Okay so I realize that I need to apologize to everybody about the April Fool's prank, I didn't realize that so many people would get mad (Try like 5), but still it's nice to know that people really like my story, so here's the next chapter, like three weeks early.

Also I'd like to issue a challenge to any Naruto author out there, I'd like to see a Naruto story, crossover I don't care, I want to see a story with Naruto having Crystal Release or some form of absorbing attacks. You don't have to do this, but I would love to see some more Crystal Release Naruto on the fanfic website. Enjoy your April everybody! God it is like 11 at night, I'm dead tired so if you want to message me, do it later!

Chapter Sixteen

Again, The First Dungeon

Naruto walked along with his team down the street to their training ground, none of them were in any hurry to go any where even though they really needed to be taking a test that Mikoto would assign them. Although Mikoto knew that since the Hokage had already passed their team, and so did the civilian council, she knew that she didn't have to do jack squat. All of them were in a pretty good mood seeing as they had a nice team/ family picture for themselves now. Really nice moment that Mikoto decided to capture forever.

Naruto simply whistled and kept his hands in his pockets all the while not really paying attention to his surroundings and instead letting his body go on auto pilot while he read some of the things from his menu.

Reputation in a general sense is simply a perspective on how much people like you. Doing simple and menial chores for people in a certain amount of time will increase your reputation with them, however doing something more drastic such as saving their lives or almost killing them will affect the Reputation in a much more drastic way. Reputation can be measured in 5 simple levels. Starting at the low end of the scale...

Hated- the Reputation that is the absolute lowest and anybody with this reputation towards you is most likely to attack you on sight, and try to kill you with no warning at all, be warned it is nearly impossible to get somebody out of the Hated reputation and is takes a special {Quest} for everybody to remove them from the Hated Reputation.

Disliked- Typically those with this Reputation will call you names, disagree with whatever you say, or generally those that fear you will have this reputation. Those with Disliked reputation towards you will not work with you and try to either avoid you or pick fights with you and make you miserable.

Neutral- exactly as it sounds, those with the neutral reputation will neither like you or dislike you until you do something to turn in around.

Trusted- the level that most people you are close with are at, those with this type of reputation will work with you and generally trust what you say. They will work with you and get bonuses for battling together with you.

Exalted-the level that family is at, those that reach this level of reputation with you trust you with their lives, listen to you intently and are willing to work with you completely. But in return they expect the same level of trust.

You have {0} Hated, {5} Disliked, {15 Villages} Neutral, {10} Trusted, and {5} Exalted.

It was sure a lot to take in, he knew that the reputation with the village had reset after he gotten immersed in the game. It was still amazing to simply look at the statistic and wonder how many people exactly were completely neutral towards him. Interesting thought but Naruto dragged himself back to reality when he found that his team seemed to have disappeared on him. Shrugging his shoulders, Naruto brought up the mini-map, one of the newer features that Naruto had yet to fully explore, he immediately got to tracking his team mates. Finding that they were simply at the training grounds Naruto shrugged once again before looking back at Sora and Aurora and giving a smile that reminded both of them like a shark about to enjoy it's prey.

"We're going to have a fun time, just you and me." Naruto giggled ominously and rubbed his hands together before he grabbed both of his two animal friends before he took off to the rooftops. Civilians watched him go, and many of them shook their heads, they just couldn't seem to remember why they hated him for some reason, now he was just another face in the crowd.

Naruto dashed over rooftops and jumped over chimneys, one almost landing a blow on his jewels when he wasn't paying attention. Naruto however stopped evilly giggling when he noticed Kakashi standing in front of him.

"Yo! Kakashi how are you man?" Naruto asked walking up to Kakashi and staring him in the eye.

"Oh, it's just you Naruto. I'm fine, about to head to training ground 7 to give the brats their little test." Kakashi chuckled as he pulled out his small orange book and started reading it for the umpteenth time. Nobody really knew how many times that Kakashi had read that book, or the entire series of books that he was known to own and read in public, in front of kids and women, "I was just wondering if you'd like to help me administer the test to the fresh genin. It would make things go a lot quicker if you'd help me."

Naruto thought about it for a second, "Yeah sure I could use a warm up before I start training Sora and Aurora, they probably need a warm up as well." Naruto grinned, and something told Kakashi that Naruto had spent a little to much time around Anko, who was known for her special tendencies. Kakashi shook his head, trying to get out the feeling that Anko was converting Naruto in some way without the poor boy realizing it.

Quest Alert! Help Kakashi deal with the three genin brats!

Help Kakashi fail his genin team so he doesn't have to teach them.

