She cooked and cleaned everyday. The house was always spotless when he got home. Not a speck of dust on the surfaces, and not a smudge of dirt on the floors. She did everything she could to be the perfect housewife. After all, that's what she was taught to do her whole life.
Katniss couldn't help but feel like this wasn't her thing. That there was more to being a housewife. She cursed herself every time she thought about her fathers death, thinking i could have been different. Maybe if her mom didn't marry the rich business man maybe she wouldn't have been in the position she was now. Maybe she could have been in college, like she secretly preferred.
But there was no time for thoughts like those. Her husband Cato would be home soon, and dinner had to be ready.
Katniss tied her apron on and put her hair up.
Cato would be home at 6:30. She had spent the day cleaning, as usual. She made sure all of her ingredients were in a line, for she was always taught to mise en place. If she had never had the training her step father had given, she would have looked like a fool to Cato.
Half way through her mise en place she realized she was missing eggs. With only 50 minutes to go now, she began to panic. She hadn't planned to run down to the market, and dinner wouldn't be ready in time now.
Maybe he'll understand... She thought to herself. It was an innocent mistake.
She grabbed her things and rushed out of the door. Her red coat was quite distinguishable amongst the grays and blacks on the sidewalk. They lived in a nice neighborhood, but she hardly kept in contact with her neighbors. It was odd considering they lived in a small town where her husband knew all, but for some reason he sheltered her away. Not only was she forced to awkwardly socialize during galas, but most talked about her having a weird past and using her step fathers money to get her where she was
Although it was true, and against her will, she kept her head held high in her red coat as she walked down the sidewalk.
Halfway down the road she saw her husband's car parked.
Odd.. She thought considering he wasn't due until 50 minutes. She checked her wrist watch. Well 45 now. Her heart began to race. Not only was he early but dinner wasn't even ready! What was she to do!
The front door opened where his car was parked. Her instincts took over and hid in the bush along the sidewalk across the street. It was too late to make her presence known.
Cato strolled out of the house with a blonde woman attached to his hip. Glimmer. She knew who that woman was. She was the one at the galas with her friends. Cato had his hand attached firmly to her ass, her hair was a mess along with his, his tie wasn't fastened. His belt was missing and she was only wearing 1 shoe. Her breathing hitched as the devastating realization hit her. Her husband was cheating.
Nothing stopped the tears from falling from her cheeks. Anxiety ridded her entire being as the familiar feel of heartbreak pooled into her veins. If she would have been made out of glass, there be only pieces to pick up.
She forced herself to watch the incident in front of her play out. Cato pushed Glimmer up against the car and began to kiss her. She cringed at each sweet kiss he left on her skin. She cringed at the noises and giggles that left her lips.
She couldn't stand it. She forced herself out of the bush and pushed onward to the store. She wasn't sure why she felt the need to continue dinner, but with everything falling apart around her, the stability of dinner was the one string pulling her together.
She cried silently to herself as she searched through the store for eggs. She sucked herself up at check out only to implode after the check out lady handed her the carton of eggs. She was receiving looks from many, but couldn't find the courage inside her to keep her head up.
The tears littered the sidewalk as she took an alternative route to home, one where she wouldn't have to pass the treachery that was happening down the street. When she made it back home, there were only 30 minutes left until 6:30, and no time for dinner.
She pulled herself together again once more, starting the chicken and rice, something quick and unplanned. While they were cooking, she found it in herself to go to the bathroom and clean herself up. Removing the steaks of mascara and dabbing powder back onto her red nose, she could almost hide the misery if it wasn't for her red and puffy eyes. What was done was done, and for all she could do, she figured it would be enough.
The timer went off for the chicken, and Cato walked through the door. She was plating her creation onto the dinner plates as he walked in and shrugged off his coat.
"Good afternoon darling, you look fabulous." He kissed her cheek as normal, but she couldn't help but cringe and turn her head the last moment.
"Makeup," she simply explained. She continued to finish putting the dirty dishes into the sink. She placed down his plate of food on the table and sat herself across from his vacant seat with an empty dinner plate in front of her. She must go through the motions, even if she was too sick to her stomach. He sat down reluctantly and stared at her.
"Your acting rather odd today. Did something bother you?" He asked, then swiftly shoveled the food into his mouth. The sight of his unfastened tie was enough to throw Katniss into a fit of rage. She simply pinched herself.
"No," she answered. "Just feeling a little nauseous that's all."
"Are you pregnant?" He asked. She choked on the water she was sipping, appalled by the thought of being pregnant with a bastard child. "Katniss!" He spewed. He lifted himself from the chair and patted her back. She was still coughing slightly from the water going down the wrong pipe, but pulled herself together once more.
"No I'm not pregnant," she said. "And please don't bring it up again." She concluded. Cato resumed his dinner and Katniss resumed her internal combustion. Tomorrow she would decide her plan... If I even have one.