Disclaimer: Naruto and RWBY are the property of Kishimoto, and Rooster Teeth. This is a private non-commercial spinoff. But they say imitation is sincerest form of flattery right?

This story is now RATED M for potentially graphic images


Shadows and Dust: Chapter 8

Cinder's eyes flashed as she scanned the databank's recent files, the smell of smouldering hair and flesh wafting around her. "Well, it turns out we didn't lose nearly as much as I feared after all."

"What are you talking about?" Adam's nose wrinkled as he stepped over the charred body of the so-called watchman Cinder had made an example of. Behind him the camp was abuzz. The ostentatious exchange had paralyzed the camp, but Cinder's overt show of force and sent them into a frenzy out of fear of the matriarch.

"I mean, my masked crusader, that they only made a copy of what our teams have been working on. They didn't find why, or have time to corrupt the original files. In other words… They have nothing."

"Don't you think knowing that much is enough to create a nuisance for this 'plan' of yours?"

The dark-haired woman turned with a smile, gracefully tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Hardly. What good does it do knowing to look for a ghost, if you don't know where you should be looking?"

"Hn." The tall Faunus continued to scan the area around him, fingers subtly drumming the pommel of his weapon. "I still can't believe you let all of them go, wounded or not. Especially that Huntsman."

Cinder's smile widened as she stepped closer to her brooding commander, forcing his gaze down into her smouldering eyes. "I thought I explained this? They have nothing, and we knew this was a temporary facility from the start. Killing or capturing them would simply draw more attention to our plans." She pressed her hand to his chest, letting a slow warmth emanate from her palm as she leaned in closer. "What did you think of our guests by the way?"

A slight tightening of the jaw was the only visible indicator of the swordsman's reaction. "They're good. Really good. It's obvious they were stalling or that fight could have gone differently. But they're too young to be Huntsman, and their fighting styles don't line up with academy training either."

"My thoughts exactly. Emerald dear?"

"Yes m'lady?" The lithe young woman stepped out from the shadows and immediately dropped the Grimm mask twirling on her finger.

"Send word to Atlas and Vacuo. We are to continue as planned, I'll speak to my Sister here. Also, get another message out. It seems dawn will break over Vale afterall."

"Yes Ma'am."

Another figure stepped into the light of the small lab, restlessly tousling his ashen hair. "I still think we could have taken the punks if nothing else."

A faint, fond smirk slipped over Cinder's features. "Oh Mercury, patience. You'll get your chance, but for now, the two of you need to be my little sleeper-agents." Cinder flipped her hair back over her shoulder gently, anklet chiming as she sauntered back outside. "As things stand, it's time we got back to Vale, to check on our own affairs. Mustn't leave simpler minds unsupervised for too long."


Even before Kiba's eyes refocused in their new surrounding his mind surged under the barrage of his other senses. Shrill screams, a multitude of familiar smells, and an ominous wet, tacky sensation under his hand. He could taste the faint hint of copper even as his nose singled out the smell. Blood. "Shit, Choji. Naruto!"

"Heh…" Was all the response Naruto could manage before slumping to the floor with a thud.

"Where have you been all morn- Oh dear god! Who's blood is that?" Ruby cried out as she leapt backwards.

"What's wrong with Naruto?" Yang asked as he dropped to the floor, eyes glassy and dazed.

She knelt down briefly, propping her fellow blond's head up even as he half-heartedly waved her off. "Don't be a jerk, just take the pillow."

Kiba grabbed Choji roughly, eliciting a groan as he sprawled the large shinobi across part of the table and pulled his shirt open. "Choji's been shot, two round through the torso, but it looks like only one went clean through."

Weiss made a conscious effort to keep her herself well away from the slowly expanding poll of blood. "How did he get shot when he obviously has high levels of Aura left?"

The young Inuzuka's eyes were venomous. "Do you really expect me to answer that or can we keep Choji from bleeding out on the floor? Now, in my desk behind you I'll need-."

"Got them." Before Kiba was finished Blake was racing back to the table with an armful of supplies, an extra roll of gauss rolling out of her arms and bouncing across the floor.

Kiba couldn't help but appreciate with grim satisfaction his choice to lose the sleeves on his jacket as he grabbed the forceps from Blake's arms. Afterall, he didn't have to worry about rolling them up anymore. "This is going to get messy, if any of you have weak stomachs, now's the time to leave. If not, someone needs to put that leather strap in Choji's mouth while you all hold him down."

