So I saw this picture on google that was obviously a screen shot from tumblr I don't know how long ago and there aren't any handles attached so if you make the post/s, thank you whoever you are. Hope you don't mind, but as soon as I saw it, my mind ran away and apparently decided to write this. First Kingsman, be gentle.
Chapter 1
Six months after Merlin discovered Harry had actually survived a bullet to the head, the former Galahad returned to London. This time he wouldn't be a field agent, but sworn in as Arthur, the new head of Kingsman UK.
Perhaps it was a good idea for Merlin to have sent Lancelot and the new Galahad, Eggsy of course, out on a month long mission. This gave Harry a short period to readjust to being home and recuperate a bit more before the inevitable confrontation with his former protégé. He knew Eggsy would see this as a betrayal of trust from both he and Merlin. He was even sure he'd get the cold shoulder from Roxy, whom Merlin said Eggsy had grown close to over his time "away".
Harry was sitting at the Round Table going over paperwork when the two young agents returned from their mission. He could hear them laughing from the front of the shop. As a veteran agent, he should have remembered that knights usually met with Arthur and Merlin in the meeting room for debriefs upon returning home.
This wasn't quite how he had intended to inform Eggsy that he was back. He still felt horrible for the last argument they had and his parting words. Whether the younger man would forgive him was yet to be seen. It was a toss-up between spending a few weeks faced with the previously mentioned cold shoulder or being punched. At least the punch would be easier to get over.
As their laughter drew closer, Arthur heard the familiar brogue of his long-time friend join them. From outside the room, he could hear Eggsy catchphrase "Fuck off" and, as expected, the double doors to the room were thrown open in a dramatic flourish. What he wasn't expecting were the tears in the newly minted agent's eyes and the speed Eggsy used to cross the room and yank Harry from his seat.
Pain was the first feeling that crossed his mind as Eggsy's superb right hook connected with his jaw. Then the sound of oxfords stalking out of the room. He looked up in time to see the younger man thrust a file in Merlin's hands and disappear without a backwards glance. Roxy gave him a look, nodded at smirking boffin, and followed her best friend.
He then spoke the first words from the whole exchange, "Well that went about as expected. I suppose Ms. Morton will be giving me the silent treatment as well?"
Glancing up from his tablet, Merlin look over his glasses and responded, "As long as Eggsy will, and probably longer after. She's fiercely protective of young Galahad. I expect she went after him just now." Hold up his tablet again, "With those expense reports now…"
Harry settled in for at least another couple hours of monotonous work before he'd be able to find Eggsy and talk to him. Unfortunately by the time Merlin, the bastard, had released him, Andrew informed him that "Mr. Unwin" had already left the shop and gone home.