Chapter 1
"Sal?" the raven haired man in question looked up from his book on potion ingredients and functions, which were, if anyone wanted to know, in his opinion, very wrong and very limited, with a start. His Grey eyes widening a fraction in surprise as he looked at the male standing four inches from his face, smiling madly. Sal took in the appearance of his friend and co-founder, all messy auburn hair that couldn't decide if it wanted to be more brown or red, warm brown eyes, and thick shoulders. "Did you even notice me come in?"
"Not really." Salazar answered as nonchalantly and haughtily as possible. Not to be cruel or aloof. No that was Rowena's job, he simply wanted Godric to understand that he was very displeased with the interruption, and hopefully the older wizard would get the hint and let him finish this awful book so he could figure out how to write a new and improved one, for when they began classes next year. He refocused his attention on the book in his lap, wondering if there were any practical uses for dragon's blood, when his brown eyed companion decided to whine his name loudly and very annoyingly.
"Saaal" he sighed. Slamming the book down none to gentle on the table in front of him. Grey eyes cold and glaring at the other male.
"In Merlin's name Godric, what?" he hissed. Trying to look as threating as possible, not that the auburn haired male would notice or care he was brave to a fault. But he took a little satisfaction in the fact that the other did seem to look a bit ashamed at disturbing him.
"Helga wants your help." That caught the parseltounge's attention. He always did have a soft spot for Helga, who mothered all she met. His grey eyes softened.
"What does she need?" his voice losing its harsher edge. Godric ran a hand through his already messy hair and smiled sheepishly. "Ric" Salazar chastised but he couldn't help but smile at the brown eyed male, really did he take anything other than battle seriously.
"I think it has to do with the Herbology lab." He said "at least that's where she is." Godric looked rather embarrassed, Sal thought it was an endearing look on the usually cocky knight. He smiled at him and was given a smile in return. He stood up from his seat black robes flowing behind him.
"Shall we." The grey eyed man asked his companion. His companion never once lost his smile extended his arm out to him. He shook his head good naturedly and chuckled "you know I'm quite capable of walking on my own."
"I know." He stated dark eyes full of mirth and mischief, "but I will find any excuse to touch you." His voice dropped an octave and the dark haired male suppressed a shiver, but he took the offered arm anyway. After all it was no secrete between the founders about his and Godric's strange relationship, nor did there female companions seem to care, besides truth be told the smaller wizard quite liked begin touched by him. So he smiled playfully at his lover.
"Let's go you silly lion." Godric smiled at him all white teeth.
"Of course my grumpy snake." And together arm and arm they headed down the halls of there almost complete school towards Helga.
To say that Helga was having a rough time would be the understatement of the century. In fact the blonde was quite certain no one had ever had as bad a time as she was having right now. Not even Godric after he tickled that dragon. She sighed in frustration and pulled her blonde curls back out of her face. Not that being able to see would change the outcome. She moved back to the glowing caldron wondering what on earth she had done, her blue eyes searched the table wondering if maybe it had something to do with using fresh ingredients, though she seriously doubted it. She was positive it wasn't supposed to turn that color. Oh she wished she was as smart as Sal or Row. Not that Helga was stupid, in fact she was one of the most skilled healers in the wizarding world and an expert on magical creatures. But knowing the difference between a Norwegian Horntail and a Green Welsh would not help her fix this potion, which was currently changing into a sickly green color. She heard the door open and practically flung herself into Sal's arms.
"Thank Merlin, Its awful simply awful." She cried though a bit muffled as her face was pressed against the dark haired wizard's stomach. Not that she was that short but compared to 6ft Godric and 5"8 Sal her 5"1 stature seemed dwarfed.
"Don't worry Helga." Godric reassured her ruffling her hair, even though she had explained and threatened to hex him multiple times if he didn't stop, "there isn't a potion that Sal can't save." The grey eyed man shook his head at his friend's statement and laughed.
"Unless it's yours." Godric blushed slightly and Helga felt much better that they were here. At least she wouldn't be alone if it blew up and discorporate them all.
"So" Sal began looking at the potion with an expression between curiosity and disgust at how obviously bad this had been made. "What were you trying to make."
"A healing potion, but as you can see…" she trailed off the mixture spoke for itself.
"Yes well good news is I doubt it's harmful." She smiled triumphantly, "bad news I have no idea what it can do." And her smile fell. She definitely wouldn't be remembered for her amazing potion abilities.
"I can test it." Godric offered, she and Salazar shot him a very incredulous look.
"You most certainly will not." Helga said, quite angry he would even offer after last time.
"I have to agree with her." Sal said "it is best if it's disposed of." Godric looked dejected and outraged at the same time.
"Come on where's your sense of adventure." He questioned the dark haired wizard.
"Hiding behind my self-preservation instinct." He then shot a playful glance at the brown eyed wizard. "I would suggest getting one." Helga laughed at their antics. Feeling a million times better that the potion wasn't going to poison them with toxic fumes. Sal picked up the caldron as Helga went to put away the supplies as Godric murmured about them being pansies.
Maybe that's how this adventure would have ended if not for the fact that Rowena hadn't run in at that moment yelling about a discovery and colliding head first with Sal causing the cauldron and its contents to hit the floor.
And that strange potion set of the strangest adventure in the history of Hogwarts for the Founders and the Boy who lived.
Harry was not impressed with Herbology today, though to be fair everyone seemed to feel that way, even Neville who talked about plants as much as most of the other boys talked about Quidditch. Maybe it was the fact that all four houses were squashed into the lab together because of an unforeseen explosion in the potions lab and they refused to let anyone have a free period. Or maybe it was because McGonagall was being forced to fill in for Sprout who had come down with a rash do to being exposed to a new experimental fungus. Or maybe, and probably the real reason, because the toad decided to oversee the whole joyful experience complete with clip board and annoying hmphs as she scribbled away. Ron shot Harry a bored look and proceeded to make strangling sounds only to get a wake from Hermione who seemed to be the only one not completely dreading the experience. The doors opened to reveal the older Weasley Twins.
"May I ask what you're doing here?" Umbridge asked in her sickly sweet voice. Harry cringed slightly
"We came to give Professor McGonagall" Fred said
"A message from Dumbledore" George finished.
Before another word could be said there was awash of light and everything seemed to shift.
"Where in Merlin's name are we." Someone asked. They all looked around to see four strange persons standing there looking very surprised.
"Actually" a raven haired witch asked "we'd like to know how you got here." Before anyone could answer the auburn haired male looked at the blonde witch next to him and smiled.
"Helga you created life." He yelled excitedly.
"I seriously doubt that Godric." the dark haired wizard told him.
"Then how do you explain it Sal" he asked defiantly.
"Time potion" the witch who spoke earlier said. She then turned her attention back to the students, but Harry keep staring at them Helga, Godric, Sal…like Salazar, oh holy Hufflepuff. He thought silently.
McGonagall cleared her throat and every eye turned towards her "would you mind telling me the date and were we are."
"The year is 1222 September 5th and you are at Hogwarts soon to be school of witch craft and wizardry." The black haired witch spoke "I am Rowena Ravenclaw, these are my cofounders Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin." They all listened as she spoke. Harry heard every one take a collective gasp.
"Blimey Fred"
"I know George"
"It's the bloody founders" then a Hufflepuff fainted.