For those who have asked, I'm updating this story faster than Ho'omau simply because I have more of this one written.
Thanks to everyone who favorited, followed and reviewed. As always, this is unbeta-ed and I am not a doctor/police officer, so all procedural stuff is courtesy of Google. :)
Friday, 1012 hours.
Justin Conrad's house.
"Kitchen, clear," Steve calls out just as Danny confirms the same for the living room. Holding his weapon at shoulder height, he heads back into the dark hallway and follows the long narrow corridor towards the bedrooms at the back of the house. The doors to the two bedrooms and bathroom are all shut and he presses his back against the wall before he kicks it open with his foot, and bursts into the room with his weapon drawn.
The room is empty and he checks the built-in closet out of habit before he declares the tiny bedroom to be clear and heads back into the hall. Danny's in the bathroom, pulling the shower curtain back to check behind it, so Steve waits for him and they move towards the last door together. They mirror each other's pose on both sides of the door and then the former SEAL holds up three fingers. On the third count, Danny opens the door and covers Steve as he rushes in and comes face to face with a shaken-looking Justin Conrad.
"Get down on your knees and put your hands behind your head," Steve demands, pointing his weapon at Justin's chest as the young man hesitates and appears to glance around the room, looking for a way out. When he doesn't obey the commands, the former SEAL takes a step closer and changes his aim to Justin's shoulder as he barks, "Do it now."
With one final sideways glance, Justin slowly raises his arms above his head and sinks to his knees by the end of the bed. He's silent and keeps his head bowed as Danny stows his weapon and steps forwards to cuff him.
"Justin Conrad, you're under arrest on suspicion of murder," Steve tells him, letting his arms drop to his sides when he hears the metallic click of Danny's cuffs locking into place. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney – if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand?"
"Yeah," Justin mumbles as Danny uses the link between the two cuffs to haul him to his feet.
"Good." The detective nudges the cuffed man towards the hallway. "Now start walking."
Outside, Danny hands Justin Conrad off to one of the uniforms. "Put him in the tank and let him stew for a bit," he instructs as the officer leads the young man down the street to one of the waiting patrol cars. Turning, the detective spots his partner slowly making his way across the road to the Camaro and he makes a beeline for his car when he sees the former SEAL sink down onto the ground beside it.
"What, no 'book him, Danno'?" Danny comments as he eases himself down onto the curb next to Steve. "You're slipping, babe." Squinting against the glare of the morning sun, he leans forwards to rest his elbows on his knees before he turns to his partner and asks, "You okay?"
The former SEAL nods and tugs at the Velcro tabs at the front of the Kevlar armor to undo it. Letting the vest drop by his feet, he motions to where Tony is standing in the road next to Kono's red Cruze filming and tells Danny, "They can go in the house but they stay with Kono."
"Obviously," Danny snarks as he moves to stand up. Brushing the dust from the back of his dress pants, he gestures towards the house across the street and asks, "Do you want a ride before I head back in there?"
Steve shakes his head and goes to dig his phone out of his pocket. "I'm good. I'm going to give Fong a call while you guys starts processing – I'll come find you when I'm done."
"What are you looking for?" Steffi asks from the doorway of the bedroom Justin Conrad was found in as she watches Kono pull a pair of latex gloves from her jeans pocket and slip them on.
"Anything that could give us an insight into Justin's relationship with our victim," the rookie explains, crouching down to sort through a pile of clothes lying strewn in front of the large wardrobe in the far corner of the room. "We need place him in the alley at or around time of death so I'm looking for soiled clothing or shoes that match the impression that was left... that kind of thing."
"Like that necklace?" Steffi points to the necklace that's sitting on top of the nightstand on the far side of the bed, causing Kono to look up from where she's examining a questionable mark on a pair of dark blue jeans. Flushing slightly under the scrutiny of the older woman Steffi hesitates and then admits, "I dig a little digging when I went home last night; Julie's Facebook page is set to public so I looked through her photos and found the pictures that she posted the night she died. She was wearing that necklace." Pulling her phone from the pocket of her jeans, she continues, "I'll show you. I took screenshots in case the page was deleted."
Pulling an evidence bag out of her back pocket, Kono walks around the end of the bed to pick up the delicate gold chain and she drops in into the see-through bag as the reporter comes to stand next to her, and scrolls through the photographs on her phone.
"Here," the younger woman says, holding the phone out for her to take. "There are a few different pictures."
Taking the phone, Kono zooms in on Julie's neck and upper chest area and then holds the evidence bag up beside it as Tony's camera beeps quietly behind her.
"Battery's low," he rasps, sounding like a twenty-a-day smoker as he checks the display. He asks Kono, "Is the car open?" and when she nods, he lifts the camera off his shoulder and heads out into the hallway to grab the spare battery, leaving the two women to compare the necklace in Julie's photos to the one in Kono's gloved hand.
"I'd say they're the same," the officer ventures, squinting down at the enlarged but slightly pixelated picture. Turning to Steffi, Kono grins and tells the reporter, "Nice one," before handing back the younger woman's cell. "Can you send me those screenshots?" she asks pulling her own out of her pocket to let the guys know. "My email is K Kalakaua dot Five-0 at Honolulu PD dot com."
