Hala-fucking-lulay! I got this done. this chapter has no fight scenes. Bit its more of montage of different scenes that give you an idea of what Naruto's life in Konoha is like. from all the women, to all the woes.

I will most likely do either a black flames update, or a heart of a digimon update. we are not getting an I don't think mom wanted me to be a ninja update for a while...a month at most. I have a lot to cover in that chaoer. I am literallt doing all of the first round of fights in one chapter. from the fight scenes to the character interations, to the reactions, to the explanation of the pokemon jinchuriki powers, like Luke's void abilities and Rias's magnetic powers.

I don't own anything except this story, the content it holds, the sexy beard that sits on my face, that adorable puppy in my lap, and jug of mountain dew I liberated from your fridge.

Chapter three: the woes of being Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, the adventurer.

"This jungle is too damn similar to the forest of death back home…" muttered a fourteen year old Naruto as he used his ground-cracking strength to leap from branch to branch, the sheer size of the trees themselves making it so that he had no problem actually landing on one and going to the next.

The trees were simply humongous, twice the size of a regular couch, and curved every which way and that. As he flipped from one branch to another, a volley of arrows with a heart shaped stone point crashed and pulverized the spot he was at originally.

Naruto did not bother with looking back at his pursuers. If they were firing arrows then he was no closer to losing him than he was before. He was impressed with the size of the wildlife though…not every day he gets to cut a giant boar to pieces and devour the whole thing over a campfire. Although he was less than pleased with the locales.

"Cease with your running! You cannot escape from the island! Surrender to us and let us take you in!" came a shout from a feminine voice behind the crimson-blonde. `

Naruto actually obliged with that order, stopping his tree leaping on the ground. Turning around, he had to look up to see his pursuers standing on a large curved branch on the high ground, the lush moos and plant life covering what should be just tree bark in a green covering.

His pursuers were women, beautiful women…in leather bikini outfits. If they bothered to wear clothes at all. One was topless, another was actually naked. Naruto ignored them all and stared into the eyes of the leader of huntresses, showing that he was giving her his full undivided attention.

She smirked at him when she saw that he had stopped. "So you're giving up? A shame…I was beginning to enjoy our little chase…although I am curious…"

Naruto made no move other than to put his sword hand on the handle of the blade on his back, his knees bending in anticipation for combat. The other hunter girls tensed in preparation, all sixteen of them pointing locked arrows at him from their higher ground.

"Why is it that when we executed the men on that merchant ship you were on, you didn't even bat an eye at us…almost all of the men that see us act like the pigs they are…but you didn't. And I want to know what quality about made you like that." She stated while nocking an arrow into her bow.

"I was born and raised in the Elemental Nations, the continent of Kunoichi. I had two older sisters, and I literally have two mothers. I only ever saw two other men in my village; the rest were women. And considering I was constantly dragged into the woman's side of the hot spring and a multitude of other experiences that exposed me to the female body…I'm pretty much desensitized to female nudity. I'm more comfortable around women than I am men." The crimson blonde teenager explained.

The leader of the hunt, as well as all the other women present blinked owlishly at that statement. They were expecting many things…but that one was surprisingly unexpected and soundly logical. So he had two sisters, grew up in a village with 99% women, had a lot of skinship with them, and had two mothers.

Wait what? Two mothers?

"How the hell did that happen?" the leader hunter blurted out. The tension being slightly removed with that admission; Naruto eased up on his stance, in turn causing the other women present to do the same.

"Well…there's kinda a technique to allow a women to reproduce with another women in the Elemental Nations…it's a closely guarded secret though so don't get your hopes up."

The huntress bit her lip, weighing her options. On one hand, the boy wasn't really that bad compared to the men from the ship…and he is being rather honest with them. On the other, he is a male. And the law of the island specifically stated that no male was allowed on the island. But then again…he was from a continent were the female to male ration was pretty much 99:1.

She would take the risk. He may be able to prove an asset and net them some relations with this kunoichi continent.

"Male…how would you like to come to the village of the island Amazon Lily?" asked the hunter as she put down her bow. While signaling the others to do the same.

