Lucky Me.
Another party…great.
She knows I hate social arrangements like this one, but she makes me come anyway. Not only do I hate all of these people, but the constant noise that fills the room is over powering on my ears.
I had more important things to be doing right now. Why didn't she understand that?
I grumble to myself before leaving, she would yell at me later. I didn't care.
Walking by an old picture frame, I stop and look at it. It was a picture of our son, the reason I ended up with her in the first place.
Stalking off to the gravity room, I think over how I got myself into this mess.
Frieza was destroyed. I had nowhere to go, but I had only one thing on my mind. The power of a Super Saiyan. I had to get stronger than that low class slob.
I didn't ask for the gravity room, her father offered it. I took him up on the offer. If it worked for Kakarot, than it must have been the key to unlocking such a power.
A solid year went by, with no sign of Kakarot. Instead, I was greeted every day by her annoying mother, questioning father, and her. Somedays I wasn't given a second of peace and quiet. They were lucky he didn't just destroy them then and there. But he needed them, as much as he hated to admit it. He needed the gravity room.
Kakarot returned, but his return came with a warning from the future. I was going to die. Me, a warrior of the highest rank and to some robots no less. What a shameful way to go.
I wouldn't allow it, throwing myself into my training. I would survive and get off of this idiotic planet.
Then the dreaded night came. She was crying. Her face was all blotchy, he really didn't understand what there was to cry about. She started in on the scar-faced moron that she called a mate. On how he was with another woman.
I rounded on her. She had some nerve. To think that the worst thing that happened to her was this. She had no idea what hardship was. I laid into her. Saying more than I should have.
She basically attacked me. I was confused at first, but my animal like instincts pushed me over the edge.
She announced she was pregnant, much to my dismay. This would only hold me down. Binding me to her in a way that I didn't want.
She seemed happy that I stayed, but I couldn't leave. I had something to prove. Those androids, I had to defeat them.
The boy was born, his hair a sickly shade of purple. I wanted nothing to do with him. With either of them. They would just get in my way.
I had had enough. I ran off into space. I needed the quiet void of space. I was right, because I got the power I was seeking.
Upon my return, they were already facing the androids. The boy from the future returned, yelling at me for not protecting my family. Like it was my fault that she brought them to a battle ground. For someone who prides themselves being a genius, she could be so stupid. And what did he mean, they weren't my family. I didn't claim them.
The boy was reveal as our child. I was angry. Angry that the answer had been right in front of me. That Kakarot didn't tell me the truth.
The boy kept trying to get close to me, which was annoying. I wanted no relationship with him. I didn't have time for such weakness.
I angered the boy when I allowed Cell to get stronger. I had my reasons. A Saiyan always wants to fight a strong opponent. Fighting someone like that at their lowest level would have been a mockery of my power.
It wasn't until the boy was attacked that I felt it. Weakness. Somehow, someway, he got himself in. My life flashed before me. The destruction of my home, of my people filled my mind. The weakness I tried so hard to ignore, crept up on me, forcing my body to move forward without thought.
When the battle was over I made a decision. I wouldn't allow my son to be as weak as I was. So I stayed. Not for the woman, but for the boy.
Her mother became overbearing. Not leaving me alone throughout the day. She kept asking when I would marry her daughter. I just wanted to be left alone.
In the end, I did ask her to mate with me, just so I could get some peace and quiet. She wasn't bad company and she did mother me a child. I figured that it was just a logical step.
She seemed ecstatic over the idea. Pulling me off to the bedroom we now shared.
Between the training equipment and sex, it was a good life.
I heard about the tournament from my son, that Kakarot was returning for it. I got excited. I wanted to challenge him. To prove that I was stronger than him. Maybe then I could move on.
I was enraged when Babidi got in the way. I just wanted a good fight.
I got what I wanted. I let that thing take over me. I wanted the power. I wanted to forget my weakness. I gave in, letting the old version of me come to the surface. It was liberating. I fought Kakarot, beating him, before discovering the monster known as Majin Buu.
It wasn't until I looked down at my son, that I realized I was much weaker than I thought. I was covered in my own blood. My son wanted to fight the monstrosity, but I couldn't let him do that. If I was too weak for this, Trunks stood no chance.
I motioned him forward. Hugging him, before knocking him out. I would do this for him. I would let him have the life I could never have. Suddenly her face flashed in the back of my mind. It wasn't just for him, it was for her as well. Somewhere over the years, she had crept in, much to my dismay.
I sacrificed myself, believing that to be the end. But it wasn't.
I was angered that my sacrifice didn't stop Buu.
Angered when Kakarot chose to save Satan and Dende over his own children.
When the fight ended and I was sent back the two of you ran over to me. Happy to see me. After the hell I put you through when I chose my evil side, I thought you would hate me. But you didn't.
You became my number one weakness. Why did I let this happen? I could have left, should have left, but I didn't. I stayed. I allowed myself to fall into your trap. I let you tame me….lucky me.