"Sure." Steffi nods happily and selects the first of the seven screenshots from her photographs as Kono pauses in front of the large wardrobe in the corner to dial Danny's number.
Outside, same time.
"I managed to lift a few partial prints off of your vic's phone screen – I'm running them through AFIS just now. It shouldn't take more than ten, fifteen minutes... I'll call you if I get a hit."
"Yeah, okay. Thanks, Charlie" Steve says before he ends the call and shoves his phone back into his pocket. Taking a moment to push down the sick feeling that's been lingering in the background since he woke up, the former SEAL rubs both hands up over his face and then stands, and heads across the street to where Danny is standing on the porch talking to Duke Lukela. His partner looks up at the sound of Steve's boots on the porch's wooden steps and waits for him to come to stand beside himself and Duke before asking, "What did Fong say?"
"He found partials. We'll hopefully have a name in the next ten minutes or so. How's it going in there?"
"Slow. Davis and Kuhio offered to help search the house so Chin's supervising to make sure everything's kosher. Kono's searching the bedroom we found Justin in – Steffi and Tony are with her," Danny tells him as Chin appears in the doorway holding two evidence bags. "Watcha got there?" he asks the lieutenant, who holds both bags up at shoulder height.
"A shirt with blood spatter on the inside of one sleeve and a pair of size nine Timberland boots - the tread pattern on the sole looks like it could be a match to the impression that was found. The shirt was stuffed under a bunch of old newspapers and magazines in the trash can outside."
"Good work," Steve tells him before turning to look at Duke. "Can you spare someone to take those down to the lab just now? I'll let Fong know they're coming when he calls with the results of our search."
"No problem," the sergeant says with a nod, taking the evidence bags from Chin. Trotting down the porch steps, he follows the path to the gate at the bottom of the front garden and disappears behind the tall hedge hiding the bungalow from the road as Steve's phone starts to ring; pulling it out of his pocket, the former SEAL checks the caller ID and then answers the call from Charlie Fong with, "Hey, what have you got?"
On the other end of the line, Charlie replies, "As I expected, the search turned up a number of potential suspects. I'll email you a copy of the search results when I get the official report through from AFIS but in the meantime I can give you some names."
Motioning to Danny and Chin to move in closer, Steve says, "Just a sec. I'm putting you on loudspeaker," and holds his phone up in the middle of the group as he tells the lab tech, "Okay, give me the names."
"The top five on my list are Tyler Jensen, Justin Conrad, Martin Akeakamai, Ashley Hunt and James MacTaggart."
Justin's name coming up isn't a big surprise, given that he lived with Julie Wilson and had plenty of opportunities to touch her phone but Steve's brow furrows at the mention of Ashley's. "I know that name," he mutters, dropping his gaze to the floor as he tries to remember where he's heard it. "Ashley Hunt… Where do I know that name from?"
"The girlfriend," Chin chips in, causing Steve to look up sharply. "The one who reported our vic missing – wasn't her name Ashley Hunt?"
Danny considers it and then says, "It's in the preliminary report. Can you bring it up on your phone?" While Chin logs into the server at HQ, both he and Steve turn their attention back to their conversation with Charlie Fong.
"I'm still waiting for the results of the DNA tests," the lab tech tells them. "As soon as I get them through, I'll call."
"Okay. Thanks, Charlie." Steve ends the call and shoves his phone back in his pocket before he turns to Chin and asks, "Any luck?"
"Yeah," the lieutenant replies, scrolling down through the multi-page document. "The missing persons report was filed by an Ashley Hunt."
"Okay," Danny reasons with a tilt of his head. "So, let's assume for a minute that the two Ashley's are the same person. Why are her prints all over Julie's phone – did she touch it when they were at the bar or is she somehow involved in this? "
"We should go talk to her," Steve decides. "Chin, can you stay here with Kono?"
Chin nods. "Sure," he says, just as Danny interrupts with, "Excuse me… What happened to you going home once Justin Conrad was in custody'?" Jabbing his finger at Steve's chest, the detective continues, "You said, and I quote, I was welcome to personally escort your germy ass home just as soon our guy was cuffed."
"But I – "
"Ah, ah," Danny warns, cutting Steve off mid-sentence when he goes to protest. "I will go talk to Ashley Hunt, you're going home. Let's go." He snags his partner's sleeve and uses it to pull him towards the porch steps, calling "I'll call you," over his shoulder to Chin as he herds a grudgingly compliant Steve down the path towards the semi-open gate. When he goes to push it open fully, his cell phone rings and the detective answers it with, "Kono, hey," as he steps down off the curb to cross the street.
"We got something. A necklace – Julie was wearing it the night she was killed."
"Okay," Danny says. Reaching the Camaro, he tucks his phone between his ear and his shoulder as he unsnaps the shoulder clips on his Tac vest. "And you know this how?"
"Facebook. Steffi found pictures on our vic's page and – "
There's a muffled thud and Danny pulls his phone away from his ear to check he hasn't been cut off, but the numbers at the top of the screen are still ticking away and the detective's brow furrows as he jams his phone back to his ear.
But instead of a reply, there's a high-pitched scream and then the line goes dead.