The sun was beginning to set, the day ending with another enemy being taken down as the two heros sighed softly, today's villain being some sort of heat demon who brought the city's temperature up to heats over thirty seven degrees celsius.

"That was fun! Hey, wanna grab some coffee?" The black suited hero asked his partner in crime, her reaction seeming full of unamusement. "Hey, come on! You've still got four little dots on your earrings and I've got a full paw! Let's get some coffee together!" He persuaded, the girl sighing in defeat.

"Fine, where do you want to go?" Ladybug asked softly, rolling her eyes at his big smile.

"Let's go to Dunkin Donuts! There's one nearby!" The cat laughed, grabbing her hand as he wanted to get there before her transformation would have to wear off.

The two of them walked into a quiet cafe, the bell ringing as Ladybug opened the door for her partner, the boy feeling a little bad that he didn't get to the door first to open it for her. "Thank you, my lady~" he purred to her before looking around the shop, locking eyes with a dirty blonde reading a book from across the cafe, his cheeks getting a hint of red added to them under his mask. No matter what, the hero felt he couldn't take his eyes off him, making it awkward after while. The stranger just waved at him a little before his eyes traveled back down to his book, Chat Noir breaking his vision as well as he was tapped on the shoulder by Ladybug.

"Oh my gosh, Ladybug! Do you see that guy over there?" He asked kind of loudly, pointing to him as he was being extremely obvious as to who he was talking about.

The bug quickly put her hand over his mouth and yanked his hand away from where it was pointing. "Shush up! Yes I see him, what about him?" She asked quietly as Chat Noir just smiled dreamily as he glanced over again, purring softly as he loved how the sunset made him look so angelic.

"I'll be back."

"Wait, Chat Noir!"

The cat boy strutted over to the boy just as he picked his eyes back up from underneath the lenses of his glasses, the two locking eyes. Chat Noir put a hand next to the cinnamon cappuccino on the small table, getting a bit of a weird look from the stranger.

"Can I help you?" The stranger asked softly as the cat smirked widely at him, staring into his dark, milk chocolate eyes.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that I think those pants would look much better on my floor," the mischievous cat purred softly, leaning down to stare at the unentertained boy in front of him. "Hm, nothing to say to that? How cute."

The boy sighed softly, rolling his eyes before grabbing the cat by his bell and yanked him down, his lips right against his ear. "I think my dick would look a lot better in your ass," Chat Noir felt the man's breath against his ear, his cheeks turning bright red as he tried to pull away, the stranger just yanking him down harder as he put a hand on the cat's face. "And your ass would look great up in the air, along with your face pushed down into the pillow."

After that last comment, the stranger let go, quickly opening his book again and keeping his eyes locked on the pages with a straight face. Chat Noir took a deep breath as he slowly stumbled back to his partner in crime, his legs feeling weak after that.

The girl looked at him with great concern as he saw his face about as red as her suit. "Oh my goodness, what happened," Ladybug asked quietly as the boy sighed softly.

"He… He was smoothe… Ugh, I can't calm down, I'm gonna leave…" He mumbled softly, stumbling out of the cafe as Ladybug glanced at the stranger, then back at her partner walking down the sidewalk with a longing look on his face.

"Nino, he's annoying as hell," Adrien started, strolling around the school grounds with his best friend, Nino. "I can't believe a guy like that said that!"

"Well, in his defence, you were hitting on him. He probably didn't appreciate it very much," Nino replied before laughing softly as his friend pouted softly. "Did you get his name at least?"

"No, but he looked maybe about our age… Maybe."

"Maybe? What do you mean?"

"Well, he was really freaking tall! But there's a lot of people our age like that."

"Yeah, you just got the short end of the deal."

"I'm absolutely not short, I'm average," Adrien stated as he looked down to his feet, then back to his friend. "Besides, we're like the same height, that'd make you short too."

"Nah, I'm like five centimeters taller."

"More like point five centimeters."

The two laughed together softly before Adrien yawned softly, stretching his arms out and looking around. "The campus is so empty right now… We should just go home," Adrien suggested as Nino nodded his head in agreement.

