The soft chill of winter breezed through the castle corridors. Students hurried to get to their final classes before they could scurry home for the holidays. The castle was a light with christmas cheer and everyone seemed to have taken in the spirit of the season. Well, not quite everyone…

Marianne Lafayette scowled as she yanked her robe more closely around her, heading for the Great Hall. Oh how she hated the cold. It was her least favorite time of year. All the snow and chill, everyone giddy and filled with nauseating amounts of "love and joy." The whole thing was tired and downright sickening. Now, Marianne liked a good bit of holiday warmth, but year after year of watching couples use the time of year as an excuse to shove their "love" down everyones throats? No thank you.

Marianne Lafayette scowled as she yanked her robe more closely around her, heading for the Great Hall. Oh how she hated the cold. It was her least favorite time of year. All the snow and chill, everyone giddy and filled with nauseating amounts of "love and joy." The whole thing was tired and downright sickening. Now, Marianne liked a good bit of holiday warmth, but year after year of watching couples use the time of year as an excuse to shove their "love" down everyones throats? No thank you.

At sixteen, the young Gryffindor was scorned by love's sting. At a very young age, she had fallen desperately and foolishly in love with a childhood friend named Roland Fafner. He was handsome boy whose family had moved to Godric's Hallow from America when Marianne was only six. The families had hit it off immediately. Both were pure bloods, both rich and powerful old wizarding families, and both sets of parents were distinguished members of the community. The Fafner's had been particularly supportive when Marianne's mother had died…

She had grown up with Roland and had a crush on him. He was very handsome and charming, but he wasn't much else. Marianne was young and foolish and fell for the way his hair bounced softly above his brow and his toothy smile and his twanging accent. At the time, they were all pretty valid reasons. When they entered Hogwarts, they were sorted into the same house and in their third year, become a couple.

Unfortunately, Roland was more than just handsome and charming. He was a manipulative, sexiest, unworthy, cheating, lying little git. Those would be a few words she'd use anyway. He spent of their relationship trying to convince her that girls shouldn't be tough, they shouldn't play qudditch, they should become wives of the house and support their rich, successful husbands. The icing on the cake was, last year, Marianne had planned to ask him to the yule ball with a boutonniere she'd made herself out of beautiful primroses, only to find him making out with Aldrina Shaw behind the statue of the one eyed witch.

Marianne had been closed off ever since. The idea of love was almost repulsive to her now. She had lived so many years forgetting who she was and the thing's she wanted. She decided to stop caring what men thought and to be whoever she wanted. But, sadly, it had made her bitter and cold toward most. She was top of her class in dueling, had an aptitude for defense magic and a natural inclination for herbology, and she was a fantastic flyer. Not that she'd play for the house team while Roland still had a spot on it. Too bad to. She could fly circles around him. She had always supposed she could try out for beater and let a few stray bludgers…

"Oh Marianne!"

The familiar shrill sing song voice of Marianne's younger sister rung through the mostly empty corridor. A playful eye roll and smile crossed her face. As much as her sisters love sick flirting made her want to vomit, she loved her sister dearly. "What are you doing? Shouldn't you be in charms?" Marianne scolded.

Dawn glowered at her before crossing her arms, her short blond locks bouncing. "I'll have you know, Professor Flitwick let us out early so we could get ready for break!" she huffed defiantly.

But her expression quickly brightened. "Are you excited for christmas?" she asked excitedly, as she fell into step with her sister "Dad said I could invite a boy over! And Sunny's coming to!"

Marianne pulled her robes tighter against the cold. "Well at least you'll have Sunny with you because I'm staying here this year." she replied.

"What?!" Dawn gasped "Marianne you can't skip christmas!"

Marianne had known this conversation was coming. "You think I honestly want to spend my holiday's sitting next to the Fafner's and having everyone tell me Roland and I were a good match and should be snogging again?"

Dawn paused and thought for a moment, a small frown forming. " I suppose not." she admitted, sighing "Though, it'll be lonely without my big sister!"

This made Marianne smile slightly. She may be an airhead at times, but Dawn was a sweet girl with good intentions. "Nah!" Marianne exclaimed playfully "You'll have Fredrick Kinnen or Jasper Tennings or, dare I say, the mysterious Marcus there to keep you company!"

Dawn stuck her tongue out in Marianne's direction. "I don't like any of those boys anymore!" She teased "Besides, it's not the same!"

Marianne chuckled and put an arm around her little sister. "I know, honey dew." she sighed, a pang of guilt in her heart "But I just don't think I can deal with it right now."

Dawn's face changed at the use of the familiar nickname. She smiled warmly "Well at least I know you'll have more time to study and bring up that potions grade for your NEWTS!"

Marianne scowled. "Thank's for reminding me."

Dawn laughed as the two entered the Great Hall.