Hello my fellow readers I'm back!
I'm sorry for being gone for so long but I wanted a break. Anywho I have to thank "Donovan94" author of the "The Ultimate Evil" for the inspiration to write this story. I will try to post a chapter or two each week depending on my schedule. To picture Enya in ya'alls mind is she is 35 years old, she has red bangs and red edges at the end of her hair. Her eyes are a dark red, throughout the series she will wear a red vest over a black t-shirt with blue jeans and black boots. Her hair will either be loose or tied up. Her love interests are Valmont and Shendu?
Now enjoy the first chapter of "Little Fire!"

Also I do not own Jackie Adventures or its characters!
They belong to their creator John Rogers!
I only own my OC's.

Enya's POV

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. The running footsteps of my assailants were not far behind. I don't live far from the library where I worked part time. Perhaps I should introduce myself my name is Enya Pierce. I may look like you're average thirty-five year old but that was an understatement. I am a dragon shape shifter, well half dragon. My mother who was course a dragon that happened to fall in love with my father who was a human.

She had just moved to Charlottesville, VA to start a new life and hopefully find a mate. Dragons can live longer than humans and my mother was young by dragon standards. She was only a century old, but she was a smart creature. She met my father while at the Monticello exhibit and bam it was love at first sight. My parents dated for a couple of years before my mother finally revealed her true nature to my father. My old man didn't give a damn that my mother was a creature of legend and therefore asked her to marry him. Of course my mother accepted as well finding out later my father was her true mate. Dragons tended to have one true mate in their lifespan, so before my parents got married, Mom marked my father as hers. And with the marking came a longer lifespan for him, most likely he would die by the age of a hundred years. I was born a couple of years after their marriage.

My childhood was a good one and I was well educated. Dragons and humans these days mostly got along, however that didn't meant that some humans or other dragons liked the peace. To make matters more interesting my father is a mage meaning he can wield magic and that was also passed down to me. I had the ability to use fire, ice, water, wind, lightning, and healing magic. However being half mage and half dragon had its limits. During the new moon every month I reverted to being a human for three days before my dragon half returned. My mother now was a successful author who wrote several books and she was now working on another. My father besides being a mage was an archaeologist, due to his job he traveled quite a bit. As for me I became very interested in music, which was why I was currently earning a degree from the University of Virginia so I would eventually land a job in the music field playing professionally.

I played the violin as well as the piano, but I preferred the stringed instrument. Remember when I said that some humans despised dragons well some of them were hunters. And the humans that attacked me tonight while I was on my way to my motorcycle were. An arrow fired from a crossbow had pierced my left shoulder blade shattering the bone. Hunting dragons even half breeds like myself was illegal, but these hunters didn't give a damn. My parent's house was closest to the library and I would change into my dragon form however doing so would alert the hunters and I couldn't risk that. I cursed as I began to feel light headed and I knew I had to get help soon because if I didn't I would die, already I had lost a good portion of my blood due to my injury. As I got nearer to my parents house something suddenly caught my eye. Dragons had a weakness for shiny objects and whatever it was shined brightly beneath the moonlight and my curiosity got the better of me.

Still clutching my shoulder I walked over to the shiny object and my eyes widened. There on the ground was a very well made replica of the Snake Talisman from Jackie Chan Adventures. I had loved that show when I was a kid, every Saturday morning I looked forward to seeing a new episode. I still had a huge crush on the leader of the Dark Hand Valmont. I had a thing for guys with long hair so sue me. There was a anime convention gathering in Charlottesville this weekend so perhaps some cosplayer dropped their prop. I took the Snake Talisman replica in my hand and as soon as I did a bright light suddenly blinded me and the last thing I knew was falling into darkness.

Jade Chan's POV

I was on my way to Uncle's shop after another boring day of school. I came to America a few months back and my grades since coming to live with Uncle Jackie were improving. Lately things have been quiet at the moment no new talismans chose to reveal themselves. I yelped as bright white light appeared and I had to cover my eyes so I wouldn't get blind. I used my arm to block the light out and when it vanished did I remove my arm. I gasped when I saw a woman no older than Jackie lying on the sidewalk.

I hurried over to her to make sure she was alright. The woman had had light brown hair with red bangs and red tips on the ends of her hair which looked pretty cool. She wore a black shirt with regular jeans and black boots, my eyes widened when I saw her left shoulder was soaked in blood.

"Jade what are you doing?" I jumped when I heard Jackie call me. Both Jackie and Uncle walked towards me. I noticed that I was a few feet away from the shop. It was Uncle who was the first to react when he saw the woman.

"Aiyah! Jackie get the girl up she's injured!" the old man ordered.

"But Uncle she's needs to go to a hospital Ow!" Jackie tried to argue but Uncle had given him the signature two finger slap.

"The girl has magical blood flowing through her veins a hospital will not do!" Uncle snapped. Sighing Jackie walked over to the woman and scooped her into his arms, not caring if her blood began to stain his blue shirt. The sound of something hitting the ground got my attention and I gasped as I saw the Snake Talisman.

"Jackie look" I said taking the Snake Talisman into my grasp. The Snake Talisman had mysteriously disappeared from Section 13 earlier this week.

"Jackie I got a weird feeling about this" I stated to my uncle.

"I couldn't agree more" Jackie agreed.

Enya's POV
In Living Room of Uncle's Shop
Enya lying on the Couch

I don't know how long I had been out cold but when I came to I heard three voices arguing. Growling I finally opened up my eyes.

