Harry Potter: The Prince of Games


Plot: Harry never went to the Dursleys; instead, he went to James' brother and was raised in a life of fun, mystery and excitement. But, as it always does, destiny soon catches up with Harry as he discovers strange powers, dark destinies and unusual truths about himself.

Author's Note: Okay, so this one is an idea that's completely random and yet fun at the same time; and, as always, I say that if you don't like it, then don't read it

Dedication: I'd like to dedicate this story to Goodfella96 and Above the Winter Moonlight for being my inspiration for this story; their stories are also my recommended reads: Battle Born by Above the Winter Moonlight and Harry Potter and the Stone of Ra by Goodfella96;

Also: If you've enjoyed this story, then go and check out Different Dimension Duellist by The Mad Prince: it's an amazing adventure;

Key Pairings: Harry/Alexis;

Normal Speech


'Spirit/Mind Speech'

(OC Cards)

"And so, in agreement and with allowances from Chancellor Sheppard and our honoured guests, I have decided and declare that the final match on our Academy's soil will be a Tag Team Duel!"

Whispers and murmurs rose up as Zane looked to Harry before he really changed everything for everyone with his next words;

"And the teams will be myself and the founder of our Academy, Seto Kaiba, against Harry Potter and his adoptive Father-slash-Uncle, Yugi Muto!"

Chapter 41: Passing the Torch Part 2

For only the third time in history – the previous two times being the Tag Duel between Team Supreme and Yugi and Kaiba as well as the School Duel against North Academy – the seats within Obelisk Arena were packed to the rafters as every student in the Academy, including the staff, security and even Miss Dorothy and Sadie were in attendance for the final public duel of the year.

Given that this would not only be a duel between the school's top two contenders, but also feature the specially-invited guests/opponents of the King of Games and the Founder of Duel Academy, it was no surprise to anyone to see Maximilian Pegasus as well as Mokuba Kaiba in attendance to enjoy this epic match-up between four great duellists.

Upon arrival, both of them sat in their seats in the staff area of the arena, the eye of the Industrial Illusions owner filled with a glint of interest as he waited for the announcements and the battles to begin.

'I have always heard tell of young Mr Truesdale's potential for greatness,' Pegasus thought to himself, looking to the arena with an excitable smile on his face as he mused, 'However, given that Harry-boy is the only known duellist in the freshman class to best him and in less than three rounds at that, it makes me wonder how this bout is going to go. Whatever happens, we are in for a fun show from all involved.'

As the time of commencement drew closer, everyone fell into uneasy, but excited silence as they saw Chancellor Sheppard standing in the centre of the arena just as he had done in the previous Tag Duel to take place in Obelisk Arena.

Clearing his throat, Sheppard put a microphone to his lips before he declared in a proud, equally-excited tone of voice, "Settle down, everyone: the final bout of this school year, the famed Graduation Ceremony Exhibition Duel, is about to begin. Now, as with all who have previously attended and fought in these duels, the choice of opponent belonged to our rank number one in the senior class, Zane Truesdale."

Cheers and adulation filled the arena at the mention of the Obelisk Kaiser, but Sheppard just raised a hand as he advised his students, "Yes, we all know how renowned Zane is to you, but save that for the introductions, please: anyway, as per the rules of the duel, Zane was permitted to choose his opponent and, I'll admit it, I never expected him to make the request that he did."

Here, Sheppard let out a sigh of delight and disbelief before he went on, "For the first time in our school's illustrious history, the Graduation Match will be a Tag Team Duel featuring two duellists who I am honoured to call our very special guests as they have been on and off throughout the year, but first, let me introduce the man responsible for this first-time epic set-up: from Obelisk Blue, he is the ranked number one graduate of the Academy alumni this year: put your hands together for the Cyber Lord, Zane Truesdale!"

Just like when Jaden and Harry had fought against Yugi and Kaiba, Zane walked into the arena with the sounds of cheers and cries of respect and encouragement filling the arena, some of the students yelling Truesdale while others called out Zane's moniker among the students, Kaiser.

Reaching the centre of the arena, Zane shook hands with Sheppard before the Chancellor smiled as he continued, "And his first opponent, a boy, a man who needs no introduction whatsoever: the Prince of Games, the Rank Number One freshman at the Academy and the owner of our Academy's island and structure, Harry Potter!"

