Honestly when I write at night and i'm just a little bit tired my writing tends to become all jumbled up. Half the time I don't even understand it but ehh. I really wanted to finish this chapter and get it to you guys so. Also, sorry it took so long for an update. I'm gonna try and update my other stories as well for those who read them. Enjoy.

It wasn't easy to control the fear. There was so much of it. Fear that she would be found. That they would take her back. The fear that everyone was an enemy, no one was to be trusted.

Fear of the full moon.

It was just that. Tonight was the night of the full moon and everyone was walking on eggshells around her. The same questions shining in their eyes. Would she turn? Did she have control? Would she hurt anyone? No one voiced their concerns but she could see them. The way their stares would linger. Glancing from her still normal eyes to her still human nails. She had gotten tired of their stares and retreated to her room. She sat perched on the end of her bed, her hands grasping at the material. Their stares still burning her skin.

A soft knock on her door before it was opened. He stepped inside and closed the door.

"Caroline." He stood a few feet in front of her. His hands linked behind his back. She looked up at him. Her face neutral.

They stared at each other for a beat before he sighed.

"It's the full moon." He gave her a pointed look.

"I know." She bite off. Her teeth snapping together and her jaw clenching.

"Do I need to be worried about my city?" He asked. His arms going up to fold over his chest. His brows raising at her.

"No." She bite off again. Looking away from the way he almost looked down at her. Like she was some child. Her eyes tracing the grains on the wooden planks.

"Are you sure?" He asked. His arms going lax at his sides.

She stood up abruptly. Her body clenching. She stared him down. Glaring daggers at him.

"I'm sure." She grounded the words out through clenched teeth. Her jaw creaking at the bones being forced together. Breaking and healing.

Klaus stared at her for a few minutes. Eyeing her up and down. Looking for any signs that she was going to transition. The anger was expected. Werewolves emotions naturally ran hotter. A thought popped into his head.

"Have you transitioned since?" He asked taking a step closer to her.

"Since when?" She asked. Her jaw unclenching and her fists going slack.

"Since you found out that you were a hybrid." He raised a brow at her. His hand lacing together behind his back. He circled her. Her eyes following him.

"Once. I turned right after it happened. The witches did their mojo. The whole spell is based around the moon cycle. The more full the moon is, the stronger the wolf is. Just like any normal werewolf just that they put a wolf into me." She gestured wildly with her hands. Rambling was something you could never take out of Caroline.

"What do you mean by a wolf?" He asked. Realizing then that he was half werewolf yet he didn't actually know all that much about the creature.

"Every werewolf is born with a wolf. Killing awakens the wolf and the turning every full moon. Well each person has their own wolf. The spell the witches did, they waited until the moon was at its weakest point and killed a werewolf. They transferred the wolf into me thus turning me into a hybrid. When I had strength in me I would try and listen in on their conversations. There were others before me. Other vampires they had captured. Tortured. Others that they tried to turn but each one of them died. Some before they even did the spell. They were just weak minded or something. It was hard to listen when you had three lead poles sticking through you." She shuddered at the memory. Klaus listened intently. This was the most she had spoke since she got here. He thinks it has something to do with the little chat she had with Rebekah last night. Of course he listened in on it.

"Do you remember when they turned you?" He asked. Caroline had sat back down on the bed. Pulling herself back to sit indian style but still facing him. Klaus sitting down on the cushioned chair to the vanity in her room. His arms press against his thighs and his fingers linked together. She scoffed.

"The years blurred together after they turned me. I was only there for two years when they did the spell. They had a vampire before me while I was there. One they had turned but he died a few days after the transition. Then they started on me." Caroline shook her head. Her brows drawn together in pain. She could still hear the screams. Wolves, vampires, they had all blurred together. Female, male, she thinks there were even a few children. To see if the youth made them more strong-willed. It didn't. Caroline wasn't sure where the sudden burst of courage came from to tell him-just about everything. But she was keeping it together, for now.

Klaus nodded his head. He was sure there were parts she wasn't telling him. Maybe they were parts she would never be able to tell him. But he would take what she was giving.

"So you've been a hybrid for almost two hundred years?" He asked leaning back against the vanity. His hands unlacing to cross over his chest.

Caroline was silent for a beat before nodding her head. She didn't know that she had been gone that long. The days, months, years. They had all felt the same. Just torture after torture. They wanted to break her. To turn her into a machine. A mindless drone they could control. And they wanted to make more of her. But to do that, they needed her back.

"When you came back, Sophie said you hadn't feed in a few months. How is that possible? Even I have to feed often." Klaus asked. He watched Caroline carefully. He could see the unsaid words in her face. See the things she wasn't sharing flash through her mind. He wished he could have done something then. But perhaps he could do something now.

