A/N: Chapter 15 of Tiger of the Wild's. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except my own OCs. Girls of the Wild's belongs to Hun/Zhena.

Special thanks to the reviewers and to the readers who Fav/Alert this story, I really appreciate it.

Episode 15

The next morning...

"So the ladies came over to visit your place yesterday right after we finished the night shift at the car wash? Must have been nice to your siblings since they do love Queen and all." I was saying as I met Jae Gu at the junction outside of his home, my bag slung over my shoulder. "Also must have been quite a surprise."

"Not really, they followed me home without my consent." He laughed before letting out a sigh, combing his fingers through his hair. "I told them that it wasn't needed but they insisted of coming...Queen even brought her own tea set from home."

"Wow, but I don't think I should have been surprised at all since she...well...didn't want to drink the first time she came over to your home." I could imagine the scene quite clearly, Queen sitting daintily on her heels and holding some fine china in her hands. "She prepared her second visit well."

"Ah~ Jae Gu and Tobias, just the two guys I wanted to see!" Charles spoke from the entrance, a grin stretched over her face. He also said hi to a couple of the female students before addressing us again. "Come to my office, boys!" We had no choice but to follow the board president to his office, making ourselves comfortable as we possibly could on the couch.

"Sir." Lee Na bowed her head respectively while Queen sat silently in her spot on the furniture. Jae Gu and I were not aware that she'd be present until we took our spots.

"Oh good morning Lee Na, so nice to see you!" Charles said cheerfully, taking his place at the head.

"I'm sure you've told them this situation?" The Wild's guard asked respectfully.

"I was about to bring it up. Now boys I'm sure you're thinking that since it's a springtime you'd like to host picnics with the lovely female student bodies. But rest assured we don't do that. The nations around the world will have their eyes glued on our most brutal martial arts competition. The Wild's League to be precise!" Charles said proudly, letting out a hearty chuckle. "The fighters go through preliminaries in the red circle rings where the matches turn into a melee."

"A melee huh? Sounds to me like it's a free for all." I commented.

"How many fighters are in the competition?" Jae Gu asked out of curiosity.

"Annually, about 200-300 fighters are in the matches. Only 8 advance to the finals after two days of the preliminaries. The rules ares simple: Fighters are randomly divided into 20 teams." Charles described it to us. "Each of them will draw a number to determine their order for example a fighter who pulled 1 will fight the one who pulled 2. They would fight for about 2-3 minutes."

"There are three ways of winning: Throwing the opponent out the ring, knocking them out or winning points." Lee Na spoke from where she stood near the desk. "The winner stays in the ring and begins the next match after a 1 minute break. We continue until there is only one fighter remaining in each group."

"So what happens when there's only eight fighters left?" I asked.

"The top eight seeds may choose their opponents." Charles explained. "If a quarter finalist selects one of the preliminary players as her opponent, she automatically advances to the first round. If one of the seeds nominates an opponent, the number of quarter-finalists decreases."

"Is this competition only for females?" Jae Gu asked as I took a sip of my drink.

"Not necessarily. We have come to a conclusion that you Jae Gu Song is not qualified for the first round and neither is Tobias. You two are placed in the final round of the preliminaries."


"Are you serious?!" Jae Gu and I both looked at them, his jaw was slack and I had to hold myself back from choking on my drink.

"Don't cry. Think of it as punishment." Lee Na scolded us, the coldness in her expression was fierce enough to stop anyone in their tracks. She then turned her attention to the female fighter and current champion in the room. "Queen...it was your mistake from the beginning so you lost the right to choose your opponent as a seed."

"Yes..." Queen replied solemnly.

"The preliminaries are a month away. The groups will be announced on the school bulletin board tomorrow and no later than that." The Wild's guard shooed us out of the room without a second later. "You're dismissed."

"So I have no choice but to fight..." Jae Gu complained as the three of us walked to class. It was as if his energy had been sapped out of his body. "Do I even have a say in things anymore...?"

"Jae Gu! I heard you are in the preliminaries!" Dal Dal spoke as she and Moon Young came to greet us. It seemed as though they were waiting for us. "Isn't that fantastic darling~"

"This is gonna be great don't you think?" The captain of the boxing club asked us, her hands placed inside her pockets. "I heard the list of groups will be up tomorrow on the bulletin board."

"We don't have to worry about it then~" Dal Dal latched herself onto Jae Gu's arm, nuzzling her face against him. "The preliminaries are a joke anyway."

"I don't think so!" He shrieked while also trying to shake her off, getting uncomfortable at how close she was to his personal space. "I can see my life flashing through my eyes!"

"Don't be dramatic because today you and Tobias are gonna train together!" Dal Dal stated with glee before jabbing a thumb in Moon Young's direction. "With Big Foot and I as your couches you two will be unstoppable!"

"Yeah! Ah hey what do you mean by 'Big Foot' huh shorty?!"

"It's obviously you! Who else has those ginormous feet?!"

"I'll show you big feet!"

"Wow they really aren't worried about the preliminaries at all." Jae Gu commented as we watched Dal Dal and Moon Young scuffle. I guess it comes with the experience of watching prior matches from previous years...

"Now that I got that settled..." Dal Dal commented as she dusted herself off from the scuffle. "It's time for you two to condition your bodies! Big Foot and I decided that we'd hold off teaching the basics for now until you've been conditioned properly."

