And here we go, the prologue of my Pokémon/Pacific Rim AU that I kept in my files waiting way too long. I can already say that this story will not be a rehash of the movie plot, but more of a focus on pilots and their inner demons. This mostly follows the anime verse and its characters, but otherwise I have melded the elements of Pokémon and Pacific Rim together the way I saw fit~

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon or Pacific Rim. But I'd like to own a Jaeger.

1. Those who fight

The dawning sun spread its rays gently over the buildings, reflected on the windows, on the surfaces of metal and on the glasses of workers who sat on the edge of the roof's high scaffold. It was typical for early-morning shifters with free time to climb all the way up there and admire the soothing sight, for one moment to sink into the false feeling of security the warm sun offered. And silently pray they could sleep through the next night and the one after that safely, too. Hopefully the entire month, if they were lucky.

It was a moment of serenity, even if peace wasn't the exact word to describe the Shatterdome of Vermilion City. Drowned in noise from the machines, constructions of giant Jaegers and ever-loud shrieks of metal, the place kept itself busy around the day and deep into the night, completely quieting down only after a Kaiju attack to mourn the fallen. Shouts, clanks and roaring of vehicles echoed along the gigantic halls and among the countless workers strolling around the area in hurry.

To an outsider, it'd have appeared a chaotic place.

To Ash Ketchum, it felt like home.

Despite already used to all the ruckus around, however, he still didn't hear someone loudly calling his name. Admiring the sunrise from the scaffold he was sitting on and lost in thoughts, Ash was only snapped from his daze by a loud clank of a wrench colliding with the metallic railing of the stairs below. He flinched and quickly balanced himself before shifting his gaze down to the co-worker, who was staring back with a mix of amusement and annoyance.

"Hey, you better not fall asleep there since I'm not going to clean up your remains from the ground," Roark said as he approached the welding spot. "I called you three times already, were you daydreaming or something?"

"Ah, sorry, got distracted," Ash answered with a sheepish smile. "What've you got?"

"Your next month's shift list," Roark handed a piece of paper. "And as a hint, you better get used to early shifts. They really seem to love you this spring."

"Aha-ha, great one there, you should put up a tour."

"You wish I was joking," Roar smiled. "But unfortunately I'm always serious about official matters."

"Does Byron still use you as an errand boy?" Ash grinned as he took the list, only for his smile to die down soon as he eyed it. Ah, crap, so Roark didn't joke about the early hours.

"Father - I mean Foreman Byron is very busy man, so I try to help the best I can," Roark said with hint of pride. "It's an honor to me."

"I know, I know. I was just teasing you, sorry," Ash said. "Preparing for today's test run, then?"

"Yes, although everything is moving as scheduled so I don't foresee any problems. It should be a routine case."

Ash gave a small shrug. "You never know with these machines," he continued before stuffing the list into his pocket and flipping the welding mask back over his face. "Okay, I guess I'll see you later."

"You still not done with this yet?" his friend had a small, knowing smile. "Want some help?"

"Don't you have those papers to run?"

"It's okay." Roark put the map file down to his feet before flipping his own mask on. "It won't take that long anyway. You're talking to the best welder around."

"Alright," Ash grinned. "Don't get your fingers burned."

For the next hour they spent welding the metallic joints and securing the structure to be used in a Jaeger's hand. It was rather monotonous work if one asked Ash, but nevertheless vital to the production line of the giant robotic figures. Every region had established their own Jaeger manufactures, each with their own models and styles, but Ash had to silently admit, none felt like home than good old Kanto giants.

Two hours later and with his shift at its end Ash embraced the feel of freedom as he dumped his gears to the locker. From there he proceeded without further thinking, guided by his grumbling stomach to the cafeteria in hope for a good meal before heading to bed.

And yet again he was faced by the ugly truth he couldn't run from.

He hated beans.

That was all Ash could think as he looked down at his plate and the slimy watery mash next to rice. How one of the major shatterdomes in Kanto couldn't offer better catering to its people was beyond his understanding. Oh well, he thought; next weekend he would take a trip to the town and invade its finest restaurant – or the one his paycheck could allow.

Taking a better grip of the tray he made his way down the cafeteria in a hunt for a seat. The usually cramped hall was less lively due to majority of workers attending to test runs of repaired Jaegers, which served him more than well for now. Already familiar with the routine checks, Ash favored elbow space over joining others and slumped down on an empty seat near the staircase before digging his chopsticks into the meal. A rather tiring morning behind and already dreaming of his comfortable bed he barely noticed when a call for his name cut through the air, until the person gave another yell.

