Why me?
I'll never understand it.
You could have picked anyone in the universe, but you chose me. Sure, I'm a genius. I can make training equipment for you. I gave you a place to live. But that couldn't be why. You picked me for some reason.
I remember the day I first saw you. It wasn't the romantic interlude that most women imagined. I was watching you kill my friends, including the one I was smitten with.
You were no doubt evil, ready to destroy the planet in one blast.
So why did I fall in love with you?
The years passed and my former love faded. I had no time for a playboy. I wanted a man. Someone that would be there. Someone that was strong.
You were both. I was alone, away from Yamcha for a while. We spoke that night, you had just finish training. You didn't speak much, the same as you do now, but it was enough.
You let go that night, letting me in on many of your secrets. Your home planet, your family, what Frieza did to you, they all came flowing out of you.
Before I knew it we were in each other's arms. You needed my warmth and I wanted yours.
Months later, I discovered our son. You weren't keen on the idea of being a father. I guessed it was your fear of the unknown. You remembered what it was like to lose everything. If you had nothing, you couldn't lose it.
Our son was born perfect, I had never seen a more beautiful child. I was surprised that you stayed. It wasn't that you had anywhere to go, you had a ship, so you could leave at any time. But you stayed.
You watched over me and our son, as I watched you train. You were distancing yourself. You remembered what the boy from the future said. You would die, there was no reason to get attached.
You left one morning without telling me. I knew it would happen eventually. We weren't together, we just shared a child.
When the time came, you reappeared with the power you were seeking. It wasn't enough, but it kept you alive.
It was then that we discovered that the boy from the future was our own. I was surprised.
You played indifferent. Pushing him away at every turn. You didn't want him to know you were afraid. You didn't want him to get close to you.
But he did, he got close to you. You learned to care again, even if didn't show it. His death at the hands of Cell brought out your wrath. Your worst fears were confirmed. There was no running.
After Cell's fall, you came back to me. I was surprised again. You said you wanted to train our son. I agreed.
My feelings had changed over time. I was a social creature, you were a loner. You were a fighter, I was a scientist. We were different, but we were the same.
We were both ambitious. Both of us going after goals that seemed impossible. Your confidence was refreshing. Some may call it cockiness, but you had the power to back up your words. I loved that.
Both of us are selfish beyond compare, thinking only of ourselves.
It was only a year after Cell that I realized that I was in love with you. I didn't say anything, thinking that being near you was good enough. We had a child to raise. I couldn't be selfish anymore.
I was surprised again when you asked me to be your mate. There was no emotion in your voice. I didn't expect it. You only showed emotions in two places. The battlefield and the bedroom.
You stayed with me all of those years, training our son and loving me. You never said you loved me, but I knew.
When Goku returned and you lost your heart, I wept, refusing to believe it was you. Refusing to believe that you would want that life over the one we had.
It was worse when I heard about your death. You sacrificed yourself. You didn't do it for Earth like Goku would have done. You did it for me, our son, the life we created together. You never wanted a family, but you wanted us. You wanted me.
When Buu was defeated, I stood with our son. I was thinking about how I would go on without you. How Trunks would fare without you.
When you appeared, coming back to us, I was filled with a sense of joy I could never express.
Here we are years later, our second child staying close to you. I can already tell that she will be a daddy's girl.
I watch as Goku runs off again.
And here you are by my side after all of this time.
You chose to be with me. To stay with me. You could have left to train. You could have ignored us all together, but you didn't you chose to stay.
I used to ask myself, "Why me?" but now I know the truth. It couldn't have been anyone else but me.