"Let's go get something to eat," Nino suggested to his friend, the both of them agreeing.

"I want fast food," Adrien complained before yawning again, walking down the street his friend as he looked around. "Look there's a McDonald's across the street, let's go there."

The two walked down the sidewalk to a crosswalk, talking quietly as they waited for a little, Adrien yawning once again.

"Man, you've been yawning a lot, you getting enough sleep?" Nino asked as he put his hands up behind his head.

"Yeah, just been studying a lot lately. I haven't eaten much all day either, might be that," He replied as he stared at the light in frustration, his stomach growling softly. "Ugh, this light is never gonna turn green, let's just go, there aren't any cars in the street."

"Adrien, that does not seem like the brightest idea you've had."

Adrien rolled his eyes at his friends comment, holding the strap of his book bag as he started heading into the street.

A hand quickly tugged at the back of his shirt, pulling him back as Adrien did not look both ways while crossing, not seeing a car speeding down the road. "What the hell! Are you trying to get yourself killed?" The person from behind asked, Adrien turning to the familiar voice to find it was the man from the cafe. "Be a little more patient, idiot."

'He's a lot taller when he stands up…' Adrien thought as he watched the man cross the road, the light finally green. Nino ran up beside him, his face having turned white from almost seeing his friend ran over.

"Oh my gosh! You almost got yourself killed! I told you not to! If he wasn't there, what would've happened!" Nino rambled as Adrien was kind of lost in a trance.

"Nino, that was him! The guy from the cafe!" Adrien exclaimed as Nino quickly waved his hand, telling him to quiet down a little in case the guy had heard.

"Fantastic, I'm a little more worried about how you, y'know, almost died!"

"Chaos is spreading through Paris, a large infestation of roaches all over town!" The TV broadcasted, Adrien's eyes getting big as he turned his head, the channel showing live feed of what seemed to be thousands of roaches all marching one way down the streets of Paris.

"If only the hallways at school moved like that…" He mumbled before quickly looking for Plagg, finding the small creature sitting on his bed with a large plate of cheese. "Come on, we gotta move now," Adrien sighed before looking toward the large pile of homework on his desk, sighing softly.

"Ah, I was just about to take a nap though…" Plagg yawned before being snatched up from the bed, Adrien quickly transforming into Chat Noir.

He escaped out the window of the mansion, fleeing the beautifully kept grounds into downtown, laughing as he jumped from building to building with perfect agility.

The cat boy waited atop a building, lying in the sun and letting the heat fall into his black suit as he awaited Ladybug to come join him for the fight. He wasn't greeted by Ladybug though.

Instead, a tall man in bunny ears and a pink outfit suited for fighting appeared, glancing up at the black cat.

"Yo, what're you doing up there, Monsieur Hero?" The bunny boy asked, running a hand over his whisker covered mask as Chat Noir quickly yanked his head up to the difference in the voices.

"What the hell, a bunny?" The black suited boy asked, playing with one of his cat ears softly as he looked at him confusedly. 'Who the hell is this kid?'

"I'm a hare, not a bunny," the seems-to-be hero stated, tightening the short ponytail on his head with a sigh. "What're you doing up here, anyways? Isn't there some city-folk you should be saving?"

"I'm waiting for Ladybug, Monsieur Bunny, but she seems to be running a little late," Chat Noir stated as the other hero glared at him, knowing the nickname "Monsieur Bunny" was given to him just to piss him off.

"Listen, kitty, the city's in trouble, the roaches are abducting people down into the sewers, so we've gotta move fast. Let's go," the other hero stated before sprinting ahead, being much faster and more coordinated than either Chat Noir or Ladybug.

"Huh," The cat mumbled as he watched the other run ahead, amazed by his speed. "Yo, wait up!"

The two of them sped off toward the trouble, sort of racing, even though Chat Noir had zero chance of catching up with the quick hare. They both stopped atop a building, staring down at all the chaos.

"Why the sewers! Why not a nice field of flowers," the cat started, out of breath as he looked up at the bunny next to him. "So, I didn't catch your name. What is it?"

