The next morning when Katniss woke up Cato wasn't there. Not much of a surprise, but part of her hoped he would be there. That maybe, just maybe, if he cared about her he would try and fix things. This was obviously not the case, but a girl can hope.

Katniss decided she needed to develop a plan. One that would get her out of her current situation, and one that would be long lasting, unlike the 6 month marriage her and Cato would share.

First thing, the blonde hair would have to go. She couldn't take it anymore. She walked early that morning and went down to the local market. She figured it would only take $10 to find a good box of hair dye. She didn't care too much, she just needed something to get rid of the blonde.

She bought two boxes or dark brown hair dye, and in no time, considering 2 hours was no time, her hair was back to her chestnut brown. She instantly felt better. She felt as if this was the first step in taking herself back.

After spending 2 hours in her house with the smell of dye, she decided to go back to the bakery. She found comfort there yesterday, so maybe it would offer more today.

It was 2 by the time she convinced herself to go. She worried about the owner and whether he would be there or not. But that was silly of her, she couldn't hop from guy to guy, not that she was even thinking that, but Peeta left butterfly's in her stomach yesterday. She couldn't shake him from her thoughts.

It was windy as usual, so when Katniss pulled open the bakery door it flung open, creating a larger scene than she would have preferred. The first person she made eye contact with was Peeta, and by the look of his face, he was surprised to see her.

She took off her coat and sat at the same table in the corner as she did yesterday. She saw a few of the regulars she saw yesterday. Peeta finished helping his customer then came back around the corner. But instead of standing there to greet her, he took a seat across from her with a big smile on his face.

"Katniss? How nice to see you. Your hair is different," Katniss unconsciously touched her hair. It was in a side braid. She had already forgotten what she had done.

"Oh, thank you." She replied. "This is more... Comfortable for me, I should say." Katniss blushed at her awkwardness. Peeta was so smooth and casual. Anything he said left her charmed.

"Well it looks very nice," he complemented. Katniss blushed once more. "Would you like anything to drink? I noticed yesterday you didn't have... Time. But I'm more than willing to help you out if you want one." Peeta offered. Her heart sank as he noticed what happened with Cato. But of course he noticed, it was his shop.

Katniss just nodded her head, too embarrassed to think of something to say. It was embarrassing what happened. Not like she knew the people around here, but who liked having everyone know what's going on in your life.

Katniss watched as Peeta worked, not only on her drink, which she wasn't sure what it was exactly, but the way he greeted customers, the way he talked to his coworkers, the way he actually worked. He seemed so generous and caring. So different than Cato. God forbid she compare the two, but it was easy when the better person was standing in front of her.

Which he was since he returned with her drink, and a little pastry.

"I wasn't sure what you liked, so I just brought some hot chocolate. It's a little cold for ice coffee," he said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "Not that I'm stopping you! If you want ice coffee I will be more than happy to make you some. Or not. Whatever works for you." He smiled coyly once more at her. She returned it, along with the fluttering feeling in her stomach once more.

"This is great Peeta. Really, thank you." She smiled. Peeta seemed to relax more at her words.

"Well good. This is just a bagel. It has cheese on it, you can try it if you like. On the house." Katniss began to object, persisting on paying for it, but he refused. "I like helping people, Katniss. Really, it's not big deal."

"Thank you Peeta." He decided to sit across from her again.

"I haven't seen you around that much before. Are you new to town?" Her cheeks blushed.

"No," she admitted. "I've been here for 6 months."

"Oh, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. We don't have to small talk..." He began. Katniss almost slapped her hand to her head. This wasn't going well.

"No! Please," she began. "I like small talk. I don't know anyone here, it would be nice to have a friend."

"I'll be your friend," Peeta said after a moment. She smiled at him, and he returned it. That darn smile. Sending her stomach into fits. She couldn't help it. He was so kind, his boyish grin was enough to make her high school memories come back to her. His blond hair was perfectly cut, not too long, but not too short. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, she noticed how strong they looked. How large his hands were, how rough, but gentle they must have been.

How nice they would be on your skin. She thought. Her cheeks blushed again.

"You blush a lot." He commented with a laugh. She blushed again.

"I'm sorry," she just muttered and smiled down at her hot chocolate, tucking a piece of loose hair behind her ear once more

"It's ok I don't mind," Peeta continued.

Katniss smiled at him, and began to ask about him, since she didn't know him too well. He revealed to her that he had been in the bakery his whole life, and when he father passed away when Peeta was 19, he took over the bakery and dropped out of community college to support himself better.

