Each chapter will be a short story about different K characters. All happen before the Anime! They will not always be in order.

Chapter 1: Self Defense

Characters: Misaki Yata, Saruhiko Fushimi

Scene: Yata and Misaki's School

Time: Both are 17 and have not yet met HOMRA

Misaki Yata stood, stiff bodied, with a knife to his throat. He felt the strong arm wrap around his shoulders holding him back. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath. In one swift movement he gripped the wrist of his attacker with one strong grip. He quickly ducked, keeping hold of the other's arm, and twisted it until the person holding the knife was in an arm bar. He mimic a front kick to the face, without actually hitting them, and bent the plastic knife out of the attackers hand as they began to shout. "Ouch ouch ouch! Ok Misaki you win, let go!" Yata released the person's arm. This was his second week in self defense class and yet he was the top of the class. "Sorry, Kai! I got carried away." He held out his hand and helped the other boy off his mat. They both heard their teacher clapping from the back of the room. "Very very good work, Misaki! I could easily see you moving on to the advanced class next semester." Yata smiled from ear to ear with pride until another student muttered, "If he can pass the rest of his classes." Yata's smile vanished as he heard others laughing at the students comment. It was true though. He was failing everything else. He wasn't the smartest person in the world and he always ended up in a fight by the end of the day. Trying to hide his face, Yata walked back to his spot on the floor and sat down among the laughing students. The boy next to him saw his face and, in an attempt to tell everyone to shut up, he stood. The teacher saw him standing above everyone else and called out, "Saruhiko Fushimi? Are you the next volunteer for the demonstration?" Fushimi never volunteered. He tried to sit in the back of the class as much as possible. The only club he ever enjoyed was fencing, because he was the best at it. But he loathed self defense. It wasn't his style to use brutal force and cheap shots over skill in a fight. The only reason he signed up for this class was because Yata begged him to. They were best friends. Wherever Yata went, Fushimi followed. Although it rarely was vice versa. Fushimi would walk away from most situations while Yata stayed to fight head on. But still, at the end of the day when a group of upperclassmen had given Yata a black eye and left him sitting in frustration with a bloody lip, Fushimi would be there for him. "Mr. Fushimi?" The teacher asked again. "I said are you volunteering?"

"I um..."

"Mr. Akito. You will demonstrate and Mr. Fushimi will attack." He sat back down at the back of the room with his clip board. "Begin when you're ready."

Fushimi looked at Yata with a look of regret. Akito was the biggest guy in class. Regardless, Fushimi wasn't going to sit down like an idiot. He walked to the front of the class and picked up one of the plastic knifes. Akito turned his back and prepared for the attack. Nothing happened. The teacher called out as students started to whisper. "Saruhiko, what are you waiting for? Demonstrate the attack!"

"I can't sir."

"Excuse me? Why not?"

"It is an unfair advantage to attack from behind. A true fight is only done when both people are prepared."

"Agreed. But nobody would wait for their victim to prepare themselves."

"I would."

"This class isn't about attacking, it's about defense. Now let Mr. Akito demonstrate defense."

"Yea Fushimi," Akito faced him and spoke with his booming voice. "Defense is about always being prepared for when someone attacks. Like THIS!" He threw a punch towards Fushimi's face who barely dodged it. Akito continued throwing punches and kicks and as Fushimi dodged them he stumbled back further and further until he tripped over a student's leg. Weather they extended it on purpose or not doesn't matter. Fushimi was still on the ground with the entire class laughing at him. The teacher's voice tried to shout over them, "Ok OK enough you lot! Pipe down!" They continued to laugh and Fushimi stood, threw the plastic knife with such force that it stabbed into the wrestling mat and stormed out. Yata watched him shove his way through the door. The laughter died down and Yata just stared at the mat for the rest of the class.

Once class is dismissed Yata stayed to the back of the crowd. He searched the hall for Fushimi. Finally he sees him at his locker, practically burying his face in it. He walked up to him and quietly mumbles, "Hey. Sorry about that, Saru."

"No you're not."

"What?" Yata was surprised by the anger in his voice. "Of course I am."

"You just sat there. I was prepared to stand up for you, but you didn't for me!"

"What was I supposed to do, Saru? What would you have done if it was you."

"I would have followed you," he says a bit sharper now, "I wouldn't have just sat there in that dumb class as if I cared what those other people though of me. You know why? Because my best friend needed me."

"If it's such a dumb class then why did you sign up for it."

"Because YOU asked me to, Misaki!"

"I didn't force you! We don't have to do everything together, ya know! I don't go with you to fencing club."

"I know you don't. You also don't follow me when I walk away from a fight. Or when I've been knocked on my back like an idiot."

The bell rings and Yata turns away with a grunt and heads for the door. Fushimi calls to him, "Misaki! Where are you going!"

"Skipping fourth period. I need some air." He shouts back with a shrill voice, "Have fun in history, Saru."

Fushimi clicks his tongue and takes a few steps towards his classroom. He stops and glances down at his book then towards the door as Yata walks through it. He lets out a sigh... and follows him.

Don't forget to review! Next time: Tatara Totsuka travels to a dangerous part of town to get an anniversary gift for his girlfriend.