shoulder with ease. She was very lightly dressed…wearing only a bikini-like top and bottoms to cover the necessary regions, she also had a pair of combat gloves and boots, as well as a black warrior feather headpiece.
"So, you two made it this far? For beginners I have to say that I'm impressed. Not bad for a team of rookies." She complimented the team with a smile.
"...Are you the one who took that thing down?" The Player asked.
The woman answers with a single nod. "I've been watching you guys since you left the guild. We've been losing too many good people recently and I couldn't bear the thought of you two losing your lives when you're still so young."
After adjusting her hat the Sorceress got up and met with the eyes of her rescuer. She shows a grateful smile. "Thank you for saving us. We're forever in your debt." She goes on to bow respectfully.
"Aha! Speak for yourself. I'm good for one favor." The Player crossed his arms and looked in the opposite direction.
His actions only earned him a slap upon the head from the Sorceress which made him face her with a scowl.
"You should be more grateful! She saved you!"
"I had it under control!"
"Please, you barely had your bladder under control!"
"Like you barely having control over your bust?"
"You must really have a death wish!"
The bickering between the two only made the woman laugh.
As the two continued going back and forth Rannie suddenly appeared in between them. "Aaaw yeah! Teamwork makes the dream work!"
The Player and Sorceress visibly jolt from the rogue's reappearance and look at him with conflicted stares.
"R-Rannie?!" The Sorceress toward the youth in shock.
"We really showed that harpy what for. Right, team?" He joyfully held his hand up in the air, prompting either the Player or Sorceress to meet him halfway.
The only reply to that was a painful kick between his legs from the Player. Rannie's hands instantly cradled his groin as he slowly fell over shrieking in a high pitch tone, stiff as a board.
"One clean shot to the sac. That'll teach you for leaving us at death's door." The Player calmly stated as he watched Rannie fall.
The Sorceress smirked at the two boys but promptly turned her attention back to the muscular woman. "I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm the Sorceress." Her words seem to catch the attention of the others who look to their rescuer.
"I'm the Player, nice to meet you."
"Rannie the rogue…" The boy was barely audible when introducing himself.
The woman was sure to memorize their names and faces. She didn't know why but there was something about the team she found appealing. "Hello. I'm the Amazon."
The Player held up his index finger and opened his mouth, ready to comment, but before he could speak the Sorceress quickly placed her hand over his mouth, knowing he was bound to say something stupid even if it wasn't intentional.
"It's really nice to meet you, Amazon." The Sorceress replied for him.
The Amazon smiles at the group before looking back to the harpy. "Come on, we should go. It won't be long before the harpy wakes up."
"Wake up?" The Player was rather puzzled by her words. "But didn't you kill her?"
"Nah. It wouldn't be right for me to kill her considering the circumstances. There are more nests similar to this one spread throughout the area. It'd be wise not to attract the attention of any more harpies. Let's get moving." She made her way for the exit, the same way they came in.
The Player turned to the Sorceress and shrugged before picking up one of Rannie's legs to drag him along.
Before the Sorceress followed after them she heard what appeared to be chirping. Curiousity lead her to one of the nests where she sees three hatchlings nestling inside the safety of their home.
It was here the Sorceress realized the reason behind the Amazon's non-fatal methods which caused her to smile warmly. She leaves the area before long to catch up with the party.
The group retraced their steps and exited the ruins by using the gate they used to arrive to return home.
~ The Adventurers Guild ~
Main Guild Hall
Samuel, who was still standing as the tallest individual in the guild, greeted the group at the entrance.
"Hm! You're back!"
The Player held his hands behind his head, feeling a bit full of himself, what with returning somewhat unharmed and all. "Was there ever any doubt? That was almost too easy."
"Almost 'too easy' he says…funny guy." Rannie whispered to the Sorceress.
"He's a fool." She replied.
Seeing that they were standing right beside him the Player just looks at them with his arms crossed. "You know I can hear you, right?"
"They passed with flying colors, Joseph. Not bad for a team of newcomers. With the right training they could become fierce warriors." The Amazon spoke for the group, vouching for Roland who stayed behind in the ruins.
Samuel gave a good look at the Player and Sorceress, hearing good things about them from one of the guilds finest was promising, not to mention surviving in a area not many return from.
The master smiled and nods. "Excellent. You've proven yourselves worthy and have completed your task. Welcome to the guild, brave adventurers. Here is your pay." He held out a small pouch out to the Player. "1000 gold. Spend it wisely."
The Player's jaw dropped, almost speechless at the pay, "1000 gold? I never got paid that much on the first day of work before! Yes! With this I can-"
"'WE'" The Sorceress corrected him.
"….Fine. 'We' can live off for this for the next month!"
The Sorceress took the pouch out of his hand to take her share of the gold. "500 for me and 500 for you." She tossed the pouch back to him.
"Oh, right. I just remembered." The Amazon spoke to the group. "Didn't you collect a few bones back in the ruins?"
The Player and Sorceress turned to Rannie since he was the one who took them.
"Yes. I still have them in my bag." The rogue answered answered.
"Did you know it's possible to resurrect the dead with their bones?" The Amazon asked.
"You can?" The Player was rather surprised. He had never heard of such an act, especially not in his homeland.
"I've heard about that before," The Sorceress joined in "but I never believed it to be true."