She was amazed how strong he was emotionally, how he could take over his finances and support himself. It was a surprise to her that he didn't have a girlfriend, let alone a wife. He revealed as well he had only recently moved to this town, being a resident of 2 years.

"Yea, my house is actually on top of the bakery. Well not a house, more of an apartment." Peeta told her.

"Oh wow," Katniss replied. "I wouldn't have been able to tell. Is it small?"

"Oh no. There's about 2 floors above the bakery, so I have my space. It's easier with the kitchen being down here, and my bathroom and private room upstairs. But this way I can keep a better eye on the bakery. The door is over by the back." Katniss peered behind him to see the door. It was slightly cracked revealing the spiral metal staircase that led up to his loft. "What about you Katniss? Where do you live?"

Katniss became nervous, and gulped. Her hands began to sweat again and she wrestled her hands in her lap.

"I live with Cato at the moment," she admitted. She lifted her head up. "That won't be that much longer however."

"I recall that your married. I've heard around. But what do you mean?" Peeta pushed. He was concerned obviously.

"Well.." Katniss said sheepishly. She was still embarrassed about what he did, but if anyone would understand, it would be Peeta. "Well I recently found out that he was cheating on me.." The last part she whispered. Peeta reached out to her hands and grabbed them. The gesture sent a blush to her cheeks, and warmth throughout her abdomen.

"Oh Katniss. I'm so sorry no body deserves that." He squeezed her hand again, comforting Katniss. She gave him a small smile. "And you don't have to be embarrassed, trust me. I won't judge you Katniss." She looked at him and his eyes sparkled. He was truly a compassionate person. Katniss began to explain to him how she figured out, and why the marriage wasn't going to work out anymore.

This banter went on for a few hours, Katniss hadn't realized so much time had passed. She couldn't help but talking to him, he was so sweet to her, so sweet in general. Once the sun went down Katniss figured she should head home, maybe see what's going on with her disastrous marriage. But she couldn't help the tugging feeling in her stomach that she should stay here instead, that there was nothing good for her at home.

Katniss said her good byes to Peeta, promising that she would be back again tomorrow for some hot chocolate.

It was a cold walk home for Katniss. The wind was blowing, and it began to snow. She trudged through the darkness, jumping at any sounds. She was paranoid someone would jump out of the bushes, leading to her running through the door and slamming it shut behind her. She stood there with her hands on the door, her eyes closed and snow in her hair.

"Katniss?" Cato asked her. She was startled and jumped, not expecting him to be in front of her. She stared at him wide eyed. "What did you do with your hair?" He asked. Katniss had forgotten once again at the change she made.

"Oh yea," she mumbled. She didn't feel like she owed him an explanation so she kept her mouth shut tightly.

"Are you crazy? What did you do? Where have you been?" Cato demanded. Katniss continued to stare and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Why does it matter to you? Where have you been all day?" She raised her eyebrow at him, but the defeated look on his face suggested that he wouldn't push the issue anymore. "Exactly." She stated. She pushed herself off the door and began to walk away. Cato grabbed her wrist again and pulled her against his chest. Her cheeks flushed.

"I won't have my wife act this way," he gritted through his teeth. He was squeezing her wrist now and she began to whimper. "You're acting like a fool. Suck it up princess. You live in my house." He released her and she fell down on the floor. He walked past her mumbling something under his breath. She couldn't believe what had just happened.

"So that's it!" She yelled. Cato whipped around. "You're just going to push me around like this? Like I'm some kind of slave?" She demanded. She pushed herself up off the floor determined to defend herself. "I am not a slave." She yelled at him as he began to advance to her again. She went to push him and get grabbed her wrists once more.

"Stop this!" He yelled and they continued to struggle. He squeezed tighter on her, and she began to push and kick him.

"Let me go!" She yelled back. She kneed him in the sweet spot, but he didn't flinch. He released one of her wrists and slapped her. She gasped, and Cato pushed her on the floor once more. Fresh tears spilled down her cheeks, one burning.

"I won't have this!" He roared. He turned around through the front door and slammed it shut. She heard his car rumble out of the garage and he left.

She was in shock sitting on the floor holding her cheek. Tears still spilling, she was already beginning to forget what just happened out of shock. She couldn't believe him. He snapped at her, and she wasn't going to keep herself here. She needed to leave. If he could escape, she needed to.

She picked herself up and went up to her bedroom. There was only one person who could help her out at this point, and she knew he wouldn't abandon her. And if he did, well she hadn't figured that out yet...

She packed some of her clothes and grabbed her red jacket. With boots and mittens and a scarf, Katniss walked through the front door with everything on her back. She wasn't coming back.