"I'm gonna kill that stupid shuckface!" Thomas stormed out of their classroom. He was red with anger and all he wanted to do was kick Minho, his dorm mate, in the face. How dare he throw a party on their dorm the night before midterms? As if Newt was not already stressing enough about it, he also had to worry about not being able to study. God, he was fuming.

"Thomas! Wait!" Gally yelled, coming after Thomas who was walking/running.

"What?!" Thomas angrily yelled back, stopping on his tracks. Gally stopped and took a step back from Thomas, afraid that Thomas was going to sucker punch the living daylights out of him.

"Maybe you can stay at my house. I'm having a study group." Gally offered, trying to calm Thomas down.

"I can't study with people around. I can't concentrate." Thomas said, still red all over his face.

"Just consid..." Gally started.

"No! Just... Look, I'm close with Minho maybe he'll change his mind about this party." Thomas hopefully said.

"Well..." Gally scratched his head. Thomas looked at him with dismay.

"He's already getting the dorm messed up, huh?" Thomas said, feeling the throbbing pain in his head.

"Y-Yeah." Gally whispered. Thomas sighed loudly and started pacing the hallway, not caring about the other students passing by.

"This is college! I thought people would be more focused on their studies?!" Thomas yelled. "God, I might murder someone tonight." Thomas whispered.

"Okay." Gally grabbed Thomas and put his hands on Thomas' shoulders. "You have to calm down. You can maybe go to a coffee shop or the library." Gally added.


"Do you want to study?"

"Yeah but..."

"Do you want to graduate?"

"Yes but..."

"Then find other ways that you can study."

"Fine." Thomas sighed in defeat but that does not mean he's not gonna punch Minho on the nose once the exams was over.

"Good. Now go to class. Literature is starting in 5 minutes." Gally patted Thomas on his shoulders and took off. Thomas walked the other way and made his way to his next class. Gally was his high school friend was back at Glade High. They met during freshmen year and had been inseparable ever since. Thomas was lucky they both picked the same college because if not he would have gone craze by the first week. Although they picked different courses they still see each other everyday.

He finally got the room and immediately sat on the front row. He always sat there at every class. Let's just say he was very grade-conscious. He wanted to pass every class, not top it, just pass. He somehow always needed to work harder than everyone. He guessed he was not really just given natural smarts.

The professor entered the room and every one fell quiet. Thomas squinted his eyes, this was not the same professor they had.

"Hello everyone. I'm Professor Ava Paige you can call me Ms. Paige, I will be your lecturer for the rest of the semester, assuming everything goes well. Mr. Janson's not... fit for the position so the university hired me." Ms. Paige gave them a warm smile and Thomas immediately knew she was a step up form the always cranky Mr. Janson.

"Okay, first order of business! I always give out quizzes, projects and other special assignments in order for you to be given extra credit." Ava paced around the room. "They always said that this subject is easy, that it's a breeze but I'll assure you that with me, It will not be. I will be giving you plays, impromptu acts, dramas, comedies, and all of the things that screams literature!" Ava passed him and gave him a smile. Thomas was one of those students that never really give any attention to Lit because he always thought it was easy but now, he knew it was gonna be a challenge.

"But, don't worry! You'll be assigned with partners!"

'Great! I'll have to deal with other people! Delightful!' Thomas sarcastically thought.

"You will be helping each other out for the rest of the semester and your grades will be based on how you and your partner do the tasks given to you." Students sighed and started complaining about how unfair it was until Ava spoke again. "Don't worry. You'll have the option of doing tasks alone if you are not comfortable with working with the partner I'm going to assign to you, which will be the permanent partnership for the rest of the semester." Ava said and took her tablet and started calling the names of each partner.

Thomas knew that he would most likely be doing the task alone, considering how bad he is with dealing with other people. He was outgoing, yes, but somehow people annoys the hell out of him. He was in very deep thought that he hadn't even realized his name being called.

"Thomas Edison?" Ava called twice.

"Y-yes!" Thomas stuttered as he became aware of his surroundings.

"You'll be with... Newton Isaacs." Ava smiled and proceeded to the next batch of names.

'Newton Isaacs' Thomas thought. Ah! He was the quiet blonde student that always stays behind the class. He looks behind to search for his lit partner and noticed the blonde drawing, seemingly out in a daze. He never really given much thought about Isaacs but now that they were partners, they might spend some more time together.