The Amazon handed the Player a map of the town. "Here. Go visit Canaan Temple. It's just Northwest of here. Take the bones to the temple monk and he should handle the rest."
He took the town map from the Amazon and saw the temple already marked. "What is this some kind of tutorial? Fine, we're on it." He gestured the others to follow him as he knew the way.
The gang left the guild and made their way over to the temple. It was only a brief stroll through town, thanks to the map they quickly found their way and went inside.
"You seem to be in need of help." A kindly voice echoed from the back.
The Player noticed an elderly man in robes approaching them. "Hey, sorry for just barging in but we came to see the temple monk?"
"That would be me, young travelers. How may I help you?"
"We have a companion we'd like to revive." The Sorceress said. She placed her hand upon Rannie's back to move him forward.
"Hey!" Rannie looked back at the Sorceress before he faced the old monk. "Uum...y-yes, I have the bones in my bag."
The monk took the sac from Rannie and made his way over to the temple alter. He took the bones out of the bag and laid them out accordingly. "The prayer of the monks restores the dead to life. The Goddess bestows mercy to those whose time has not yet come."
"If it wasn't their time why'd they die in the first place?" The Player asked. The Sorceress elbowed his side to shut him up. "Ack! What I say?"
The monk began the ritual, seemingly ignoring the Player's words. Once he was silenced they all watched to see the magic.
"Allow this heart to beat again. Quench their thirst. Lead the wandering soul back. Reverse death…and revive them!"
Descending from the heavens were five small angels; the first held an hour glass, the second held a potion, the third held a beating heart, the fourth held a small bird and the last blew a trumpet.
Heavenly light began to shine down upon the bones of the lost adventurer. The Player, Sorceress and Rannie were amazed by the sight.
A blinding light suddenly flashed so brightly the group was forced to shield their eyes.
Once the light faded and it was ok to look they were surprised to see a young elf lying before them. The three gasp in awe. Soon after being revived the young elf opened her eyes and turned over to see the Player, Sorceress, Rannie and monk.
Her eyes were stuck open when she realized she could see. She rose from the temple alter and began to touch her face and chest. She looked down, staring at her own hands. "I'm…alive?"
The Player and Sorceress ran over to the young elf with bright smiles. "THAT WAS SO COOL!" They both exclaimed causing the young elf to flinch.
"Who…are you people?"
"No need to be afraid, we won't hurt you. I'm the Sorceress. It's nice to meet you."
The Player bumped his hip against the Sorceress, scooting her over. "Hey, I'm the Player. It's not my real name but it's what I go by here. Let me guess…your name is probably 'Elf' right?"
"Y-Yes…how could you have possibly known that? Have we met?" The Elf was shocked that he knew her name though this was nothing new for him.
He casually shrugged while smiling. "Lucky guess." He insists.
"I-I see. It's nice to meet you all but how did I end up here?" The Elf looks down to her palms as she tried to recall the past. "I remember exploring some ruins and afterward I was attacked by this vicious bird monster. After that I..."
The monk approached to stop her from mentioning her fate, it was best she didn't recall her death. "These brave travelers have ventured out to the ruins and found your bones. They were kind enough to bring them back and revive you."
The Player nods. "We didn't really know about it until we were told to come visit this place by a friend of ours. Once we did we got you here as soon as we could. The process didn't disappoint. It was pretty epic."
The Elf's eyes filled with water and she leaped forward, hugging the Player tightly. "Thank you…I could clearly remember that dark and cold place I was falling in. I was starting to forget who I was, my friends and family. I was terrified."
Hearing her worries the Player calmly proceeded to pat her on the back for comfort. "There, there. You're safe now." He says with a smile.
She released him from her embrace and wiped her eyes dry. "Player, Sorceress I'm forever in your debt. I pledge my allegiance to you. Consider me a loyal ally."
"We appreciate it but you don't have to do that for us." The Sorceress scratched the back of her head sheepishly.
"Yeah, we were just glad to help." The Player added.
"You don't trust me?" She asked.
The Sorceress held her hands out defensively and shook them. "No, no! It's not that…we just don't want to get you into any more danger. Besides I'm sure your family must be worried sick about you. You should go see them and let them know you're ok. Right, Player?"
"Yeah, of course."
The Elf began to pout adorably. Seeing this broke the Player and Sorceress' hearts finding themselves victims to her unintentional adorableness. The Player clenched his chest and fell to his knees, the Sorceress sat on the alter stairs and fanned herself using her hat.
"Damn it…how could I ever say no to a face like that?" Je asked himself weakly.
"She's so cute. It would be monstrous for us to leave her behind." The Sorceress did the same.
Rannie shook his head at the two. "You guys are pathetic." He truly believed all this was unnecessary and that they were overreacting.
The Elf turned her swollen eyes to Rannie. He noticed her look and gazed deep within her large puppy-dog eyes that shimmered innocently and got deeper the more he looked.
The rogue suddenly found himself lying on his back in a weakened state similar to the Player and Sorceress.
"GYAH! My heart….!" He cried out weakly.
The monk stood over the trio, worried about their condition. "Oh my. I hope we won't have to prepare a ritual for these young people."
The Elf giggled gleefully.
And so marked the end of a perilous journey for the Player and SOrceress. Their day was full of adventure and danger. With a new friend and ally in the Elf a world of possibilities was opened to them.
The adventure has just begun.