And it will be finished today, folks. Thanks for reading!

"And then," Goten said, spreading his old, wrinkled hands and smiling down at the young children who were sitting in a circle around his rocking chair. He was perched on top of it, his eyes wide with wonder as he told the story of his life. "The blast came raining down, like the sun's rays." this wasn't the first time Goten had told this story to his grandchildren and great nieces and nephews. The story never failed to widen their eyes, force the young children to lean forwards with undivided attention, breath caught in their throats. Goten would laugh at them if not for how seriously they took this story and it's telling. If Goten wouldn't tell it without laughing, they'd jump on him and then go get Gohan.

"Gohan screamed, because he had been protecting his younger brother, Goten. The blast hit Gohan's back, and suddenly there was a bright flash of light." Goten said very seriously, staring at the young children. His hair was in the same palm tree shape, but was now white and no longer as stiff. His face had wrinkles, and several sags in the skin, telltale signs that he was over a hundred years old now. Gohan, however, had already lived past his 110 year. Goten refused to be called old. He wasn't old. Gohan was old. "The blast disappeared, and Lilith stood there with fear etched into her face like the sharpie mustache that Goku decided to draw on my face yesterday." the said child pouted, while the others complained and told Goten to tell the story.

"Sorry, sorry. Go easy on me." he chuckled. "Now where was I? Oh yes... Lilith stood, scared out of her mind. For Gohan stood there, with rage in his eyes. Goten could only see his back, seeing his muscles grow and expand in size, the sun shining on his skin. His gi was torn and ripped, and he had blood dripping over an eye, but he was not afraid. Not anymore. He had finally leashed his fears, learned to control, ignore, and defeat them. He ripped them away, and refused to acknowledge them as part of himself. Right then and there, he decided that keeping Goten safe was worth battling his demons for. He stepped forwards, a golden glow radiating from his body, brighter than any sun." Goten continued.

"His fists were clenched, his hair golden and shining like the very sun. It filled everyone around with a sense of awe, and Goten a sense of protection. Gohan stepped forwars, and said very slowly, 'You will not harm my little brother. You will never even attempt to touch him again!' Gohan sprung forwards, jumping into the air and running towards the witch, Lilith. She tried to get away, but he blasted her with all of his fury. His rage formed a blast brighter than any Goten had ever seen, and he had to shut his eyes as his brother took care of the threat. When Goten opened his eyes, Lilith was nothing more than a pile of ashes. Gohan turned towards Goten, locking eyes with him. Then he smiled, and his hair lost it's gold colour and went back to ebony."

"Chi-Chi woke up then, and upon seeing her sons, cried for the first time since she had been taken under Lilith's control. She ran forwards and hugged them both, tears streaming down her face. After the battle, Gohan carried Goten home. Chi-Chi followed them, and they lived in Hercule's house. Goten and Gohan never really considered Hercule their true father, but he really was an amazing person. Their sister, Videl was even greater. As you all know, she graduated from high school and quickly became a super hero, the only known person who could fly. Emphasis on known." Goten winked at the kids, and they all giggled because all of them could fly as well. "She saved many people, and helped the police."

"One day, she needed Gohan's help. He helped her, but during the fight, she was killed. An alien named Bojack had come down to the planet, and was determined to destroy it. After Gohan got rid of him, and got revenge for Videl, he found another person on the ship. Her name was Katrina, and she was very sick. She was kidnapped by Bojack and experimented on. She was a type of alien called a Ceenian, and she had a twin brother named Kareene who was killed by Bojack. She spent several years on Earth, with Gohan and Goten. One day, she and Gohan fell in love. They got married, and a few years later, she gave birth to a little boy named Tetsuya. When Tetsuya was two, Katrina died of a disease Bojack gave her."

"Gohan was very sad, but pulled himself together and took care of Tetsuya. During this time, Goten had met a human girl named Valerie and they were dating. When Tetsuya was eight, Goten and Valerie were married, and Valerie gave birth to two beautiful twin girls, named Elizabeth and Maya. If we fast-forward several years, Tetsuya had married a woman named Vanessa." at this point, Goten raised an eyebrow in his great niece and nephews' direction. "And they had three children - named Goku, Gohan, and Katrina. All named after amazing people." Goten said softly, a smile on his face.