And like that, Naruto dropped his grip on his swords handle.

"Meh. Sure." He said with a neutral expression. And then it turned into a frown. "But on one condition."

The huntress's eyes narrowed. "And what condition would that be?" she asked frostily. Here she was offering a once in a lifetime sight to a man, and he had the gall to ask her of something?"

"…could I have something to cover myself with? Not that I mind being in the buff, but it's quite chilly out here."

Oh. Well that was understandable. It was the winter season after all…despite it normally being warm throughout the calm belt; it was slightly chilly today for some reason.

And like that, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze was the first ever man to walk into the village of Amazon Lily. The very same village he would spend a year and a half at before leaving for the magic land of Fiore…despite the protests of the islands inhabitants.

"So you mean there is a literal highway in hell called route 666? And that you escaped hell by riding a…motorcycle through it while dodging hordes of different demons and monsters?" Asked an incredulous Anko as she fiddled with a kunai. Her elbow on the table of the establishment.

"This is probably the fifth time I've told this story…and yes, there is a literal highway to hell and back called route 666." Was the curt reply from the crimson-blonde swordsman as juggled three balls with one hand lazily.

"Do you still have the motorcycle thing? Cuz' a metal machine with a silver human skull at the front of it sounds really awesome to have." She said with a grin. Sparkles dancing in her eyes as she threw the kunai behind her carelessly, eliciting a shriek from the girl whom had her skirt suddenly fall off of her.

Naruto nodded as he examined his great sword for any chips or scratches on the blade. There were none. The perks of having your sword enhanced with magic to be super-duper durable. "Yeah I still have the motorcycle from hell…the only problem is that it uses rage as fuel. And I'm a pretty tame guy. You kinda have to try to piss me off." He said off handily.

That put a happy happy smile on Anko's face. "So you have to have a murder boner to drive the thing? Sounds like my kinda transportation."

Naruto chuckled as he re-sheathed his impressive blade. "I'll be sure to grab you when I get that pissed off at something. Maybe we could go hunting for a certain snake?"

Suddenly he found Anko's hands snaking down his chest, fondling his well-earned muscles that genetics may or may not have played a part in. The point is he is really buff and ripped through thirteen years of hard work and training. "If that's your idea of a date then your warming your way into this woman's heart…" she whispered into his ear.

Not even fazed by the sexy, Naruto only chuckled under his breath. "I was earnest there you know. I heard that she has the kusanagi. And I kinda want to see how good she would be with that blade…if she has even earned the right to use it. Plus it would allow us to get rid of a village traitor." He explained with a straight face.

Anko was suddenly sitting back next to him, pouting adorably as she crossed her arms. "And here I thought that you wanted to help little old me in mutilating the bitch." She said childishly as crocodile tears fell from her eyes.

Naruto simply started to pet her on the head while nodding sagely. An action that made the scene a rather surreal sight. But was just another afternoon in the life of Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze.

Strike, swipe, sweep, leap backwards, lunge, spin slash, rising diagonal swing, descending axe-swing, rising leap ascending slash, falling high kick, landing spin slash, leap backwards, windmill crash strike.

Rinse and repeat. But add more strikes and swipes each time. Again and again. This was the cycle by which Naruto swung his sword around. Normally such an exercise wouldn't tire him out, but he had been going at it for the past four hours. Sweat glistened off of his shirtless, muscular body as he worked overtime to sharpen his sword swings.

He didn't ask for a training partner simply because the first time he did, he broke the cat masked Anbu's sword with but a simple swing when she tried to deflect, not parry, the slash. Of course it was probably because the Uzumaki-Namikaze male didn't know how to hold back or knew the meaning of restraint.

He at least found kinship in those two kunoichi in spandex. Now those two knew how to train! Above and beyond the limits of possibilities. Tying boulders to your wrists and ankles while climbing a cliff face…that's the kind of stuff you find on the grand line!

It was a nice time joining them during their three hour long morning jog. Although he honestly couldn't understand what the point of the green spandex was…but he did understand the shouts about the springtime of youth. He met a similar man during his time on the grand line. Maybe a distant family member?

