
Sunny: our new Naruto fic.

Alandra: we just saw the Boruto Movie and we decided to make a fic. it happens five years after the fight against Momoshiki

Ramon: Still the Naruto series does not belong to us, it belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

Chapter 1

Sarada and Sakura return home, caring bags of groceries, the two of them manage to carry at least twelve bags in each arm, caring them without any effort at all, much to the surprise of everyone who watches them pass.

Sarada, now seventeen years old has grown into a beautiful woman, her hair is now long and her figure is a little much better than her mother's when she was seventeen.

"Don't you think we overdid it a bit, Mom?" Sarada asked. "I know there was a promotion today but where are we going to find the proper place to stash this stuff?"

"I didn't want to waste this promotion. We'll deal with the rest later. Tonight I'll cook a great dinner." Sakura replied as she open the door of their apartment.

Once inside, Sakura and Sarada notices Sasuke with a cellphone in his hand. By the look on his face he's having a difficult time understanding how it works. "Dad, what are you doing?"

Sasuke turns his head to his wife and child and stands up from the sofa. "Me, nothing. I just don't get how these darn things work. I was trying to send a message to Sakura but this brainless mechanism just doesn't obey. It would be so easy if I could just send an eagle with a message."

"Now, now, Sasuke. You promise that you would start using a cellphone! You can't always depend on your old methods." Sakura reminded.

"I know, I know. but this stupid thing just doesn't send the message!"

"Did you wrote down the message?" Sarada asked.


"Did you press the SEND button?"

"Ye- I mean, no."

Sakura could not help but to chuckle. It is so amusing to see Sasuke committing such silly blunders.

In that moment a noise on the window was heard. The Uchiha family notices a pigeon on the window, caring a message.

"What is it?" Sarada asked.

"It's from Naruto, he wants do discuss a new mission. And he wants your team to be there as well, Sarada." Sasuke responds after reading the message.

"Really? Well, Konohamaru-Sensei is still in the hospital after our last mission, but I can guess where Boruto is."

"Where?" Sakura asked.

Sarada does not respond, she just lets out a big sigh. "He knows his little sister is visiting Metal Lee at the training fields today. He's obviously spying on them to make sure nothing happens to Himawari."

Sasuke and Sakura sweat dropped. They've heard of overprotective fathers, but Boruto is a overprotective brother.

"Ok, then. Get Boruto and Mistuki and meet us back at the Hokage's office." Sasuke said.

"Right, I'll be right there." Sarada replied as she left the house.

"Why didn't Naruto gave you a call instead of sending a pigeon?" Sakura wondered. "Unless it is one of those mission which it 's not safe to speak about it on the phone."


Sarada sighs again, she was hoping to have a peaceful meal with her family tonight, it would help he clear her mind a bid. lately her mind's been set on one person.

She then notices a couple kissing near a shop, she can help but to blush with the scenery. Sarada pictures her and Boruto, kissing the same way as the couple is right now.

"WHAAAAA!" Sarada shirked very loud as she runs away. "Why the heck am I imagining me kissing Boruto? What the heck, he is just a team mate, an annoying dork! Why would I be-be in…"

Sarada then stops and walks slowly. She may deny it but she is just trying to fool herself, she knows the feeling she has for Boruto. True, in the beginning Sarada stalked Boruto a lot because both of them had father issues, it made her fell less lonely since she practically grew up without her father, and Boruto seems to be the only one in the village who could understand how she feels. Time pass by, Sarada and Boruto began to know each other very well, they end up on the same team, fought side by side, and even argue with one another.

After that incident, five years ago, Boruto changed a lot, he is less cranky and more determinate to get stronger by his own methods instead of finding the easy way, he became a brighter spirit. Most of all, Sarada can see him smile a lot more, a smile which he only gave to his family. Sarada admits that she likes Boruto's smile, it melts her hearth.

The most precious memory she has was when Boruto said that he would support her, protect her when she becomes Hokage. This made her fell more connected to Boruto. At first Sarada believe that Boruto would want to be an Hokage but he made his intentions very clear, he wants to be a Ninja who protects the village, like her father. Sarada could not help but to feel proud of her father.

After all this time can she really deny her feelings for Boruto? Is this serious, responsible image she build of herself really more important than her feelings? No, it is not just this that bothers Sarada. Sarada could confess her feelings but she fears that Boruto does not return them back. she fears that if she confesses it could destroy their relationship.

"What can I do?" Sarada whispered to herself.

In the Training Fields, Himawari, with a lunch box on her hand, walks to Metal Lee who is training hard.

Boruto, along with Mitsuki, spies on them from the branches of a tree. Boruto points a deadly glare at Metal Lee, holding his deadly wish to go down there and punch Metal.

"Is this really necessary, Boruto? All that it's happening here is your little sister giving the meal she prepared so hard to her crush. You are seriously overreacting." Mitzuki exclaimed.

"What? I am not!"

"Yes you are! They haven't done anything yet and you're already acting crazy. Between you and your father, I don't know who is more overprotective of Himawari! By the way, why am I even here?"

"I want you to go behind them with your microphone. I want to hear everything they're saying!"

"For crying out loud! You are being melodramatic! Give your sister a break!"

"Look! Look over there!" Boruto points furiously at Himawari and Metal who are sited on a big log. Metal is starting to eat the meal Himawari prepared for him with a blush on his face. "They are…They are…eating! And you say I am melodramatic? "

Mitsuki sighs. "Wow, yeah…eating. That is really a serious crime. C'mon, can't you accept that your sister likes the guy? She is sixteen, she is not a little girl who needs her brothers protection."