As soon as Harry walked into the arena, the cheers grew wilder as everyone saw a side of Harry that had been reserved for special occasions at the Arena: instead of his Supreme King armour or his Obelisk duster, Harry was dressed in his classic black duster, the Millennium symbol on his lapel while he also carried a duel disk that looked like the ones from Battle City instead of his strangely-trademark Black Disk.

As he walked into the arena, however, Harry actually smiled when, as the cheers rose to a crescendo, they were joined by a familiar cry in salute to the Prince of Games, "He is the Power…He is the Power…He is the Power…He is the Power…"

One by one, the students of the academy took up the chant even as Harry reached the centre of the arena, shaking hands with both Zane and the Chancellor before he took his place on the other side of the arena across from Zane.

As the cheers died down, Sheppard took a breath that seemed to be edged by anticipation as he announced, "And now, introducing the tag team partners of both duellists: first, teaming with Zane is the Founder of our Academy, CEO of Kaibacorporation and Rank Number Two in the world: ladies and gentlemen, join me in welcoming back to our hallowed halls, the White Dragon Master himself, Mr Seto Kaiba!"

If Harry's cheers were meant to be loud, then Kaiba's were deafening: unlike the Tag Duel, where he'd flown in with his jetpack, this time, the CEO strolled into the arena, his expression as stoic and neutral as many people would expect him to be in preparation for such a big duel. His disk was strapped to his arm while his famed white duster, which was so similar to Harry that it made them look like real family rather than honorary, billowed in a non-existent wind behind him, the hem blowing wildly like the wings of Kaiba's trademark dragon.

Just like the two students, Seto shook hands with Sheppard and exchanged the same pleasantries with Zane, but when he looked across the field to Harry, even those who knew the relationship of the two shuddered expectantly as they saw the same challenging glare and confident, battle-ready smirk that was usually shared between Yugi and Kaiba in their own epic showdowns.

"Good luck," Seto remarked, his voice barely audible over the cries and applause from the students.

In response, Harry inclined his head once before Sheppard, calling for silence once again, gave the final introduction, "And, teaming with Harry is the Rank Number One World Champion, the King of Games and the reason we have such a valued member of the student body at our Academy in the first place: ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to the master of the magical legends, the Saviour of the Shadow Games and the one, true master of forces beyond this world, Yugi Muto!"

If the cheers could have been measured on a scale, Harry had a feeling that his Dad's would have rivalled Seto's to the point where the back and forth gauges could have caused the scales to explode: more adulation and applause as well as cries of reverence and delight accompanied Yugi into the arena as he made his way forwards, dressed in his own classic attire, including his jacket, which seemed to billow out behind him like a cape as he walked to the centre of the arena.

Unlike Seto, Yugi greeted the cheering students and adults with waves and warm smiles before, after shaking hands with Sheppard, the King of Games took his place next to Harry, both of them sharing a warm embrace that had more people cheering before Sheppard called for silence once again, his forehead beading with sweat from the heat and the excitement of the moment.

"Ahem," said the Chancellor, looking to the four combatants as he explained, "Now, as with all Tag Duels performed, no one duellist can attack until all four combatants have taken their first turn: as for the order of battle, this was determined by a draw before the duel, which resulted in Yugi taking the first move, followed by Zane, then Harry and finally Seto Kaiba. Furthermore, there is to be no sharing of strategies or cards that are not already in play and, on behalf of everyone here, let me offer my personal thanks and best wishes to all combatants."

As Sheppard took his place with the rest of the staff, Zane and Seto smiled confidently before the CEO announced, "Well, Harry: I'd say this has been a long time in coming, but you have already shown me what you can do in our previous duels. So, instead, let's just call this going full circle in the confrontation between you and Mr Truesdale."

"I couldn't agree more, Seto," remarked Harry, inclining his head as he did before as he added, "I'm just thankful you and Dad accepted the terms Zane set: this duel would have been big enough with just us, but with you two as well, it's like rivals vs. rivals."

"Rivals?" asked Zane, raising an eyebrow as he asked, "Is that how you see me, Harry?"

"Zane, you're my friend," said Harry, lifting his disk into the air before he activated it, Yugi, Seto and Zane doing the same while Harry explained, "A great duellist who's going to give the pro circuit a run for its money and, who knows? Maybe one day, you and Dad will even face off for the World Title or Dad's moniker as the King of Games, but even then, you still have to contend with me, so yes, I see you right now as a rival and my friend."

"Likewise," smiled Zane, his eyes shining with pride as he added, "And I see you kept your word."