What colour that hadn't left Ruby's face already, vanished. "You don't really mean you're going to… Why can't we just get him to a hospital?!"

"Yeah," Yang echoed, having already moved to hold Choji's right arm. "I mean can't Naruto just do that thing of his?"

"There's no time, and I don't think Naruto's up for that at the moment." Shikamaru answered from beside the blonde, holding the large Akimichi's other arm. "Do it Kiba, it doesn't look like an artery but at this rate it'll only be a few minutes until he bleeds out. We'll move him after we seal it up."

Kiba didn't speak, only nodding as he pushed the steel pliers into the weeping wound in his friend's side. A muffled scream and twitch were the only heads up Ruby and Weiss had to grab Choji's legs before he instinctively thrashed on the table, Blake's hands holding the thick leather firmly in his teeth.

Kiba felt and heard the faint clink at the end of the forceps, even as his hands tried to slip on the stainless steel hands. His eye's shifted to Blake. "I've got the round, but I need one of the vials of Burn Dust from Shikamaru's desk."

The dark girl's eyes widened, but she said nothing as she found the small tube, and passed it to him.

Kiba grimaced as he pulled the stopper with his teeth, doing is best to pull the bullet out square. Doing his best not to shake, he quickly sprinkled a sample of Dust over the round. "Sorry buddy, this is going to hurt. A lot."

Choji's eyes flickered open momentarily, a faint nod all the confirmation the boy could muster.

Before Kiba pushed the round back in accompanied by another muffled scream.

Weiss turned a faint tint of green. "What are you-."

There was a small flash as Kiba activated the Dust within Choji's side, the smell of burnt flesh wafting through the room even as the large boy went limp.

Kiba sighed in relief as he set the bullet and forceps aside, eyeing his gleaming red hands. "There, we've got some time now. Shikamaru, can you help me out?"

There was a new voice at the window. "I'm afraid Shikamaru is needed elsewhere."


Kakashi crouched in Team SINA's window, overlooking the bloody scene in the room with intensity. "Shikamaru, we need to go."

The young Captain looked between his team and his superior, worry for his best friend filling his eyes. "But, what about Choji?"

"I'll help Kiba," Blake piped up, slipping under the larger boy's other arm opposite Kiba. "Go ahead."

"Good, thank you Miss-"

"Blake." The young Huntress amended

"Thank you Blake." Kakashi added from behind his signature mask. Kakashi leapt lithly into the room, casually ignoring the blood on the floor even as he lifted Naruto to his side and popped something in the teen's mouth. "This technically isn't the time, but you should know you all have class with me in a few hours."

Part of the Jonin couldn't help but smile at the groans he received as he hauled his charge to the roof, listening in silence as he waited for Shikamaru. He could already he could hear the quiet Chunin's voice filtering out the window. This wasn't good, but Kiba had done well, Choji would be fine in a few hours.

"Troublesome, thank's Blake." Shikamaru sighed, exasperated. "Look, you heard Kakashi, I'm sure Naruto and I can fill you in later. But we have to go see Ozpin."

Kakashi was already peering into his book when Shikamaru walked up onto the roof. "You still have what Qrow needed you to bring, don't you?"

Shikamaru's eye's widened slightly. "If it were anyone but you or Ozpin I'd have to ask how you knew that already."

Kakashi smiled with his single visible eye. "You're right, and anyone else you should be asking. Now lets go, I'm sure he's already waiting for us."

Shikamaru's face tightened. "You seem awfully at ease for my bringing two wounded ninja back."

Kakashi's expression faltered for a fraction of a second. "But you brought them back, they're safe, and Choji will be into surgery and on the mend in an hour or two. So there's nothing more for Any of us to do, except do our jobs, and report in." Kakashi shifted the weight of his former student on his shoulders. "Right Naruto?"

The blond's head perked up at his name. "H-huh? Oh! Yeah, uh, right Kakashi-sensei!"

Within a few minutes they'd gone from Shikamaru's window, to Ozpins at the top of the Tower in the heart of Beacon. Kakashi cleared his throat as the slipped into the room. "Ehem, sorry we took so long, there was a black cat on the way so we made a detour."