Naruto stopped and stabbed his sword point down into the earth, a dull shake rocking the area from the impact of the heavy training sword crashing through the earth. Naruto stretched his body as a groan escaped his lips. He then stopped and turned around, landing his gaze on a tree behind him.

"You can come out now. I know you've been watching me." He said gruffly as he continued to stretch out his aching and protesting muscles.

From behind the tree walked out the form of Satsuki Uchiha. The Uchiha heiress had short ebony black hair tied up into a bun that doubled as a ponytail. Essentially looking like a round ball of black hair that ended in a long river of hair. Although the 'river' part was cut short. She wore a simple blue shirt with white cloth like armguard things on her arms. She wore simple white shorts and blue shinobi sandals. Her headband was on her forehead, with two black bangs of hair in perfect symmetry on either side of the metal plate.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. So the Uchiha heiress was stalking him now? Just great…he had enough of those from his travels around the world.

"How do you know my brother?" she rudely demanded. A scowl across from face as she haughtily crossed her arms.

Oh. Actually that's a much better reason to watch him work out. But she was being a rude little thing. May as well make it hard for her.

Naruto simply shrugged his shoulders, bringing to attention the chest muscles on his body, as well as the scars littering his body. "He's a guy I met on the grand line. Pretty damn good with them firearms."

"Firearms? He set his arms on fire again?" the thirteen year old asked incrediusly. An exasperated look forming on her face.

Again? While he did see itachi do some pretty weird stuff with a straight face he didn't think that he had set his arms on fire when he was younger…

"No. fire arms as in the metal shooty things." Naruto corrected with a sweatdrop. What was it with Uchiha's and fire? He knew Itachi had an arson streak, it was the thing that gave him his wanted poster at the whopping age of eight, but did he really set his arms on fire? It would explain the bandages around his arms…that would imply that he had done it more than once.

The Uchiha heiress tilted her head in confusion at that rebuke. "So he has metal arms that shoot things?". It would seem that the kunoichi world had yet to even hear about the weapons of the seas and the rest of the world. Understandable given the constant state of war among the Elemental Nations.

Naruto almost slapped his face due to the girl's ignorance…or was it the entire Elemental Nations ignorance? "No you child…a firearm is a weapon that shoots metal balls at high speeds and can kill from a distance with lethal effectiveness." He explained.

The girl scowled at the child comment as she poked her headband with her thumb. "See this? It means I am a full adult by the village's standards." She said with pride and a smirk on her face.

Naruto scoffed. "You're not an adult until you've had your first kill, as well as have gotten laid." He said dismally as he crossed muscular his arms.

The girl blushed after he said his sentence however. Making Naruto stare at the girl with confused eyes. "Did they make you take one final test or something I didn't know about?" he inquired. Dreading the possible answer he would receive.

"It was kinda part of the seduction resistance training they had us do…" she said with a blush while poking her fingers together.

Naruto just looked at her with a blank stare. "Dear god…your sis-con of a brother is going to have a fit when he hears about that. Probably go on a murder spree because someone 'Defiled my adorable little sister'." He said with air quotes.

The Uchiha heiress stared at him with wide eyes when he said that. Hesitantly she asked him a simple question. "He…he would do that for me?"

Naruto looked at her with a calculative glance. The girl wilted underneath it before he relented. "The man would go to hell and back for his family. Last I talked with him he said he would be heading home in around the fall season." He explained as he turned back around and grabbed his sword, pulling it out of the ground and continuing on with his sword shadow boxing.

He heard a small "Thank you." from behind him as he did three straight thrusts with his training blade. He did not respond to the girl, but a smile did find its way onto his face.

"…and it was after that he asked me if I wanted a drink."

"Did you agree?"

"I kinda coughed up blood and all that, but yeah I agreed."

"…even after you took a punch from him? The strongest man in the world?"


"Are you fucking crazy? From what your describing, it sounds like you were literally about to die."

"I kinda did during that party. Twice. I think they had to get the whole shock the heart into life again thing about…five times?"


Naruto shrunk back into his chair as his mother berated him for what seemed like the third time of the day. All she simply asked was if he could tell her some more tails from his travels. However, as is the rules with interesting stories, all of them were pretty much about him doing something stupid.

