She was happy. Believe it or not, April Jeanette was happy. She had everything good going for her. An educated second grade teacher. A suburban house in her home town of New Jersey. And a loving husband, who she really did love.

Their love had blossomed from all the way back to their college days. They flirted for long enough until he plucked up the courage to ask her out on a date. Ever since, they had been joint at the hip, head over heels in love. They had been married for just over a year and it was definitely true what they said. The first year of marriage was great.

She'd grew up like every other kid in Union City. The hard way. Her mother raised her and her older sister by herself in the rocky parts of the small town. It was hard, but they had each other, and that was always enough. She was never interested in growing up and moving away to fulfil passionate dreams. She just wanted to enjoy her local job, meet a man and raise a family of her own.

Although very much being best friends with her husband and spending the majority of her time with him, he did work too, which gave her the time to go out with some friends she had from all the way back in school. Sasha and Paige. They were very different from her but so similar at the same time. They were both still single, having gone through on and off relationships with different guys here and there.

Her husband, Jamie… was to this day, the love of her life. Ever since she met him in college, dark hair, brown eyes, tanned and full of love and life, she'd never stopped loving him. They had a wonderful relationship. And of course, like every relationship, they had their ups and downs, but the downs were always shadowed by the ups. He treated her like a princess, and she was so perfectly happy with their relationship.

She still kept close contact with her mom who didn't live that far away. She fully supported her mother. The first thing she done with her student loans at college, was pay of their childhood home, so her mother always had a safe and secure home. She had taken care of her and her sister Lindsay, and always done her best to keep them safe, now it was time to return the favour.

As far as she knew, her father left when she was just a baby. Her mother never really spoke about him, it always seemed like a touchy subject, but she and Lindsay had done just fine without him, and quite frankly, she didn't want to know the man who abandoned his family.

"Hey, Jamie… look here." She waved him over to her as she stood at the window. They loved in a small but homely two bedroom house in a suburban street. What AJ loved about it, was the sound of children outside playing was always in her ears. She loved driving home in the winter, and seeing all the kids out building snowmen. Their surrounding was great.

"New neighbours, huh?" Jamie smiled, wrapping his arms around her from behind, looking over her smaller frame at the move in van pulled up next door. The house next door had been up for sale for months. It looked like someone was finally about to move in.

"Well… he's certainly different." AJ watched a man walk out of the car parked in the drive, head buried into his phone, slamming the car door shut as he walked his way into the house. Like she had said, the street was very much a homely, family environment. The man who she assumed was moving into the house, didn't seem homely. Not unless tattoos, lip piercings, band t-shirts and ignorance was the new homely.

"We should still say hello." Jamie told her, pressing a kiss in at her cheek as she smiled.

"Yeah… but don't you have work?" She asked, turning around from the window, wrapping her arms around his neck as he smiled.

"I do." Jamie nodded, "Wish I didn't though." He sighed, "These winter months just entice me to stay at home, in bed with you." He said, his hands placed firmly on her waist as she smiled, forehead collapsing against his chest with a broad smile.

"Why don't you just call in sick." She frowned. She hated that he worked night shifts sometimes. It meant that he'd be sleeping the full day and then head out at night, where she'd be in the house alone, which she hated.

"Because then I won't get paid, which means I won't get to spoil you this Christmas." He said, turning his head to the clock on the mantel, "But I do have a few hours." He said as she grinned, tip toeing up to capture his lips with her own as he pulled her up into his arms, legs wrapping around him tightly as he led the way upstairs. Everything was perfect.

"I can't believe I'm based here now. This damn city is a mess." The newly moved in man grumbled whilst unboxing all the packed boxes he had gotten transferred from his hometown of Chicago, Illinois. He looked over at his friend who had came for the journey with him, to help unpack the boxes and get his friend settled in.

"C'mon… it isn't that bad." His blonde haired friend said whilst carefully taking things from the boxes. Obviously the moving van guys carried all his heavier furniture in like his couch, TV and bed, but he was now left to unpack what he was calling the bits and pieces.

"Dean, they've put me in a suburban street. I tripped over a dozen scooters just walking in the house." He rolled his eyes, "I don't know why I couldn't have just stayed in Chicago. I was good there. I was needed there."