Shikamaru managed a smirk. "You mean it took most of the trip here for Naruto to see straight."

"Hey! I'll bet I'm still faster than your lazy ass."

Ozpin's face was unusually stern as he turned to gaze at his newest professor over the rim of his mug. "Kakashi, while you and your team are unorthodox in many ways, your habit of avoiding doors is often one of the more disconcerting." The Headmaster turned to the young captain in the room. "Mr. Nara, what word from Qrow?"

Shikamaru's gaze shifted to match that of the professor's, a solemn nod followed by a wave of his personal Scroll. He flipped open the hand-held and walked around the desk before laying it on the interface. With a touch, holograms were projecting upward in the room.

Shikamaru's manner was obviously stiff as he gave his debriefing, concern for his teammate evident on his face. "He's in Mistral, keeping an eye on what seemed like a White Fang operation of some kind."

Ozpin's eyebrows piqued in curiosity. "Only seemed like White Fang?" His eyes furrowed over his mug. "I find it strange you were able to rendezvous with Qrow in Mistral and be standing here having this conversation with us."

The young ninja's jaw clenched briefly. "While it was apparent the White Fang was running the operation, it's far too specific and indirect to have originated within the group itself. As for how we got there, thank Naruto."

Naruto grinned at the acknowledgment, arms tucked behind his head even as he wobbled precariously on his feet.

Kakashi could hear the surprise in his own voice. "All four of you, there and back this morning?" Kakashi's hand moved under his chin. "Only you would be so knuckleheaded and still standing Naruto. Here" Kakashi flicked his former student a second soldier pill. "Somehow I think one isn't enough."

Ozpin didn't even blink. "While the concept of one of my students being able to traverse the Kingdoms at will is something to be discussed later, tell me more about what it is we're looking at."

"Actually," Naruto started slowly. "I was hoping Kakashi could help us. The files are there for you to see yourself, but Qrow said this gear is negating the release of Aura, and it seems like it's similar to certain Sealing Jutsu."

"This almost looks like…" The Jonin shifted around the desk quickly, his eyes scanning the device as his hand manipulated the 3D display.

"What is it you see Kakashi?" Ozpin asked darkly.

"Naruto isn't wrong." Kakashi flipped to one of the trial recordings, magnifying the images. "I'm not familiar enough with Aura conduits and weaponry to explain it, but Naruto and I have seen something similar before, on a mission about 5 years ago in what was called the Land of Snow. It acts something like a battery or a heat sink, absorbing a person's Aura rather than letting it dissipate outwards. What ever the outside material is also must have some kind of filter to keep it from radiating on its own."

"Heh?" Naruto's face went blank as he froze in place. "…Land of Snow… Oh you mean Princess Yukie's place!" His eyes lit up at the recollection before puzzlement. "You mean that thing the Snow Ninjas put on me?"

"The very same." Kakashi answered.

"It almost sounds like those Curse Marks Orochimaru and his goons were using." Shikamaru added grimly."

Kakashi nodded slowly. "Similar, but not quite. The Curse Marks did indeed leech chakra from it's bearer, but it radiated it's own twisted chakra in kind. No, it's more similar to a sealing technique, in that respect Naruto is right."

"Is there anything we can do about them?" There was an edge in the Headmaster's voice as he watched the trial and error of the device unfold in his office.

Kakashi shook his head. "Not without a working model of our own no. Such a thing is complex, and there's only a handful of people we can go to. And if this really is confidential Mistral tech, that list is even smaller."

"Indeed." Ozpin nodded thoughtfully. "Is there anything else Mr. Nara?"

"Yeah." Shikamaru's gaze faltered for a moment before he pressed on. "Before we escaped we were attacked. I think it was the same woman Qrow told you about before."

The professor went silent for several moments, his features turned stoic. "Thank you Shikamaru, Naruto. You're dismissed. I'm sure Kakashi has plans for your class this afternoon Best try and rest."

Kakashi watched bemused as his charges exited through the window. "You're not really surprised they know are you?"

Ozpin sighed, taking a slow sip from his mug. "No, I suppose not. Though now that he's said something, that means I don't have a choice to bring you all into the fold, which means it's time your secret became a bit less so."

"I'm sure Glynda will be thrilled."

"She's not the one I'm worried about…"

Years of ANBU missions kicked in when the elevator chimed at the far end of the room, and Kakashi instinctively vanished into the clock-work overhead.