"How could you be so stupid!? And to think you didn't even get a scar from him! That is the only thing I can take solace in!" she screamed as she threw around furniture in the living room of the mansion.

Naruto sweatdropped as he held up his hands in front of himself defensively. "Actually, the scar that goes from my face and down my torso, I got from him. His punch, while not at full strength, kinda almost split me in half." He explained with a cheeky smile.

For seconds silence reigned. And then-


Naruto sighed as the couch was thrown towards him. And then a flashback of the same thing happening when he was four years old popped into his mind.

"Ah, memor- *thwack*". And he fell over unconscious, body sprawled on the floor.

On the grand line, on a large boat, a large old man with multiple machines and hot blonde nurses surrounding him sneezed.

"I think I somehow pissed off a woman that I probably shouldn't have" he said in between chugs of large copious amounts of alcohol.

"What makes you say that pops?" asked a random pirate milling about on deck.

"Lay with enough women and you grow to have a certain seventh sense that tells you when you've pissed one off." Was the gruff reply.

Especially Uzumaki women he though with a shudder. Flashbacks of the greatest beating he ever had flashing through his mind.

"Damn, you're still as beautiful as the last time I saw you granny." He said with a smile as the busty blonde fifty year old patched him up. His body was covered head to toe in the white bandages.

"Hmph. Flattery will get you no were brat. Although it is nice to see you again so soon after you visited me yesterday. Why didn't anyone tell me you were back?" she said as she wrapped his arm in the white casting.

"My return was kinda hush hush at the beginning. And then the gossipers talked about how I got back…and of how I'm apparently a desirable husband candidate despite being male. I was meaning to ask, but what's up with that?" he asked as he laid down on the hospital bed to rest his aching body.

Tsunade smirked as she set down her clipboard. Sitting down in her chair as her bust noticeably jiggled and moved. "Well apparently you've gone from an adorable little boy, to a young man with a rather impressive body…all for the sake of getting the power to protect the ones you've cared about. We girls find that dedication to be impressive you know?"

Naruto fixed a bored glare at her. "And the things I've been hearing about the current clan heads that happen to be single?"

Tsunade smirked as she leaned down and gave the man a good view of her giant cleavage. However, his eyes never left hers. A sign that he was giving his full undivided attention…either that or he just could not be distracted by the sexy. "Those ladies simply find that your body has strong genetics that they could pass down onto their children…and you're physically pleasing to the eye to boot." She added as an afterthought.

Naruto groaned as he closed his eyes, not being able to see Tsunade get up from her chair and stand over him with a smile on her face. "But do I really have to deal with the stalkers? I've had enough girls chasing me from my various travels. Hell, I had an entire island chasing after me!"

"You know," she began, "Most men would give both of their arms to be in your position." She said with mirth in her voice.

Naruto opened his eyes to glare at Tsunade, who was hovering over him. Her cleavage threatening to fall out of her vest/tank top thing. "And I would give an eye just to be out of it. Oh wait, I did. Crazy girl wouldn't leave me alone unless I gave a piece of me."

Tsunade stood straight up when she heard that, wide eyed as she stared into Naruto's eyes. Both of them were a brilliant shade of blue. Except for the one in his right eye socket. That eye was not the same bright blue shade that the left was. It was simply a darker shade of blue, but close enough to the shade of the left one that it was easy enough to mistake them for the same without a closer inspection.

"How?" She asked. Minako and Naruto's shade of blue was unique among the shinobi world. But to get one so close to that shade…

Naruto simply pointed to his right eye with his thumb. "Magic can pretty much do anything. Even more so than chakra. Regrowing an eye with a sample of my DNA was actually pretty simple for that old hag to do." he then smiled at Tsunade. "Porlyusica is an amazing medic, been at it longer than you have. And she can give you a damn good run in turns of expertise and ability." He said with a grin.

"She can regrow missing body parts?" Tsunade asked in wonder and Amazement.