"I sure did," agreed Harry, causing several gasps to rise up as people then noticed that Harry's eyes were emerald-green instead of the golden colour so many people had noticed before, but Harry didn't seem to notice their reactions as he added, "Here…now…you get the real me!"

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Zane remarked, drawing his first hand as, together with Seto, he then added, "Let's duel!"

"Playtime is now over!" chorused Yugi and many of the students before, as though recognising what was going on, everyone chorused the next words that Harry declared to his opponents and his supporting friends and peers;


Harry-Yugi: 8000/Zane-Seto: 8000

With their first hands drawn, Yugi looked once to Harry before, smiling proudly, he told him, "You've come so far, Harry: so much more than the little boy who duelled in our backyard. Now, you're on the verge of being your own kind of King of Games amongst your friends: only one thing stands in your way."

"Not for long, Dad," laughed Harry, nodding to Yugi as he said, "Make your move."

"Very well, I shall," agreed Yugi, drawing his first card before, eyeing his hand, he shifted cards around before he explained, "And to start, I activate the spell card Polymerisation, which allows me to take Berfomet and Gazelle, the King of Mythical Beasts from my hand and fuse them together to form the mighty Chimera, the Flying Mythical Beast (2100/1800) in attack mode!"

Even Zane was surprised by the big move that Yugi was using to open the duel while several others offered their own cries of support and delight at seeing part of the King of Games' legendary deck being used as the winged sphinx-like monster descended onto Yugi's side of the field.

Prince of Games

From where they were watching the duel, Jaden stared in awe while Alexis looked on in wonder and memory as she recalled a time when Yugi had summoned that powerful monster against Harry's darker nature before the big tag duel before, but now, things were different.

Harry was different and, as she watched, Alexis crossed her fingers on her lap as she watched the duel continue.

Prince of Games

"Good opening," said Seto, smirking in amusement as he added, "Of course I'd expect nothing less from you, Yugi: anything else?"

"Yes," answered Yugi, holding up a card as he added, "I place one card face down and end my turn: your move, Zane."

"So it is," agreed Zane, drawing his card from his deck before he smirked as he added, "And it's one that'll look familiar to Harry as I summon out the mighty Cyber Dragon (2100/1600) in attack mode and, next, I activate the spell card Different Dimension Capsule, which lets me take a card from my deck and remove it from play, but then, in two turns, I get that card back."

"And if I know you as well as I do, Zane, it'll be a good card," said Harry, watching as Zane selected a card and added it to his capsule, which then disappeared into the unknown as it was removed from play for two turns. "Anything else?"

"Yes, one card face down," answered Zane, setting a card before he added, "With that, I end my turn: your move now, Harry. Show me what it means to face the real you."

"As you wish," declared Harry, drawing his card before, eyeing his hand for options, he added, "And with my turn, I think I'll introduce you and the rest of these guys to the power of some old friends of mine as I summon out Twilight Archer (1400/1200) in attack mode and, next, I activate the spell card Orion's Bow!"

This time, there were several looks of confusion – in the case of the staff and students – as well as pride and interest from Zane, Seto and Yugi as the same darkly-dressed archer monster from Harry's duel with Sirius rose onto the field, the sight of him showing them all that Harry was using his Twilight Force Deck for this duel, which featured some cards that would make the fight more interesting.

As Archer settled onto the field, he was joined by a second card: a spell card that showed the constellation of Orion outlined with a white bow in his hand, a flurry of arrows holstered at the belt of the hunter's constellation.

"With my bow in play," said Harry, indicating Archer, who seemed to glow with the three stars that made up Orion's Belt shining down one arm, "My Twilight Archer gains some attack points: 600 to be exact, but there's more, but I won't spoil that surprise. Instead, I'll place one card face down and end my turn too: now, Seto, let's see what you bring to the table."

Twilight Archer: 2000/1200

(Orion's Bow: SPELL/EQUIP: This card can only be equipped to a Warrior-Type Monster: increase the ATK of the equipped monster by 600 points. When the monster equipped with this card is destroyed, inflict 600 points of Direct Damage to your opponent for every power level of the equipped monster. During the End Phase of the turn that this card is sent to the graveyard, Special Summon the equipped monster back to your side of the field.)

"Impressive, Harry," remarked Seto, his eyes shining with mutual amusement and respect as he added, "I see you're going with the deck that highlights your true nature: good, this will make the duel more interesting. However, it won't stop me from bringing everything I have to this fight as I now prove by summoning out my Familiar Knight (1200/1400) in defence mode and, next, I place two cards face down."