The steps of heels followed by heavy boots echoed mingled with the sound of gears in the office as Glynda stepped out of the elevator. "Professor Ozpin, General Ironwood is here to see you."


(Back in SINA's room)

Yang hugged herself tenderly as half the room's occupants exited via the door or window. "Does anyone but me find it sketchy, or at least a little weird that we went from never seeing Kakashi-sensei to suddenly having back to back classes?

Weiss and Ruby went doe-eyed momentarily as the three of them shuddered from yesterdays ordeal.

Ruby's eyes shifted between her sister and her teammate. "You… don't think we're going to be running all class again do you?"

"If that's the case I have better things to do, like study." Weiss huffed, haphazardly tossing her ponytail over her shoulder."

"Nah," Yang added with a shake of her head. "Something tells me Kakashi-sensei likes to keep us on our toes, two days of running would be predictable."

Ruby's eyes lit up with a mischievous grin. "So does that mean you still don't plan on taking Naruto's advice?"

Yang's cheeks and eyes flashed crimson as she fought to refrain from throwing anything across the blood-stained room. "I didn't say that!"

"So, you Are going to?" Weiss puzzled as she watched the sisters at odds over nothing.

"No!" Yang exclaimed. "Why would I listen to that stupid, loud-mouthed, jerk?"

"Because he was right?" Weiss began.

"Or because you 'Like' him." Ruby added with a snicker.

"Ruby!" Yang lashed outward, trying to seize the snickering girl, only for her to slip from reach in a swirl of rose petals.

Weiss' eyes shot to the tall blonde, the faintest grin forming under her inquisitive eyebrows. "Yang, I thought you had standards."

Ruby's grin widened as she slipped behind her pale partner. "Yang and NA-RUTO sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-"


Yang's dove at the pair, sprawling Weiss out at her feet even as the tall girl hoisted her sister in the air with a vicious shake. "Why would I be into that jerk when he hasn't even asked me out yet! Much less made fun of me at Least twice n-…"

Yang hesitated as the temperature in the room suddenly fell around her."

"You…" Weiss slowly rose to her feet, eyes widening as she looked at the flecks of dark crimson spattered across her skin. Her icy gaze shifted to her side, and the red tip staining her flawless white hair. "YOU CHILDREN!"

Both sisters flinched as ice bloomed and erupted around them, the blade of Myrtenaster a faint blue as Weiss plunged it into the floor.

Ruby squirmed uncomfortably from her elevated perch. "Weiss isn't this a little extreme? You don't even like our uniforms…"

"Quiet you!" Her eyes narrowed as she glared at her teammates. "I, didn't want to come in here in the first place; I, didn't want to be privy to an amateur surgery and; I, most assuredly did NOT want to be dropped in someone else's blood!"

Both girls dropped their eyes abashed, Ruby glanced up. "Weiss-"

"Save it." The young heiress's gaze was hard. "You two can talk to me again when you get yourself out of That…" Yang pouted as she looked at the massive formation of ice around her. "And You, Yang Xiao Long, can expect my cleaning bill within the week."

Yang was silent even as the door slammed behind Weiss. She chewed her lip thoughtfully as bits of the past few weeks played back in her mind. At least until a familiar voice pulled her back to the present.

"Yang… Vale to Yang… YANG!"

The blonde jerked her head up, noting the bemused scowl on her sister's face. "Huh?"

"Can you do your thing please? I can't exactly feel my butt anymore…"

"Oh, uh yeah, right." Even as she released Ruby's cloak Yang could feel her body tense, a reflex every time she deliberately activated her semblance. The radiant energy burst out in yellow flare around her, cracking the large crystal into a dozen rough shards.

Ruby wobbled momentarily as she landed on the icy floor, arms waving frantically before settling at her sides. "Yang… You know I'm only teasing you because it's my job right?"

Yang's brow furrowed momentarily before her face shifted to grin. "What'd-ya mean Sis?"

Ruby's arms folded across her chest as she fixed her sister with a knowing smile. "Meaning I'm your little sister and it's my sacred right to taunt you about boys."

"Ruby I don't-."