Phillip Jack Brooks, or Punk to his friends, was a trained police officer. He had been based in Chicago since he was fully trained to go out on the beat, and was now being transferred to New Jersey to work, as his boss back in Chicago claimed they needed a guy like him on their force.

He was a very lowkey guy. Wasn't much of a wine and dine type of fella. More like pizza and Pepsi on the couch with his buddy's. He hadn't been in love… didn't tend to be in love… didn't want to be in love. His go to with girls was simple. Fuck em and finish with them. He'd been that way since he was a teen. For a man who really did respect women and stood up for their rights, he wasn't very respectful with their hearts. But that was just him.

He'd grown up, raised by his mom, alongside his younger brother. But unfortunately, his mom passed away two years ago through a tough battle with cancer. His little brother still lived in Chicago. They caught up on the phone occasionally, but ever since their mom passed their bond had weakened, and with him focused so much on his job, they weren't as tight as they were before. But there was no bad blood. He had a pretty decent childhood. His mom done her best for them both, and they always had each other.

He had no idea how long he'd be staying in New Jersey for. He had a few jobs to do, which included digging up old cases and crimes that took place here, and getting to the bottom of them. He felt like he was sticking out like a sore thumb on the street, the sooner he was at the station working the better.

"Well you're needed here now. Get over it and just get on with it." Dean said, "Once you get moved in, properly, everything will feel a bit more in place." He admitted as Punk nodded. He supposed he had to give it a chance. He couldn't moan for the entire time he stayed here, which was probably going to be at least a year. He had a lot of work to do.

"Anyway, what is the stuff you've to actually do over here?" Dean asked with curiosity. He still wasn't sure as to what jobs his friend had, and what business he had to do over here in New Jersey, but it seemed like his talented skills were desperately needed over here.

"Just a few old cases are being dug up and they want me to take charge. The Curtis case was re-opened last week. You know… the guy who killed all those women and left their bodies… dismembered." He shuddered. Sometimes his job was a lot fun, other times… not so much, "And they've opened up The Laura Fitzpatrick case from all the way back in 1999. New evidence was given in." He said, "There is tons." He shook his head. He had a lot of work to be getting on with, he guess he wouldn't have time to complain about the living surroundings.

"So no late night partying for you then." Dean laughed as Punk smiled.

"Not that it was my favourite thing in the world anyway, but no. Early nights and early rises from now on." He said, collapsing down against the couch with a sigh, rolling his head back against the back of the soft cushion.

The night slowly crept upon the quiet street, and AJ was standing at the door saying goodbye to her husband, who she didn't want to leave for work. He was right. The winter nights were upon them, and the last thing she wanted was to be at home alone.

"I'll call on my break before you go to bed." He told her as she nodded with a smile, "Remember to lock the door. I'll see you in the morning when I get home." He told her, pressing a sweet kiss on her cheek.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too, babe." He smiled genuinely. Their love was so pure and right. She couldn't imagine anything feeling better than their love…

She watched him as he got into the car they shared. Sometimes she would walk to work if he was using it during the day. The school she taught at was only just a 10 minute walk around the corner, but when the mornings were as freezing cold as they were getting now, she did enjoy the heated journey in her car.

She waved with a smile to her husband as he reversed out of the drive and drove out of the street, a permanent smile spread on her face as she wrapped her cardigan around her tightly.

She was about to neglect the quiet street and head into their home, when a crash from next door alarmed her. She looked over and seen her new neighbour putting out the trash, banging the cans together without thought to the children sleeping in their beds around him. He was clearly new to the city, and new to the street.

"Sorry." He looked over after seeing the young girl staring at him aggravatingly.

But she was too sweet a women to ignore his humbling and apologetic smile. He was like the new kid in school, he just clearly wasn't used to such peace and quiet. She shook her head to show him it didn't matter, smiling over to him as he turned away, walking back into his house. He seemed sweet enough, but not that it mattered to her. She had more important and better things going on for her than her new neighbour.

A/N; Hey guys! Back already. What you guys think of it? I have to say, it's hard to introduce a new story now as I've already covered so many plots with my previous stories, but I'm trying to go for something completely different. Hope you guys will stay tuned and enjoy. Let me know what you think -MySeLdomPhantom

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