"Him again," muttered Harry, remembering the warrior from his previous tag duel against his godfather, 'Seto must be trying to set up a strategy with his famous dragons, but thankfully, I have my own defences ready for when that happens.'

"Looks like it's my turn," said Yugi, drawing his card before he explained, "And to start, I summon out another familiar face from our past, Kaiba: rise up, Gamma the Magnet Warrior (1500/1800) in defence mode and next, Chimera will give you what you want, Kaiba: attack Familiar Knight with Pulverising Pounce!"

While people cheered in recognition of the infamous Rock-type monster, Harry watched with a hint of amusement as Chimera leapt at Familiar Knight, striking him down and granting Kaiba the ability to summon out the same monster from their previous duel, Rare Metal Dragon (2400/1200) but, as he did so, Harry smiled as he saw Yugi summon out a second member of the infamous trio, Beta the Magnet Warrior (1700/1000) which gave him two pieces of the bigger puzzle.

"I see what you're thinking of doing, Yugi," said Zane, holding up a card of his own as he added, "But thanks to Kaiba's Knight, I too gain a level four or below monster from my hand and I think I'll go with Cyber Phoenix (1200/1600) in defence mode."

"And I'll go with another familiar face from my deck, Twilight Warrior (1500/1450) and, before you go with whatever else you were thinking of doing, Dad, I'll also activate Twilight's special ability, which lets me activate an Equip Spell Card from my deck and I choose one that only one member of our audience has faced: Witch Hunter's Blade!"

Prince of Games

From where he was watching in the stands, Sirius smiled as he remembered Harry using this same combination against him, a part of him suspecting that Harry was using many more moves familiar to him.

No wonder Zane had asked him to be the duellist he really was.

Prince of Games

As the familiar moon-shaped scimitar rose onto the field, Harry explained to an awed, but impressed Zane and Seto, "Thanks to the power of my new weapon, my Warrior gains eight hundred attack points, which gives him more than enough strength to go toe-to-toe with that dragon of yours, Zane, and maybe others, if the right moves are played."

Twilight Warrior: 2300/1450

As Twilight's attack went up, Yugi smiled proudly before he added, "Nicely done, Harry, but in case you forget, the move is still mine and now, I'll take out Cyber Phoenix with my Beta the Magnet Warrior: attack with Positron Pulse!"

"Not so fast, Yugi," argued Kaiba, indicating his face-down card as he explained, "Attack Guidance Armour will throw a wrench into those plans by forcing your Magnet Warrior to do battle with Rare Metal Dragon!"

"Oh no," gasped Harry, watching as the armour wrapped around Rare Metal Dragon while, at the same time, Beta's magnetic appendages fired off a burst of white light that flew away from Zane and hit Rare Metal Dragon, but not before the dragon unleashed a burst of dark flames that destroyed Beta, inflicting damage to Yugi and Harry in the process.

Harry-Yugi: 7300/Zane-Seto: 8000

"Impressive, Kaiba," argued Yugi, indicating his own face-down as he added, "But it won't stop me from doing what I wish in this duel as I activate the Trap Card Call of the Haunted to revive Beta from the Graveyard; then, I end my turn."

'What was the point of that?' wondered Harry, watching as Zane drew his next card while Harry thought, 'Dad's clearly trying to bring out the Magnet Trio's higher form, Valkyrion, but Zane and Seto have the means to stop that before it happens, so what could he be thinking?'

"If you think I'm going to wait for you to bring out the big guns, Yugi, you're sorely mistaken," argued Zane, indicating his field as he added, "But don't let my words prove it to you when my cards will do that for me. I activate the spell card Pot of Greed, which lets me draw two cards from my deck, but next, I'll introduce you to a main event monster from my deck!"

'Uh oh,' thought Harry, swallowing hard as he wondered, 'Could he be about to summon who I think he's about to summon?'

"With two new cards," explained Zane, holding up one of his cards as he went on, "I activate the magic of Polymerisation, which lets me fuse the Cyber Dragon on my field with the one I have in my hand and the one I just drew with Pot of Greed: doing so allows me to summon out a monster with real power!"

Gasps of awe and wonder filled the arena while, next to Zane, Seto looked on in interest as, much like the three Blue Eyes White Dragons owned by the CEO, the three Cyber Dragons came together to form a monster with three heads, large wings and power that was almost unbeatable.

"Behold," declared Zane, indicating his new monster, "Cyber End Dragon (4000/2800) and now, Yugi, I will show you why I am the highest-ranked student in the school: Cyber End Dragon, take out Beta the Magnet Warrior with Super Strident Blaze!"