Take down the genin for Kakashi.

Rewards- Familiar Exp +1000, Reputation with Kakashi goes up.

Failure- Reputation with Kakashi goes down


It was a no brainer for Naruto, he selected yes but sent a shadow clone to his team to let them know what he would be doing for the rest of the day.

"Well then come on, I've spent enough time torturing them with my tardiness let's get there before they decide to ditch me." Kakashi sighed, lowered his head a bit and slipped the book into his vest pocket. Naruto followed Kakashi with Sora and Aurora in tow, this time Aurora was running with Naruto and Sora was flying at a steady pace behind them. Kakashi received the typical greeting from his fresh genin team, a chorus of "YOU'RE LATE!" from the three genin.

Naruto followed silently behind Kakashi and as he pulled out the alarm clock and the two bells.

"Now, you're task is to get one of these two bells before noon, me and my accomplice will both hold one of the bells for you to get. Oh and before you ask, the one who doesn't get a bell gets sent back to the academy just for your information." Kakashi paused for any questions and one of the genin, going by the name of Kenshi asked, "Isn't he genin as well? Wouldn't that make it a bit easier for us to get a bell?" Kenshi asked examining Naruto up and down who stared back and stuck his hands in his hoodie as Sora landed on his back and Aurora stood at his side.

"Trust me Kenshi, getting the bell from him will probably be harder than getting it from me, seeing as he has a particular set of skills that make it nearly impossible to damage him. Trust me, taijutsu is just about useless against Naruto." Kakashi patted Naruto on the head and smiled before starting the alarm, handing out a bell, Naruto shoved it in his pocket.

"Alright kids? Go!"

Immediately all three of the genin dashed into the foliage surrounding the large clearing, in an attempt to hide and set up a sneak attack for the genin, still believing that they'd have a better chance at taking him down than the jonin. Naruto however, just like Kakashi stood in the middle of the clearing except instead of whip out a book to read, Naruto pulled out his little dragon pipe and began blowing bubbles.

One of the genin wanted to laugh, this was the guy that Kakashi said was 'untouchable by taijutsu'. It was laughable, and none of them noticed the slightly surprised look in Kakashi's eye, could tell those bubbles were laced with chakra, a lot of chakra and they likely did something special when Naruto wanted them to. Naruto didn't move from his spot, even though he could clearly hear and see the genin shifting around in the foliage, getting ready to strike side that had his bell. Naruto smirked and Sora jumped off from his back and flapped his wings just enough so that he wouldn't take off but he could counter act gravity. Aurora, the little fox grinned, showing the small canine teeth that hurt when they sunk into your arm or leg, or anywhere really.

Sora had nasty claws that just were meant to make things bleed, and his mouth were filled with teeth that really were just made for tearing chunks of flesh not to mention that his scales were durable. Naruto knew it to, he'd tried to break those discarded scales that Sora left all over the house, and he'd yet to have progress. He was thinking of sewing them into some type of armor for Aurora seeing as she was the only one that didn't have a good defense. But then again the little fox was fast and clever, able to out speed Sora easily.

Just as the genin were about to dash out of the bushes to attack Naruto, his partners beat them to the punch, and the genin found themselves quickly out-matched by the two animals, they were easily solid chunin speed which was something the genin had no experience with, the small fox was bordering on low jonin level though. The three genin quickly found themselves retreating from the two animals that were letting any of them escape to go attack Naruto who was still blowing bubbles, this time the bubbles had filled the clearing and Naurto seemed to be combining them all into one giant bubble, that he happened to be standing on.

It was odd really, Naruto had no reason for doing what he was doing but he was still doing it any ways. The bubble he was standing on shot into the air, and quickly Naruto dropped through the bubble into the air, before the bubble exploded and it started raining of half of Konoha. Literally raining on half of Konoha, if one were to be on the main street, which many people were, you could see the visible line between where the rain started and where it ended. It was an interesting effect but it created a wonderful rainbow that many people rather enjoyed, except for the ones who had to enjoy a surprise shower.

The genin were quickly soak, so was Kakashi, and everybody else who was in a training ground at that moment. Something Naruto internally giggled about, soaking everybody on one half of Konoha was pretty funny when he thought about it. He had a crystal mirror over head that had kept him dry, and it quickly dissipated before he set off after the three genin, leaving Kakashi in peace to read his smut.

