Recipe for Emergency Pie


1 Frozen Pie Crust

2 Packages Instant Pudding Mix (Butterscotch)

2 tsp Cinnamon

4 cups Milk

1 can Whipped Cream (real)


1. Cook pie crust over a bartender's open flame of a head. Failing that, prepare to package instructions. (usually roughly 15 minutes 325F). Allow pie crust to cool before continuing.

2. Add both packages of pudding mix to a large mixing bowl. Add 2 tsp cinnamon. Add milk according to package directions (usually 2 cups per package, so 4 cups).

3. Beat pudding+milk mixture with a whisk or hand mixer until smooth, about 2 minutes.

4. Pour pudding into pie crust. Pour any extra pudding into bowls.

5. Place pie and extra bowls into refrigerator and allow pudding to set for five minutes.

6. Apply whipped cream to top of pie.

7. Serve.

8. Know you're not alone.