"And how do you propose we do that?" Jae Gu asked, feeling a not so confident feeling collect in the pit of his stomach when he noticed the grin upon her face.

"Like how most of the students condition their bodies in PE class!" She hustled us to the track, leaving both Queen and Moon Young behind in the dust. "Time to sweat boys!"

On the track...

"Alright! Lets go up to two laps Tobias! I'm going to go easy on you today so this is the only time you get to see my nice side!" The captain of the Tae Kwon Do club spoke, a whistle in her mouth ready to blow. I helped Jae Gu into the rope harness, he didn't look convinced with the exercise. I increased the number of tires up to four while he started off with one. "Aaaaaaaaand GO!"

"WWWWWWWWWWUOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Moving my legs like they were pinched by fire I dashed off as fast as I could, throwing up clouds of dust behind me. The ropes were tightening themselves into my skin but I couldn't worry about them at the moment.

"For you my beautiful Jae Gu, try to run one lap!" Dal Dal blew her whistle and encouraged him every step of the way. "C'mon! Move those beautiful legs!"

"Argh Dal Dal don't push!" He shouted in response but continued to run like his life depended on it. By the time he made it to the end I was laying face-down on the ground, gasping like a fish out of water. But the training doesn't stop there as Dal Dal drilled us through a bunch of different exercises, some of them got me questioning if she was actually human.

"Phew~ Who knew this was gonna be a lot of work!" Jae Gu laughed as we hurried out to a water fountain during one of our breaks with our towels in hand. Opening the valve and watching the water rush out, we fully drenched the towels. Wringing out the excess liquid we proceeded to wipe off the sweat, letting out sighs of bliss when the cold material touched our skin. "That feels good."

"Mmhmm." I agreed, cupping my hands to catch the water and splashed my face. "It definitely hits the spot."

"Who knew Dal Dal would work us like that, I should have known." The boy lifted his workout shirt a tiny bit, showing a little of his slim torso. "But then again, she isn't captain of her club for nothing. I'm sure she works out three times as hard as what we're doing now."


"What is it?" He looked at me before turning his head, realizing that the female students had their eyes on us. He still had a hand under his shirt and mine was also riding up, showing off a little more muscle-defined body. Slowly they pulled out their phones and took pictures of us. "Oh crap..."

Definitely not what I was hoping to see while I cool off. At least those girls were entertained...but those pictures... I sighed and straightened my shirt, still feeling the heat radiating off my cheeks. We made our way back to the gym amidst the squeals of the girls behind us. Dal Dal stood where we left her, eyes glancing at what appeared to be a stop watch.

"You boys are late!" She exclaimed, a grin stretching itself across her face much to our dismay. "That means punishment time!"

"Oh come on..." Jae Gu groaned but she didn't listen to any form of complaints. "Dal Dal wait!"

"No more belly aching! Times like these you need to put your lives on the line!"

That night...

"Another rough day at school? I think you're getting more and more bruises every time I see you when I get back from work." Hwa Yeon stated with worry laced in her voice, placing a ice pack gently on my propped up leg and fastened it securely around the calf. I barely got to the door when the pain kicked in and I had to drag myself the rest of the way. "What are they even teaching you over there?"

"It's not that bad...ouch!" I winced and slowly released a shaky breath, placing my leg down gently onto the floor. "Well...not as bad as when we first worked out. Do you remember that?"

"Oh yes I remember, you could barely walk up the stairs without my help."

"That was tragic." I laughed, remembering how pitiful I was laying at the bottom of the stairs before getting the energy to call Hwa Yeon for help. By the time the red-head made it out of her door I was just making myself on the ground. "Luckily for me you were at home, sometimes you stay late at work."

"Of course. Otherwise my hubby wouldn't let me hear the end of it...and he'd probably tease you about it too." She giggle behind a hand. "Once you get him started it takes a long time for he to stop."


"Oh? Who's this?" I pulled out my phone and looked at it. Smiling I typed away and sent the message, noticing that she was glancing my way. "Just Jae Gu and how he really liked the training we did together. We were also laughing about how our bodies were hurting."

"When trying something out for the fist time there's always going to be repercussions. But over time you'll get use to it till it'll be nothing but natural. I won't question the techniques as long as you feel yourself improve."

"By the way would you mind stopping by the post office tomorrow before going to work?" I asked just as she was about to call it a day, watching as she paused in the doorway of her room. "Just in case something's there?"

"Sure, I'll go and take a look. Don't worry about it." She smiled and wished me a good night. Adjusting the ice pack I slowly shuffled into the kitchen, grabbed a cup of water and slowly moved towards my own room.


Another one? Wonder if it's Jae Gu again...I just made it to my desk chair before my phone went off. But this time it was from Moon Young. "Hmm? It's senpai..."

Heard you and Jae Gu had a great session with the shorty! But tomorrow I call dibs on you two for sure. I figured it would be beneficial if you two are trained by us...probably like alternate between shorty and I. The Wild's League is nothing to belittle so I won't be lenient. How does that sound?

"Trained by both Moon Young and Dal Dal...that sounds amazing!" Tapping away on the keyboard I sent her my thoughts and placed my phone to the side. There wasn't a lot to work on tonight but that doesn't mean I could slack on it. Once I was finished I quickly changed into my pajamas and slipped into bed, pulling the covers up over my shoulders.