"Why not?" Ruby interjected, awkwardly moving herself back to solid, thawed, floor. "He's nice, you already said he's cute…"


"So just say something." She continued. "One thing Naruto and I seem to have in common is a fuzzy understanding of social cues" Ruby finished wink, watching the uncertain look on her big sister's face.

Yang chewed her lip before glancing back to her sister. "It's not like this is something I've had to deal with, you know?"

"Sure you have."

Yang couldn't help but scowl at the satisfied smirk spreading over her sister's face. "And you know that because…?

"I may not know boy's as well as I know weapons…" Ruby started. "…But weren't you and Nora talking about Pyrrha just the other night?"

The blonde's eyes widened in realization at the implication. "I… You should check on Weiss and Blake. I'm not sure they're gonna react to this well once it sinks in."

"Oh yeah!" Ruby spun around to rush out of the room before stopping in her tracks. "Wait, what about you? What are you going to do?"

"Wonder how I let myself be obvious to everyone…" "

Yang managed a small smile at her sister's enthusiasm. "I'm gonna try and sort this place out before class… And do a little thinking while I'm at it."

Ruby's eyes gleamed briefly. "Don't hurt yourself."

A shard of ice shattering against the already closing door was the only answer required. "Brat…" Yang whispered with a smile.

"But regardless, there's something I need to do first…"


(En route to the Infirmary…)

It was all Blake could do to keep up with Kiba as they half carried, half dragged, Choji through the halls to the infirmary. Even as she ground her teeth in concentration she couldn't help but be at least a little grateful the dorms were deserted. After-all, who stayed in dorm on a sunny October day?

A misstep nearly saw her folded under the armoured teen on her shoulder. "Shit! You know, for the amount of comments that swirl around, there's not a tonne of fat here…"

Somehow though, with a muffled grunt, Kiba managed to hold Choji off center long enough for her to find her footing. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." Was all she managed, eyes watching her footing. "So where were you guys anyway? Grimm aren't exactly known to use ammunition."

Kiba aimed a feral grin sideways at her. "You mean besides Nevermores?"

She frowned at the glib comment. "You know what I meant."

"Maybe," Kiba dismissed. "Can't help but notice the girl carrying around secrets trying to cut to the heart of someone else's though."

Blake's eyes widened before tearing her gaze away and focussing on the end of the hall. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't." Kiba answered dryly. A few moments passed in silence, the murmuring of Choji and scuffed steps the only sound in the hall. Finally Kiba spoke up again. "But since you asked, we were doing a favour for a friend. He needed something brought back to Vale in a hurry."

Blake's eyebrow rose skeptically. "So they asked a team of first-years to run through a hail of bullets?"

"You're more of a rookie first-year than any of us Blake. Not that you hadn't already picked up on that."

Blake watched his face carefully from her rather awkward angle, but the only sign of stress on it was a slight tightness in his jaw. Well, that and the hard look he always seemed to have in his eyes… "Is that how you all can ignore a growing pool of blood and field dress gunshot wounds?"

"The blood yeah…" Kiba raised his free hand before she could interrupt. "Like I said, we aren't typical first years. We've… had a lot of field training together in the past. And it hasn't always gone smoothly."

"That's an awfully vague response." Blake answered shortly.

"This from the girl that's taken it upon herself to be the Mystery Girl of Beacon."

Blake simply glared in response. "Just how much does he think he knows?"

"Exactly," he added, scowling at her silence.

Choji stirred briefly, causing another moment of silence before Kiba pressed his point home. "We're first-years, so sitting alone, trying to deliberately avoid any unnecessary attention… That's exactly what attracts unwanted attention to what should be boisterous teenage girl."

Blake's eye's flashed as she glared at the teen. "So I should be more like who exactly, Naruto?"

"Maybe. You wouldn't think it but he probably has as many secrets as Ozpin." Kiba answered with a sneer.

K iba managed to heave Choji across his shoulders before she could reply, the infirmary doors already in front of them. "And you should know..." Kiba added, his face darkening. "That guy in your notebook, with the rose jacket; he's the one that shot Choji."

Blake froze in the hall, dumbstruck even as she heard Kiba's voice echo out the doors. "We need a medic! Two gunshot wounds to the torso, one through and through, one cauterized. He'll need a general antibiotic, tetanus, and 2, make that 3 units of Type B blood!"