'At least, he's quiet.' Thomas thought, comforting himself.

"Okay, now go to your partners and sit together. The first assignment will be given. Go." Ms. Paige instructed.

Thomas knew Isaacs was not listening so got out of his seat and grabbed his bag and slowly approached the blonde. He noticed that Isaacs was attractive. Lanky, but attractive. He had this certain vide to him. Thomas shook his head. He stood in front of the blonde and lingered there until Isaacs noticed his presence. He looked up at the brunette.

"Can I help you?" He asked Thomas when he finally noticed him. He had an accent! British accent to be exact. That surprised Thomas.

"Thomas. Your new lit partner." Thomas smiled and held his hands for Newt to shake.

"Partner?" Newt asked, confused.

"Yeah, the new professor just assigned them." Thomas took his hands away and just explained to the blonde.

"New professor?" Newt asked again, even more confused. It made Thomas chuckle. He was cute.

"Yeah. She's gonna be giving the next assignment and we're partners... for the rest of the semester." Thomas explained as he sat his bag down the floor next to the chair that was next to Newt.

"Oh." Newt said, closing his sketch book. "Newton Isaacs, but call me Newt." Newt said as he held his hands for Thomas to shake.

"Nice to finally speak to you." Thomas took Newt's hand and shook it. He sat next to Newt and waited for Ms. Paige to give them the assignment.

"So, um..." Newt started, "are you okay with me being your partner?"

"Yeah. It's fine. You're the quiet type and I like that." Thomas assured the blonde. Newt just smiled at him and kept staring at Thomas.

"Do I have something on my face?" Thomas finally asked when he noticed the stare.

"No." Newt chuckled and looked back at his desk. Thomas squinted his eyes at Newt and the blonde kept laughing. Thomas looked at the blonde and noticed how pretty Newt's eyes were. How they scrunched up when he was laughing.

"You're staring, you know." Newt said when he caught the brunette staring. Thomas did not even notice the blonde look at him.

"Uh... Payback for staring at me earlier." Thomas thanked himself for thinking quick.

"Sure." Newt just smirked. Thomas was about to say something when Ms. Paige spoke again.

"For your assignment, I would like you to make a biography about your partner. Formats will be all up to you. So get to know them or hang out with them. This will be passed next week so that you will have ample time to do it after midterms." Ms. Paige announced. "I will not be making you stay any longer since this is our first meeting so, enjoy your free hour."

Thomas sighed and started packing his things. He was about to stand up when Newt started to speak.

"So, how would you like to do this?" Newt asked, backpack hanging in his shoulders.

"I don't know. I'm still focusing on the midterms for tomorrow. Maybe we can talk after?" Thomas suggested. Newt grabbed Thomas' phone from his hands and asked for the code. Thomas was dumbfounded but typed it anyways. Newt did something and gave it back to Thomas.

"What was that about?" Thomas asked, confused.

"You'll know in a matter of minutes." Newt said and waved him goodbye. Thomas was still confused as he looked at the blonde slowly disappearing in the crowd. Then he felt his phone vibrate in his hands. He looked and the message.

From Unknown Number: Newt here. Text me if any ideas come to you. ;)

So that's what he did. Newt could've asked him normally but no, he had to do all those things. Newt was an odd one, for sure. He smiled but replied anyway.

To Unknown Number: You could've just asked for my number like a normal person would, you know.

He hit send and the reply was almost instantaneous.

From Unknown Number: Where's the fun in that?

Thomas chuckled at the message as he started to walk too. He saved the number to his contacts and replied back.

To Isaac Newton: Sure sure. Just so you know I named you after a scientist in my contacts.

From Isaac Newton: I get that a lot. I named you 'Tommy' so we're even. :)

'Tommy'? Thomas smiled at the nickname. He was about to reply back when someone took his phone from his hands.

"Hey!" Thomas yelled.

"You're smiling like an idiot. What you got there?" Alby said, teasing Thomas.

"None of your business, Alby!" Thomas said, punching the guy in the stomach lightly which made the guy scrunch up and Thomas immediately grabbed his phone back.

"Are you, Thomas Edison, smitten?" Alby teased, yanking the brunette under his arms.

"Shut up, Alby." Thomas hissed. Alby just laughed at him.

"Whatever. I don't have any classes for the rest of the day. Care to go to lunch?" Alby offered.

"Yes! I need food." Thomas agreed. They walked towards the hallway and made their way to the cafeteria.