Just like Blue Eyes Ultimate, Cyber End Dragon's three mouths filled with electrical energy that crackled and sparked dangerously.

However, as Zane's attack was launched, Harry made his own move as he announced, "Did you forget, Zane? In this duel, Yugi's not alone as I now prove with the Trap Card known as Eclipse Spirit!"

Even Zane was surprised to see Harry showing due deference as well as strength that was what made him the Prince of Games for the sake of his family while, at the same time, Harry revealed the face-down card he'd set, which showed a total eclipse shining down its dark light on a small city.

"Thanks to Eclipse Spirit," explained Harry, indicating his monsters as he added, "Because I have a Twilight Monster in play, the battle takes a very different turn indeed; namely one that allows me to select your attack target and, do you know something, Zane? I think I'll choose Twilight Warrior!"

(Eclipse Spirit: TRAP/COUNTER: This card can only be activated if a monster with Twilight is on the field: until the End Phase, when your opponent declares an attack, select a different monster on your side of the field as the attack target. During the End Phase of the turn that this card is activated, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the attack points of the attacking monster.)

"What's the point?" asked Seto, watching as, just like Attack Guidance Armour, Eclipse Spirit forced Cyber End's attack to redirect to the armoured warrior on Harry's field.

However, as the attack hit him, Harry heard Sirius let out a cry of elation while Harry himself chuckled as Witch Hunter's Blade was destroyed, but Twilight Warrior was not.

"So you sacrificed your sword for the sake of your partner," said Zane, earning a nod from Harry as he added, "And let me guess, when the sword is destroyed, you don't take any damage either, right? Very impressive, Harry: seems I underestimated the strength of your true power."

"You've only seen me use Twilight's power in one duel and that was against Chazz, Zane," argued Harry, smirking in amusement while Zane nodded once, "Trust me when I say that you haven't seen anything yet."

"And neither have you," argued Zane, noticing how Eclipse Spirit was still in play; with a frown, he added, "I suppose your effect lasts until the end of the turn, Harry, so rather than risk another stalemate or some other hidden trap, I'll just end my turn."

"And I'll activate Eclipse Spirit's second ability," declared Harry, his eyes shining as he announced, "Go, Wrath of the Hidden Sun!"

With a shining force that was as bright as the total eclipse itself, a burst of energy flew from the card on Harry's field, cutting through Cyber End Dragon and, to the shock of Zane and Seto, cutting into their life points in a big way.

Harry-Yugi: 7300/Zane-Seto: 4000

"You'd have been better off putting Cyber Phoenix in attack mode before finishing, Zane," explained Harry, holding up his Eclipse card as he went on, "Because you see, when Eclipse Spirit's turn of activation is over, my opponent takes damage equal to the attack points of the attacking monster it was used against in the Battle Phase and, as many of us know, Cyber End Dragon has four thousand points, all of which just burned up half your life points in one go."

"Urgh," groaned Zane, although his look of disdain didn't last long as, instead, he applauded before he explained, "Well done, Harry: when I chose you as my opponent, I see I chose well, including giving you the condition of not using your Hero Deck or the powers within you. And, like you said, we've only seen the power of your Twilight Force Deck once and that was against Chazz, so clearly, you've been preparing it for a big moment like this one: I approve, both as your friend and your predecessor."

"Thanks Zane; now, it's my move," announced Harry, drawing a card from his deck before he looked at it before he explained, "And for this move, I think I'll just place a card face down and switch my warrior into defence mode: that ends my turn."

"Is that really the best you can do?" asked Seto, drawing a card from his own deck before he explained, "Well allow me to give you a taste of real power, Harry as, first, I activate my own Call of the Haunted to revive my Familiar Knight, but he won't be around for long as I now sacrifice both him and Rare Metal Dragon to summon out my own highlight: come forth, Blue Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500) and next, Harry, I'll rid the field of your little Warrior: Blue Eyes, attack Twilight Warrior with White Lightning!"

Despite the threat that loomed, even Yugi was surprised to see that Harry smiled even as his warrior was destroyed, but Seto, seeing the look, gave a smirk of his own as he asked, "What? Do you think putting him in defence mode saved you or your life points? I know the cards on your field and my own, Harry, including Cyber End Dragon, who deals damage to you even when your monster is in defence mode.

