Hi everyone, this is Mod Rev here.

You all have been expecting these words for quite some time now, and I couldn't leave you in the dark guessing anymore.

Embassy of Despair is officially discontinued.

But do not fret my friends, this story is far from gone, It will forever be in our hearts, its mysteries to be enjoyed.

However, I am leaving you with where this story was. I am not just stopping, oh no, I am giving you all every detail we planned for this story.

We planned out every minor thing, it's just when it came to the writing itself, we couldn't continue for personal reasons.

To begin, let's talk about the first chapter.

We all knew Masashi was the killer, we just couldn't write the execution. The execution was going to be something along the lines of her being trapped and swallowed by a tidal wave.

I am going to be honest, Masashi was one of my favorite characters to write.

The thing that was planned after every chapter though was an intermission, which would consist of little bonuses. Be it answering questions, writing side stories, etc.

One of these bonuses was a segment with a title you might be familiar with, called the "Talking Dead". This segment was going to be used for the character that died that chapter to interact with each other in death, and being asked questions.

Ryu and Masashi's was actually going to be very forgiving as they both realized neither of them deserved it.

For the next chapter, the victim was going to be Misaki the Mimic. The reason why she was killed is because the person she was trying to help was having a panic attack and was slowly, but surely going insane, which we saw evidence of all the way back in the beginning.

As you could guess, the killer for chapter two would have been Gin.

Gin has a very special place in my heart. He was originally a duo character, and the weaker half of the duo mind you, but we got just him and we made him into what he is today. Hero and I still think back on what we had planned for him and he is easily, at least Hero and I's, third favorite character.

His execution was going to consist of going down a runway and then being shot by his sister during the time the paparazzi took photos.

Misaki and Gin's Talking Dead session was mostly going to consist of them hugging and crying, while continually apologizing.

Now onto chapter three, the chapter literally everyone dreads. The motive this time around was that the killer can escape with someone else of their choosing.

That motive makes it seem really obvious right? Everyone would guess either Kokushi, or Yumi would murder to escape with each other. Well…. You are half right. Kokushi attempted to go kill Hayana, but Kagaku intercepted him, not allowing him to lay a finger on her.

So in order to protect Hayana, Kagaku, with much regret, had to kill Kokushi.

This event is what would cause Yumi to go into a deep sorrow as she had just lost her brother. Let's be honest, who wouldn't be sad?

When it came to the trial, it would have taken awhile, but They would finally pin it all o Kagaku, who was about to accept his fate when all of a sudden, Hayana busted into the scene, yelled "YOU GOT THAT WRONG!" and tried to defend him. Of course that doesn't last long as everyone was able to shut down her arguments with ease. This resulted in Kagaku being found guilty, with Hayana trying to vote herself as the guilty party to save him.

Kagaku's execution was going to involve him being turned to dust by a laser beam firing from a cyborg.

The Talking Dead session that was going to take place was Kokushi being angry, but he still said sorry. The two respect each other, but neither is peaceful.

There was also going to be another bonus here that was going to be what would happen if Kagaku and Hayana were both the guilty party, resulting in an execution I like to call "The Shotgun Wedding".

Moving onto chapter four…. This was a depressing chapter. At this point, the once formal and polite Yamato had lost all of his composure and had gone unhinged. This moment of insanity is what caused him to be killed by a man of the name of Iso…. Or rather…. Kuro?

Yes, you heard that right, Kuro. Kuro is Iso's alternate personality who is known as the SHSL Vigilante. Kuro killed Yamato so that way he wouldn't go harm anyone else. Also, all those times Iso goes to throw up? Yeah, that is what triggers Kuro to appear. Now you know that answer.

We don't have Iso's execution recorded anywhere, so sadly we can't provide you with that information.

Their Talking Dead session would have been Yamato apologizing a lot and saying how he shouldn't have acted the way he should, with Iso and Kuro both respecting this.

Now we are in the final normal chapter of the story, being chapter five, but it was far from ordinary. In this section was… Well I I don't even know what else to say other than the word, and pardon my French, "a clusterfuck". There were so many things going in this chapter that even though we planned it out for so long, it is still hard to remember them all. As a base summary though, there were three deaths.

The first death was supposed to be Madoka. Although, his death was not a murder. Yet, it also wasn't a suicide… It was a death from disease, or rather, he died from his leukemia. Madoka has been diagnosed with leukemia for quite some time now and knew his time was running short. It is at this point though, that it due him in. However, before his passing moments, he set up his inside knowledge that he had gained. He had found the room where all of the dead students remains were kept, and he wrote a note on each one of their graves. The final note was on his own gave though. On it, he wrote the message that was an apology to everyone for his passing, but also was a note giving them a hint to who the MM was. And the postscript message on it was supposed to be addressed to the MM directly, saying that their days were numbered.

The second death was supposed to be Harper, having died from being trapped inside of the walk in freezer. The students would have found her blue tinted and lifeless body laying against the door, no pulse remaining.

The one who killed her?

None other than the "pianist" Ai. WHy is that in quotes you might wonder?

Because Ai was never a pianist at all.

Ai was actually the SHSL Liar. She is a wanted criminal who exists only to enjoy the chase, but eventually she was caught after a large scale robbery. She was sent to Hope's Peak as her parole, but the catch is that she had to go under the alias of the SHSL Pianist. Of course, her real talent is a liar for she was able to escape the police for so long with her well crafted lies.