The called children grinned and looked at each other. Goku was the eldest, with pink spiky hair. His hair went down to his shoulders and spiked all over the place. He had a light tan, with dark ebony eyes. Katrina was the middle child, with black spiky hair that was always done up in a ponytail. Her hair, when undone, went just past her shoulders. Her tiny ponytail spiked all over the place. She had milky white skin, with a light shade of pink in her eyes. Gohan was the youngest, and the most serious. He had milky white skin, with dark ebony hair. His hair was done in a braid that went halfway down his back, spiking everywhere. His eyes were a gorgeous shade of blue, and he had glasses to help with his sight.

Goku had the strength of a Saiyan, and Katrina the teleportation powers of the Ceenians. Gohan was weaker than both of them, but the mind that child had was incredible. Goten was always taken aback at the logic and information that came out of his mouth. He was an adult in a child's body.

"After Tetsuya had his children, Elizabeth and Maya got married and had children of their own." Goten smiled down at his own grandchildren. "Elizabeth had two beautiful girls, Videl and Bulla. Maya had two troublesome boys, Kuroko and Emiya." Goten chuckled as he looked down at his grandchildren, who started protesting. Videl was a tomboy, and named after her great aunt. Her ebony hair fell flat, and she had cut it so it hung in a straight line around her jaw, her hair getting shorter as it curved around the back of her neck. She had beautiful blue eyes, the exact shade that Elizabeth was born with.

Bulla had Elizabeth's golden and curly locks, which reached her waist. She was a shy girl, and had ebony eyes. Maya's two boys, Kuroko and Emiya, were pranksters. Kuroko was born with ebony hair and green eyes, while Emiya was born with frighteningly red hair and blue eyes.

"The end." Goten finished. "Now, kids, up to bed." they complained, but left to bed when Goten got up and shooed them up the stairs. He smiled and waved to his nephew, Tetsuya, as he walked upstairs to check on Gohan. Tetsuya smiled back, but looked strained. Goten couldn't blame him. Gohan was dying. Of what, they weren't sure. Goten went to check on his older brother, looking down in worry as Gohan opened his eyes. The years hadn't been kind to Gohan - his face remained relatively unchanged, but his eyes had clouded over with a milky film, masking the ebony colour Goten took comfort in seeing. Gohan was blind now, and there wasn't anything anyone could do for him.

Goten sat in the rocking chair beside his brother, watching as Gohan focused on breathing. Goten closed his eyes and fell into a fitful sleep. Unknown to the other sleeping residents of the small house, Gohan drew his last breath. Goten startled awake, feeling his chest constrict. A voice whispered in his ear, asking if he would like to leave with his brother. Goten didn't even have to think about it. Valerie had slipped away in her sleep two years ago, and Goten missed her more than anything. Goten closed his eyes as he felt the oxygen leave his body.

One more heartbeat.


And fast.

And then, the sense of weightlessness. Goten opened his eyes again, seeing he was in the long lineup for judgement. Right beside him was Gohan, who was smiling warmly at him. Gohan was in his prime, muscles large and intimidating, his face smoothed of any wrinkles. His ebony hair was ebony once more, his eyes pure black and shining with joy and slight guilt. His hair was sticking up into the air, and Goten stepped away and watched as someone teleported right on top of Gohan. She screamed in joy, her pink curls sitting around her shoulder as she fell, Gohan catching her and spinning her around. She snuggled up to him, tears rolling down her face. Katrina had gone too long without him, and he without her.

Goten turned around when Valerie tapped his shoulder. He smiled at her, her eyes full of the warmth her body once held. Her hair was incredibly curly, and down to her midback. Her bangs were red, the rest being golden blonde. She had beautiful green eyes. Goten had never seen a creature in the universe more beautiful than Valerie.

And as the brothers embraced the ones they had missed for so long, they thought of their passing. They knew that their family members would miss them, but it was their time to go. After all, Gohan had done everything he could to protect Goten. And Goten had put his life on the life to defend Gohan.

And it was all done...

For the love of a brother.

The End.