The hare looked at him with annoyance, a look Chat Noir recognized but brushed off. "Spring," the boy stated, sighing as he looked over at the hero. "I'm kind of new around here."

"Well, Monsieur Bunny, it's nice to meet ya'," Chat Noir exclaimed, laughing softly before hearing the cry of a woman being abducted into one of the manholes in the ground. "C'mon, Monsieur Bunny! Let's go kick butt!"

Chat Noir hopped off the building, Spring reaching to catch him, sighing softly as he pulled out a slinky, launching one half of it down towards the cat boy as it caught him by the back off his collar. The cat yelped loudly as he was pulled back up by the slinky's recoil, Spring quickly catching him with a sigh.

"Be a little more patient, idiot," the hare mumbled before dropping him back onto the rooftop, leaving the other hero mesmerized as before at school. Where had he heard that before? He couldn't remember, he just knew he felt something like that earlier.

Once the cat snapped out of his trance, he quickly sprung up, looking at the hare as he looked around at everything going on, trying to find a weak point. "Hey, what the hell was that! Why'd you bring me back up here," Chat Noir screamed at him, all the roaches suddenly stopping and turning their attention towards the hero duo.

"Because you're impulsiveness is going to get us killed! Like right now," Spring yelled back before all the roaches started rushing up the building, the roof shaking beneath their feet as Spring grabbed his thought-to-be sidekick and started sprinting toward the side of the building, jumping to the next with amazing force and speed.

Chat Noir felt he was in that trance again, sighing softly as he felt so content, even with the roaring sound of little bug footsteps coming their way.

"-diot! Snap out of it and get ready to land!" Spring shouted at Chat Noir, the cat boy snapping out of it finally as he looked down at the high rooftop they were on. He was thrown off by his current partner in crime, screaming before falling on his butt, Spring following as he gracefully flipped through the air after him and landed on his feet. "Aren't cats supposed to land on their feet?"

"Haha, smart guy, let's just get a move on. Where to?"

"Over here, down this," Spring stated, pointing to an open manhole that was cracked all around the sides as the bugs couldn't all fit through it and had to break it a little. "This seems to be where they were coming from when they first appeared."

"Ugh, down there? Gross, no wa-"

"Quit being a drama queen and get a move on!"

Spring pushed the boy into the hole quickly, sighing as he climbed in a little way before pulling the manhole cover back on, struggling a little as he then dropped into the hole with a loud huff, his arms tired from lifting the heavy hunk of metal. "We don't have a lot of time, let's get going."

The two rushed through the dark, wet tunnel, Spring slowing down as he couldn't see very well in the darkness of the hole. "This is absolutely putrid, I can smell everything," the cat complained, hissing softly as he heard the body next to him slip with a loud squeak, turning and grabbing him before quickly pulling up. "And you tell me to be careful!"

"Thanks for catching me, kitty," the hare laughed softly as he stood up straight again, softly petting the other hero before starting to run again, Chat Noir a little stunned at the sudden change in personality of his previously arrogant and annoyed partner.

"Yeah, sure," He replied after a moment, quickly catching up with him due to the boy running much slower than before. "Hey, why aren't you speeding ahead like before?"

"I can't see anything in here," Spring replied as he sighed softly looking back as he could hear the pitter patter of cockroaches approaching quickly. "Crap!" Spring suddenly grabbed the cat boy quickly falling into the water beside them. Chat Noir covered his mouth, trying to hold in anything coming up. This was not where he'd ever envision himself ever being in his life.

The bugs quickly rushed by, the hare's breath hitching as the cat could see his fists clench up, a little confused as to why he was so nervous. Once the bugs were finished, Spring sighed in relief, hearing the little legs rush farther down the tunnel, sitting up and looking down at the partner beside him. "That was frightening…"

"What, really? That's what you consider scary?" The cat questioned as he also sat up, shaking out all the dirty water from his hair onto the sides of the tunnel and the hare.

