Authors Notes: I'm so sorry that I've kept you all waiting, it's just that I've been trying to finish my schoolwork before the break. There's really no other reason that I have as to why I haven't updated, and hopefully this doesn't become a habit. Anyways, without further a due, I present to you chapter 2.

Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN WINX CLUB WHATSOEVER (if I did, Riven wouldn't have left).

The next day came fast and all the fairies headed out into wintry world with their bags. They were layered up in their coats and scarfs and were gathered around Ms. Farigonda.

"Good morning girls, thank you all for being up and ready and on time. Now, before we open the portal to Red Fountain, I just want to remind you all to be on your very best behavior. Be polite towards the specialists and professors, oh, and don't think I won't be watching you all. I was once a teenager too you know." Ms. Farigonda told them before opening the portal. "Let's go girls."

They all walked through the portal leading to the gates of Red Fountain. Waiting for them was Saladin and Codatorta dressed in coats. Closing the portal, Ms. Farigonda smiled at their hosts.

"Hello Saladin, Codatorta. Thank you so much for inviting us to stay here, we really appreciate it."

"Ah, no problem Farigonda. We're glad you all came." Saladin said genuinely. "Shall we head in?"

"Oh, yes." She said as they followed them inside.

Musa's P.O.V

We entered the gates of Red Fountain and made our way into the school. It was kind of weird because none of the specialists were anywhere to be seen. Seems like the others noticed too.

"Where is my snookums?" Stella asked.

"Yeah, where are all the guys?" Aisha questioned. We all looked at Saladin.

"Oh, they're out training right now. We wanted them to get it out of the way in the morning, so they can help you get settled in and show you around later."

"Isn't it really cold out there? What if they get sick?" Bloom asked worriedly.

"As a specialist, you must endure and fight no matter the circumstances." Codatorta answered sternly.

"What time will they be back?" I asked.

"Around 9." We all sighed.

'It's only 7:30. I hope Riven doesn't get sick.'

"Well let's get on with the tour. The cafeteria is that way, down the hall to the right."

I tuned out the rest of the tour, my mind consumed of other things. I've been thinking a lot lately, and Riven has helped with distracting me. I don't know what I'd do without him. I was pulled out of my thoughts when we stopped at the double doors.

"Your rooms are through here. We don't have enough for each of you, but they're pretty big so I think three per room will suffice. Farigonda, I'll show you where your room is as soon as everyone here is all figured out. Codatorta, could you show the other professors where their rooms are while everything gets settled out here?"

"Yes." He answered leading the professors out.

"I'll wait until you're done to show you where your room is, Ms. Farigonda."

"Okay, thank you Saladin." Ms. Farigonda turned towards us. "Listen up girls. Due to the limited space, you are all gonna have to split up into groups of three. You will be sharing a room, but don't worry, the rooms are spacious. Do it quickly."

The Winx and I circled up.

"How is this gonna work, there's six of us but only three per room." Tecna asked.

"We'll have to split up." Flora said as we all sighed.

"Okay, I guess Stella and Aisha can share with me." Bloom suggested.

"And that'll leave Tecna and Flora with me." I didn't mind. Stella wouldn't be able to tease me as much. Don't get me wrong I love the girl to death, but she's a bit, well, Stella.

We all walked down the hall as Ms. Farigonda showed each group to their room. It was just the Winx and I when we reached the end of the corridor, though we were faced with a problem. There were no more rooms.

"Um, Ms Farigonda. There are no more rooms." Aisha commented.

"Oh, it seems as though you are correct."

Saladin walked up to us. "Is there a problem?"

Ms. Farigonda turned around. "I'm afraid so. We seem to be short of two rooms."

"Is that so." Saladin brought his finger up to his chin. Codatorta stepped forward.

"We do have two extra rooms, but there may be an issue."

"What is it?"

"The two rooms are on the guy's hall."

"I suppose that is an issue."

"Wait, can you give us a minute?" Ms. Farigonda asked.


Ms. Farigonda turned towards us.

"Girls, can I trust you all to be on the same hall as the guys?"

"Of course you can trust us. We'll be on our very best behavior, right girls?" Stella said. We all nodded.

Ms. Farigonda eyed us carefully as we looked on innocently. When she sighed, we knew we won.

"Okay, but no goofing off." Ms. Farigonda told us sternly.

"Yes ma'am." We agreed simultaneously.

"Them being on the same corridor as the guys won't be a problem."

"Well then, let's head over there."

Saladin lead us to the other side of the school where there were another set of double doors. We walked down the hall to the last two rooms.

"Here you go. Once you get unpacked you can come to the cafeteria for breakfast. The specialist should be back around then. Oh, if they cause you any trouble, just tell me and I'll take care of it."

"And remember what I told you girls. I know six specialist that will have to answer to me if anything happens."

Saladin and Ms. Farigonda walked back down the hallway, disappearing around the corner.

"Sometimes she really scares me." I said as we all shivered.

We walked in and were met with an ordinary room. There was enough space for three an-

"Hello girls." The Princess of Solaria walked into their room with a determined look.

"Stella, whatcha doin?" I asked her.

"Fixing this room."


My question was answered as soon as the room changed into a similar looking one as ours at Alfea.

I rolled my eyes. "Really Stella, the room wasn't that bad."

"Yes, it was. Look, I don't see what the problem is, I'll change it back before we leave. Now, it's 8:10 and I'm starving. Let's go get breakfast."

"Stella, we still have to unpack." Tecna reminded her.

"Ugh. It'll take too long, and I'm hungry."

"Stella, we're only staying for a week, how much clothes did you pack?"

"Hey, I like to have a lot of choices ya know. Didn't I already tell you guys that there is no limit on clothes."

"Well, just unpack some of it now, okay. Now go." I gently pushed her out of our room.

"Okay, okay gosh. You don't have to- um, girls." Stella stopped speaking and we looked to see why. The double doors opened, and soon all the specialist walked through talking. The Winx and I stood there awkwardly, not sure if we should say something and introduce theirselves, or wait until they finally noticed us here. Eventually it was the latter, and the guys stood there curious.

One guy stepped forward. He was a little more than average height with brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, and pearly whites.

"I'm guessing you are some of the fairies from Alfea that were invited to stay here. I'm Zack, the best one there is, and my friends and I would be welcomed to show you around." He said flashing us a smile, gesturing to five other guys behind him. We looked at each other, all thinking the same thing.

"Nice to meet you Zack. My name's Musa. This is Bloom, Stella, Flora, Aisha, and Tecna."

"The pleasure's all mine." He said kissing my hand.

I put on a fake smile, gently retrieving my hand. "Although we're flattered by your offer, we'll have to decline."

His smile wavered. "Oh, may I ask why?"

"It's just that our-


Author's Notes:

Thanks for reading, and I'll try not to take as long to update. Oh, and thanks for the fav and follows.R&R!