Naruto shaked his head. "No, she can regrow small things like an eye and a nose. But an arm or a leg? The amount of nerves she has to work with when making one is simply too much for her. She does the next best thing. Making a fully functional prosthetic limb that can do everything the previous limb can do and then some." He explained to the busty medic.

Tsunade folded her arms with a smirk. "Well then…I'm going to need to pay this Porlyusica a visit in the future. Maybe trade some notes with her if I can." She stated with a smirk.

Naruto smiled at the busty blonde medic. "While that's nice and all, can I go back home now? I don't want to miss dinner ya know?"

Tsunade leered at Naruto like she was a cat that just found a mouse to play with. "Nonono, doctors' orders. You are to stay here at let me take of you…" she stated with an ever widening smile as she sat on the hospital bed with a predatory grin.

Naruto groaned when he realized what she was doing. He had to deal with enough of that when he was recovering on that old man's ship after taking that punch.

"Now let me take care of you little boy, take deep breaths and let me feel your heartbeat…"

"Old man Teuchi, how the hell do I deal with all this?" breathed out a bandaged and tired Naruto as he sat down at the Ichiraku ramen stand.

Said old man was a chef that seemed to have brock vision as he boiled a bunch of noodles in a pan. "Frankly son, I don't know whether what you have is a curse or a blessing." He stated gruffly as he flipped the contents of the pan into a broth.

"But I don't want it! I have women of all shaped and sizes after me!" the crimson-blond cried out as Teuchi placed a ramen bowl in front of the despairing boy.

"All. Shapes. And. Sizes! From snake people, to amazons, to vampires, a freaking goddess, dark matter, living slime, ghosts, scorpions, giants, fairies, freaking Titania( literal fairy queen), princesses and queens, kunoichi, dragons, aliens, demons, angels, old people, and even my own two older sisters!" he wailed as he stuffed his face with his chosen sad time food.

"Dark matter? I've only heard legends that say they are the physical embodiment of lust…" muttered the old ramen stand owner.

"I felt it! Every single one of them! For the love of all that is right and unholy, I need a break!" he screamed as he slammed his head against the hardwood counter of the ramen stand.

"You banged your own sisters? I know your pretty much the most desired person in the Elemental Nations…scratch that, a majority of the world, but really? Your own sisters? I thought you could hold yourself back." He said with disappointment in his voice.

"Shut your trap Izanagi, I have had to run and hide from those two ever since they returned. The amount of times they have tried to molest me…I would never wish such an ill fate upon anyone." The crimson-blond retorted.

The old man narrowed his eyes at the lad. "You would best watch when you say my name instead of my alias. I would rather not spill your innards all over my humble little ramen stand. You're lucky I put an illusion over us so that we could talk in private."

In response, Naruto only laughed. "You wouldn't kill me for that. You would only do that if I hurt your daughter. And I would die before I'm forced to do that…it's why you tolerate my disrespect towards you ya wrinkly piece of shit."

Teuchi, or rather, Izanagi, snorted at the boy. Crossing his arms as he went back to making another bowl of ramen for the boy that declared his cooking to be 'the food of the gods' and guessed right. Maybe that was why he had a soft spot for the boy?

"So how many?"

"How many what?"

"How many women did you dance the bedsheet tango with?"

Naruto gagged and choked on the Ramen that he just swallowed before those words. Holding his stomach as his disbelief vanished. "What the fuck old man? You just don't ask that kind of question!"

The old god had an amused smirk on his face as he heard those words. "C'mon, folks like you are so rarely born. And considering that I know for a fact that you're not a virgin…so how many? I kinda need to hear this. I haven't been getting any action since my ex-wife."

Naruto glared at the god for a good few seconds before answering. "1,649." He answered pitifully.

The old god dropped his pan in shock at hearing that number. "For the love of me kid! How the hell did you achieve that by not selling yourself out as a manwhore!?"

Naruto wilted at that. Izanagi stared at the man before him in pity. "You had to have started at around the age of ten or nine to achieve that number. Kid…I pity you."

"Hey, times were hard! And it was easy money!"

Izanagi snorted as he willed the spilled noodles to make themselves pure of the dirt that was on them. "Like hell that's your only reasoning. I've heard tales from that Aphrodite girl about the size of your dick. I'm pretty damn sure that you were blessed upon your birth by some random love goddess."

