A/N: For a change of pace from my major stories from another fandom, I wanted to try writing a story for this fandom with my favourite OTP. I still can't move on from the feels. (๑•́ω•̀๑) Hope you enjoy!ヽ(^◇^*)/

Ever since I can remember, I was always running…

Rapid, uncoordinated breathing echoed throughout the forest, accompanied with fast and reckless pacing of a couple of heavy feet. A few low-lying branches snapped as a figure passed them by, and when they fell to the ground, they were trampled upon by two more figures that were in pursuit of the former.

"Hey, get back here you little thief!"

"You won't get away this time!"

Kah kah kah! These old timers reeaally don't know when to give up~ The younger, more agile one confidently looked on forward, knowing where to turn, predicting every hindrances that would come his way. No one knew the forest like he does; after all, he always took shelter in its secret hiding places after a grand heist like the one he did just moments ago. An ecstatic grin formed in his lips as he recognized the familiar turn that will ultimately decide his successful escape. See ya later suckeeeers!

He was only a few feet away from the decisive turn when he felt ominous auras breathed down his neck. His head slowly turned backwards and his eyes almost fell from their sockets when his gaze met the fiery glares of the shadows who were chasing him.

"Don't you dare underestimate us!" They were flanking each side, allowing zero chances for him to break away. The blazing determination in their eyes even made the usually carefree thief flinch. "You make sure we don't catch you punk, because if we do, you go'n see things you haven't seen before!"

Ohhh~ Putting up a fight eh~ Sweat began to trickle down his throat as his exit drew dangerously close. Shit. I may have to use a detour. Tsk! He was in a tight spot, but it only made his grin grow wider. He loved the thrill of adventure, and the place that he'll be venturing into is an area that's restricted to all who were born outside its borders. Erasing all thoughts of dread, he sighed hard and made a sharp turn opposite of the path he originally aimed for. The path was wide open but no light shone on it because of the trees that stood at each side. There was no sound, nor smell that emanated from that path, only darkness. Kah kah! Go ahead and follow me, you stuck-up geezers!

Blindly charging forward, he dived into the unknown where those who dared enter did not return. One of the two who were in pursuit, after identifying the choice that the foolish thief made, started to lessen his speed.

"Let him go!"

The other one, who was also at top speed, looked back and upon seeing the grim look on his friend's face, stepped on the brakes of his feet. The former walked up to the latter who was standing at the entrance of the great obscurity that consumed the daredevil.

"You sure about this? He'll die out there."

The older of the two shook his head and let out a hundred days' worth of sighs. "It's not like his life is any better here."

With each figure casting a lingering look on the forbidden path, they turned their backs and trudged grudgingly back to where they came from, without their prized prisoner.

Ever since I can remember, I was always hiding…

Haa… Haaa… After running for half-an-hour, I took a five minute rest at a small clearing in this dense forest. For some reason, this was the only patch of land that was illuminated by sunlight, everywhere else was as dark as if night had already settled. The moment I sat under a blossoming plum tree that stood in the midst of the clearing, I released all of the tension that has been straining my muscles. Ugh. I'm getting old for this shit. It seems the guards have stopped chasing me. Well, who wouldn't, I'm in the so-called restricted area of the forest after all. Thinking about it, this place ain't so bad. It's just darker, I guess. I wonder what the entire fuss was all abou— My nose twitched as I picked up an unfamiliar smell. I looked around and behold, glowering eyes at every corner. Sigh… This day just keeps getting better and better~ Deep, menacing growls began to fill the once serene area, threatening me to leave; but I'm no coward! There's nothing that could—

Shit! They just came out of… everywhere! So there's a reason why they call this the forbidden forest~ Kah kah kah! The feeling of elation and adrenaline began to fill my chest once again as I ran for my life for the second time today! The creatures that were chasing me are far more sinister and uglier compared to the ones that chased me before. They had monstrous appearances; one group was red in color and looked like a gluttonous pig, fat and lumpy, while the others has grey complexion and seemed like walking sticks. If demons had faces then they would like these monsters. I would've turned back and fight, but there was a whole horde of 'em! I couldn't possibly face them all. So, I ran. I ran, and ran. Even though my muscles moaned and screamed in pain, I still ran. I don't know what part of the forest this is now. It's so dark, I can barely see, but I can still feel the monsters chasing me. They were so close, so dangerously close. I squinted my eyes to see ahead, but there was nothing, only darkness. My heart pounded in my chest like it was about to explode.

Am I going to die? Ahh~ What a shitty life I lead. The only thing I ever did was steal. Steal to survive in this hellish world. I never wanted to live like this, but what can I do? It would be so much better if I would just disappear… All the pain, the memories, take them away from me. I closed my eyes slowly and jumped forward into the abyss.

I feel lighter now. My surroundings felt so warm; the air is sweet and the birds are singing such beautiful tunes. I never thought I'd end up here. I thought I'd end up someplace where thieves and criminals go. I am flying. I'm free— Ugh! I crashed down face first into the ground. Shaking my head of dirt and dust, I straightened up and looked back to where I came from. What greeted my eyes was a tall, huge wall of grass that stretched on for miles at the side. I can hear the monsters grumbling underneath their breath on the other side. Maybe this was some kind of holy ground that no evil thing could enter… I stuck my tongue at them and merrily moved on forward.

The new surroundings dazzled me. There were blossoming fruit trees everywhere, shrubs of every kinds of berries, freshly cut lawn of grass, and little creatures moving freely without a care in the world. It's only when I saw a pond of shimmering water that my throat felt dry. How many days has it been since I drank fresh, clean water? I cautiously approached the pond and before I took a lick, I examined my reflection on the water. A pair of weary crimson eyes looked back at me with curiosity. My silvery white coat has been dirtied by dust and grime. I may need to take a bath after I drank this water. Well, without further ado~

I suddenly heard rustling in the background. Alarmed, I jumped back and bared my fangs to the direction where I heard the noise from. Towering over me was a human who was just as surprised as I am.

Ever since I can remember, I was always lying…

"How did you enter this garden?" The human asked in a surprised yet gentle voice.

Normally, other creatures are not able to understand humans because we speak in different languages, but somehow, I am able to understand the human tongue. Maybe it was the effect of a poisoned shroom that—out of hunger and desperation—I ate a few months ago.

I scoffed and growled my answer. What do you care? You won't be able to understand me anyway.

The human was a little girl who was just above a meter tall with a head of blonde strings that lightly touched her bare shoulders. She wore a flowing white one-piece sleeveless dress that was obviously too long for her, making her appearance much more like that of a child. I do not understand their clothing sense at all. She was a plain human child, but her eyes… They seemed much older and wiser than what her appearance suggested. They were a brilliant gold, and they reflected my entirety.

A pitiful, pathetic fox.

Ever since I can remember…