Naruto was doing his best to ignore the spasms going through his shoulder as he and Shikamaru casually stepped from the tower wall back to more conventional footing. The blond ground his teeth at the sharp sensation even as a deep rumbling from his stomach elicited a grin. "Heh heh, we skipped breakfast didn't we…?"

Shikamaru glanced up from his thoughts, quiet since they'd left the tower. "Naruto, honestly? Everything that happened this morning, Kakashi telling you to rest, and you're think about your stomach? Troublesome…"

"Well yeah…" Naruto answered dejected. "You said our chakra is supposed to be Aura here right?"


"And Aura comes from our soul or something right?"


"Well then…!" Naruto burst out with a grin. "I don't need rest; I need soul-food! And you know that means ramen!"

"Some things never change…" Shikamaru sighed, though his smile betrayed any frustration he attempted to feign.

"Heh heh."

A couple hours later Naruto was slumping back in his seat, content after polishing off his penultimate bowl of ramen. He stretched before resting his head on the table. "Ah… What'd I tell ya, nothing warms the soul like ramen. Right Shikamaru? …Shikamaru?"

Naruto glanced up quizzically at the lack of reply, pushing the three stacks of empty bowls aside to see his teammate. "What's with you? Normally you'd have at least managed a 'troublesome' or something."

Shikamaru glanced up from his bowl of cold congealed ramen. "There's a lot more at play right now than what Ozpin is letting on. It's not adding up, and that means we can't be ready."

Naruto's goofy grin was replaced with one of hard determination. "Is that why you forced his hand in there?

A wry smile snuck onto Shikamaru's face. "I guess I wasn't as subtle as I thought."

"Like Choji at Yakiniku Q." He answered with a smirk. "I'm not nearly the idiot that Sakura would have had you all believe."

The young Nara nodded thoughtfully. "Well what would you suggest we do now fearless leader?"

The blond shrugged as he spun his chopsticks on his finger. "What we've been doing. It's up to Kakashi and Ozpin to decide what our next move is. All we can do is keep our eyes open and see if we can't help Kakashi whip these rookies into shape."

"You sound like Izumo when we were the Rookie 9."

Naruto jabbed his chopsticks at the Nara. "We are Still the Rookie 9. But I don't recall anyone doing us any favours either."

"True…" Shikamaru's brow's furrowed as he stared at the table. "So what do you think Kakashi is going to do to them today?"

Naruto couldn't help but grin a little as he rose from the table. "Knowing Kakashi, something that only sounds simple."

The young captain sighed as he followed Naruto out the large Mess Hall doors. "When did you learn to be all cryptic and troublesome?"

"You learn a thing or two about drama as a writer." Naruto answered smugly.

Silence descended for several minutes as the two of them wandered Beacon's grounds. Vale was a lot like the Hidden Leaf, mild even as autumn was creeping up on them. Finally Shikamaru leveled a stare at his blond friend. "I noticed you never told anyone what day it was last week."

Naruto stiffened, his gaze held low as his hair shadowed his face. His voice was soft as the wind rustled around them. "Why would I?"

The dark-haired teen smiled sadly. "Besides the obvious? One of the up sides of us being stuck here is that no one here know's about the Nine-Tails or has any other meaning to the day." He grabbed the blond's shoulder gently. "You can enjoy it for yourself."

Just then, both their Scrolls buzzed to life. Naruto pulled away as he checked the message. "Kakashi want's everyone to meet in Glynda's room for glass…"

He let Shikamaru take the lead, looking out across their campus home even as the the knot tightened in his stomach. "Thanks Shikamaru. But I don't even know where I'd start.

Within minutes the class of first years was gathered in sparing hall, Kakashi standing alone on the elevated stage. "Good, I'm glad to see we don't have anyone trying to sneak out of my classes yet."

A group of voices rose from the back of the class. "The Fat Kid isn't here yet!"

"Maybe he got stuck?"

"I'm sure he'll roll in any minute now."

Naruto could feel his hackles rising even as Kakashi silenced the cruel jesting. "I'm well aware of your classmate's absence, thank you Mr. Winchester. Mr. Lark, Mr. Thrush." Kakashi's voice darkened for the briefest of moments. "However based on the looks from a few of your peers here, I'd suggest you pipe down before you share the infirmary with him.

Team CRDL froze, eye's shifting around the room before they settled back into their seats.