"Uhh…eight inches isn't normal?"

"Nah. It's just the maximum size most human woman can take. Some females die with getting nailed by something the size of ten or thirteen inches."

"Oh." And that was all he could say really. Silence went on for a bit before he remembered that was talking to a god that was pretty damn high up in the hierarchy.

"Hey old man…is there any way I can get my sisters to stop…you know, trying to molest me? Stop them from being so fixated on me. I can deal with them trying to mutilate or maim me, I've dealt with that. But the attempted rape? It's kinda hard to ignore that without seeing something wrong in them."

A bowl of noodles clattered in front of the man before he indulged himself upon the literal food of the gods.

"There's a witch out in wave country. She can probably help ya for a price. Although knowing your track record, its gonna involve some of what your used to…Adonis Polebreaker." He said with a smirk at the end.

Naruto froze when he heard that alias of his. He hadn't heard that since his tenure in Fiore…and for a very specific reason.

"How…how do you know that? And don't say it's because you're a god, I know that you don't bother with learning about the world. Or stalking the adventures of certain people. You prefer to hear the story straight from the adventurer themselves." Naruto said with narrowed eyes and glared straight into the blue and gold eyes of the old god.

The ramen chef simply smirked with a smile full of mirth. "My daughter says that you can really shake that moneymaker. Apparently she got a front row seat to it all…"

"Ayame! How could you!? It was one time! One time I tell you! I'm not a manwhore!" he screamed out, down on his knees like darth Vader when he did that long ass 'NOOOOOOOO!'.

Meanwhile, all the females around the ramen stand (that is to say, all the people present) just looked at Naruto in confusion for the outburst. While the old ramen chef laughed at the boy's misfortune.

Squad seven had gathered at the front gate of Konohagakure no sato. Consisting of the three gennin: Haruno Sakura, Satsuki Uchiha, and Mithra Uzumaki-Namikaze. Led by jonin Kagome Hatake. A woman with a C-cup breasts size that wore a green jonin flak jacket, blue shinobi pants, blue shinobi sandals, and covered her right eye with her Konoha headband. Her hair was a silver spiky mess that rised upwards, and descended down her back.

The squad had received its first ever C-rank mission. Were they had to escort a bridge builder to the land of waves so that he could finish the project. It was a massive undertaking that would increase trade between the land of waves, and the surrounding countries of wind and fire. Which was a good plus in Konoha's book, as well as Suna's, Konoha's ally.

Although in the teams words 'the grumpy old fart could give us more respect. We are the ones who are going to protect his ass.'

That is to say, the meeting between client and hired help did not go smoothly. Understatement, Satsuki's Uchiha pride took a blow when he called her and the Haruno girl an ironing board. So of course Mithra, the more level headed of the bunch, grabbed the Haruno girl by the arms while their teacher, Kagome, ruffled the hair of the Uchiha heiress. All the while reading porn.

Ninja are fucking weird.

Which leads into now, as squad seven stood by the gate with their jonin sensei, who was on time for once and leaning against a tree, reading porn- go figure- and giggling like a lecherous person while her students stared at the open gateway, patiently waiting for their client to arrive.

And then two figures could be seen walking through the open doorway…well not yet, they were still quite a ways away. Although their shinobi hearing did allow them to pick up what the two were talking about.

"…learn a bit of the stuff. Best decision of my life right there I tell ya." Explained the more shadowed by sunlight figure. The voice of it being easily identifiable to the ears of Sakura, Mithra, and Satsuki.

"So let me get this straight…you left an island in the sky by riding a large bird with red wings and had a duck bill, and then fell into a dimensional rift…"


"You landed on an alien planet filled with sexy as all hell blue people with tentacle crest things for hair…"

"You're right on track old man."

"You stayed there for six months, going from place to place, fighting with said blue people in death battles that involved you swinging a giant sword around and dodging weird blue things that could change the mass of anything they touched…"

"They were a bitch to fight at times too. Especially the ones with facial markings on them."