Ai's breakdown would have been her finally admitting her real talent, and thus showing off her real personality. Her real personality is that of a cold, heartless person who doesn't care about others, only wanting whatever is best for her. She had no problems causing the death of Harper to try to escape, and wasn't sad about any of the others' deaths either.

Her execution was supposed to be called "No Strings Attached", where she would be trapped inside of a giant piano, its strings having tangled around her. Every time the piano is played, the strings pull her and eventually she would be torn apart.

Now I am going to talk about the final chapter, and what all was to happen.

This chapter of course was the MM chapter, and you know what that means. Extra mystery.

The victim this time around was Athena, and to be frank, no one minds. She was probably our most hilarious death having died from literally falling down the stairs.

Now the question is: Why would the MM decide to kill her?

Because she was the second half of the MM's herself.

You see, Athena, although not the head MM, was planning to betray Laurent, who is the true MM of this game.

Laurent formed this game not to spread despair, but to perform social experiments, which is how he gets creativity for his poetry. He hired on Athena to help him manage the game, and tricked Peace into thinking he was hosting a reality show to add more variety. Athena however was going to overtake Laurent and kill him so she can use this game to spread despair across the world once again. Of course, Laurent learned her plan and killed her before she got the chance.

In this chapter, Peace would be punished for having set up a trap that was meant to be dysfunctional in chapter five, which Laurent only found out about because he overheard Peace and Toku talking about it. However, Peace would not be killed, for the true ending that is. In fact he comes back and provides the definitive evidence to condemn Laurent and save everyone.

You heard me right, there are multiple endings to this story. Three to be exact.

The first ending is the true ending, where they complete the MM trial, execute Laurent (whose execution is literally falling from the basement floor of the embassy, to the top, and all the way back down again, killing him on impact), and Peace is able to discover the escape switch that Athena hid, thus allowing everyone else to leave.

The second ending is caused from a darker mood, being that they complete the MM trial, but can't find the remote escape switch. Peace is the only one who knew where it was and Athena had hidden differently than normal, thus meaning they can't escape. This leads to two different endings. One being either they live the rest of their lives there, or they all decide to either kill themselves to escape their misery.

The final route is the worst possible one, being where Peace actually died from his punishment, and couldn't deliver the decisive evidence/couldn't find the escape switch, or he killed himself after his punishment. This means the group would have lost the MM trial, and Laurent would have just killed them all. He didn't want to bother with them at that point.

Before we go into the true ending's results, let's talk about the fun thing in this story: Ships.

The canon ships that would have happened in this story were Kagaku x Hayana, Bree x Peace, Madoka x Harper, and Toku x Yumi.

On a headcanon level, both Hero and I ship Poku (Toku x Peace) all the way and it is a still our favorite ship to this day.

Focusing back on the true ending, everyone who has survived has changed a lot.

Toku has become more down to earth and in tune with how cruel the world really is, but he is still trying to make the most out of life. Due to him stepping up when it was needed, he has become someone everyone could trust and appreciate. His social skills have improved tremendously, mostly due to his friendship with Peace and the encouragement he got from Yumi. He is still unsure about the future he and his friends will face, but he does know that whatever comes next for them, they'll be able to endure it together.

Hayana's preppy and cheery attitude has completely changed. Now having lost her lover and friends, she has become a more hardened person. She has definitely grown up the most out of the cast, choosing to live her life for both her friends and for her late lover. She still believes in love and, despite it ending in tragedy, can live contently knowing that she found her true love. The love she focuses know is the love she has for her friends, vowing to do anything to help them.

Bree…. Bree is not even Bree at this point. She is an empty shell of her former self, her increasing insanity and emotional discord consuming her. The thing that is keeping her from having done anything rash by this point has been Peace, who is trying to get her back to her normal self. He wants her to be happy again.

Speaking of Peace, we finally have learned about his true colors. He never wanted to do any of this, he just wanted to be a star. He feels like he has to carry the blame for what happened now, as he was the one who was broadcasted to the world. He knows he is going to have to deal with the consequences, and he doesn't want to share that pain with anyone else. He wants to move on with his head held high, trying to support his friends and make things right.

Finally, we have Yumi. Despite having experienced the pain of both losing her brother and dealing with the emotional and mental strain of everything that's happened, Yumi has remained the same gentle, caring girl we all know. She's learned to become stronger as well, choosing to take action instead of letting things run their course. Her and Toku are still going strong, supporting each other in whatever decision the other makes.

Although the survivors know things can't be undone, they still choose to look at the world in hopeful eyes. They don't want to live in pain or despair, they want to make the world a place where everyone can live in peace. For the sake of everyone who had died in the game, they achieve this dream together.

That is the basic summary of what was going to happen. There of course were other bonus stories that were going to happen, like the antics of Toku having a dick drawn on his forehead and went on a wild goose chase to punish Peace, we had something involving coffee I think between Madoka and Laurent? We even had a mini crossover with A Flight of Fancy Despair (AFoFD for short) where Gin finds his sister, who in that game is known as Jackie. There was a lot of funny things planned.

Again, I apologize for having to end what would have been a great story, but with certain issues happening, we just couldn't force ourselves to go on further with this.

I just want you all to know that we as writers loved all of you and your positive comments on the story. We are all glad that we could make some of your days brighter.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Peace (Breaker) out.


If you ever want to find us, feel free to message us on here, or go to our Tumblrs, which are listed below.

Rev - mirorbdangamachine

Hero - simplyweird85

SD - sdeviation

Lime - limescriminals

Makina - murai-maquina