"Hey! You're not coming to the test run?" man in his thirties shouted from the side of the hall. Ash gave a quick shook of head before responding with his mouth full.

"Nah, I'll pass. It's just an engine start anyway."

"Alright, buddy, see you later. Just don't forget tomorrow's meeting."

"Only when you do."

The man left along his comrades to the decking area with bubbly chatter. Ash didn't blame them for being excited to see the result of their handiwork up and running, but to him watching a Jaeger perform the neural handshake didn't make up for the longing inside; how badly he wanted to step into one once more. To step in and head into a fight - to become the hurricane.

Munching the beans while dreaming of a steaming steak Ash heard the rumbling and the mighty roar of metal as the Jaeger came to life. The noises were soon followed by distant clapping and voices of awe, signaling that the start must have been a success. Ash couldn't help himself but smile, the excitement from the deck managing to grasp him. The pilots in control of the Jaeger must have felt proud to be back in the action.

Ash certainly understood them.

Not wanting to dwell in nostalgia he focused his attention on his shift list for the rest of the meal. Few early morning and several night shifts ahead; nothing he couldn't handle. He dumped his tray next to the door on his way out, next stopping by the locker to grab the snacks he had bought for Pikachu. Ash couldn't help the small jab of shame as he eyed the rather simple Crunchy Diet pack. The ferret hadn't been any more delighted of the local food offerings than his owner, but crying over it wouldn't get steaks rain from the roof, hence the small animal was satisfied whatever Ash brought with him. Ash, however, had already promised himself to take a trip to the city center and buy his ferret the juiciest meals he could afford.

On his way up the ladders, this rather noble planning was cut off by yet another call of his name.

"Oi, Ash!"

He really should hire a secretary.

Ash stopped on his tracks and turned down to meet Byron at the bottom of the ladders.

"Hey, this four-eyes' looking for you!" the man yelled, pointing his thumb at the figure not too far away from him. Ash didn't recognize the other, but judging from the lab coat on him and the fancy scarf around his neck the man wasn't here for a job interview. A scientist, it seemed. They weren't a rare sight in the dome but hardly ever approached the workers, and Ash certainly couldn't name many of them he knew personally.

Sliding down the ladders he quickly reached Byron who in turn was busy eyeing the person behind them.

"Who is he"? Ash asked.

"I dunno, I think he called himself a professor of some kind," Byron answered. "But he's from Johto, that's for sure. Couldn't really make a word out of his blabbering but he's from one of the shatterdomes there."

Ash's eyebrows went up. "Really? Alright, thanks Byron," he nodded before heading towards the man with the glasses.

"Hi!" he smiled and offered his hand at the man in the lab coat, who answered with a slight jump and a nervous wide smile. "I'm Ash, was told you were looking for me?"

"H-hello!" the other shook hands with an enthusiastic grip. He seemed to be over his thirties, with a slim figure and a childlike excitement sparkling in his eyes. "I am Professor Elm, from Johto region – from the Johto's Defense Corps, I mean. Not that I'm a fighter myself – I just work at one of their shatterdomes so I don't actually have a title, of course. But–"

"I get the idea," Ash chuckled and gave a light pat on the other's shoulder. "What brings you here, professor? Haven't seen you around before. Got transferred?"

"Ah, no, actually I'm here as a messenger. On behalf of Professor Oak, to be exact."

That sparked Ash's interest. "Wait, Professor Oak?" his eyes widened in surprise. "Haven't heard of him for a while. How's he doing these days?"

"He's fine", Elm pushed up his glasses with a smile. "He's in Johto at the moment, working for the Johto Defense Corps too. Actually..." he took a look around, "is there any place we could talk for a moment? I have a request from the professor to you."

"Sure thing," Ash shrugged, "though you can hardly call the shatterdome a peaceful chat spot. Maybe we should head to the cafeteria or a restaurant in town?"

"Restaurant sounds fine", the professor beamed. "My treat!"

Ash couldn't help but grin back. "You're on."

The pilot smiled with eagerness as he flipped through the menu, before turning to the waitress. "I'll take pork miso soup, takoyaki ramen, beef rice bowl, beefsteak pasta, chicken rolls and a piece of peach pie with cream, please." Professor Elm stared at him as the other handed the menu back to the woman.

"Uh, you sure you need all that?"

"What? I'm hungry", Ash shrugged with a slight confusion as if the other was asking why one wore umbrella in rain, and Professor Elm decided not to question the pilot's endless stomach. Instead he took a better position on his seat and folded hands in his lap, wondering if he should engage in small talk or go straight to business. Fortunately Ash made the decision for him.