Kakashi's attitude turned cheery as he addressed the class as a whole. "Excellent. Now before we begin, I'd like to review something from the start of the year. Who here remember's my exchange with Pyrrha our first day?"

A unanimous show of hands pierced the air of the lecture theatre. Naruto couldn't help but smile at the look of embarrassment on Ruby's face as she lowered her hand. "S-sorry Pyrrha."

But the tall girl simply smiled. "Don't worry Ruby, as I said before I found it to be an excellent learning experience."

Kakashi nodded. "I thought as much. I'm sure most of you saw or have since heard how the match ended. But can any of you share why?"

Naruto looked around the class curiously, deliberately silent between his two teammates. Looks of confusion passed throughout the class. No one wanted to be the first one to give the wrong answer.

It was Jaune who spoke up first, his voice bitter even as his arms rested crossed over his chest. "Because you used a dirty trick."

Pyrrha and several other classmate's flinched slightly at the provocative accusation, hushed whispers spreading through the risers. But Kakashi actually smiled.

"Well you're not wrong Mr. Arc." The tall jonin paced the stage briefly, looking out over the room. "Your first class with me, I told every one of you to forget the rules of 'fighting fair' your other teachers have taught you in the past. In the real world…" Kakashi pointed out the window. "…out there, there is no fair. Grimm don't count. Criminals fight dirty. Terrorists take hostages. Your responsibility is to do the job, and make it home afterwards."

Naruto watched as Kakashi shifted his gaze around the room. He seemed to be staring down each team one by one. After several moments of silence, he continued. "So I'll ask again. From a tactical perspective, why did the fight end how it did?"

"Excuse me, Kakashi-sensei…" Naruto turned sideways as a familiar 'troublesome' voice broke the silence.

"Oh no, don't tell me I'm starting to think like Shikamaru!"

He watched Weiss give Jaune a derisive glance before her eyes moved back to the stage. "… You took your opponent's asset, and made it a liability." Again whispered comments filtered through the desks. "In using her shield as a weapon and a defense, the shield itself could more easily be compromised."

"Well put Miss. Schnee." Once more Kakashi turned to the assembled students. "If your opponent uses night vision, use a flare; if your opponent has enhanced hearing, use a flashbang; if your opponent lighting, force them into the water; if you your opponent uses jumps, compromise the landing…." Kakashi paused as several of the students scribbled vigorously on the desks around the atrium. "Every one of you, save a handful, currently share the same exploitable weakness. Starting today, I intend to rectify that."

The class was silent.

"Naruto, join me please."

Kiba, quiet since leaving the infirmary furrowed his brow in curiosity, an air of copper freshly scrubbed forearms the only hint of where he'd come from. "What's he up to this time?"

"I'm sure he'll tell us in a moment Kiba." Shikamaru answered dryly. "Though if you stop for a second I'm sure you can figure it out like Naruto has."

Naruto smirked as he rose from his seat. "So that's what you have in mind Sensei…"

"What's That supposed to mean lazy ass?" Kiba accused with a snarl.

Naruto ignored the two as he descended the steps. Without even being asked the blonde unstrapped his bracers as he climbed the steps up onto the stage.

The jonin nodded, taking the weapons and holding them up to the view of the class. "Every student here is in possession of a signature weapon. For most of you these weapons are not only unique, but personal to you, even made by you…" Many of the students shared smiles, some even showing off or moving hands over their weapons. With one notable exception anyway.

"These are valuable skills, there's no denying that. Each of you has put in countless hours to learn and master those weapons. But that won't always be enough. My bout with with Miss Nikos and Miss Schnee's demonstration in Prof. Port's class are just two examples you've seen in your time in Beacon." Kakashi held up his hand, fingers outstretched. "Five. Of all the students in this room, there are only five of whom I believe could hold their own much less win in an unarmed encounter."

The excited murmur rose to a roar as several of the students cried out in indignation, some brandishing their weapons with pride while others simply shouted to the stage.

"That's why we have our lockers!"

"Only a rookie loses their weapon!"

"You didn't even fight Pyrrha unarmed either!"

"Yeah you still use weapons too!"

"ENOUGH!" Kakashi commanded. Students flinched and quailed as they fell into their seats. Though no longer new, few of them yet had the willpower to resist Kakashi's projection of killer intent.