"Guys she's awake!" a young female voice said. When my sight became clear I nearly had a heart attack. Standing in front of me was Uncle Chan, along with his nephew Jackie, and last but not least Jade.

Yeah right Enya their probably just cosplayers I thought.

"How do you feel?" the Jackie cosplayer asked.

"Like I think I'm dreaming nice costume by the way" I complimented.

"What costume? Jackie isn't wearing one" the Jade cosplayer said. My eyes suddenly widened even more. Oh hell!

These guys really were the Chans from Jackie Chan Adventures and somehow when I touched that talisman replica which had to be real somehow brought me here into the world of my favorite childhood show. I suddenly felt dizzy again and I fainted just as Uncle went "Aiyah!"

A Half Hour Later

When I came to once more Uncle made me drink some tea. I noticed that I was out of my ruined clothes and dressed in what had to be one of Jackie's pajama pants which were light blue, I wore a black short sleeved shirt that was too big for me most likely belonging to Jackie. My shoulder blade of course had been cleaned and was now wrapped in bandages. When I first drank the tea I tasted some kind of healing potion, as I drank the tea I finally explained who I was and where I was from. Uncle of course as I expected didn't buy it, Jackie was unsure, and Jade well she was ecstatic.

"Cool are you really from a reality where this one is fictional that's sweet!" I chuckled at her reaction. I then looked to Uncle and Jackie.

"I can tell the two of you are still skeptical perhaps I should tell you things I know to prove I'm telling the truth" I suggested to the Chi Wizard and Archaeologist.

"Very well then girl" Uncle agreed folding his arms across his chest. I snorted at Uncle.

"Are you laughing at Uncle?!" the old man demanded.

"You're funny that's why I snorted" I explained to the Chi Wizard. Uncle suddenly blushed before Jade said.

"I want to hear what she has to say!"
"And my name is Enya not girl Chi Wizard" I teased Uncle before continuing. "Firstly Jackie you're an archaeologist who one day discovered a shield, that shield unbeknownst to you caught the interest of two parties the Dark Hand and Captain Black Head of Section 13"

All three Chans eyes went wide as I continued.

"The shield actually had a magical artifact called the Rooster Talisman one out of twelve representing the Chinese Zodiac, each talisman wields a form of magic, for example the Rooster Talisman wields Levitation, The Snake Talisman has Invisibility, and the Rabbit Talisman Super Speed, anyway the Dark Hand led by Valmont wants these magical artifacts" I then looked to Jade.

"You kid tend to ignore your uncle when he says something" Jade blushed and smiled innocently as my eyes went to Jackie.

"You really don't want to be involved with Section 13 and instead prefer to enjoy your archaeological finds"

I then looked to Uncle.

"And you my friend like Mung Bean sandwiches as well as Garlic, you also tend to slap Jackie with two fingers, you also have certain catch phrases like "Aiyah" , "One more thing", and my personal favorite "Magic must defeat magic"

As I finished all three Chans had their mouths open. I suddenly growled as I felt the bones within my shoulder blade moving around. Uncle suddenly began to touch my shoulder assessing with whatever is going on.

"You're shoulder is in the process of repairing the bones" the old man explained before continuing. "And I believe you're story I can tell when someone is lying and you my dear are not"

"Enya?" I looked to Jackie. "Uncle said when we found you outside that you have magical blood flowing through you're veins maybe you can tell us what he means, Ow!" both Jade and I laughed as Uncle finished finger slapping Jackie.

"Don't pressure her she's just now recovering!" the old man snapped. I put a hand on Uncle's shoulder.

"It's alright and to answer your question Jackie I am a dragon shape shifter well half anyway"

Uncle's eyes widened at this new and his eyes held excitement.

"My father is human while my mother is not, when I take my true form I am a Western Dragon, my scales are silver, I also have magic of my own the which I get from my father" I suddenly felt my stomach growl and this time I was the one to blush.

"I think it would be a good idea for you to eat Enya and well will do everything in our power to help you get back home" Uncle said taking my hand into his.

"Enya isn't that Irish?" Jade suddenly asked me.

"Smart kid, yes Enya is an Irish name but I'm not Irish, it means "Little Fire" I explained to Jade.

"One more thing Enya you say we are all part of a fictional show who is your favorite character?" Uncle inquired.

"Uncle!" Jackie scolded.

"I have several but two of them are definitely Uncle and Jade" Jackie only face palmed while Jade leapt into the air with a fist pup saying "Yes!", which was followed by Uncle who said "Hotcha!".

Meanwhile Somewhere Else in San Fransico

Shendu's POV

I had been sleeping when some source of magic woke me up. Valmont heard my hissing and turned to me.

"What is it Shendu?" the leader of the Dark Hand asked.

"I do not know but something or someone with magic I never felt before just awakened me" I answered.

"Perhaps it's another talisman activating?" Valmont suggested standing up.

"Not it isn't I would know if one of my talismans was activated it's something else I cannot identify" I explained. Whatever this magic I felt was I determined to find out.

"I shall be back I'm going to see if I can find the source of this magic" I said to Valmont before I summoned the power of my Sheep Talisman. I felt its power come to life and a moment later my spirit broke free ready to begin this unknown quest.

What will happen to Enya now that she is trapped in her favorite show?
Stay tuned to find out and please review!