Chapter 5
Okay here's Chapter Five.
Important Note there is going to be a Sex scene. It will be a gay, man on man, sex scene. If you don't like that well it's marked so you can skip it. Unless you're like me then enjoy it.
Godric walked down the passage way that lead to Salazar's chamber. He slipped in quietly, he could smell the brewing of a cauldron. He sighed, of course he was still working. He looked over to the work bench were his lover was leaning over a small bubbling mixture. Grey eyes focused, black hair tied up except for a few strands that had fallen lose framing his face, hands efficiently stirring the potion. His brow was slightly furrowed in concentration. It reminded the older wizard of the first time they'd met. He wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist. Salazar jumped a little but realizing who it was relaxed and leaned back against his chest sighing softly.
"Hello, have fun with your house." Sal asked him waving his hand dispelling the potion in front of him knowing that he wouldn't be continuing his work tonight, Godric would insist he actually go to bed.
"Yes" he kissed the top of the ravens head lightly "and you?" Salazar spun around faced Godric, grey eyes going cloudy, he bit his lip and shock his head. "What's wrong?"
"Godric they-they, Godric, my house is full of Pureblood suprimists." Godric's eyes widened in shock, that couldn't be right. This was supposed to be Sals house they were supposed to have traits like there dark haired founder, who he knew for a fact was the farthest thing from a pureblood supporter.
"What? How is that even possible?"
"I don't know." Sal whispered in horror, "but they all seem to believe that, that's what I believe. That, that's what I expect of them." He buried his face in Godric's chest. "Godric they called all the other students blood traitors or Mud-" he stopped himself, he refused to use that word. Gods how Salazar hated that filthy word. He wanted to yell, scream, hit something, anything but all he could do was stare at them trying to mask his horror and hold Helga's hand praying that maybe this was some horrible nightmare. He almost wanted to laugh now that he was thinking about it, he found it unbelievable that they actually thought he wanted blood purity. Godric sensing his distress, wrapped his arms tightly around him and pressed his face against the others hair.
"Shall we retire for the evening?" He asked black haired man. He kissed Salazar then gentle. Before placing a hand on the others check. Sometimes Godric wished he was better with words he was a man of action and he liked it that way but he desperately wished he could find the words to sooth his love.
But the right words escaped him so he kissed Salazar again only this time it was rough and deep and left them both dizzy and panting for more. "I know a way to take your mind off of this" he smiled down at him and Salazar smiled back at him.
"I'd like that." After all that was something he was good at.
Helga walked into her chambers a little miffed that she hadn't had a chance to talk to her own house. The only thing that kept her from feeling guilty about the fact that she had instead hung out with those horrible little children, she suppressed a shutter, she didn't even want to think about what Sal was going through, was the fact that Rowena's house hadn't seen there founder either. She plopped down onto her bed and sighed. Things were sure going to be interesting. She hoped one of the other founders had talked to either Moxy or Snippy, the house elves about food for tomorrow, but she figured if not they could deal with it tomorrow.
She hoped that toad women wouldn't be as horrible tomorrow, though she doubted it. Helga knew those kind of people, people who thought because they had power they were the most important person in the room. She huffed the last time she'd met someone like that had been at one of the Gryffindor balls back when, Godric's Father, Lord Joseph, had still been alive.
The women was from some prestigious wizarding family in Russia, and had made a comment about letting the help attend a party and that had England truly become so unseemly. Helga had intended to simply ignore the comment. She didn't need validation from her. She was here because Sal and Ric had asked her, and because she was one of the best med witches in the country even if she was only 15. Unlucky for the other witch Ric had heard her and preceded to attempt to hex her. Godric had spent the rest of the night being chastised by his father on the way a young noble acted in polite society.
She smiled slightly at the memory. She truly had some amazing friends. She hoped her house was as full as hard working and fair people that were just as kind as her friends.
Rowena made sure Luna made it back to the dungeons before she headed back to her quarters. She certainly liked the dreamy girl even if she wasn't entirely sure how true some of the creators, she spoke of, were true. She knew for a fact that Thestrals were real, even though she herself could not see them, but she knew many who could, in fact the other founders could. She always wondered whose death Helga had witnessed, but it was hardly a polite topic. She wasn't as curious about Salazar and Gryffindor both were both warriors, so seeing death was natural, but a young lady Helga not so much.