Spring looked at him, annoyed with the water whipped onto him. "Yeah, of course… It's dangerous…" the hare whispered as he slapped his partner in the back of the head. "And be quiet, you're gonna get us caught again…"

"Yeah, whatever, anyways, what do we do now?" The cat asked, trying to be a little quieter as he looked down both ways of the tunnel.

"Well, we find where they came from," Spring replied as he got up as well, looking at the wet cat with a soft laugh. "You look like an idiot, your hair is so frizzy."

"Shush. Come on, let's start heading down this way," Chat Noir stated as he began walking opposite the way they had been running from.

The two of them walked together, trying to be as quiet and discreet as was possible for them. "Hey, it's too dark, I can't see anything…" Spring whispered, nervousness in his voice as the cat looked over at him with a look of disgust.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark!"

"Shut up, I can't help it. Besides, you've got night vision, you wouldn't understand why it's so scary," the hare sighed before hearing loud, shaking noises from above them, the manhole nearby moving around as the two quickly got ready to fight whatever was about to emerge from it.

Once the manhole was moved, the red suited hero fell from the hole, looking at the two of them with a shocked expression. "Ah, my lady!" Chat Noir cried as he ran up to the girl, Spring grabbing the cat boy and covering his mouth.

"Shhhh! They're gon-" the loud rumbling suddenly started approaching once again. "You idiot! Think before you do stuff like that!"

Ladybug looked panicked as she heard the rumbling get closer and closer, staring at them for an explanation.

"Eh hem," Chat Noir cleared his throat before shrugging. "Roaches."

"Let's go, idiot!" Spring suddenly grabbed both of them, speeding off again as he the two of them hung onto his hands. "Kitty, where are we going!"

"Take a right!" The cat called out as Ladybug looked at the two of them, really confused as to how they had such a connection, assuming they met today.

"Who's this guy!" She called to her partner, trying to keep her footing as the hare just kept speeding up, the rumbling getting closer and closer.

"This is Monsieur Bunny!"

"My name is Spring!" The hare replied, rolling his eyes at the cat's words. As they ran, Chat Noir suddenly pulled him back, the three knocking into each other.

"What the hell!" Spring yelled as the roaches quickly surrounded them, all three of them screaming as the roaches started carrying them away. "You see what you did, idiot!"

"There was a dead end!" The cat yelled as the three of them were quickly hauled away by the swarm of sewer bugs.

The three heroes were circled by the villain, all of their wrists tied into knots together. "Look where you got us now. Tied up and defenseless with this joke of a villain," Spring stated, him and Ladybug glaring over at the cat.

"Joke of a villain!" The man with a large pair of antennae on his head gasped, the hare quickly averting his glare from Chat Noir over to the scrawny man in what seemed to be iron armor covering his body.

"Absolutely. Roaches, seriously? What kind of a power is that?" Spring stated as Chat Noir then gave him a hard elbow in the arm.

"Shut your smart mouth! You're gonna get him angry!" The cat scolded him, pouting softly as he couldn't believe he was the one being told that he was going to get them in trouble. "Besides, I have a plan. Be a little more patient," He whispered, using the claws on his gloves to discreetly cut the rope that held them all together.

The man stared at them with a displeased look, knowing they were conversing about escaping his clutches. His eye's went wide as he seemed to be hearing something before the stern look returned, stalking over to the three.

"Ah, hey," the hare mumbled as the cockroach reached towards the choker around his neck, starting to try and remove the pendant on it. "What're you doing! Let go of that!" Spring shouted, obvious panic in his voice as he squirmed a little before suddenly kicking him off, sending him flying into a wall. The hare breathed hard as he looked around at the heros beside him, Ladybug extremely worried about him but Chat Noir too focused on cutting the rope to actually care or notice what had happened.

"Oh, now you've asked for trouble!" The villain yelled as he slowly got up, not even a dent in his armor, though he did have the wind knocked out of him a little. "You're gonna shudder when you hear of The Cockroach!" He yelled as he rose his arms, the ground rumbling for a moment before thousands of cockroaches swarmed into the room, starting to crawl all over them. The roaches started trying to tug off their miracle stones, Ladybug and Spring panicking as they didn't have theirs in an accessible place, unlike Chat Noir, trying his best to hold on to it before cutting through the last string in the rope.