"I don't really know myself. Over the years I think I've blamed it on the wolf in me. You know when you think hybrid, you think half and half. But that doesn't necessarily have to be true. I think that maybe when they put the wolf in me it took up more than just half. I never really was a good vampire to begin with. So there was plenty room for the wolf to take. So that is why I believe I can go longer without feeding." She glanced up at him to see his reaction. His face was neutral, his eyes never straying.

"Have you tried shifting?" Klaus asked standing from the chair. He walked over to the door that lead to the balcony and pushed it open. A warm breeze ruffled the sheer white curtains and brought in the smell of gumbo. He leaned against the door frame staring out at his city.

"No. The thought never occurred to me." Her voice carried a tone of question. Why did he keep asking her about shifting? Why would she want to go through something so painful? She could still remember helping Tyler through his first few transitions. Her eyes widened.

"Do you want me to shift?" She asked standing from the bed but making no move to walk towards him. He turned to face her. His brows drawn together in concentration.

"To be honest I'm not quite sure. As hybrids we have more control than normal werewolves. We don't just kill anything we see moving. But you case is obviously very different. However, I do think it would be good to see you shift. You can not blame when I say I am still the littlest bit skeptical of this whole thing." There it was.

Caroline knew the other shoe was going to drop. He wouldn't be Niklaus Mikaelson if he didn't hold doubt for every living creature. While most of her, indeed, couldn't blame him. There was a small piece of her that rolled her eyes at him. Maybe if she were still like the old her she would have yelled at him. Told him that he could trust her. That she wouldn't lie about this. But she was different. And she could understand the doubt. After all, she herself couldn't trust. Not anymore. Maybe one day. But that day, was not today.

"Very well." Caroline's tone still showed her agitation of the matter. It brought a slight upturn to Klaus's lips. Just like Caroline. Stubborn as always and it was coming back. Even after just two days he was starting to see a change. He'd be selfish to say he thought he had something to do with it.


"Where are we?" Caroline asked. She ducked under a large branch as it swung back at her.

"A little warning next time?" She glared at his back.

"Good to see your reflexes are sharp." Klaus smirked at her.

"Where?" She asked looking around their surroundings. They were in a forest that much she knew. The air was thick with humidity and filled with the sounds of life.

"We are in the Bayou, love." Klaus splayed his arms out wide turning to face her. A handful of feet between them. Caroline slowly did a three-sixty. Taking in the forest that looked like just about any other forest. Except that she could hear gators snapping at something in the distance. See an open field filled with lightning bugs when she squinted really hard. Hear the very faint sounds of jazz that followed them from the Quarter.

"Why?" She asked looking back at him.

"The witches spelled the Bayou for the wolves after the Great Faith Accords. It's a barrier of sorts. Once you cross over the border you're stuck within the limits for twenty four hours. Enough time for werewolves on the full moon. Enough for my few remaining hybrids when they choose to turn." Klaus nodded back the way they came. Caroline thought she had felt something after a few minutes of walking. It must have been the barrier.

"Are you going to shift? Caroline asked taking off her shoes and jacket. Setting them aside. She stood in a pair of shorts and a tank top.

"I don't think I will. I prefer to keep an eye on you." He smirked at her. She rolled her eyes but a small smile played on her lips. Her eyes shifted up to take in the full moon. Caroline sucked in a breath and let it out slowly.

She was surprised. It didn't hurt. She bent forward and dropped down onto all fours. Leaning down into child's pose, her hands spreading wide against the dirt. The next thing she knew she was looking up at Klaus through different eyes. All of her senses enhanced. Everything felt so alive.


Klaus stared at the wolf before him. He had expected a blonde wolf. After all, wolves normally took to the human forms hair color. Tyler's wolf was black. Klaus's own wolf was a very light brown with streaks of sandy blonde. So when Caroline shifted(he was going to have to ask her about her shift, it happened so quickly and painless)into the wolf that now stared at him it was almost hard to believe. She was pure white. Her golden eyes a sharp contrast to her fur. She was smaller than him but that was to be expected. When she stood up her thin was body was quick to jump around him. Her tail swishing back and forth. He watched her hop around on wobbly legs. Like watching a toddler learn to walk. She fell, twice. Stick and leaves sticking in her fur. She fell a third time when she tried to shake the flora from her coat. Watching her was refreshing. Caroline looked free in that moment.

Once she got a handle of her new body she turned on Klaus. She bounced around him nipping at his heels and chuffing when he playfully scolded her. He chased her at a human speed. Her gallops slow even for a normal wolf.

It was strange he thought then. To be so enamored by a creature. By her. She was a hybrid. Just like him. She was so beautiful. Yet his whole life he called himself a monster. What a cruel world they lived in.