"So, what kind of stuff the Oak's up to?" Ash asked while playing with the chopsticks.

"Oh, umm," professor Elm coughed and tried to form his thoughts to most coherent message. "Well, he's actually in Johto at the moment, Goldenrod City."

"Yeah, you mentioned that already," Ash smiled and professor Elm flushed rather vividly.

"Ah? Yes! I guess I did..." He took hold of the water glass and gulped down trying to get hold of his nervousness. "Right now he's in the middle of urgent project. You heard of what happened to Cianwood City, correct?"

"Yeah, I did," Ash grimaced. "Poor Lugia, I heard he went into pieces. Ran one mission with them, I never thought they could go down like that ..."

Professor Elm nodded with pained eyes. "Yes, it was a great loss. Greater than you know. Lugia defended the western coastline alone with others under repair, and with him gone the coast cities are utterly defenseless. We can't afford to lose them, they run the entire economy of the region."

"Wow, that's really bad for sure. But what does that have to do-?"

"I'm getting there," professor Elm took another sip of water. "With these tragedies the elite of the Defense Corps immediately called for Oak in Kanto, and asked him to help them out with the new defense program. They need great results in little time, and the professor without doubt will grant them that. The professor of course agreed to it immediately and hurried to Goldenrod City, to start the necessary arrangements."

Ash scratched his head. "Wait, what's this program you're talking about?"

"Ah, yes," professor Elm smiled as if he had specifically waited for that question. "Without Jaegers left to protect the coast we had no choice but bring new ones from elsewhere. The program brings together several pilots to defend the Goldenrod and Olivine City, and to protect the harbors and shipping routes the best they can to ensure the region can keep functioning. We have asked few pilots to arrive Johto, and take place in defending the coastline for the time being, under the command of professor Oak and the Marshal. And this," professor Elm leaned back in his chair with a nervous smile, "is where you come in."

Ash had a feeling he knew where this was heading.

"Professor Oak wants you to become part of the defense line, and arrive for Johto as fast as possible. Many of the pilots are critical for their own areas and cannot answer to the call hence the small number of people we can get, but professor had you in mind from the start – or so he at least told me..."

Another gulp of water, and another nervous smile.

"Of course, it is entirely up to you to decide, and I'm sure as a pilot you're aware how dangerous it'll be. There aren't many on the line for defense to help if you get in trouble, so the risks are high but the professor seemed to have faith in your skills. So..." Elm dropped his gaze to his fingers. "I understand if you want more time to think about this, but I'd like to have your answer by tomorrow–"

"I'm in," Ash said without missing a beat.

If Professor Elm had noticed his own mouth falling open he didn't make any move to show it. "W-what, that easily – I mean..." he stuttered in clear disbelief, "you sure you don't need more time to think about it?"

"Why, if the professor needs my help I'm all in for it," Ash shrugged with a grin radiating excitement that Elm surely hadn't been expecting from someone who was asked to put their lives on the line. "I'm more than happy to pilot again! But..." Ash suddenly frowned. "I don't have a partner. Or Jaeger."

"Don't worry about it, we'll find you a partner there for sure," Elm lifted his glasses up his nose in a clear relief that things were going easier than expected. To be honest he had been nervous from the start in case he had to persuade the pilot more, for Professor Oak had been quite adamant in his desire to have Ash there. "As for your Jaeger, it's already at Goldenrod's shatterdome as we speak. A brand new model from Kalos, to be exact."

"Oh, cool!" Ash beamed with shining eyes. "I can't wait to see it! Wow, thanks professor!"

Elm was seemingly taken aback. "Why, n-no need to thank me! It was all Professor Oak's doing. And I'm – I'm actually really pleased to have you there! I've been waiting to meet you for real; you have a great reputation among pilots."

Ash scratched his cheek. "Yeah, well it sure hasn't always been like that..."

Elm didn't seem shaken. "This is really an honor, I was so nervous to meet you, but Misty told me not to worry as she said you were too simple-minded to appear intimidating–"

"Wait, is Misty there too?" Ash's eyes lit up in a way Elm hadn't seen before – soon enough turning into a questioning glare. "And... she told you what?!"

"Ah, I'm sorry!" the professor waved his hands in desperate manner. "I didn't mean anything by it, you certainly aren't one, it was just something she mentioned to me–"

"Yeah, sounds like Misty," Ash chuckled with his glare melting to a teasing grin, leaving Elm wondering if he ever could figure out the other's mood swings of mind. "Wait, does that mean Brock is there too?"

"Brock Harrison? Yes, he and Misty are part of the defense line, though more as a backup due to his injury."