"And then you stumbled upon a tribe wide orgy and joined in…"

"I had mind sex yes. And it was more like I was dragged into it by a really loopy one. It was pretty crazy, all of them had two vaginas. It was…and experience."

"And then you got bored so you grabbed some freaky deaky blue rocks, sharpened them into knives, found the dimensional portal, and clawed your way back into it for five days straight…only to fall through it and land on a magic continent full of wizards and mages."

"So far so good."

"And you just…casually decided to learn magic?"

"After I saw five guys fly through the air and punch the crap out of a bunch of three legged birds with beast man claw arms, yeah."

"Dude…you have made me honored to be the same gender as you…could you sign my sake jug?"

"Sure, let me carve it in with my knife."

And then the two of them were standing in front of the escort, while Tazuna just chugged his alcohol with gusto. It was Mithra who started talking to break the awkward silence.

"Big brother…every time I hear even a smidgen of your adventures I begin to question the realms of possibility that exist."

"I have a motto in life dear little sunflower: do the impossible, see the invisible. Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable. If you're going to live life, do it without restrictions. That's the way to enjoy living."

Sakura had stars in her eyes while Satsuki looked up to the man with a scrutinizing stare. And then remembering the things she's heard that the man has done from the rumor mill…as well as seeing him in action at the Chunnin exam arena when he completely and utterly wrecked the new jonin in a free for all brawl.

And that was without drawing his blade.

Kagome closed her book and began to walk on over to the Red Swordsman, who had a bag rucksack over his shoulders. "You know, I haven't seen you since you were a little boy Naruto. And I gotta say…I'm impressed."

Naruto groaned as he palmed his face. "Not you too…" he whined.

The jonin only chuckled at the expense of her former mentors' son. He was quite the interesting man in her book. Strong, loyal, travel seasoned, world savvy, and a gentleman from what she's heard.

Mithra looked back and forth between the two adults, as did Sakura and Satsuki. Confusion evident on their faces. Tazuna simply laughed and shook his head at the questioning glances the girls gave the two adults.

"You'll learn when you're older…" he said.

"Is it about my brother being a manwhore?" asked a curious Mithra.

"I'm not a manwhore! Times were hard back then!"

And then both of the other grown-ups in the group started laughing at the Red Swordsman expense. Said male huffed at the rest of the group and began walking away. "C'mon, let's go to wave already!" he called out to the rest of the group.

Everyone besides Tazuna and Kagome looked at the crimson-blond in confusion. "Why are you going with us to wave Namikaze-san?" asked an inquisitive Sakura with an arched brow.

Naruto scowled when he heard the honorific before crossing his arms and letting his displeasure of the word be known in his body language. The pinkette shriveled beneath the stern glare from the only Uzumaki male in all of existence.

It was Tazuna that piped up to save the poor girl from the Uzumaki death glare. "He's coming with us because he hired ya'll out to escort him to wave girl. And a good thing he did too. I feel a lot safer with this badass of a man among us."

"Oh? You don't have faith in us mister bridge builder? Do you think that my squad can't get the job done?" asked a persecutive Kagome. Her lone visible eye suddenly becoming a triangle missing its base line with the tip pointed upwards. The famous Hatake eye-smile (trademark).

Tazuna looked clearly freaked out by the eye-smile, but chalked it up to random ninja magic. The other guy, Naruto, was simply sheer awesome with a touch of literal magic. "No…I just feel safer because I already saw this guy in action a while ago." He explained with sweaty palms.

"So why did the Yondaime's son, who I know is strong enough to take care of himself, hire us out and is going to wave?" Asked a curious Satsuki. Her arms crossed beneath her budding figure. Although it really wouldn't be worth anything till about four more years give or take.

It was Mithra that spoke up in her brother's favor. "Last night at dinner he said he had to go to wave to meet up with someone. Mom just convinced him to leave with us at the same time…you know, strength in numbers and all that?" she said while folding her hands in front of her person and walking at a faster pace to catch up with her brother.

As they all set out to wave, Satsuki muttered one last thing before they left the vicinity, "I which my brother was at dinner…"

I feel bad for naruto now. I don't know if his situation is awesome, or sad.