And again, despite the revelation, Harry was still smiling as Seto and Zane shared a look, the elite of the Academy nodding in unspoken agreement before Seto commanded, "So, will now rid the field of your other warrior: Cyber End Dragon, destroy Twilight Archer with Super Strident Blaze!"

This time, the attack hit its mark; however, as the bow and its archer were destroyed, Harry still smiled, although before Kaiba could ask why, he and Zane cried out as a volley of shooting stars hit them, dealing more damage to their life points in the process, even though Harry himself suffered damage because of Cyber End Dragon's special ability.

Harry-Yugi: 4600/Zane-Seto: 1600

"Confused?" asked Harry, his smile filled with strength as he explained, "Well I did tell you that my Orion's Bow had more than a few surprises in store for you, Seto: for example, when the monster equipped with Orion's Bow is destroyed, the power of the stars unleashes six hundred points of damage at you for each level of the monster it was equipped to. So, in this case, Twilight Archer was a Level Four monster, which meant twenty four hundred points of damage dealt to you."

Just like Zane, Seto scowled, but then he smiled and, nodding in approval, he applauded Harry's move as he admitted, "Even I didn't predict that your brash arrogance was there for a reason, Harry: Yugi's right. You've come a long way from the small-time duellist I trained at the manor: well done. Now, with the end of my turn, let me see that same fire in you bring this duel to its conclusion."

"Before then, it's my move," announced Yugi, drawing a card from his deck; however, as he did so, even he was surprised to see that Harry's field wasn't as empty as it looked.

Instead, Twilight Archer had apparently risen again, which caused confusion among the masses before Harry explained, "Oh, and one other little surprise there for you, Seto: during the End Phase of its destruction, the wish-granting power of the shooting stars allows me to revive Twilight Archer from the Graveyard and return him to my field. Sure, he doesn't have his former strength, but he's still enough…for now!"

"Then it looks like this duel is still on," agreed Yugi, holding up a card before he explained, "And this card will let me prove that: I activate the magic of Card of Sanctity, which lets us all draw until we have six cards in our hands."

As coins fell from the sky, everyone drew their cards, but not before Yugi smiled as he added, "And with this draw, I have everything I need to win this for the both of us, Harry: first, I send Beta the Magnet Warrior and Gamma the Magnet Warrior from my field to the Graveyard together with Alpha the Magnet Warrior from my hand to summon out the almighty Valkyrion the Magna Warrior (3500/3850) in attack mode!"

Now the cheers returned as the highlight of the Magnet Trio appeared on the field, his body radiating the same energy as his younger forms as well as a feeling of overwhelming light and strength that flowed through the arena, making everyone that felt it shudder as they bore witness to the power of the King of Games.

"Next," added Yugi, indicating his mighty warrior as he explained, "Valkyrion will strike down your dragon, Kaiba: go, destroy Blue Eyes White Dragon with Magna Sword Attack!"

As Valkyrion charged ahead, his sword shone brightly, crackling with electromagnetic energy that slashed through the body of Blue Eyes White Dragon, cutting him down to size and dealing even more damage to the others in the process.

Harry-Yugi: 4600/Zane-Seto: 1100

"And next," continued Yugi, setting two cards while he explained, "I place two cards face down and end my turn."

"Beginning mine," added Zane; however, as he drew his card, so too did a familiar card return to the field, which alarmed Harry as Zane then explained, "And it's been two turns, which means the card that I put in my Capsule returns from the great beyond and gets added to my hand. Next, I activate the magic of De-Fusion to separate my dragon into its three counterparts."

"Uh oh," whispered Harry, earning a look from Yugi before he added, "If Zane's drew the card he's famous for, Dad, this duel is over."

"You might think that, Harry," agreed Zane, smiling as he asked, "But do you think I'm blind enough to ignore yours and Yugi's face-down cards? No and that's why, instead of doing what you thought I was going to do, I'll instead activate the card I discarded into the capsule: the spell card Photon Generator Unit!"

Even those watching the duel were surprised as Zane revealed his spell while, at the same time, two of his dragons were swallowed up by lightning, only to be replaced by a sleek, spike-bodied dragon with serpentine features, the tail of said dragon resembling a laser, which shone ominously as it appeared on the field.

"Behold," declared Zane, mirroring his cry from earlier as he explained, "My mighty Cyber Laser Dragon (2400/1800) and now, I'll show you what makes him so mighty by activating his special ability to take out Valkyrion: go Cyber Strident Beam!"

With a roar, the Laser Dragon fired a beam of blue energy from the tip of its tail, which cut through Valkyrion, much to Yugi's surprise.

