Author's Note!

Hey guys! Hope y'all are enjoying the story. I've heard only positive commentary so far so I guess you have and I'm glad about that. :)

I just wanted to let you know that recently life has been busy and my writing inspiration has been very minimal. (which might have been obvious seeing from the huge gap of time between my last two chapters lol.) As much as I would love to make more chapters and continue, I've run out of steam at the moment. This is probably why I'm so fond of one-shots lol, I get stuck sometimes with multiple chapter stories.

So I guess, consider this a hiatus of sorts on this particular story. A hiatus that might end up becoming a permanent one, which I really would not want to happen but like I said I've hit a barrier. Hopefully I just need to gather my thoughts a little if I'm to continue this story.

Thanks so much for understanding!