Naruto dashed through the forest, his mini map out and he was using it to track his objective, the three genin who weren't properly prepared for Naruto, hell they weren't even prepared for Sora and Aurora who were out of shape! They were way out of shape, Naruto should've never let them stay on their lazy asses and sleep all day, it wasn't good for the muscles or the brain! Naruto pulled out his wires and used them to launch himself faster through the trees, and he zoomed across the mini map, hurtling himself at one of the gennin, his sheer kinetic force was enough to knock the poor girl out of the game.

The other two genin seeing that their team mate was down, quickly ran now acknowledging that there was a snowballs chance in hell that they were beating this insane genin. Too bad that they weren't fast enough to even dodge Sora and Aurora who quickly knocked down the boys, hell this wasn't even a test it was more of a beat down than anything. Using his wires to tie up the genin, tight enough to hold them down but not enough to turn them into tiny genin slices, Naruto carried them back to the main clearing and set them down on the wet grass before tying them up to the posts, laughing the entire way.

Was it the fact that one of the genin was tied completely upside down? Or the other one was nearly sitting on his head. Or the fact that the girl was in a suggestive pose and she'd probably be extremely embarrassed when she got out of it? Probably not, but Naruto had fun tying them to the posts, maybe he'd spent to much time around Anko... nah. It wasn't possible to spend to much time around somebody, and Anko was no exception.

Naruto gave Kakashi a salute who saluted back before Naruto took his leave, completing the mission and gaining Sora and Aurora a bit of experience. It was funny because his partners leveled up extremely slowly, like he'd read the description, Aurora would only get to level nine before capping out, and Sora would get to level 10. But it balanced out by the fact that they gain a lot of power when they leveled up. Naruto estimated that when they two both reached level two (they were still level 1), they'd both be able to fight evenly with Sasuke and Sayuri when they armed with Naruto's crystal weapons.

But now that was over with it was time for them to go do Naruto's favorite past time, dungeon crawling. It was fun, it was rewarding and most of all, it was a unique form of training that had extreme benefits. Such as the loot, the experience against enemies that weren't afraid of killing you, and the unique terrain that Naruto had to fight in quite a bit of the time. All preparation for the real world, for real ninjas, and some action against a human opponent that wasn't afraid of killing him. Something to get the adrenaline pumping! Okay Naruto sounded like a real adrenaline junkie right there, but then again most thrill seekers were just junkies at heart.

His team already knew that he was going dungeon diving so he was free to start the first dungeon in hard mode! He was so excited! Opening his menu, Naruto selected the first dungeon, and was instantly teleported into the new hard mode dungeon.

To the person watching him, this was a huge surprise, he would have to report back about this power that the Jinchuuriki had. Teleportation was something that only the fourth Hokage had ever been able to pull off, so it was quite a bit of surprise that the Jinchuuriki also had this power. Very interesting...

Naruto appeared in a jungle, which was a massive difference to the native forest that occupied the first dungeon last time. The trees were tall and lush, much like the trees in the forest of death but these were thinner, and there was more canopy and undergrowth allowing less light to hit the floor of the forest. Naruto turned around and came face to face with the mouth of a wide and desolated temple. Shrugging Naruto motioned for Sora and Aurora to follow him, the two seemed reluctant before Naruto gave them the glare that he never liked using and they quickly hopped to it.

Sora attaching himself to Naruto's back, Aurora hopped on his shoulders and curled around his neck like a scarf, her tail hanging down his chest. Naruto shook his head before he entered the first dungeon in hard mode. First thing that he noticed about the dungeon, was that not only did the ceiling look like it was ready to come down any moment, but also he'd already run into monsters.

And just like the first dungeon, the enemy theme was spiders, something that Aurora reacted aggressively against. All the fur on her stood up on end just from seeing the first batch of enemies, she stood on his head and growled. It would've been adorable if Naruto wasn't staring at what she was growling at.

Standing 10 meters away was a group of hideous monsters, a man's body but pitch black and chitin like armor. Eight legs ending with razor sharp blades sprouted from the back of the monster, where the mouth should've been was two pairs of large fangs easily four inches long and half and inch wide. Eight red and beady eyes stared back and Naruto from the head of the monster and hair was growing everywhere on the body, like an overgrown spider had a baby with some sick and drunk man.

The monster wobbled a bit, acid began dripping out the fangs, Naruto knew it was acid because it glowed bright green and melted the floor. It was nice to know that the environment destruction was turned on in the structurally unstable building, always reassuring. Nine more sets of eight eyes opened and stared at Naruto, totally unsettling.

Mutant Spider Lv.60

Health- 12000

Attack- 600

Naruto checked his own health- 44000, it was quite a bit of health and Naruto was proud that it was that high without Naruto really training it, must have been the Uzumaki blood. Activating his abilities, claws grew on Naruto's hands, but these were very different from the torso size claws that Naruto used before, no these were much more realistic, even though they were still twice the size of his normal hand and only had two fingers and a thumb, it was razor sharp and worked a bit better than the first claws. So Naruto liked to call this, the Claw.2.

