Chapter 28- Finale
The final chapter to SAO: REDEMPTION where something pulls Mikael attention to Gun Gale Online.
Mikael POV
I laid on the roof of Black Castle as I waited till the beginning of the Bullet of Bullets tournament as Sinon was going to being in it and I told her that I would watch her since I couldn't support her in game due to the fact I didn't have a Gun Gale Online account and I didn't want to transfer over my account just in case what happened to Kirito happens to me. It was really quite due to the fact everyone else was out or offline. I didn't know why but after all that happened the peace and quiet didn't seem all that refreshing since I was still worried that if I became too relaxed then something bad would happen. It had been one month since my fight with Retribution which only showed that my threat had been effective otherwise he would have returned by now. I pulled out my menu to see that it was now 1 o'clock which means that in ten minutes the Bullet of Bullets 5 would begin. I got up from where I was lying and made my way inside and to the living room which had the TV. I sat down on the couch by myself as I turned on the TV and switched it to the channel that would be broadcasting the tournament.
After about five minutes the intro to the Bullet of Bullets tournament began to play on the TV. As it came to an end the screen went blank before a message appeared saying "Due to a broadcast error, we are unable to broadcast Bullet of Bullets 5 and are trying our best to fix the error." 'that is strange' I thought since they had never had an error before in the past even during the whole Death Gun incident. I soon began to worry about Sinon since she was in the Bullet of Bullets tournament. Soon Kirito came in and asked "Hey brother, what going on." "No idea but I need to log off to check on Sinon" I told him before logging off. Once logged off I ran out of my room to go check on Sinon in her room. She was laying on her bed with her Amusphere on which proved that she was logged onto Gun Gale Online. I then went downstairs to go to the office to check on the situation but then something came through the post which was strange as I wasn't expecting it. I then picked up the letter which only had a name on it, no address at all. The name that was writing on it was my gaming name 'Sabre.' I opened the letter and read it out loud:
'To Sabre
You may have thought this is all over but this was only the beginning. You had told me not to return to Alfhiem Online and I haven't instead I targeted the one thing you care about so much. I hope you saw the display on TV with the Bullet of Bullets tournament as that was all my doing. I simply put all the participants in a similar scenario as Sword Art Online and it just happened your girlfriend is one of them but don't worry she won't die as I have her. If you want your girlfriend back, then come onto Gun Gale Online, participate in my little game of hide and seek and if you find me then you can have her back simply as that
From Retribution'
I couldn't believe what happened as my worst fear had now come true. Sinon was now trapped in a death game by my worst enemy and I am the only who can save her. It was time for me to enter Gun Gale Online.
The end of Chapter 28 a cliff-hanger that leds into the events of SAO: Hunter & Prey. Now Mikael must enter Gun Gale Online to hunt down Retribution and save Sinon but when he does he find the players of that world as his enemies and Allies. The next story will introduce the characters Philia and Strea to the Sword Art Online. SAO: Hunter & Prey will be released soon.