Day 2: Theoretical Thursday: Science and School Stuff

Whoot! Actually finished this AND made it tie in with the first day in this week!:D

Hope it was a little bit more cheerful then the last one!

The Speedforce was beautiful, it was like the perfect drug that powered you up, yet sucked you dry. You never wanted to leave, never wanted to let go, loved it so much you didn't care. That is until you hear the voice of your anchor, the voice that will drag you back even if it's slowly, it will grab and drag you back, calling, screaming for you to come back and you start to let the Speedforce go. Wally could feel the other speedsters?, people? He wasn't sure what they were all he knew was that they knew he was leaving and was wishing him luck because now he had to outrun the other thing that kept them in.

He didn't care though, he had to tell Dick that he loved him to. Yes he loved Artemis, but it's not like how he loved Dick, maybe it would have been someday, but now that he knew how Dick felt he just couldn't be with Artemis. It wouldn't be right, or fair to her. The thing was from what he understood on how long he had been in the Speedforce (time mixed and matched and hurt when you tried to figure it out, he was guessing a couple years), it was what the others in the Speedforce called the Black Flash, the thing that grabbed and took them to their death which was basically sucking the life out of them inside the Speedforce. Wally could feel his Kid Flash costume sticking to his skin as he took off, out of the 'pack' as he had been calling it in his head and started mumbling a name as he ran. "Dick." left his lips, even when he made no sound.

He could hear, no feel when he broke through the Speedforce once more, his body not all the way out, just fading in and out as he found himself standing in front of the Liberty Science Center, Jersey City, New Jersey. He stared up for a moment before thinking Why am I here? He looked around noticing the people walking around him before turning as he heard Dick's voice, he blinked in confusion though, Dick's voice sounded so young. "Dick-!" Wally started to call out to him, but his voice broke off as he watched Dick go through him, like he was a ghost. Wally moved closer to Dick, and younger him the feeling that he needed to start running again if he wanted to outrun the Black Flash and go home, but he found he couldn't as he followed himself and Dick.

Dick Grayson stood looking at his best friend who was such a dork at times, sighing he pushed his glasses up and said "So tell me again why you've dragged me here?" Wally grinned before grabbing both of his hands and leaning in close and whispering "Science! Chemistry! Physics, physics, physiiiics!" Letting go of one of Dick's hands Wally gripped the other tightly and dragged him into the museum buying the tickets quickly before dragging him into the museum chatting none stop.

Older Wally can't help, but face palm as he watches and thinks How the hell did Dick not tell me to shut up?... Was I really this bad? His green eyes focused on his thirteen year old self and watched as his younger self dragged Dick around to different areas, took pictures of him, talked, laughed, made jokes. I miss the times like back then. Wally thought before his head snapped towards the entrance were he felt the feeling of his energy being drained started to come from.

Standing there with the crowd of people walking through it stood the Black Flash. The thing was taller then even Superman, with white teeth that showed no matter what, its lips fully gone, melted away. The skin on its jaws was slowly decaying away, white soulless eyes stared at him, with a sense of starving hunger was the only thing in them. It wore a skin tight black costume with a white circle on its chest, that had a red Flash symbol in the center, red lightning bolts sat on the side of its head. The black 'gloves' over its hands were sharp like claws, the skin tight suit allowed Wally to see the strong muscle that was fitted over it at times, but as soon as you blink you will see a skeleton standing there looking like it was about to be knocked over by the wind.

Wally took a step back as the thing let out a loud screech, that made Wally cry out in pain and cover his ears with his hands. It shot towards him, and Wally shot away, memories of the museum coming to him as he ran up and down stars, going through exhibits before going back towards the doors. His feet pounded on the ground echoing through his ears, he felt electricity pouring into him before he became visible for half a second, that half second though was enough for his younger self to look up and see him and the Black Flash behind him. His younger self blinked and Wally was running through Dick and himself the Black Flash following before he was gone back into the Speedforce, the race once more going as Wally tried to outrun Death.

As he hit the Speedforce he found himself alone, none of the other things, people that had been there were in his sight, but he could hear, and feel the Black Flash behind him. He suddenly was hit with the memory that he had seen the Black Flash before this, when he was younger, when he was thirteen and had dragged Dick to a museum. He at the time thought it was just his imagination or the trick of the light but now... Wally shook his head and grabbed his goggles which had been around his neck, and pushed them up over his eyes. "I'm coming home." Wally mumbled before starting to say the names "Dick, Barry, Iris." and more, though Dick was the most common name. He felt something grabbing and pulling him out of the Speedforce, he followed it hoping that it would help, him gain more ground from the thing behind him.