Once the other students were seated again, the jonin-sensei continued with his point. "Last I checked, Pyrrha stands undefeated in Ms. Goodwitch's class does she not? As do some of your other classmates. None of whom seem to be objecting. Now, do we have any volunteers to demonstrate?"


Naruto's eyes widened as Yang rose from her seat, marching down the steps even before Kakashi acknowledged the statement. He could fell her gaze fixed on him even as she pulled Ember Celica from her wrists.

"Well since you're so determined…" Kakashi chuckled softly. "Excellent! I know for a fact both of your classmates here all well versed in hand-to-hand combat. This should be a perfect demonstration."

There was a strange look in Yang's eyes as she smiled at her fellow blond. "You and I have a score I intend to settle Foxy."

Naruto smiled back, the anticipation rising like static through his body as he stared across to the femme fatale that intended to crush his face. "I suppose we did say something about that didn't we? And look, you even got that audience you wanted."

He grinned as Yang blushed faintly, but the preeminent verbal spar was cut short as Kakashi stepped between them. "As I've said, this is a hand-to-hand bout only. No weapons, no Semblance, and no Aura. The demonstration ends if one of you yields, is knocked from the stage, or I say so. Understood?

"Believe it."

"Yeah I got it."

Naruto tensed, and everything faded away except his opponent. Sound was muffled by the sound of his breathing, and everything slowed down just a little. But as soon as he heard 'begin' he was moving, eyes fixed as Yang wound up for a devastating right hook. He stepped into the swing, catching Yang at the elbow even as he aimed a kick at her head.

But Yang was ready, turning the punch into a grapple as she briefly trapped his arm, ducking the kick and driving a straight punch to his right side, forcing him backwards.

Naruto smiled viciously as he ground himself to a halt, left arm clutching his right side. "She's good. This just might turn out to be fun."

"Come on Naruto, take this seriously! She can't touch you!" Kiba cried out from his seat.

"Hey!" Ruby answered indignantly. "Don't listen Yang! Pummel that guy! Show them what fighting like a girl really means!"

Naruto rushed forward again with a smile on his face, dropping to sweep Yang's legs, only to have the tall blonde leap over the kick. "Heh, gotcha…" Without skipping a beat Naruto tightened his abs, twisting the spin into a mule kick straight at her chin. "You didn't forget you don't have your gauntlets to maneuver, did'ya?"

"Shit!" Yang grated out, crossing her arms just in time to keep her teeth from clicking together and shattering. The force was still enough to launch her several feet into the air to come crashing back down with a thud. Yang kipped to her feet with a grin. "Not bad, you almost hit like a girl. Almost."

Their next few exchanges passed much the same, trading blows, but neither of them landing a decisive strike. Rather, Naruto found himself syncing his movements to Yangs. What started as a spar had shifted into something else. Then, it happened. Naruto could see Yang spinning on her heel just as he was, both of them aiming for a straight punch as their fists connected. Just like when he fought Neji, Gaara, or Sasuke, in that moment, he understood. "She...?"

Naruto blushed briefly as realization of what had been going on suddenly hit home. But in that same moment Yang pressed her attack, winding back for another crushing right hook to his ribs. Naruto's eye's widened in panic, his combat reflexes taking over as he twisted towards the punch, delivering a heel kick to Yang's temples even as her fist drove the wind from his lungs.

Yang sailed into the walls, a sickening crack and the shattering of windows the only sound in the large atrium as the Huntresses fell from the makeshift arena.

Naruto pushed himself to his knees, but just as he started to find his wind, he heard an odd gurgling sound, blood spattering across his hands and the floor in front of him. Black lines crowded the edges of his vision.

"Naruto!" The blackness was deeping, a low thumping and the taste of copper dominating his other senses as a yellow blur dominated his last few moments of sight.

"I didn't think she hit me That hard…?"


AN: Thank you all for your patience everyone, I've finally got an update for you! Unfortunately, the mixed blessing of my being back in post-secondary is that my writing time is now split even further between my story(s) (yes it's -ies leave me be lol), essays, exams, and anything else life throws my way. So I can't guarantee my updates (anymore than I did before anyway). But hey, I'd hoped my BETA would their butt in gear you could all have had this before VOLUME 4. Lol, you know who you are, and you know I'm grateful though. Yeah, I think that's about it for note's this time around, so until next time… Later Nerds!