I've finally written something again! Lol...took forever...but it's still not complete and the next chapter may take a very long while for me to put up...mostly because I can't decide if I want to pair Hermione with Lucius or Severus...but I am hoping to finish up this story before Christmas!...I hope my story isn't going too out there, I think it will be predictable, but even predictable stories can be enjoyable right?
Anyway...I don't think I am going to be able to stay true to the characters, but I am trying my best (^.^')
The Freedom of Severus Snape: A Christmas Story
"Darn!" He muttered as his bare feet hit the cold stone floor. The pain flaring up his left arm woke him up from his deep slumber and he was not very happy.
Then again, when was he ever happy?
He quickly donned his dark robes and mask before sending a note through the floo for his master. He hoped no one was captured that belonged to the Order. That would make the rest of his night just peachy.
The night was cold, freezing. The lake was already beginning to show signs of frost near the shore. He quickly disillusioned and warded his private exit and strode across the grounds towards the gates and disapparated, appearing in front of a once breathtaking manor but now seemed so dark that even the crows avoided going near the building.
"Ssseverusss," he was happily greeted by his second master upon his entry into Malfoy Manor. How odd that the Dark Lord was waiting for him in the entrance hall.
"Master," Severus returned with as much humbleness he could muster up even though the emotion was a falsity. "Might I inquire what has lifted your mood so, your greatness?" He asked cautiously.
"Ah Ssseveruss," Voldemort said morosely. "Alwayss one to get down to businessss. You could have at leasst let me build up to what hass lifted my sspiritsss."
"Forgive me, my Lord," Severus said with sincerity...well with what he hoped was sincerity. His thoughts were locked up tighter than Her Majesty's Crown Jewels behind his Occlumency shields, but his emotions were still lagging behind in the dungeons at Hogwarts.
"No worriesss, no worriesss," Voldemort said as comfortingly as he could and Severus did his best to repress a shudder at the fact that the Dark Lord was trying to be comforting, which was not very comforting. He again made sure his thoughts were guarded as well as all the gold in Fort Knox. "I am very closse to confirming a theory I formed lasst year around thiss time and I need two of my besst ssslav-men," he quickly corrected himself, "to confirm my findingss."
"Of course, my Lord. Would you like me to inform these men?" Severus again repressed a shudder at his Master's slip. 'Of course were his slaves,' he thought sullenly. 'He is only expressing the truth.'
"No need, Ssseveruss," Voldemort smiled and motioned to the blond wizard coming down the stairs. Severus and Lucius shared a comradely glance. "Luciuss and you will be ssearching after that old fool releassess the ssstudentss for Christmass."
"Forgive my insolence, my Lord," Lucius said carefully. "But you still have not told us, or at least me, what your theory is."
"Of coursse," Voldemort's smile grew and the two wizards knew that confirming this 'theory' was going to cause them even more hell than their lives already had in it. The two waited patiently while the Dark Lord had his moment. "The two of you and young Draco will be travelling up North ssearching for an illussive wizard. No one can prove that thiss man exisstss," he paused dramatically, "but I can prove he iss alive."
"What is the name of this man that has made himself illusory?" Severus asked. The Dark Lord smiled wryly and the two men knew this quest to confirm Voldemort's theory was going to cost them something big, either their status in the Inner Circle or their blood.
"You will be ssearching for a man whosse name iss Misster Kringle," Voldemort said. Severus did his best not to let his jaw fall open in shock and the sudden onslaught of laughter that was currently working its way up his oesophagus from his stomach. He quickly glanced sideways at Lucius who was looking back at the Dark Lord in all seriousness and he started hacking up coughs to cover up his laughter.
"Ex- *cougha * cougha * -cuse me * coughaha*," Severus sputtered, trying desperately to cover up his laughter with a coughing fit lest the Order be short one spy. "Please pardon me, my Lord. I must have let my rooms get too cold and now I seem to be coming down with a slight cough." Voldemort gave him a nod in acknowledgement and continued.
"Misster Kriss Kringle livess up in the North Pole and I want him found by the time Hogwartss resstartss classess in the new year. He will either tell me the ssecret to his immortality and how he iss able to control time without the use of a time turner, or millionss of little witchess and wizardss around the world, and I daressay a few muggle children, will be ssorely disappointed for yearss to come."
