It was an ordinary evening in the Gryffindor common room. To Harry, it was though they has never left Hogwarts. If he forgot about the summer spent rebuilding the castle, and avoided the places and memories from the Battle, he thought everything was as it should have been.
Ron and Hermione still were huddled together and bickering about homework. Ginny was still as sassy and peppy as ever. Luna remained cheerful, if not distant.
Malfoy was still definitely up to something.
"He's staring at the Map again," Hermione muttered under her breath in annoyance to Ron.
"I noticed," he whispered back.
Harry ignored them. He had to figure out what Malfoy was up to. He knew that excuae had gotten old after the entirety of sixth year, but to him, it was just as pressing of an issue.
Malfoy was still in the Slytherin common room, with Zabini and Parkinson. Harry just had to wait until Malfoy wandered out alone, to carry out his evil deed...
"Merlin, Harry," Hermione sighed. "Can't you let it go? He's innocent. You even testified at his trial!" She exclaimed.
Without even bothering to look up, he replied, "I know. But he's still Malfoy, and I get an uneasy feeling in my gut whenever I see him," he explained. "I have to listen to my gut. He's still up to something!" He insisted.
And what a strange feeling it was. Whenever he was near Malfoy, his stomach started doing flips and spins, and he couldn't think of anything else. The only explanation he had was that his conscience was trying to tell him something, so he was always watching Malfoy.
"You're being ridiculous, mate," Ron huffed. He set down the book he had been attempting to read. "I'm going to bed," he announced. "Have fun stalking Malfoy, Harry."
"Thank you, I will," Harry replied stiffly, his heart thumping in anticipation as he saw Malfoy's dot on the map begin to move out of his common room. "And you'll thank me when I figure it out!"
"Oh, I know I will." Hermione rolled her eyes. "I just think you're a little too blind right now to figure it out."
He ignored her again. Malfoy was out in the dungeons, now. Harry had to go and see what he was doing, of course. He got up and ran to catch him, his invisibility cloak in tow.