Woody and Bo Peep

It was Christmas time in the Davis household. This holiday would be particularly special, as it was the first one in the family's new home. The toys were busy setting up the radio to listen to Sarge's report if Andy had received any new toys for Christmas. As they waited for the report to begin, the toys laughed and danced. A crackle made Hamm the piggy bank look up: "Franckenscene, this is Myrrh."

"Heads up, everybody! It's showtime!"

"Oh! It's time!" Rex the Dinosaur cried as the toys paused in their revelry and gathered around the baby monitor. Just as Woody had joined the others, he felt something around his neck then tug him. He was spun around until he was face to face with Bo Peep.

"Oh! Hey, Boo. You know, there's gotta be a less painful way to get my attention."

Bo Peep just smiled. "Merry Christmas, Sheriff."

Woody looked up and frowned. "Say, isn't that mistletoe?"

Bo Peep's smile broadened. "Uh-huh." And with that she seized Woody, dipped him and kissed him until he couldn't breathe. Above them on the bookcase, the sheep baa-ed in amusement with a sprig of mistletoe in their teeth. Woody kissed Bo back enthusiastically. He always enjoyed her coy flirtations and advances.

As Sarge was continuing his report, Woody reluctantly disengaged himself from Bo and hopped onto Andy's bed, to join Buzz Lightyear, the space ranger and his new best friend. Rex was saying something about Andy getting a herbivore dinosaur, and then Sarge's first report came in: Molly had received a Mrs. Potato Head. Everyone congratulated Mr. Potato Head, who promptly decided that a "shave" (which just involved him removing his mustache) was in order.

Buzz looked over at Woody to see lipstick marks all over his face. Nothing was said; he could only smirk in amusement at his cowboy pal. Then Sarge announced that Andy was opening his first present. Suddenly, static cut it. Annoyed, Buzz tapped the baby monitor. Woody noticed this and smiled.

"Buzz? Buzz Lightyear, you are not worried, are you?"

"Me? No, no. Pfft. No, no, no, no, no, no." More crackling and then - "Are you?"

"Oh, now, Buzz," Woody laughed. "What could Andy possibly get that is worse than you?" Just then, Andy could be heard through the monitor saying, "Wow! A puppy!"

The toys looked at each other in a panic and then awkwardly laughed. At least it wasn't another toy!