"Now!" He yelled as the three quickly sprung up, falling back together since the knots weren't fully undone. They all grumbled quietly before getting back up, the knots falling apart as they slowly moved their hands to their sides, looking at each other for a moment before looking back at the roach.

"We need to get his antennae!" Ladybug shouted before spinning her red, spotted yo-yo in the air, shouting "Lucky Charm!" The yo-yo dropped a hammer with the same ladybug pattern as on her suit. She looked down at it, then at the two other heroes before asking, "What do I do with this?"

The two looked at her and shrugged before Chat Noir then started running at the villain, laughing loudly as he ran around, trying to distract him a little. "You think I'm afraid of some bugs? Ahaha! Monsieur Bunny was right, you are a joke of a villain!" The cat laughed as he rushed around, the villain directing all his attention to the mischievous cat boy as he swarmed all the bugs over towards him.

"Chat Noir!" Ladybug called as she held up the hammer, knowing what she had to do. The cat quickly ran to her, tapping Spring on the shoulder.

"Go distract him while we talk," Chat Noir instructed, the hare pouting slightly as he didn't want to be bossed around by such a cocky, annoying child. But he did as he was told, knowing that it was to help him.

"Hey hey! Look over here!" Spring laughed as he started sprinting around, laughing wildly as Chat Noir's face went red at the sound of such a thing. Roaches quickly tried to swarm Spring but he was just too fast, eventually jumping up onto the walls and laughing as he hopped back and forth. "Y'know, The Cockroach sounds a little long. Why not shorten it to The Crotch!" He provoked, getting a small laugh out of the cat as Ladybug explained the plan to him.

"Alright, are you ready?" She questioned him as the cat boy nodded at her, the two looking toward the roach as Spring let out another loud laugh. Chat Noir smiled at the laugh once again, covering his mouth to hide his little giggle before Ladybug called Spring back down. "Alright, we'll take it from here!" Ladybug smiled before nodding at her teammate.

Chat Noir quickly ran up, raising his hand as he yelled, "Cataclysm!" His hand was engulfed in what seemed to be dark plasma, slamming his palm against the armor on the roach and immediately rusting it and breaking it to pieces. Ladybug then threw the hammer as hard as she could in a crack on the ceiling, the rubble immediately crumbling on top of the man as Chat Noir jumped out of the way.

"Grab!" The cat giggled allowed as he took the antennae off the top of his head and snapping them over his knee quickly. The dark akuma escaped the cracks as Ladybug caught it in her yo-yo, flipping it around before opening it back up and watching the white butterfly fly away. "Bye bye, butterfly!" She smiled as she waved it goodbye, the two other heroes walking up to her with big smiles on their faces.

"Good job!"

"Yeah, you too!" The hare and cat complimented each other and high fived, smiling at each other before Ladybug threw the fallen hammer into the air, watching it dissipate into glitter as everything started returning back to normal.

The three heroes stared at each other in silence for a moment before Chat Noir glanced at his ring. "Ah, I gotta head out, before I transform!" The cat exclaimed before looking at the two of them, about to run off before Spring grabbed his wrist.

"Wait, can we, uh… Meet up later tonight?" He asked quietly as Chat Noir looked at his ring, one bean on the paw left.

"Y-Yeah sure! I'll meet you at the tower at around twelve tonight! Bye!" The cat boy shook his hand away, rushing away as fast as he could as Ladybug looked over at the hare.

"So, you're, uh, Monsieur Bunny?" She asked kindly as the boy looked over at her, crossing his arms as he sighed softly.

"No, I'm Spring, I'm a hare," he replied to her question as she smiled and nodded.

"Anyways, I've gotta head out too! Bye bye!" She smiled before rushing away, Spring waving good bye before sighing softly.

He stood there quietly for a while before looking over at the man who was previously The Cockroach. "Ah, hello, sir! I'll help you out!"

"What happened? Where am I?" The man questioned as the hare just smiled at him and helped him up.

"Don't worry about it, let's get you home."