Activating Hive Mind, his wires took on a life of their own sprouting from his back instead of his fingers or arms like they normally did. They wormed their way out from under Sora and launched themselves at the Mutant Spiders that had stopped to spit acid at Naruto. The wires were dodged quickly by the spiders who retaliated with more acid. Naruto quickly threw up a barrier made of crystal and watched as something interesting happened. The acid appeared to be absorbed into the crystal just like the mutation allowed, and the lime green crystal shield turned into a acid green shield.

Acid Sheild Created!

Properties- Acid touch, acid spit, acid attack.

Durability- 100%

Acid reserves- 10%

Naruto grinned like a child in a candy shop and blocked more acid shots from the spiders, waiting and filling the acid shield, it didn't take long seeing as one shot of acid filled ten percent each time. He would need to level up the crystals more if he wanted to increase the capacity and durability of the crystal. Firing the acid at the mutant spiders Naruto wasn't surprised that they dodged but he wasn't about to give up just like that.

Dashing into to meet the spiders in melee, Naruto dropped down and shouted, "Sora! Now!" Naruto dropped to all fours and Sora opened his mouth, bending around Aurora to breath a flamethrower at them. The mutant spiders shrieked in pain, and Naruto smirked, spiders, and other things like it never really liked fire all that much. Naruto jumped back when the buggers, which were still living took a swipe at him and the wire pulled him away and started another on going assault on the freaks of nature.

He checked their health and the flamethrower had only taken out a fifth of their health, he knew that Sora had no where near the stamina to launch twenty flamethrowers at full strength so Naruto was going to have to get his hands a little dirty. He didn't mind that at all, Naruto liked a challenge. Dashing in again Naruto began dancing through the spiders who were attacking in fervor, spiting acid and swiping with their legs and clawed hands. One jumped into bite Naruto simply weaved around that one easily, jumping away Naruto pulled the wires that he'd wrapped around the mutant spiders tight.

"You're trapped in my web now, ironic isn't it?" Naruto said quietly before he closed his claw the wires pulled tight enough to turn the spiders into slices of each other. Surprisingly the spiders weren't turned into slices of cheese, and instead one managed to spit acid at Naruto who was forced to counter with his own acid from the shield. Naruto felt the wires being fought against and he was fought for control of the wires, managing to hold them still for him to cover them all in acid. Still the monsters refused to die! Hell they were only at half health, hard mode really lived up to the shortly made reputation that it was gaining in pissing Naruto off with the bullshit monsters that refused to die!

"That's it! Crystal Release: Tearing Crystal Falling Dragon!" Naruto shouted forming a whole of five seals before he launched the dragon precisely at the spiders. He let his wires go slack and retract before the dragon actually struck but when it struck it started chaos in the ranks of the ten spiders. The spiders scrambled but when the dragon bit one of them it split the monster in half, covering the dragon with the acidic blood and turning the lime green dragon into a acidic green dragon.

Crystal Acid Dragon Creation!

Properties- Acid touch, acid breath, acid bite.

Durability- 100%

Acid reserves- 20%

Naruto stopped and blinked at that tidbit of information, that was just overpowered. Naruto only now had to find a way to replicate the acid so he could create the acid dragons on the fly instead of coming to this dungeon to stock up on acid from the enemies. But when Naruto looked up, the dragon had torn through the rest of the spiders. So the dragon was super effective against bugs, not how it should've worked but Naruto wasn't one to complain. By the way that was a big fat lie, Naruto complained a lot about everything.

But he was going to take this! Because this was freaking cool as hell! Naruto grinned evilly, before looking at Sora and Aurora this was going to make training them just a bit easier. Naruto grinned evilly and rubbed his hands together, frightening the two partners of Naruto even more than the spiders had. Naruto laughed evilly as he made his way farther down into the temple, stone and vines littered his path but with his claws and wires Naruto was able to vault these obstacles with relative ease. He was fully aware of the dragon that was still up and following him, he smiled, he was going to have to get a sample of that acid so hopefully he could find some way of replicating it so that he could stock up on Crystal Acid Dragons whenever because that sounded like too cool of a power to just pass up!

Down a flight of stairs that led Naruto deeper into the belly of the best, his smile left his face when he saw his next enemy.

Gargantuan Hornet Hunter Lv.70

Health-1/2 million

Attack-1000 per attack