However, as the blast faded away, Zane's eyes widened as he saw a circle of dark energy glowing on Harry's side of the field, its energy shining darkly, much to the bewilderment of the others as Zane asked, "What's happening?"

"What's happening is your summoning Cyber Laser Dragon activated my trap," explained Harry, indicating the card that now rose up in front of him, its dawn-coloured appearance surprising everyone while, at the same time, Zane smiled again as Harry announced it, "Breaking Dawn."

"Thanks to that," said Zane, remembering the card from the duel with Chazz as he explained, "My Special Summon of Cyber Laser allows you to summon a Light or Dark-Attribute Monster that is the same level as Cyber, which is seven stars, so I can guess…"

"And you'd be right," smiled Harry, giving a powerful gesture while his eyes shone brightly as he commanded, "Rise up and fight, my mighty friend and ally, defender of my family and highlight of my deck…well, one of them: Dark Magician (2500/2100) in attack mode!"

As had been the case in his previous duels, Harry's variation of the famous magician rose onto the field, his body radiating strength and power that made everyone take notice, especially Zane, who smirked when Harry added, "Perhaps you shouldn't have been so quick as to choose your target, Zane: Cyber Laser's ability takes down a monster with more attack points than his own, which did include Valkyrion, but it could have also included my Master Magician; ah well."

"That won't stop me attacking," insisted Zane, indicating Yugi as he added, "My remaining Cyber Dragon, take out Chimera with Strident Blast!"

"Not so fast, Zane," argued Yugi, indicating the cards at his feet as he added, "De-Fusion will save my beast by separating him into Gazelle and Berfomet: you've wasted your attack."

"Especially since both monsters go into defence mode," added Harry, watching as the two monsters hunched down, but Zane still didn't back down.

"Did you forget someone?" asked the Obelisk, indicating Harry's side of the field as he added, "Your Twilight Archer, which since destroying Valkyrion was just his ability, my Cyber Laser Dragon can now attack with Cyber Strident Beam!"

Once again, Zane's new dragon unleashed it's attack on Harry, wiping out Twilight Archer and inflicting damage to the life points of the King and Prince of Games, the latter of whom cursed his stupidity in not putting Archer in defence mode earlier.

Harry-Yugi: 3600/Zane-Seto: 1100

"And now, I end my turn with a face-down card," added Zane, setting his card as he explained, "But don't think for a moment that we're done, Harry. You're doing well proving yourself to me, but this duel's not over yet!"

"Want to bet?" asked Harry, drawing a card from his deck; however, as soon as he did so, his eyes widened as he saw a card that hadn't been in his deck before, but, instead, it was a card that belonged in the deck of another.

Namely the man at his side.

Looking over to Yugi, Harry asked, "How did you…"

"While we were going through the draw process outside, I exchanged it for one of your cards," said Yugi, smiling as he added, "You've shown me that you're not only ready to take on it's powers, Harry, but, after all these years, you're finally ready to wield them too…as is your birthright."

Looking back across the field, Harry's eyes narrowed before he took a deep breath as he explained, "Thanks to my Twilight Warrior being destroyed in the last round, I can activate his special ability, which lets me summon out Twilight Ranger Lupus (2250/1750) in attack mode. Next, Lupus' ability activates, which allows me to summon a monster with Dawn or Dusk in its name, such as my powerful Dusk Sorcerer (2300/1300) who has a summoning power of his own!"

"Another one?" asked Zane, amusement on his face as he added, "I wonder who."

"Someone you'll remember," answered Harry, indicating Dusk Sorcerer as he added, "And yes, Zane, another one: specifically one that lets me summon a monster with Dark, Night or Twilight from my Deck, so I choose my Dad's old friend, who shares his power with my Deck: rise anew, Dark Magician (2500/2100) and take your stand."

"Two Dark Magicians?" asked Seto, watching as the classic purple-clad magician joined the black-robed variation, his body standing just as tall and proud alongside Dusk Sorcerer and Twilight Ranger Lupus, both of whom seemed to shine just as brightly on Harry's field as the two magicians.

However, Harry wasn't done as, looking to the card in his hand, the one Yugi had given him, he swallowed hard before he said, "And next, I'm not going to attack with my magicians: instead, I'm going to sacrifice them along with Dusk Sorcerer to summon out a monster who really gives the term legendary a whole new meaning."

