Hi everyone! Welcome to my new fanfiction! I will be really happy if you enjoy the story and review it. I appreciate reviews on how I could improve the story as well. I am sorry that this chapter is very short but in the future I will write chapters around three pages long, I just wanted to create a quick introduction to the story. Anyway, on with the story!

Austin's POV

No one can know about my magic except for my parents. My life just wouldn't be the same if anyone knew. People could tease me and I would definately get a lot of attention. I know for a lot people getting a lot of attention would make them happy but, not me. I just like hanging out by myself or with my two best friends. I often sit in the back corner of the classroom with no-one sitting in the chair and desk next to me. That's just how I prefer my life to be like. I often won't talk to anyone except my friends of course but, even then I am still quiet at times. I just prefer to wonder around in my own thoughts.

Ever since I discovered my magic only my parents have known about it. I am seventeen turning eighteen this year, which means I have had my magic for about 3 years now.

No-one's POV

Austin picked up his small, dark blue pencil case off his bed; it was the same one he had since in grade 3. He couldn't let it go or just throw it away. It was his first actual pencil case, in kindergarten he used to hold all his pens, pencils and the rest of his school equipment in a plastic Zip lock bag, which he would have to replace almost every day, because of all the pens and pencils poking holes through it. Austin was never really a huge fan of school. The idea of spending pretty much the whole day learning was not something he looked forward to. He glanced at the small pencil case in his hands. On it was his name he wrote when he first got the pencil case. 'Austin Moon' He read to himself 'Yep, that's me!' he told himself quietly letting out a small chuckle. Still smiling from the memory of when he wrote his name on it. His hand let out a few sparks of magic. 'I have to remember to control my emotions'. He thought to himself. He snapped out of the thought he was in.

Austin placed the pencil case in his bag, along with his school books. It was the last year of school for him. Austin only had two friends, Dez and Trish. Dez was the kind of guy that would just appear out of nowhere but when you tried to find him in the school halls, he could be easily spotted because of the wacky clothes he always wore and his red hair. Dez wasn't very smart and he never thought about the consequences of his actions. Trish on the other hand was clever but also always took the easy way out of situations, even if they weren't the right way. Trish got fired a lot but she thought of it as a thing to be proud of.

Now that Austin had packed he decided to go to bed earlier because he had nothing else to do and he was extremely tired. Austin brushed his teeth, changed into his pyjamas and set his bag to the side of his bedroom door.

"Mum! I'm going to bed!" He yelled tiredly from his bedroom upstairs.

"Ok sweetie! Goodnight!" Mimi yelled from the lounge room down stairs

"Goodnight son!" Mike also said.

"Goodnight!" Austin yelled back before he collapsed onto his bed. He pulled the covers over him and thought to himself; 'Tomorrow I start the story of my final year in school.' before he turned onto his side and quickly drifted off to sleep.