She entered her room and sat down in an armchair. She was a night owl and wasn't planning on sleeping just yet, so she pulled out an empty book and began writing down everything Luna had told her.
-break okay smut alert till the end so if that's not your thing abort-
Salazar moaned as Godric rolled their hips together. He couldn't remember exactly when they made it onto the bed, or even when their clothes were discarded. All he knew was that he needed Godric almost as much as he needed air.
He panted and tangled his hands in the other's hair, pulling at the auburn strands, trying to convey to the man above him the need he felt. Godric growled at Salazar's rough treatment and kissed him. Tongues meeting heatedly, battling one another, though the older wizard won and began mapping the other's mouth with his tongue. The raven haired male bucked his hips helplessly against the other man. Godric was everywhere, overwhelming his senses making his need ache with every kiss, every touch. He moaned when the older male began running his large calloused hands up his sensitive sides. Drawing patterns across his chest and stomach, while lazily nipping at his jawline. He couldn't help but whimper when Godric suddenly pulled back.
"I think-huff -we should- huff –stop." The auburn haired male panted. Salazar knew the other was simply worried, they were now in a castle full of students, and he probably thought Salazar should be able to walk normally. They were all very compelling augments and had the raven haired man not been in a lust filled haze he might have agreed but as it were.
"If you leave me like this Godric. I swear," he sat up a little tugging the other's hair so that their faces were mere inches apart, hungry grey eyes bore into wild brown, "you will wish I had let that dragon eat you." He hissed smashing their lips together. Godric growled and took control of the kiss. Slipping his tongue into the other's mouth, rubbing it sensually against Salazar's, eliciting soft moans and whimpers from him. He released the raven's lips in favor of lavishing open mouth kisses and nips to the other's neck. Taking time to leave a rather nice love mark on his grey eyed lovers pulse point.
"Riiiic." Salazar cried out. For the love of God, why did he have to make those sounds the brown eyed man thought? His member hardening to the point of being painful, as he looked down at the man now beneath him, completely bare before him, beautiful eyes foggy with lust, lips swollen from brutal kisses. He was completely wrecked and Godric loved it. Loved that his touch could make the seemingly stoic man come undone. Loved knowing that this side of him was his and his alone.
He wrapped his hand around Salazar's weeping erection, and began stroking it with sure rough strokes. Wanting nothing more than to watch the other wither in pleasure. Salazar bucked into his hand mewling pitifully. He wanted more needed more. The auburn haired man used his free hand to begin prepping his raven haired lover for him. He whispered a spell coating his fingers in oil and slipped a finger into his lover, gently thrusting then quickly adding another. It helped that the two of them did this as often as Godric could manage. He continued moving his digits in and out of his lover's heat. The grey eyed male gave a particularly loud moan when Godric's fingers bunched against a particular sensitive bundle of nerves. He smiled wickedly and made sure to continue hitting that spot over and over.
When Salazar began wiggling his hips in time with his thrusting fingers, he decided that his lover was probably prepped. He grabbed ahold of the raven's hips and raised them, aligning the tip of his manhood with the raven's quivering entrance and pushed in, sheathing himself inside of the other completely. He let out a moan at being completely inside of Salazar's tight heat. After a few minutes the other bucked his hips and moaned slightly, inviting his lover to continue. Godric began to thrust deeply into his lover making sure to hit the spot he knew made the raven cry out even louder in pleasure with each thrust.
"Godric i-im going to ah-hu-a" that was all the warning he got before Salazar came with a strangled scream, coating both their stomachs in his seed. Hearing his lover come undone Godric came soon after deep inside of the raven moaning his name. They both lay beside each other basking in the afterglow, as the older wizard waved his hand cleaning both of them and pulling Salazar closer to his chest as they both slipped into a deep dreamless sleep.
There end. Yes I wrote in a sex scene because I wanted too. So let me know what you think.