He could feel the other boy in his mind, the first emotion he felt though was annoyance at himself for not working harder at Snape's lessons. It was hard to think with his thoughts being rifled through, flicked through so rapid like the pages of a book Draco was considering buying, his emotions and his thoughts filled with the images Draco saw...including the dream.

Harry had never told anyone about the dreams - plural because they had happened so often. They had begun in his fifth year, and increased their regularity through his sixth year. The beginning was always bizarre, as dreams so often are, he never had more than a vague idea of what happened 'before'. But they always resulted in Draco making a move on him...and in Harry waking up far too early for his liking, either with an erection or sticky, demonstrating that the issue had been dealt with.

He told himself he didn't know why he was having these dreams. He ignored the fact that they continued whilst he was with Ginny - ignored the fact that she didn't appear in his dreams like this. He tried to ignore the whole thing.

He had been grateful they faded during the war - the last thing he needed whilst so often sharing a tent with Hermione and Ron was for him to be murmuring Draco's name in his sleep.

But since the final battle, as things began to settle back down, as he began a 'normal' life...they had returned.

And now Draco knew about them.

Now he was mad at Draco, but he didn't thrust the other boy from his head, he felt Draco withdrew, and for a moment the two just stared at each other, silent, as both digested what had just happened.

"That...that was none of your business Malfoy" he began, the shame at what had been found actually making it harder for him to be outright angry. Yes, Draco had no right, but the knowledge of what Malfoy now knew, the way he could blackmail Harry made his voice shake slightly. Everything would be ruined. Frantically he tried to think (was it a sign that he was Muggle raised or just not so bright that magic never occurred to him in moments like this?) but the overriding thought right now was that he had to get out, get out of here, get away from here, and think of something. Come up with a plan on his own, because for once he couldn't go to Hermione, not without sharing this, and then she'd tell Ron, and he couldn't know, because Ginny, Molly -

His head was spinning and it had nothing to do with the swig of Firewhiskey he'd had earlier as he shifted and went to stand.


Draco speaking, the blonde boy launching himself out the armchair so suddenly it looked for a second as though he might topple forward. Exactly what happened in the next ten seconds he wasn't sure, he felt frozen into place and he was sure he hadn't moved which meant it must have been all Malfoy as suddenly the other boy's mouth was on his, Draco leaning over him on the sofa, and cold fingers raked through his hair and down to the base of his neck.

It was nothing like kissing Ginny, or Cho. The was far less gentle, tongue and teeth immediately, Draco didn't wait for Harry to take the lead. It was fierce and forceful, and for a moment he didn't even know how to react, just there letting Malfoy kiss him - and then his mouth seemed to kick in and take part and his hands were on Draco's shoulders, more so he felt like a participant than any real plan, as the other moved to straddle his lap in a move that made his stomach twist and roll over and flood with heat in one almost sickening flush of lust and anxiety that blurred together. Hesitant he broke the kiss for a moment.

"What Potter? Never had a dream come true before?" Draco asked, the old sarcasm back which he preferred to the moping but at the same time it was so annoying, and he could have told Malfoy to shut it up it was easier to yank him back down into the kiss again.