As everyone watched, Harry held up the card before, to their shock, he began chanting in an ominous tone, his voice echoing across the field and throughout the arena as he commanded, "Oh almighty protector of the sun and sky, I beg of thee, please heed my cry…"

Prince of Games

"Oh boy," whispered Jaden, watching with rapt attention as he, along with everyone else, saw Harry's body glowing with duel energy.

"Could…could he be doing what I think he's doing?" asked Alexis, earning a silent nod from Jaden, whose eyes turned Yubel-colours as the power touched them while they watched the duel continue.

Prince of Games

Down on the field, Zane smiled softly, almost as though he knew the end was in sight while, next to him, Kaiba shared an incredulous look with Yugi, who smiled as he explained, "He deserved this a long time ago, Kaiba; now it's his time."

Harry, meanwhile, continued with his ominous chant as he went on, "Transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight: I beseech to thee, grace our humble game, but first I shall call out thy name: WINGED DRAGON OF RA!" (0/0)

In a blaze of golden energy, the legendary-famous golden winged monster appeared on the field, its body radiating the power it had claimed from the others while, at the same time, Harry's eyes shone with their own fire as he explained, "Behold, Zane, the true power of a King of this Arena: an Egyptian God Card, whose power chooses those worthy and, as you can see, the Winged Dragon of Ra chooses me worthy as does my Father, who decided the time was right to test me with it."

While Yugi nodded in agreement, the Winged Dragon of Ra turned to Harry before, to the shock of the Prince of Games, the great beast bowed its head in respect and homage to him, its body glowing again with the energy that Harry knew it to possess.

Shaking off the awe that he felt at the respect shown by the spirit of the powerful monster, Harry coughed and shook his head before his expression became one of sheer determination as he went on. "And now that he's on the field, his ability grants him the attack and defence stats of my three comrades added together: my two magicians and Dusk Sorcerer, all of which makes him one destructive force!"

Winged Dragon of Ra: 7300 (2500 + 2500 + 2300)/5500 (2100 + 2100 + 1300)

"Seven thousand three hundred points!" gasped Seto, earning a smile from Harry as he nodded, clenching a hand in victory.

"And every one of them is going to end this game of rivals on rivals," announced Harry, throwing his fist forwards as he commanded, "Winged Dragon of Ra, attack Zane's Cyber Laser Dragon with Blaze Cannon!"

As everyone watched, awed and in disbelief of what they were seeing, the Winged Dragon's beak parted to reveal an orb of fiery-golden energy that flew right towards Zane's field, its energy strong enough to envelop all three monsters, though only Cyber Laser Dragon was destroyed, leaving Zane speechless, but proud, as was Seto, even as their life points fell all the way down to zero.

'Maybe Power Bond would have been a better option,' thought Zane in amusement, watching as the images faded away as all four duellists deactivated their disks, the duel over and the battle in favour of the one, true victor here.

The Prince of Games, Harry James Potter.

As Zane applauded and Seto walked across the arena, shaking hands with his godson and his rival for another excellent battle, Zane smiled as he remembered Harry's earlier words and what facing the Cyber Master really meant for him.

Closing his eyes as he, along with his ally and his opponents, savoured the cheers of the crowd, Zane sniggered to himself as he knew that, in his own way, Harry might have been right. There was always next time, especially for two rivals and friends like Zane Truesdale and Harry Potter.

For now, Zane willingly congratulated the Prince of Games on a superb duel, a part of him already eager for the next one.

Because when that one came around, Zane knew that Harry would still give him a duel to remind Zane why he'd earned the moniker he had.

Oh yes, their game was far from over, even though Harry declared it to be so in the case of their current duel.

PHEW! It's FINALLY over!

The Prince of Games adventure comes to an end and what an ending: Zane accepts that he has become Harry's Kaiba and it looks like the boy has truly earned the mantle he was born to gain: the Prince of Games!

Kind of makes you wonder what's next, right?

Well TOO BAD: I am DONE with this story: seriously, a year and a half – more or less – I've worked on this one, juggling ideas, coming up with cards and strategies and ways to give it excitement and, now that the adventure is over, I'm done with it.

In a way, it's like leaving it open-ended, which is something the series itself does, but that's the fun of Fan Fiction.

A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has reviewed and enjoyed the story from start to eventual finish and I hope you continue to enjoy each and every one of the adventures that comes your way courtesy of me, DZ2.

But as for Prince of Games, it is FINALLY finished: playtime is now over. The Game is Over. That's Game. Done. Finito.

In other words:


Please Read and Review