If Ash hadn't appear sure of his decision before, there was no doubt now as the excitement of seeing his friends again was filling inside him like a big, happy balloon. Even if, to his lesser joy, it included the fury he was expecting from Misty after barely being in contact for a year. Well, what went around came around.

Elm in turn couldn't help but smile himself, wondering whether Ash simply loved piloting enough to jump the risky play they were building, or whether he didn't even think about it. Well, the more pilots they got the better, and Elm certainly wasn't going to complain about the other's enthusiasm.

"So..." he started, but was cut off by the waitress with a tray bringing their food to the table.

"Finally!" Ash cried out in joy and grabbed the chopsticks, giving his thanks and a flashing smile at the waitress.

"Enjoy your meal," she responded in return and Elm had no doubts of it seeing how eagerly Ash dug his sticks into the ramen noodles.

They started their meal in comfortable silence (or as silent it could with Ash loudly munching and slurping his meals down) with Elm eyeing the pilot before him and trying to pick from the countless questions invading his head.

"May I ask, which Gen's Jaegers have you specialized with?" he eventually said. Ash gulped down half of soft-boiled egg and wiped his mouth to his sleeve before answering.

"Well, I've piloted Gen I and III Jaegers. Charizard was the first one, and then I piloted Blaziken with my partner May before she retired over a year ago."

Elm gave an understanding nod. "So I take it you haven't piloted much lately?"

"Yeah, I did some simulation tests last month but haven't stepped into a Jaeger since I returned from Hoenn," Ash pouted, snapping the chopsticks together. After fishing a rather large piece of pork among the miso soup he chomped it down before heading for another, and continued; "Feels good to get back into action, I haven't been able to do much here but maintaining Jaegers and it gets boring after a while."

Elm would have wanted to remark that better safe than sorry, considering how many pilots they had lost lately, but decided to remain quiet. He didn't want to come out as judgmental after all, even if he always had hard time understanding pilots' eagerness to head into battles, despite how much he admired it. Maybe that's why he was never fit to become one anyway...

Ash put aside the empty bowl to attack for the beefsteak pasta next. Seizing a large portion he slurped the pasta down, munching on the food with a blissful look on his face and bit of sauce on his jaw. Elm eyed him behind his own bowl of soup with a mix of confusion and joy.

"I take it you don't get food like this at shatterdome?" he asked with a smile.

"Nope", Ash slurped. "I don't think they even have other besides beans and bread, and they definitely don't serve any steak there. I'd come eat here every day if could afford it."

Professor Elm thought to himself how it was no wonder the pilot couldn't show up here daily with that kind of appetite - he would go bankrupt within a week. Trying not to think of the waiting bill, he pushed the glasses up the bridge of nose and chuckled.

"Then I'm sure you'll like it in Goldenrod, as a harbor they don't skimp with goods."

"Sounds my kind of place", Ash grinned with a piece of pasta hanging from the corner of his mouth as he reached for the chicken rolls next.

They spent the next half an hour talking of the upcoming arrangements and Ash quickly learnt he was going to get to Johto on a private plane that had carried Professor Elm, as well as about few of the guidelines set in Johto's shatterdomes. Professor Elm seemed rather hesitant talking about Ash's past piloting career, but yet his eyes sparkled every time Ash shared some of his adventures and close-calls. In turn Ash learnt Elm had been studying of Kaijus' abilities for past nine years, as the man eventually admitted he never made it to the academy and became a Kaiju researcher instead.

"I love my work, I wouldn't trade it for anything now," Elm smiled down at the empty bowl before him. "Can't honestly even imagine myself heading to the same danger you guys do every time. I wouldn't want to leave my family behind, either."

"Oh, you've got kids?" Ash swallowed the last piece of the peach pie.

"Yes", the researcher beamed in response. "I have a wife and a son, he's driving to become a researcher too. They're my whole world, so I try to protect them in my own way. Actually, here..."

He struggle to get the photo out of his wallet. "There they are." He then offered the picture to Ash, who smiled at the family seemingly located before an Olivine City's lighthouse.

"Cute kid, family sure keeps one going," Ash said and leaned back in his chair, putting the last plate to the side with a content sigh just as the waitress approached them once more. "Better stay strong for them."

"Exactly!" Professor Elm happily nodded and put the picture back to its safe place. "All of us better do our best during these hard times, for others who can't fight." He gave a big smile – only for it to die down the moment he saw the bill.

"Yeah, " Ash leaned his chin against his hand, mind already caught in the upcoming months. "I can't wait to get to work."

"Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart."

- Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore