AN: this is my first fanfiction (and it's going to be quite hard to explain)

The basic story line throughout is Sam and Iain's affair and how everything played out when they were both in Holby. Except I have changed the characters around,so Sam and Iain still had an affair in Afghanistan except its Iain who had the relationship at home,with Rita. Okay I hope that made some sense and everything should be clearer as the story

Riain and Siain/Siam(not sure what Sam/Iain was)

I don't own BBC casualty

Chapter 1


He stopped and closed his eyes in frustration he had wanted to get away quickly with very few questions however there was only one person here who called him 'Dean' without putting Corporal in front of it, turned slowly to face her.

"what are you doing" Sam asked confusion clear in her voice.

"Leaving" he said simply "I can't stay here".

"Yes you can" Sam responded strongly yet with sympathy, "no one would have or could have done anything differently to the way you did" she continued trying to convince him to stay .Iain slowly shook his head.

"What are you going to do now then?" Sam asked all confusion in her voice was replaced with sadness.

"I'm going to re-train as a paramedic in Holby" Iain responded hoping she didn't remember him talking about Holby because-

"Holby?" his thoughts were interrupted "isn't that where…." Sam didn't even need to finish her sentence the answers were written on his face.

"so you're just going to leave me here" She said , Iain knew it wasn't a question it was a statement "we're good together" Sam stated .He could see the sadness on her face as he walked the few meters in between them and wrapped his arms around her waist,dropping his heavy army backpack onto the floor.

"Don't go" Sam whispered into his strong chest.

"I have to Sam,i'm sorry,it's been fun yeah?" he was silent for a few seconds "you take care ok?"

without waiting for answers he picked the backpack up off the floor and walked away from her leaving her standing there in the corridor one word playing on her mind 'fun.'

One other quick thing,I'm sorry if any characters seem really out of character. When I was writing this I was almost trying to write Iain as Sam and Sam as Iain so yeah….hope it wasn't that bad. I would appreciate any reviews good or bad like i said this is my first attempt at fanfiction so any feedback would be very next chapter will be up very soon and be Riain.