Have you ever had that feeling that you were invisible, no one around you could see you, no matter how hard you try? You feel like...you're a ghost. My body feels so cold, and I don't know why. Why don't I know why?

I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at the night sky. I looked around and noticed I wasn't at the New Year's festival. My eyes widened and I shot up, I looked around at my surroundings, I was in a field. I stood up and brushed off the grass from my white tiger striped jacket.

"Why am I in a field?"

I tried to remember what happened, but after we saved Haruhi from those dry cleaning people and returned to the festival, everything after that was fuzzy.

I looked up and saw the lights of the festival.

"I better call Kaoru and tell him where I am." I reached into my jacket pocket for my phone, but it wasn't there. "What the hell?"

I checked through the rest of my pockets, but I couldn't find my phone.

"Where the hell is my phone?"

I looked back at the festival and sighed. "Well, it looks like it's in walking distance."

I walked out of the field and onto the street. I started walking towards the festival. After about five minutes of walking I saw a couple walking towards me.

I walked up to them. "Hey, can you…"

But the couple just walked past me.

I looked at them and glared. "Rude."

I started walking again. I walked for a little longer, I then saw a cab.

I walked over to the cab and looked at the driver through the rolled down window.

"Hey sir, can you drive me somewhere?"

The cab driver didn't look up from his phone.


The man put his phone down and started up his car, then drove away.

I looked after him. "What the hell?! He just plane up ignored me!"

I went back to walking. I finally made it back to the festival.

I looked around at all the people. I huffed. "Dang it, there's a lot more people here then earlier this evening."

I looked around and saw a security guard. I walked over to him.


But he walked away, I went up to another security guard.


But he walked away as well. I stood there confused.

"What is happening, why is everyone ignoring me?" I looked at my jacket. "Is it because of my jacket? I told mom I didn't like it."

I then spotted a girl with short brown hair in the corner of my eye. I looked over to my side and saw Haruhi.

I smiled. "Haruhi." I ran over to her. She was looking at some souvenirs. "Haruhi, I'm so glad to see you. Somehow I ended up in a field, I don't know how though."

I then noticed she wasn't paying attention to me.


She then picked up one of the souvenirs and didn't looked at me.

I sighed. "Are you ignoring me too? Did I do something wrong?"

She didn't say anything.

I smiled. "I know what I can do to make you forgive me." I looked over at a food stand and smirked. "I know Kaoru said to stop the war with Tono for today. But maybe I can just get one more thing for her."

I walked over to the food stand and waited in line.

"Next." The vendor said.

I was about to go up, but a woman cut in front of me.

"Hey!" I growled. "I'm seriously not in the mood for people like you today!"

Then more people started to cut in front of me. I clenched my jaw and fists in anger and growled.

"I said I'm not in the mood!"

Then a surge of power went through my body. Everyone around me then flew back a few feet.

I stood there in complete shock. People started to get up, and I ran back over to Haruhi.

"Did you see that Haruhi? Those people just flew back. Like some sort of power pushed them."

Haruhi kept looking at the souvenirs.

I glared at her. "Haruhi." But when I tried to touch her shoulder, my hand went through her.

My eyes widened and I stumbled backwards and fell.

I looked at my hands in horror. "What the hell?"

I stood up and looked over at Haruhi again. I tried to touch her shoulder again, and my hand went through her again. I backed up a few steps and bumped into something. I looked behind me and saw it was a mirror from the hall of mirrors. I looked and saw my reflection.

I smiled. "Good, I'm fine. I must be really tired that I'm just seeing things."

Then my reflection started flickering. My smile faded and my eyes widened. I gasped and stumbled backwards, I then bumped into someone.

"Hey kid! Watch where you're going!"

I turned around and saw an angry man.

"You can see me?" I asked.

He looked at me as if I was stupid. "Are you mental, of course I can…" His eyes widened as he saw me flicker in and out of sight.

He stepped back a little with his wife. "What the hell, it's a ghost!"

Some people heard him and looked at me. All their expressions turned horrified as they saw me flicker. They all ran away screaming.

I just stood there transfixed. I looked at my hands. "I'm...I'm a ghost?"

I looked over and saw the host club talking. I ran over to them.

"Guy's help me! There's something wrong with me!" I looked over at Mori. "Mori senpai!" I tried to touch him, but my hand went through him.

I stepped back a bit. I then saw Kaoru away from the group talking on the phone. I ran over to Kaoru.

"Kaoru I…"

"Yah I did it."

I looked at Kaoru and listened to his conversation.

"Yah I bet it totally killed him." Kaoru snickered. "Hikaru didn't even see it coming."

My eyes widened hearing him say that.

"I'm going to be so surprised if he comes back here alive." He snickered again. "But I know for sure he's dead."

"No." I whispered. I took a couple steps back. "No, it can't be." My legs gave out underneath me. I gripped my hair. "No, no. Kaoru didn't kill me."

Then a flashback of my mom hurt in front of a staircase and someone chasing me through Ouran popped into my head.

I started to hyperventilate. "No, no, no. This is all a dream, no."

I then looked over to the direction where the field I woke up in and saw police lights. A sick feeling raised up in my stomach.

I stood up and started running back towards the field. I ran into the street and heard a truck's horn. I looked over at to my side and saw the headlights of a truck. My eyes widened and I raised to cover my face out of instinct and closed my eyes. The truck drove through me. I opened my eyes and put my arms down. I looked down at my body and saw that I was unhurt.

My eyes widened in horror. I looked at my hands. "It...It freakin went through me."

I looked back at the field and started running back to it. When I made it back to the field, the police were surrounding this one area. I made my way over to where the cops were and made my way through them. My eyes widened at what I saw. On the ground was me, my dead body. I gasped and fell backwards.

I gripped my hair, my eyes never leaving my dead body. "No, no, no!" I screamed into the night sky.

I was sitting in the field away from the cops. I hugged my knees to my chest, the wind slightly blowing my hair. I was silently crying, I used the sleeve of my jacket to wipe my eyes.

I heard people running through the field. I looked up and saw the host club with the police.

I stood up and started walking towards them. Tamaki was hugging Haruhi as they cried. Honey was hugging onto Mori crying, tears were running down Mori's face. Kyouya looked down, trying not to show all his emotion, and Kaoru was on his knees crying.

"Hikaru no." He sobbed. "If I would've known, I wouldn't have let you go."

I looked at him with a dark glare. "Why are you upset?" I growled. "You're the one who freakin killed me."

Hey guys I hope you like this first chapter to my new story, sorry if the first chapter was bad, I promise the other chapter will be better. This chapter was set in the manga chapters 63 and 64. I would like to warn you guys that in later chapters, there will be blood. Think about Corpse Party, this story is somewhat based on that game/anime. I had this idea in my head since Christmas last year, I just never got around to writing it till now. I probably won't update this till I'm finished with my other Revenge of the Groomsmen, then I'll updated this story more. But don't worry, I'm almost down with that story. So I'll be to this story soon, please F&R. Until next time.-HH1957