"Yes my Lord," Lucius and Severus agreed simultaneously.
"Dissmissed!" He hissed, and the two quickly took their cue to leave.
*HaPpY cHrIsTmAs! *
"What has your pants all tangled up!" Lucius called after Severus and quickly entered the secret passageway before Severus could re-ward it.
"What has my pants all in a twist is the fact that this time next year you, Draco, and me will be laying six feet under," he snarled, dramatically did the sign of the cross, kissed his hand and blew the kiss at Lucius. A satirical act, but it made him feel better because Lucius had no idea of its meaning, or who the illusive Kris Kringle was known as in the muggle world.
"I know you are a pureblood, but I thought you had a little more understanding of popular muggle culture!" Severus hissed.
"Cheer up old friend," Lucius insisted before following Severus into the floo. "Draco and I just got caught up in muggle Opera for a while."
"Ah, muggle Opera is a wonder all in its own," Albus Dumbledore smiled. "I am especially partial to Cats."
"You would be," Severus mumbled loud enough for the whole room to hear.
"Now, what information do you two have for me?" Albus asked.
"The two of us and Draco have been assigned to find a man named Kris Kringle who lives in the North Pole," Lucius answered. A snort to the left of the two dark wizards drew their attention. Severus's wand was in his hand and already casting a finite before the Headmaster could stop him.
"What is the meaning of this?" Severus hissed at Albus and the student hiding behind a curtain that Albus must have set up as an illusion.
"Calm down Severus," Albus warned.
"I am sorry," Hermione Granger said to the Headmaster sincerely. "I did not have enough time to cast the silencing charm like you instructed me to do before the Professor and Mister Malfoy came out of the floo."
"I know, child. It is not your fault," Albus said understandingly.
"You still have not given me an explanation, Albus," Severus hissed. "Why do you always have to make messes that I end up having to clear up!" His voice rose. "Though I will take so much pleasure in obliviating Miss Granger's memories," he suddenly purred, causing Hermione to shiver.
"That will not be necessary, Severus," Albus said sternly. "Miss Granger is here to act as a liaison for yourself and Lucius in case anything should ever happen to me," he said tiredly. Severus and Lucius grew quiet. Already there had been attempts on the Headmaster's life that the two did not know were coordinated.
"Well the Order may be down three spies by next year," Severus suddenly snarled. "So we will be joining you in the afterlife Headmaster."
"All we have to do is find this Kringle," Lucius said. "He seems to be powerful so we don't have to worry about the Dark Lord hurting him too much."
"No we don't," Severus said mockingly. "Because Kris Kringle will never have to face the Dark Lord because we won't find him!" He finished in a roar. Hermione flinched, but couldn't hide the smile that was threatening to break out.
"Nonsense Severus," Albus said. "The three of you will have the help of a few Order members and hopefully you will all be back within a week or two."
"DO YOU NOT ALL GET IT!" Severus yelled while his hands grasped the roots of his hair.
"Calm down Severus!" Albus and Lucius ordered. Hermione cleared her throat.
"What Professor Snape is trying to say is that Kris Kringle simply will not be found because he does not exist," Hermione said gently.
"What?" Lucius asked worriedly, his body breaking out into a cold sweat.
"I am sure everyone is this room knows who Father Christmas is," Hermione said. "Well in the muggle world Father Christmas is also known as Kris Kringle," she explained to the purebloods.
"Oh fuck," Lucius gasped. "That's why he said that millions of children will be disappointed every year."
"Do you not see now?" Severus asked dourly. "The Dark Lord is setting us up to fail," he said tiredly, dropping down into a chair. "He didn't even tell us his theory," he reminded Lucius.
"Double damn," Lucius muttered. "You are right, Severus," he said of Severus's emphasis on theory, "he has no assumptions. It is all a set up," he tried his best not to choke.
"Headmaster," Hermione said softly. "How do we get Draco out of this mission?" She asked, causing the two spies to pause.
Can anyone see yet where I am planning on going with this? Lol...anyway...I hope everyone had a safe, fun, Happy Halloween!