"No way, man! She is still a little girl! She still plays with dolls. She is no way ready to start dating! She is…"

"She is kissing Metal on the cheeks." Mitsuki interrupted, pointing at Himawari who gave Metal a kiss on the cheeks, and Metal blushed even more.

"WHAT!?" Boruto screamed and fell down from the tree.

"Oh man…" Boruto groaned as he wakes up, seeing Mitsuki and Sarada right beside him. "Wha-what happen?"

"You fell down and pass out." Mitsuki responded.

"What? how long was I out?"

"Just an hour." Sarada responded.

"What?!" Boruto yelled as he jumps up. "Where is Himawari? Where is she?"

"She already left with Metal." Mitsuki responded. "You're lucky she did not hear you crash or else things might have gone worse."

"Where did she go? I need to make sure…OUCH!" Boruto screamed when Sarada pull his ear.

"This is ridiculous! Leave your sister alone. Do you think your Mother would like if you start to act like a stalker? Besides we are already late as it is."

"Late? Late for what?"

"Lord Seventh has a new mission for us. By the sound of it, it is really important mission. We need to go to the Hokage's office at once."

"Hey yeah, good idea! Maybe Dad can send someone to watch over Himawari!"


"I hope it is an important mission so I don't have to do more stalking today." Mitsuki thought to himself.

Minutes later, Sarada Boruto and Mitsuki reach the Hokage mansion.

"Say, Sarada, what kind of mission is it?" Mitsuki asked.

"I don't know the full details. Lord Seventh summoned my Dad and requested our presence. For what I believe, we will accompany my Father on an important mission."

Boruto chuckled. "Well, if Uncle Sasuke is going to accompany us, then I can say that this mission will be a piece of ca…"

Sarada immediately silence Boruto by covering his mouth with both her hands. "Don't you even dare say it, Boruto!"


"I agree." Mitsuki nodded. "Every time you say the words It's a piece of cake, all chaos falls down on us.

"What are you guys talking about?"

Sarada growled. "Do I need to remind what happen to us the last six time you said those words?"

"I already explain what happen." Mitsuki reminded.

"Yes, but the last time was the worst of all! Konohamaru-Sensei got beat so hard that he hasn't left the hospital yet! Mitsuki broke a few ribs and I got drag in the mud! It took me hours to get all that dirt off of me! All because you said the words It's a piece of cake, Baka-Boruto!"

Boruto replies with a scoff. "You guys are so superstitious. You won't go anywhere with that attitude."

Sarada hits Boruto on the head and enters the mansion.

"Ouch, my head…that was really uncool." Boruto complains as he follows Sarada.

"Awkward…" Mitsuki said as he follows Boruto.

Once inside they notice someone on the halls. It is Kankuro.

"Hey, you're one of Shikadai's Uncles, from the Sand Village. What brings you here?" Boruto asked.

"Hey Boruto." Kankuro greeted. "I see you've grown some inches."

"Hehehe, what can I say? I'm the real deal!"

"You mean the real definition of arrogance." Sarada corrected.

"Zip it!"

"I see you are just as energetic as your Father. And to answer your question, I am here waiting for Sasuke. We are going to discuss with Naruto the full details of the mission we are all going." Kankuro said.

"You are also going?" Sarada asked. "This mission is also important for the Sand Village?"

"Yes, all will be explain soon."

"You're here alone?" Mitsuki asked. "Last I heard you were the leader of your own team."

"Indeed. But just recently we were attacked by a powerful foe. Two of my team are in the hospital right now, recovering. Only I and Asuka came."

"Asuka?" Boruto asked.

"Yes, she is right… hey Asuka! Stop looking at the paintings and come meet some of our team mates for this mission."

A seventeen year old girl with long red hair shows up. she is very beautiful for someone of her age. "Greetings, My name is Asuka, Asuka Toritama."

"Hi there. My name is Mitsuki."

"My name is Sarada Uchiha."

"And I am Boruto. Boruto Uzumaki!"

Asuka gasped when she heard Boruto's name. "Really? You are Boruto?" Asuka asked as she approached Boruto.

Boruto blinked in confusion. "Yeah. what about it."

Asuka's eyes sparkled in admiration. "What about it? you are very famous, even in the Sand village! The son of the Seventh Hokage and grandson of the Forth Hokage who fought side by side with the Five Kages to overcome a very potent enemy!

Sarada's not liking how this girl is approaching Boruto. Her eyes start to twitch. Mitsuki notice this.

Boruto rubs his head embarrassedly. "Oh yeah…that thing that happen five years ago. I didn't do much. Compared to my Father, my Master and the other Kages I am still an newbie.

"Are you kidding?" Asuka grabs Boruto's hands. "I heard that you were the one who killed the enemy."

Boruto blushed. "yeah, I did." he replied nervously. "but I had a big help from my that in that point."

"Even so that was the very beginning of your Legend. you must tell me tales of your adventures!" Asuka exclaimed as she approaches even more to Boruto.

Sarada tried to gain equanimity but she can't hold her aggravation. Her fist simply cannot stop shaking in jealousy and anger.

Mitsuki takes a few steps back, keeping a safe distance from Sarada. "I have a feeling that this mission will be dangerous." He thought.

To be continued…

Sunny: we are back making a fic. It's been a very long time.

Maliska: so be nice here people.

Ramon: read review please.